Papers by Mercedes Tubino-Blanco

Languages, Nov 29, 2023
In this paper, we discuss the evidential properties of inferential interrogative sentences with q... more In this paper, we discuss the evidential properties of inferential interrogative sentences with qué in Spanish. This interrogative type exhibits the shape of a wh-question but the interpretation of a polar question. These sentences have the additional particularity that they are interrogatives with evidential material, which are attested but not frequent crosslinguistically, if compared with declarative evidentials. An interesting consequence of their double interrogative and evidential nature is the fact that both discourse participants have a prominent role in the interpretation of these sentences, as the Speaker makes the inference but the Addressee is requested for confirmation. To account for the construction, we assume a multiple-layered system that includes both Speech Act projection and Finiteness projection. In these two areas we simultaneously find evidential material housing the Speaker's inference, and a raised Addressee in its prominent interrogative position as the participant with the knowledge to provide the requested confirmation of the interrogative's truth value.
Points of Convergence in Romance Linguistics, 2022

The Syntactic Variation of Spanish Dialects, 2019
The different patterns of the direct (i.e., lexical) causativization exhibited by intransitive ve... more The different patterns of the direct (i.e., lexical) causativization exhibited by intransitive verbs are a fundamental topic in the lexical semantics area. The possibilities and restrictions observed in the causativization of intransitives have always triggered divisions in their classification beyond the classical unergative-unaccusative distinction. Spanish is an interesting language in which to explore the limits between possibilities and constraints regarding this phenomenon, given the syntactic variation exhibited by its different dialects. This chapter focuses on variation in the form of contrasts between intransitive predicates that resist lexical causativization in Standard Spanish, such as caer “fall” and entrar “go in,” but allow it in certain Southern Peninsular Spanish dialects such as Andalusian, looking at the relationship between such patterns and other phenomena such as the eventive structure obtained as a consequence of the composition of the verbs under study and o...
Cuadernos de Lingüística de El Colegio de México, 2017
En este artículo se hace una aproximación tipológico-descritptiva al fenómeno del cambio de valen... more En este artículo se hace una aproximación tipológico-descritptiva al fenómeno del cambio de valencia sintáctica como ejemplo de la relación entre morfología y sintaxis observada en lenguas aglutinantes como el yaqui (yutoazteca). En particular se trata de dos casos en que los cambios de valencia aprecen simultáneamente manifestados en la sintaxis (i.e., mediante la alteración del número de argumentos del verbo ) en la morfología (i.e., mediante alteraciones en la sufijación verbal). Se estudia alguna operación entre los argumentos de valencia, como la alternativa causativa, así como operaciones de redución de valencia, como el caso de la incorporación, y se concluye que la morfología verbal es un buen diagnóstico para identificar la valencia de los verbos yaqui.

The Morphosyntax-Phonology Connection, 2017
Several intransitive verbs of motion or posture in Hiaki exhibit verb-stem suppletion conditioned... more Several intransitive verbs of motion or posture in Hiaki exhibit verb-stem suppletion conditioned by the number of the subject. ere are also a few suppletive transitive verbs conditioned by the number of the object. We argue in this paper that suppletion in these verb roots is triggered only by underlying objects, and that the intransitive members of this class of verbs are unaccusative. To show this, we exploit the properties of the Hiaki applicative morpheme, whi is productive with any agentive verb, transitive or intransitive, but may not occur with verbs with the general properties of unaccusative verbs. We show that the intransitive suppletive verbs may not co-occur with the applicative/benefactive morpheme-ria, despite the fact that several of them are apparently semantically/pragmatically appropriate as potential benefactive actions.

Distributed Morphology Today, 2013
The analysis of arbitrary morphological classes has a number of architectural implications in Dis... more The analysis of arbitrary morphological classes has a number of architectural implications in Distributed Morphology (Halle and Marantz 1993). There is no central repository of Saussurean 'words' in the framework-no sound-meaning pairings that are the building blocks for both phonological and semantic sentence-level representations. Instead, there are separate lists. One list contains all syntactic and semantic information necessary for the derivation of a well-formed LF representation, and forms the input to the syntactic derivation. A second list, the Vocabulary, describes the phonological realizations that are inserted as exponents of particular syntactic terminal nodes, following all syntactic operations. This raises the question of where class features are located. What elements do rules which are sensitive to class membership refer to? Are they sensitive to properties of the abstract syntacticosemantic formatives of the first list? 'bring(sg)' 'soak'
Cuadernos de Lingüística de El Colegio de México, 2018

RESUMEN La investigacion de los patrones de causativizacion lexica (directa) de intransitivos es ... more RESUMEN La investigacion de los patrones de causativizacion lexica (directa) de intransitivos es un tema fundamental en el campo lexico-semantico, puesto que las posibilidades y restricciones en la causativizacion de estos verbos siempre han provocado divisiones en la clasificacion de intransitivos (Levin y Rappaport Hovav 1995) mas alla de la ya clasica distincion entre inergativos e inacusativos propuesta por Perlmutter 1978. El espanol es una lengua interesante para la exploracion de los limites existentes entre estas posibilidades y restricciones, debido a la variacion sintactica existente entre sus dialectos. Asi, predicados intransitivos que en espanol estandar rechazan la causativizacion lexica, como caer o entrar, la permiten en variedades no estandar, como es el caso de la variedad andaluza. En este articulo contrastamos los patrones de causativizacion entre las variedades estandar y la andaluza, y exploramos la relacion existente entre dichos patrones y otros fenomenos com...
This dissertation has been submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for an advanced degre... more This dissertation has been submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for an advanced degree at the University of Arizona and is deposited in the University Library to be made available to borrowers under rules of the Library. Brief quotations from this dissertation are allowable without special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this manuscript in whole or in part may be granted by the head of the major department or the Dean of the Graduate College when in his or her judgment the proposed use of the material is in the interests of scholarship. In all other instances, however, permission must be obtained from the author.
We argue that verb/affix hybrids in Hiaki (Yaqui) are subject to the same conditions on clause fu... more We argue that verb/affix hybrids in Hiaki (Yaqui) are subject to the same conditions on clause fusion (Rude 1996) as ‘pure’ affixal verbs in spite of their different distributional behavior. We show that all verbs involved in V-V affixation under clause fusion undergo VP embedding, rather than TP embedding, whether they also have amorphologically free use or are obligatorily bound. is results in one case domain, but two binding domains, whi shows clause binding sensitivity to VP and nominative case assignment at TP. e ability of these hybrids to occur in affixal ‘clause fusion’ structures, as well as to appear as free main verbs embedding an independent clause, is unusual, and enables us to investigate the conditions on V-V incorporation. As Guerrero Valenzuela (2004) points out, su verbs may show incipient grammaticalization.
Papers by Mercedes Tubino-Blanco