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Informacje o naborze artykułów i zasadach recenzowania znajdują się na stronie internetowej Wydawnictwa Publikacja udostępniona na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa-Użycie... more
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Aim/purpose-The aim of this paper is to evaluate the efficiency of an investing in investment funds with different risk levels in times of a future life expectancy increase. For this purpose, it was analysed how future prices of the... more
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    • Economics and management
The issue of the article focuses on the need for the selection of investment funds of the Warsaw Stock Exchange with a certain similarity in terms of investment risk. For this purpose, the selected hierarchical agglomeration procedures... more
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    • Financial and Banking Sciences
Streszczenie: Cel-Weryfikacja tezy: czy mimo różnic pomiędzy rynkami regulowanym i alternatywnym w Polsce, zachowany został efekt monotoniczności premii za ryzyko poniesione w inwestycje w akcje spółek notowanych na NC wraz ze wzrostem... more
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Wiedza na temat ryzyka i efektywności ma istotne znaczenie dla wszystkich uczest-ników giełdy, to jest klientów, inwestorów i podmiotów gospodarczych; dostarcza ona niezbędnych informacji pomocnych w podjęciu decyzji, w które walory, w... more
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Celem opracowania jest zbadanie rozkładu stóp zwrotu wybranych FI (reprezentantów grup o różnych strategiach inwestycyjnych) i zbadanie wpływu odejścia od normalności na poprawność zastosowania klasycznego i dolnostronnego współczynnika... more
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Traditionally, models developed by Treynor and Mazuy (T-M) and also by Henriksson-Merton (H-M), which are called market-timing models, are applied to assess effectiveness of investment funds. The objective of the presented study is an... more
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    • Economics
In this paper, the issue of the deliberate aging of products by manufacturers is discussed. Deliberate aging consists in intentionally planning or designing a product with an artificially limited lifetime in order to force consumers to... more
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      EngineeringPhysical sciencesENERGIES
Unit-linked life insurances as a form of protection for the future Economic and Environmental Studies (E&ES)
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      BusinessEconomicsSocio-Economic and environmental studies
The MISS-E cornputer program is a me'thod for the modeling of continuous dynamic systems. This paper provides a general description of the program with special attention give11 to the inclusion of events into thc model. Events m:~y... more
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      EconomicsTechnologyModeling and SimulationDynamic System
Evolutionary model of industrial dynamics, presented in this paper, can be classified as Schumpeterian one. The model describes the behaviour of a number of competing firms producing functionally equivalent products. Each firm tries to... more
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      Applied MathematicsComplex Systems
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      Applied EconomicsEconomic Behavior
This paper contains a description of an evolutionary model of industrial dynamics and a report on the simulation study of the model. The presentation of the model is partitioned into two sections. In the first section I focus on the... more
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      Evolutionary EconomicsEconomic TheoryMarket StructureTechnological change
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      MarketingBusiness and ManagementLong-range planning
The fact that business firms sizes show long-term stable skewed distributions is a wellestablished 'stylized fact' of industrial demography. One of the plausible explanations of this phenomenon is based on Gibrat's law of proportionate... more
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      Evolutionary EconomicsApplied EconomicsStructural change and economic dynamicsstylized facts
The MISS-E cornputer program is a me'thod for the modeling of continuous dynamic systems. This paper provides a general description of the program with special attention give11 to the inclusion of events into thc model. Events m:~y... more
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      EconomicsTechnologyModeling and SimulationDynamic System
A simple model of evolutionary processes (i.e., processu showing far-rraching analogies wifh biological evolution) and the results of a simulation study of the model arc presented. Thc model consists only of the main feanues of... more
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Although many models of technological substitution processes exist, only a few deal with multilevel technological substitution and still fewer may be easily applied to forecasting of real multilevel substitution processes. We propose a... more
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      EconomicsTechnologyEnergy ConsumptionStochastic Model
Since publication of a seminal work by Richard Nelson and Sidney Winter in 1982 evolutionary models proliferated enormously. After two decades of experience it is possible to distinguish two main streams of development within an... more
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      Comparative AnalysisIndustry Dynamics
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