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University play an important role in motivating young graduates to become technology entrepreneur. The increasing number of graduate entrepreneurs will reduce the unemployment rate and even will increase the number of field work. However,... more
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      Information SystemsInformation TechnologyTechnopreneurship
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    • Information Systems
This study discusses the governance of information technology (IT) that is focused on the marketing of micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Palembang with implementing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) as its framework. This... more
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      Information SystemsIT Governance
The term non-permanent employee first appeared in the rule of law, namely in Act Number 13 Year 2003 concerning Manpower.This Act has an impact on the emergence of clarity about staffing status so that the salaries obtained by employees... more
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    • Naive Bayes
Through this paper, we want to propose a disaster notification system in a college utilizing Smartphone devices. The proposed disaster notification system is still in the form of preliminary topology as a first step in designing the... more
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The term non-permanent employee first appeared in the rule of law, namely in Act Number 13 Year 2003 concerning Manpower.This Act has an impact on the emergence of clarity about staffing status so that the salaries obtained by employees... more
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      UniversityStaffingNaive BayesNaïve Bayes
Through this paper, we want to propose a disaster notification system in a college utilizing Smartphone devices. The proposed disaster notification system is still in the form of preliminary topology as a first step in designing the... more
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      TopologyDisaster ManagementNotification SystemsSmartphones
The corona virus is epidemic and, becoming a pandemic throughout the world, including Indonesia. This condition forces all people to remain at home to isolate themselves so as not to be exposed to the virus. Therefore, all activities... more
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ABSTRACTTechnopreneur combining technology and entreprenur, Technopreneur is understanding the business of developing business with the ability to rely on science and technology, developed by the business Teknopreneur known as the... more
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    • Political Science
Global technological progress requires English as a second language to be learned after Indonesian. Introduces English to children from an early age will facilitate the process of adapting itself to the advancement of information... more
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    • Computer Science
The information is very needed in the times. Where with the development of information technology in various develop a computerized system for generating an appropriate decision in achieving its objectives. Problems that will be discussed... more
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      BusinessComputer Science
Entrepreneurship has existed since ancient times, and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ exemplified business, buying and selling, and expanding business opportunities. Economic development has as one of its objectives the provision of employment... more
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Pemanfaatan teknologi dan kewirausahaan bidang Teknologi Informatika merupakan kebutuan dalam era sekarang ini, semua fasiltas mengunakan IT dalam dunia usaha, dunia pendidikan terutama SMK yang menyiapkan alumni siap kerja perlu di... more
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PT New Power Global Energy (NPGE) is a company engaged in freight forwarding services. In its businessprocess, New Power Global Energy is not utilizing technology. To manage all information on shipping goods, an information delivery... more
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Indo Global Indo Global Mandiri University, is one of the universities in Palembang City which has a fairly large parking area, so it is necessary to have a concept of comfort and security for the academic community and also guests in... more
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Vocational High School (SMK) is a formal education unit that organizes vocational education where the orientation produces graduate students who are ready to work. One area of expertise that is in great demand by students is computer and... more
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Immunisation programmes and chronic disease management programmes (prolanis) are one form of health services provided by Puskesmas to improve public health. Delays in immunisation and chronic disease control due to negligence by parents... more
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    • Medicine
Information Technology systems are developing very quickly and are a challenge for all types of industries. Data management of a company is very important in this digital 4.0 era. This system aims to help computerized data and information... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringComputer ScienceManagement Information Systems
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      BusinessMarketingEngineeringComputer Science