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      Spanish Literature (Peninsular)PrintmakingBenito Pérez Galdós
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      Jorge Luis BorgesNovela NegraLiteratura Policial
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      Latin American StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesMultispectral ImagingJorge Luis Borges
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      Archival StudiesEvar Méndez
The imagined presence of physical books and the process of their creation is a constant in Borges’s writings. Notions such as invented bibliographical citations and the labyrinthine conception of an all-encompassing library have caused... more
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookAnalytical bibliographyJorge Luis Borges
La colección Breviarios es una de las más notables y exitosas del Fondo de Cultura Económica. Transformó completamente la industria editorial latinoamericana debido a la calidad física e intelectual de cada tomo presentado a sus lectores.... more
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      Book HistoryDiseño GraficoHistoria del LibroEditorial Fondo De Cultura Económica
The following study sets out to examine the Voice Onset Time (VOT) production of Spanish voiceless stops /p t k/ by speakers whose L1 is Ukrainian or English. VOT is defined as an interval between the stop burst and the onset of a vocal... more
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A reading of Mia Couto's O outro pé da sereia
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      Postcolonial StudiesMozambican LiteratureMia CoutoLusophone Postcolonial Studies
Neste artigo examina-se em pormenor a re-apropria0o metaforica do ritual antropofdgico na produgao poetica e ensaistica de Oswald de Andrade. Para Oswald, e nesta re-significagao que reside a possibilidade de seformar uma cultura... more
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This study interrogates a series of utopian projections that have informed Portuguese and Luso-African letters and culture since the Renaissance. Concentrating on the three crucial historical moments – Portugal’s tenuous hegemony in the... more
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An analysis of early modern Portuguese travel narratives about Africa and Asia, including Camões' Lusíadas and Fernão Mendes Pinto's Peregrinação.
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      Comparative LiteratureEarly Modern HistoryPostcolonial StudiesHistoriography
This paper provides a close reading of a crónica by Mia Couto which describes the toppling of a statue of an official hero of Portugal's nineteenth-century colonization of Mozambique on the eve of the country's transition from colony to... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesMozambican LiteratureMia CoutoLusophone Africa
... Thus, before this crossroads, Europe or the Atlantic, I pronounce myself for the Atlantic, as the only condition which will allow Portugal to regain its individuality, its specificity, its medieval and Renaissance genuineness.... I... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural Critique
... reviberoamer.2009.6610. La poetización del Atlántico y el dilema del compromiso: José Saramago, Fernando Pessoa, Pablo Neruda. Luis Madureira. References. Full Text: PDF. Refbacks. There are currently no refbacks. Bookmark ...
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      Literary studiesRevista Iberoamericana
In this article, I propose that, in the face of the Manifesto antropófago's inchoate endeavor to supersede a dominant narrative about the irresistible rise of modern rationality, the critic can either accept the terms of this attempted... more
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      Cultural StudiesLiterary CriticismBrazilian StudiesModernism
Portuguese trans of "A Flat Carnivalesque Intention"
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      Cultural StudiesBrazilian StudiesModernismBrazilian Literature
This essay opens with an examination of Portuguese novels about the colonial wars which seek to expose the referential emptiness of the Salazarist imperial mystique, and present its "civilizing mission" as an example of the very... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesPortuguese Literature
on theatre in Mozambique
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      African StudiesDrama and theatre studiesLusophone Africa
Lusophone Africa and the two Germanys during the Socialist Revolution period
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      German StudiesGerman HistoryColonialismLuso-African Studies
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      Postcolonial StudiesPortuguese Colonialism and DecolonizatonPortuguese LiteratureNational Liberation movements