This research examines the impact of digital neo-colonialism on the Global South, and encourages ... more This research examines the impact of digital neo-colonialism on the Global South, and encourages the development of legal and economic incentives to protect Indigenous cultures globally. Data governance is discussed in an evolutionary context, while focusing on data sharing and data mining. Case studies which exemplify the need to steer global data law towards protecting the earth, while addressing issues of data access, privacy, rights, and colonialism in the global South are explored. The case studies highlight connections to indigenous people's rights, in regards to the protection of environmental ecosystems, thus establishing how data law can serve the earth from an autochthonous lens. This framework examines histories shaped by colonialism and suggests how data governance could be used to create healthier balances of power. Keywords Indigenous data sovereignty • data law • decolonisation • neo-colonialism • data colonialism • digital colonialism. This research is largely influenced by ID-SOV and also expands on research by Nick Couldry and Ulises A. Mejias[Couldry and Mejias, 2019][Couldry and Mejias, 2021] on data colonialism and the decolonial turn in the digital sphere and the impacts of it. We also turn to the conclusions made by many other researchers throughout our discussion which relate to ID-SOV and decolonisation. This paper highlights various movements and organisations in positions to inform decolonisation for data law and to inform and enliven ID-SOV. We cover case studies from across the world, including Africa[
In this meta-ethnography, we explore three different angles of ethical artificial intelligence (A... more In this meta-ethnography, we explore three different angles of ethical artificial intelligence (AI) design implementation including the philosophical ethical viewpoint, the technical perspective, and framing through a political lens. Our qualitative research includes a literature review which highlights the cross referencing of these angles through discussing the value and drawbacks of contrastive top-down, bottom-up, and hybrid approaches previously published. The novel contribution to this framework is the political angle, which constitutes ethics in AI either being determined by corporations and governments and imposed through policies or law (coming from the top), or ethics being called for by the people (coming from the bottom), as well as top-down, bottom-up, and hybrid technicalities of how AI is developed within a moral construct and in consideration of its users, with expected and unexpected consequences and long-term impact in the world. There is a focus on reinforcement learning as an example of a bottom-up applied technical approach and AI ethics principles as a practical top-down approach. This investigation includes real-world case studies to impart a global perspective, as well as philosophical debate on the ethics of AI and theoretical future thought experimentation based on historical fact, current world circumstances, and possible ensuing realities.
This research examines the impact of digital neo-colonialism on the Global South, and encourages ... more This research examines the impact of digital neo-colonialism on the Global South, and encourages the development of legal and economic incentives to protect Indigenous cultures globally. Data governance is discussed in an evolutionary context, while focusing on data sharing and data mining. Case studies which exemplify the need to steer global data law towards protecting the earth, while addressing issues of data access, privacy, rights, and colonialism in the global South are explored. The case studies highlight connections to indigenous people's rights, in regards to the protection of environmental ecosystems, thus establishing how data law can serve the earth from an autochthonous lens. This framework examines histories shaped by colonialism and suggests how data governance could be used to create healthier balances of power. Keywords Indigenous data sovereignty • data law • decolonisation • neo-colonialism • data colonialism • digital colonialism. This research is largely influenced by ID-SOV and also expands on research by Nick Couldry and Ulises A. Mejias[Couldry and Mejias, 2019][Couldry and Mejias, 2021] on data colonialism and the decolonial turn in the digital sphere and the impacts of it. We also turn to the conclusions made by many other researchers throughout our discussion which relate to ID-SOV and decolonisation. This paper highlights various movements and organisations in positions to inform decolonisation for data law and to inform and enliven ID-SOV. We cover case studies from across the world, including Africa[
In this meta-ethnography, we explore three different angles of ethical artificial intelligence (A... more In this meta-ethnography, we explore three different angles of ethical artificial intelligence (AI) design implementation including the philosophical ethical viewpoint, the technical perspective, and framing through a political lens. Our qualitative research includes a literature review which highlights the cross referencing of these angles through discussing the value and drawbacks of contrastive top-down, bottom-up, and hybrid approaches previously published. The novel contribution to this framework is the political angle, which constitutes ethics in AI either being determined by corporations and governments and imposed through policies or law (coming from the top), or ethics being called for by the people (coming from the bottom), as well as top-down, bottom-up, and hybrid technicalities of how AI is developed within a moral construct and in consideration of its users, with expected and unexpected consequences and long-term impact in the world. There is a focus on reinforcement learning as an example of a bottom-up applied technical approach and AI ethics principles as a practical top-down approach. This investigation includes real-world case studies to impart a global perspective, as well as philosophical debate on the ethics of AI and theoretical future thought experimentation based on historical fact, current world circumstances, and possible ensuing realities.
Papers by Laura Montoya