1,000 good words, not comparable with 1 example of good deedsLaw Education and TeachingLegal assistancelegal consultationlegal researchcommunity service
Widya Pranata Hukum : Jurnal Kajian dan Penelitian Hukum/Widya Pranata Hukum, Sep 30, 2023
Kenakalan remaja (anak) merupakan masalah sosial sekaligus masalah hukum yang sering kita jumpai ... more Kenakalan remaja (anak) merupakan masalah sosial sekaligus masalah hukum yang sering kita jumpai di masyarakat dan cukup meresahkan seiring perkembangan jaman di era internet, bahkan telah menybar dari kotakota besar hingga ke desa-desa. Masalah ini merupakan masalah yang perlu diatasi agar dapat memberikan dampak positif bagi remaja. Karena remaja merupakan aset masa depan suatu bangsa maka diperlukan penanganan yang serius untuk mencegah terjadinya kenakalan remaja. Kenakalan remaja adalah perilaku remaja yang tidak sesuai dengan norma-norma yang berlaku di masyarakat. Dalam pandangan hukum kenakalan remaja dapat dianggap kejahatan jika dilakukan oleh orang dewasa, namun dalam hal ini pelakunya adalah remaja (anak) maka hal tersbut dianggap sebatas kenakalan. Kenakalan remaja mencakup semua perilaku yang menyimpang dari norma yang dilakukan oleh remaja. Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kenakalan remaja, yaitu faktor internal dan eksternal. Akibat dari kenakalan remaja akan berdampak pada remaja itu sendiri, keluarganya dan masyarakat. Dalam mengatasi kenakalan remaja diperlukan pembinaan dari orang tua dan peran lingkungan terdekat. Daris sisi hukum sistem peradilan anak telah memadai dalam konteks terobosan adanya diversi.
Crime continues to develop along with the development of society in all fields: political, econom... more Crime continues to develop along with the development of society in all fields: political, economic, social, cultural and technological. Almost every day in the newspaper news, as well as electronic media, there is news about criminal acts against decency committed by various groups. Why it happened and how to overcome it is something that will be examined by the author. Cases of sexual decency against women, generally occur because of the imbalance of power relations in question is between men and women, and can also occur because of the imbalance of someone's "figure" in the community against the victim. Crime in general and in decency seems to develop along with the times, no longer see social status or figure. The role of culture, religion, and finally the law must always be fostered to be an element of handling crime against decency
Jurisprudentie : Jurusan Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, Jun 29, 2019
The existence of de-radicalization in an effort to reduce radical and neutralizing radical ideas ... more The existence of de-radicalization in an effort to reduce radical and neutralizing radical ideas for the people involved in terrorism is carried out as an attempt in parole for terrorism inmates, in implementing the deradicalisation program there is no benchmark for the level of success so that there is no achievement and is unclear about the subject or the target of a deradicalisation program, this is due to the absence of strict rules set out in Law No. 5 of 2018 concerning the Eradication of Crime of Terrorism to give obligations to terrorist inmates to take part in deradicalisation programs. The research method used is the normative legal research method. This study discusses the Conditional Release Ratio (Voorwaardelijke Invrjheids Stelling) for terrorism inmates and the Basic Principle of the theory of the fulfillment of rights for terrorism prisoners in obtaining parole in review of Indonesian criminal law and the responsibility for fulfilling terrorism prisoners' Deradicalization programs.
President Joko Widodo wants to cut regulations in various sectors specifically in the economic an... more President Joko Widodo wants to cut regulations in various sectors specifically in the economic and investment sectors through the omnibus law approach (repealing many laws and regulations with one law). However, whether the simplification of regulations in all sectors must and must be done through the omnibus law approach and it is also natural to ask omnibus law for whom. This is due to the many regulations that have been cut, so there are also many risks that will be faced in the future, both from the environmental sector, workers’ welfare, so that this will lead to mass layoffs in many companies. In the description of writing, the problem is how is the Omnibus Law review viewed in terms of justice and expediency? The existence of the omnibus law is believed to provide justice and a number of benefits. The concept of the omnibus law can be used by the Indonesian government to overcome two things; First, the problem of the criminalization of state officials. During this time, many government officials are afraid to use discretion in making policies related to the use of the budget, because if proven to suffer losses, they can be charged with corruption. Second, the omnibus law can be used in Indonesia to harmonize central and regional policies in supporting the investment climate. In this regard, the omnibus law can be a concise solution to conflicting laws and regulations, both vertically and horizontall
The dependency of the community on online motorcycle taxi transportation is extraordinary in term... more The dependency of the community on online motorcycle taxi transportation is extraordinary in terms of practicality and can guarantee a connection between online motorcycle taxi and online transportation companies. Ban on online motorcycle taxi transporting passengers in order to avoid the spread of covid 19 was carried out as an effort to break the chain of distribution of covid 19. This study used a normative juridical method. In this study discusses the problem of dualism of regulation of the Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 18 of 2020 concerning Transportation Control in the Prevention of Spreading Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) with the regulations of the ministry of health and governor's regulations. Regulation of the Minister of Transportation No. 18 of 2020 is made for national needs, where each region has different regional characteristics and transportation needs that need to be accommodated and in its implementation the local government is given authority in accordance with existing
Motorcycle is a means of transportation that is quite efficient and effective in supporting commu... more Motorcycle is a means of transportation that is quite efficient and effective in supporting community activities. Motorcycle like other products that are sold not only by cash system (cash), but most of it is actually credit (buying and selling with credit / installments). This raises the problem of the occurrence of criminal acts of buying and selling motorbikes financed by financial institutions and its completion. Problems in the field show there are bad ideas from consumers and there are bad ties from employees of financial institutions due to the emergence of the use of "debt collectors", as well as problems of the cost of fiduciary guarantees. Whereas the solution can be taken through civil and criminal law.
Kebijkan local lockdown yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah diperoleh dengan alat-alat logika d... more Kebijkan local lockdown yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah diperoleh dengan alat-alat logika dan mengesampingkan peraturan-peraturan hukum yang telah ditentukan dan hanya memperhatikan nilai-nilai yang baik atau buruk kebijakan local lockdown tersebut, untuk itu banyak konsep yang di kesampingkan mengenai konsep negara kesatuan yang mengatut asas desentralisasi, Kebijakan Local Lockdown yang di lakukan Pemerintah Daerah di tinjau dalam perspektif Negara Kesatuan merupakan kebijakan yang kurang relevan hal ini di karenakan dalam negara kesatuan tidak boleh terdapat negara dalam negara yang memiliki berdaulatnya sendiri, walaupun dalam negara kesatuan wilayah wilayah negara di bagi dalam beberapa bagian serta beberapa bagian tersebut tidak dapat memiliki kewenangan asli. Upaya local lockdown yang di lakukan dapat menciptakan kewenangan asli dalam suatu pemerintahan akan tetapi pemerintah pusat lah yang memiliki kedaulatan atas seluruh wilayah yang terdiri dari daerah daerah. Selanjutnya Kewenangan Pemerintah Pusat yang tidak di limpahkan oleh pemerintah daerah dalam melaksanakan local lockdown atau kekarantinaan wilayah dapat menimbulkan Tindakan keseweng wenangan hukum yakni muncul suatu "kekuasaan yang tidak formal".serta Urgensi Local Lockdown atau karantinaan wilayah oleh Pemerintah Daerah adalah untuk menghentikan laju infeksi virus corona yang terjadi hingga saat ini yang di prediksikan oleh Badan Intelegen Nasional akan berakhir pada akhir bulan juni. Hal ini dianggap sangat penting dilakukan sebagai bagian dari pada menyelamatkan sebanyak banyaknya orang yang ada di daerah tersebut. Local lockdown atau karantinaan wilayah yang di lakukan mempertimbangakan kesenangan atau kemanfaatan dari Tindakan yang dilakukan dapat di ukur dengan akibat (konsekuensi) yang akan di dapatkan oleh daerah tersebut dan Tindakan tersebut di anggap dapat menyelamatkan sebanyak banyaknya orang.
Aborsi adalah sebuah fenomena yang ada di masyarakat, tetapi solusi dari hukum dan agama masih me... more Aborsi adalah sebuah fenomena yang ada di masyarakat, tetapi solusi dari hukum dan agama masih meninggalkan perdebatan, dari hal paling sederhana mengenai definisi aborsi, aborsi dapat dipenuhi jika janin sudah dinyatakan, maka unsur-unsur kehidupan ini pun waktu dapat ditentukan mulai. Jadi dari sudut pandang melibatkan agama dan hukum positif. Menulis bermasalah didasarkan pada aborsi khususnya ulasan agama dan hukum yang positif di Indonesia. Memahami aborsi, menjadi pedoman bagi kita untuk berperilaku, atau bahkan menjadi melakukan aborsi hukum dan mendorong pembentukan positif dan mengakomodasi norma agama. Fakta tentang realitas aborsi menunjukkan bahwa terus terjadi di sekitar kita dikaitkan dengan dasar-dasar / teori. Pada kesimpulannya dalam pikiran bahwa aborsi adalah tindakan jahat, namun perasaan seorang ibu sebagai subjek hukum patut dipertimbangkan untuk memilah bahwa tidak semua aborsi ilegal, dan harus terus dikembangkan untuk memenuhi realitas realitas rasa keadilan dalam masyarakat.
Corruption is a big problem and is suspected to be a contributor to the increase in poverty in In... more Corruption is a big problem and is suspected to be a contributor to the increase in poverty in Indonesia, this corruption crime does not recognize any position or background. The author sees that corruption is a legal domain that is often influenced by the political field, although what should be considered is the domain of sociology/legal sociology. The general chairman of the party, in this case, the former, who was supposed to have helped build the country when he was in power, did not seem to meet the expectations of the people, because when he was in power he actually did corruption. Corruption in the circle of political parties is very influential on public confidence in political parties that are the driving force of democracy. Political phenomena that affect the law in the form of judges' decisions / verdicts will increase the disparity of decisions. Starting from the decision related to Romy, then it is compared with the decisions of Anas U, Suryadharma A, Luthfi H I. How our law looks, really depends on the "crown" of the judge in the form of his verdict, and in Indonesia there are various views of the public on the judge's decision. The sampling of 4 political figures in this title is limited to study material. This study uses secondary data that focuses on norms, doctrines, books, or other documents, especially decisions as analysis material, then attempts to answer the question of how the disparity of decisions related to corruption made by political party leaders with a sociological perspective of law requires legal considerations that live in society.. and in Indonesia there are various views of the public on the judge's decision. The sampling of 4 political figures in this title is limited to study material. This study uses secondary data that focuses on norms, doctrines, books, or other documents, especially decisions as analysis material, then attempts to answer the question of how the disparity of decisions related to corruption made by political party leaders with a sociological perspective of law requires legal considerations that live in society.. and in Indonesia there are various views of the public on the judge's decision. The sampling of 4 political figures in this title is limited to study material. This study uses secondary data that focuses on norms, doctrines, books, or other documents, especially decisions as analysis material, then attempts to answer the question of how the disparity of decisions related to corruption made by political party leaders with a sociological perspective of law requires legal considerations that live in society.
Teknologi berkembang dengan pesat dan menambah/memperluas peluang bisnis baru dalam transaksi keu... more Teknologi berkembang dengan pesat dan menambah/memperluas peluang bisnis baru dalam transaksi keuangan, fenomena ini ditandai munculnya bisnis keuangan berbasis teknologi atau yang biasa disebut financial technology (Fintech). Munculnya perusahaan atau lembaga keuangan yang bergerak dibidang usaha pinjam meminjam uang menggunakan dasar sarana informasi elektronik (ITE) atau yang umum disebut fintech, yang notabene saat ini berkembang pesat dan diregulatori oleh Bank Indonesia (BI) dan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Selanjutnya OJK mengeluarkan peraturan Nomor 77/POJK.01/2016 yang mengatur penyelenggara pinjam meminjam uang berbasis Teknologi Informasi. Kajian yurdis normatif ini berupa penelitian terhadap dokumen-dokumen pustaka selanjutnya dikumpulkan sebagai sumber data, kemudian melakukan analisis permasalahan merujuk pada norma, kaidah, asasasas hukum. Data yang terkumpul dari kajian maupun diskusi serta informasi media elektronik yang terkait dengan permasalahan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini mendapati fakta masih lemahnya regulasi dari pemerintah maupun OJK masih lemah, dan kurangnya edukasi yang dilakukan oleh pihak terkait, sehingga menyebabkan sifat perlindungan konsumen menjadi tidak jelas. Pemerintah secara khusus OJK seyogianya senatiasa mengupayakan revisi terhadap peraturan terkait penyelanggaraan layanan pinjam meminjam dengan basic operational teknologi, sehingga hak konsumen terlindungi dan kesejahteraan masyarakat dapat terwujud. Kata Kunci: Fintech, Otoritas jasa keuangan, Perlindungan konsumen, Peminjaman online.
Workers are a valuable asset in the development of the nation's economy who are obliged to receiv... more Workers are a valuable asset in the development of the nation's economy who are obliged to receive occupational safety and health protection. The implementation of occupational safety and health aims to provide protection for workers to be healthy, safe, productive, and avoid work accidents and occupational diseases. In a new normal state, the demands for health protection must be really emphasized and must comply with the standard health protocol for the response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The formulation of the problem is what is the role of the state and employers in the framework of protecting occupational health and safety during the new normal covid pandemic 19? What are the forms of occupational health and safety protection for workers in the new normal period? This research is a legal research that uses several approaches to be able to answer the problems studied, namely the statute approach, and the conceptual approach, and uses the content analysis method with the aim of knowing the extent of responsibility. employers in their obligation to provide safety and health protection for workers in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The development of science and technology will make it easier for people to carry out various act... more The development of science and technology will make it easier for people to carry out various activities, and on the other hand this is also used by criminals. Fraud is a crime that has existed since time immemorial (conventional) which is regulated in the Criminal Code, but along with the times, fraudsters also facilitate and improve actions using electronic technology (online) which has been regulated in Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Information and Transactions. Research describes that crimes that are actually conventional, but when using electronic devices will turn into complex crimes, specifically their spreadability and speed, this is then regulated in a special criminal realm, namely the law on ITE. The method used is normative juridical and the results of the study show that the development of crime is inseparable from the behavior factors of the victim and the environment, then requires adequate countermeasures from law enforcement, namely the Police as a state tool to ...
Circulation of counterfeit (fake) money is a part of crimes against currency. At present, crimes ... more Circulation of counterfeit (fake) money is a part of crimes against currency. At present, crimes against currency continue to occur and are latent, the most important impact caused by crimes against currency is public interest and can threaten monetary conditions and the national economy. This research was conducted to see how the problem of criminal investigations against criminals as money dealers and their obstacles. The research method used in this research is descriptive research method, and examples of legal events at the Umbulharjo Police, Yogyakarta City. Next, what are the legal settlement steps and criminal sanctions against counterfeit (fake) money dealers, based on the provisions in Indonesian positive law regulated in the Criminal Code and more specific laws and regulations, namely Law Number 7 of 2011 About Currency. Where the provisions of the criminal law are contained in articles 33 through 41. It is necessary for the role of Bank Indonesia to continuously dissemina...
Pemerintah secara tegas telah meniadakan mudik Lebaran 2021 selama 6-17 Mei 2021 dikarenakan masa... more Pemerintah secara tegas telah meniadakan mudik Lebaran 2021 selama 6-17 Mei 2021 dikarenakan masa pandemi Covid-19, dan hal ini dimaknai oleh masyarakat sebagai pelarangan sehingga timbul Pro-kontra di masyarakat terkait hal ini, hal ini lah yang menjadi dasar bagi penulis dalam membuat penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam keadaan apapun pemerintah harus berperan nyata agar dapat memastikan terwujudnya perlindungan masyarakat, sebagaimana yang menjadi asas dari segala peraturan perundang-undangan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan telaah dan sinkronisasi vertikal antara Undang-Undang Nomor 39 Tahun 1999 tentang Hak Asasi Manusia dan S.E. Nomor 13 Tahun 2021
Kebutuhan masyarakat akan konsumetik menimbulkan banyaknya produsen kosmetik. Saat ini banyak pr... more Kebutuhan masyarakat akan konsumetik menimbulkan banyaknya produsen kosmetik. Saat ini banyak produk kosmetik yang tidak memiliki izin edar yang dijual bebas di pasaran. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas perlindungan konsumen terhadap produk kosmetik tidak memiliki izin edar di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, dan upaya penanggulangannya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Pengawasan BPOM meliputi pengawasan premarket dan postmarket. BPOM/BBPOM melakukan berbagai tahapan dalam pemberian izin edar dengan sangat efektivitas sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yang ada. Upaya-upaya perlindungan konsumen produk kosmetik yang tidak memiliki izin edar, BBPOM juga melakukan sosialisasi, edukasi kepada masyarakat, dan bekerja sama dengan pihak kepolisian, dan pihak eksternal lain untuk membantu pengawasan dan penyidikan. Peran serta masyarakat dirasa masih kurang dalam membantu BBPOM melakukan pengawasan.
Widya Pranata Hukum : Jurnal Kajian dan Penelitian Hukum/Widya Pranata Hukum, Sep 30, 2023
Kenakalan remaja (anak) merupakan masalah sosial sekaligus masalah hukum yang sering kita jumpai ... more Kenakalan remaja (anak) merupakan masalah sosial sekaligus masalah hukum yang sering kita jumpai di masyarakat dan cukup meresahkan seiring perkembangan jaman di era internet, bahkan telah menybar dari kotakota besar hingga ke desa-desa. Masalah ini merupakan masalah yang perlu diatasi agar dapat memberikan dampak positif bagi remaja. Karena remaja merupakan aset masa depan suatu bangsa maka diperlukan penanganan yang serius untuk mencegah terjadinya kenakalan remaja. Kenakalan remaja adalah perilaku remaja yang tidak sesuai dengan norma-norma yang berlaku di masyarakat. Dalam pandangan hukum kenakalan remaja dapat dianggap kejahatan jika dilakukan oleh orang dewasa, namun dalam hal ini pelakunya adalah remaja (anak) maka hal tersbut dianggap sebatas kenakalan. Kenakalan remaja mencakup semua perilaku yang menyimpang dari norma yang dilakukan oleh remaja. Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kenakalan remaja, yaitu faktor internal dan eksternal. Akibat dari kenakalan remaja akan berdampak pada remaja itu sendiri, keluarganya dan masyarakat. Dalam mengatasi kenakalan remaja diperlukan pembinaan dari orang tua dan peran lingkungan terdekat. Daris sisi hukum sistem peradilan anak telah memadai dalam konteks terobosan adanya diversi.
Crime continues to develop along with the development of society in all fields: political, econom... more Crime continues to develop along with the development of society in all fields: political, economic, social, cultural and technological. Almost every day in the newspaper news, as well as electronic media, there is news about criminal acts against decency committed by various groups. Why it happened and how to overcome it is something that will be examined by the author. Cases of sexual decency against women, generally occur because of the imbalance of power relations in question is between men and women, and can also occur because of the imbalance of someone's "figure" in the community against the victim. Crime in general and in decency seems to develop along with the times, no longer see social status or figure. The role of culture, religion, and finally the law must always be fostered to be an element of handling crime against decency
Jurisprudentie : Jurusan Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, Jun 29, 2019
The existence of de-radicalization in an effort to reduce radical and neutralizing radical ideas ... more The existence of de-radicalization in an effort to reduce radical and neutralizing radical ideas for the people involved in terrorism is carried out as an attempt in parole for terrorism inmates, in implementing the deradicalisation program there is no benchmark for the level of success so that there is no achievement and is unclear about the subject or the target of a deradicalisation program, this is due to the absence of strict rules set out in Law No. 5 of 2018 concerning the Eradication of Crime of Terrorism to give obligations to terrorist inmates to take part in deradicalisation programs. The research method used is the normative legal research method. This study discusses the Conditional Release Ratio (Voorwaardelijke Invrjheids Stelling) for terrorism inmates and the Basic Principle of the theory of the fulfillment of rights for terrorism prisoners in obtaining parole in review of Indonesian criminal law and the responsibility for fulfilling terrorism prisoners' Deradicalization programs.
President Joko Widodo wants to cut regulations in various sectors specifically in the economic an... more President Joko Widodo wants to cut regulations in various sectors specifically in the economic and investment sectors through the omnibus law approach (repealing many laws and regulations with one law). However, whether the simplification of regulations in all sectors must and must be done through the omnibus law approach and it is also natural to ask omnibus law for whom. This is due to the many regulations that have been cut, so there are also many risks that will be faced in the future, both from the environmental sector, workers’ welfare, so that this will lead to mass layoffs in many companies. In the description of writing, the problem is how is the Omnibus Law review viewed in terms of justice and expediency? The existence of the omnibus law is believed to provide justice and a number of benefits. The concept of the omnibus law can be used by the Indonesian government to overcome two things; First, the problem of the criminalization of state officials. During this time, many government officials are afraid to use discretion in making policies related to the use of the budget, because if proven to suffer losses, they can be charged with corruption. Second, the omnibus law can be used in Indonesia to harmonize central and regional policies in supporting the investment climate. In this regard, the omnibus law can be a concise solution to conflicting laws and regulations, both vertically and horizontall
The dependency of the community on online motorcycle taxi transportation is extraordinary in term... more The dependency of the community on online motorcycle taxi transportation is extraordinary in terms of practicality and can guarantee a connection between online motorcycle taxi and online transportation companies. Ban on online motorcycle taxi transporting passengers in order to avoid the spread of covid 19 was carried out as an effort to break the chain of distribution of covid 19. This study used a normative juridical method. In this study discusses the problem of dualism of regulation of the Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 18 of 2020 concerning Transportation Control in the Prevention of Spreading Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) with the regulations of the ministry of health and governor's regulations. Regulation of the Minister of Transportation No. 18 of 2020 is made for national needs, where each region has different regional characteristics and transportation needs that need to be accommodated and in its implementation the local government is given authority in accordance with existing
Motorcycle is a means of transportation that is quite efficient and effective in supporting commu... more Motorcycle is a means of transportation that is quite efficient and effective in supporting community activities. Motorcycle like other products that are sold not only by cash system (cash), but most of it is actually credit (buying and selling with credit / installments). This raises the problem of the occurrence of criminal acts of buying and selling motorbikes financed by financial institutions and its completion. Problems in the field show there are bad ideas from consumers and there are bad ties from employees of financial institutions due to the emergence of the use of "debt collectors", as well as problems of the cost of fiduciary guarantees. Whereas the solution can be taken through civil and criminal law.
Kebijkan local lockdown yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah diperoleh dengan alat-alat logika d... more Kebijkan local lockdown yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah diperoleh dengan alat-alat logika dan mengesampingkan peraturan-peraturan hukum yang telah ditentukan dan hanya memperhatikan nilai-nilai yang baik atau buruk kebijakan local lockdown tersebut, untuk itu banyak konsep yang di kesampingkan mengenai konsep negara kesatuan yang mengatut asas desentralisasi, Kebijakan Local Lockdown yang di lakukan Pemerintah Daerah di tinjau dalam perspektif Negara Kesatuan merupakan kebijakan yang kurang relevan hal ini di karenakan dalam negara kesatuan tidak boleh terdapat negara dalam negara yang memiliki berdaulatnya sendiri, walaupun dalam negara kesatuan wilayah wilayah negara di bagi dalam beberapa bagian serta beberapa bagian tersebut tidak dapat memiliki kewenangan asli. Upaya local lockdown yang di lakukan dapat menciptakan kewenangan asli dalam suatu pemerintahan akan tetapi pemerintah pusat lah yang memiliki kedaulatan atas seluruh wilayah yang terdiri dari daerah daerah. Selanjutnya Kewenangan Pemerintah Pusat yang tidak di limpahkan oleh pemerintah daerah dalam melaksanakan local lockdown atau kekarantinaan wilayah dapat menimbulkan Tindakan keseweng wenangan hukum yakni muncul suatu "kekuasaan yang tidak formal".serta Urgensi Local Lockdown atau karantinaan wilayah oleh Pemerintah Daerah adalah untuk menghentikan laju infeksi virus corona yang terjadi hingga saat ini yang di prediksikan oleh Badan Intelegen Nasional akan berakhir pada akhir bulan juni. Hal ini dianggap sangat penting dilakukan sebagai bagian dari pada menyelamatkan sebanyak banyaknya orang yang ada di daerah tersebut. Local lockdown atau karantinaan wilayah yang di lakukan mempertimbangakan kesenangan atau kemanfaatan dari Tindakan yang dilakukan dapat di ukur dengan akibat (konsekuensi) yang akan di dapatkan oleh daerah tersebut dan Tindakan tersebut di anggap dapat menyelamatkan sebanyak banyaknya orang.
Aborsi adalah sebuah fenomena yang ada di masyarakat, tetapi solusi dari hukum dan agama masih me... more Aborsi adalah sebuah fenomena yang ada di masyarakat, tetapi solusi dari hukum dan agama masih meninggalkan perdebatan, dari hal paling sederhana mengenai definisi aborsi, aborsi dapat dipenuhi jika janin sudah dinyatakan, maka unsur-unsur kehidupan ini pun waktu dapat ditentukan mulai. Jadi dari sudut pandang melibatkan agama dan hukum positif. Menulis bermasalah didasarkan pada aborsi khususnya ulasan agama dan hukum yang positif di Indonesia. Memahami aborsi, menjadi pedoman bagi kita untuk berperilaku, atau bahkan menjadi melakukan aborsi hukum dan mendorong pembentukan positif dan mengakomodasi norma agama. Fakta tentang realitas aborsi menunjukkan bahwa terus terjadi di sekitar kita dikaitkan dengan dasar-dasar / teori. Pada kesimpulannya dalam pikiran bahwa aborsi adalah tindakan jahat, namun perasaan seorang ibu sebagai subjek hukum patut dipertimbangkan untuk memilah bahwa tidak semua aborsi ilegal, dan harus terus dikembangkan untuk memenuhi realitas realitas rasa keadilan dalam masyarakat.
Corruption is a big problem and is suspected to be a contributor to the increase in poverty in In... more Corruption is a big problem and is suspected to be a contributor to the increase in poverty in Indonesia, this corruption crime does not recognize any position or background. The author sees that corruption is a legal domain that is often influenced by the political field, although what should be considered is the domain of sociology/legal sociology. The general chairman of the party, in this case, the former, who was supposed to have helped build the country when he was in power, did not seem to meet the expectations of the people, because when he was in power he actually did corruption. Corruption in the circle of political parties is very influential on public confidence in political parties that are the driving force of democracy. Political phenomena that affect the law in the form of judges' decisions / verdicts will increase the disparity of decisions. Starting from the decision related to Romy, then it is compared with the decisions of Anas U, Suryadharma A, Luthfi H I. How our law looks, really depends on the "crown" of the judge in the form of his verdict, and in Indonesia there are various views of the public on the judge's decision. The sampling of 4 political figures in this title is limited to study material. This study uses secondary data that focuses on norms, doctrines, books, or other documents, especially decisions as analysis material, then attempts to answer the question of how the disparity of decisions related to corruption made by political party leaders with a sociological perspective of law requires legal considerations that live in society.. and in Indonesia there are various views of the public on the judge's decision. The sampling of 4 political figures in this title is limited to study material. This study uses secondary data that focuses on norms, doctrines, books, or other documents, especially decisions as analysis material, then attempts to answer the question of how the disparity of decisions related to corruption made by political party leaders with a sociological perspective of law requires legal considerations that live in society.. and in Indonesia there are various views of the public on the judge's decision. The sampling of 4 political figures in this title is limited to study material. This study uses secondary data that focuses on norms, doctrines, books, or other documents, especially decisions as analysis material, then attempts to answer the question of how the disparity of decisions related to corruption made by political party leaders with a sociological perspective of law requires legal considerations that live in society.
Teknologi berkembang dengan pesat dan menambah/memperluas peluang bisnis baru dalam transaksi keu... more Teknologi berkembang dengan pesat dan menambah/memperluas peluang bisnis baru dalam transaksi keuangan, fenomena ini ditandai munculnya bisnis keuangan berbasis teknologi atau yang biasa disebut financial technology (Fintech). Munculnya perusahaan atau lembaga keuangan yang bergerak dibidang usaha pinjam meminjam uang menggunakan dasar sarana informasi elektronik (ITE) atau yang umum disebut fintech, yang notabene saat ini berkembang pesat dan diregulatori oleh Bank Indonesia (BI) dan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Selanjutnya OJK mengeluarkan peraturan Nomor 77/POJK.01/2016 yang mengatur penyelenggara pinjam meminjam uang berbasis Teknologi Informasi. Kajian yurdis normatif ini berupa penelitian terhadap dokumen-dokumen pustaka selanjutnya dikumpulkan sebagai sumber data, kemudian melakukan analisis permasalahan merujuk pada norma, kaidah, asasasas hukum. Data yang terkumpul dari kajian maupun diskusi serta informasi media elektronik yang terkait dengan permasalahan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini mendapati fakta masih lemahnya regulasi dari pemerintah maupun OJK masih lemah, dan kurangnya edukasi yang dilakukan oleh pihak terkait, sehingga menyebabkan sifat perlindungan konsumen menjadi tidak jelas. Pemerintah secara khusus OJK seyogianya senatiasa mengupayakan revisi terhadap peraturan terkait penyelanggaraan layanan pinjam meminjam dengan basic operational teknologi, sehingga hak konsumen terlindungi dan kesejahteraan masyarakat dapat terwujud. Kata Kunci: Fintech, Otoritas jasa keuangan, Perlindungan konsumen, Peminjaman online.
Workers are a valuable asset in the development of the nation's economy who are obliged to receiv... more Workers are a valuable asset in the development of the nation's economy who are obliged to receive occupational safety and health protection. The implementation of occupational safety and health aims to provide protection for workers to be healthy, safe, productive, and avoid work accidents and occupational diseases. In a new normal state, the demands for health protection must be really emphasized and must comply with the standard health protocol for the response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The formulation of the problem is what is the role of the state and employers in the framework of protecting occupational health and safety during the new normal covid pandemic 19? What are the forms of occupational health and safety protection for workers in the new normal period? This research is a legal research that uses several approaches to be able to answer the problems studied, namely the statute approach, and the conceptual approach, and uses the content analysis method with the aim of knowing the extent of responsibility. employers in their obligation to provide safety and health protection for workers in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The development of science and technology will make it easier for people to carry out various act... more The development of science and technology will make it easier for people to carry out various activities, and on the other hand this is also used by criminals. Fraud is a crime that has existed since time immemorial (conventional) which is regulated in the Criminal Code, but along with the times, fraudsters also facilitate and improve actions using electronic technology (online) which has been regulated in Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Information and Transactions. Research describes that crimes that are actually conventional, but when using electronic devices will turn into complex crimes, specifically their spreadability and speed, this is then regulated in a special criminal realm, namely the law on ITE. The method used is normative juridical and the results of the study show that the development of crime is inseparable from the behavior factors of the victim and the environment, then requires adequate countermeasures from law enforcement, namely the Police as a state tool to ...
Circulation of counterfeit (fake) money is a part of crimes against currency. At present, crimes ... more Circulation of counterfeit (fake) money is a part of crimes against currency. At present, crimes against currency continue to occur and are latent, the most important impact caused by crimes against currency is public interest and can threaten monetary conditions and the national economy. This research was conducted to see how the problem of criminal investigations against criminals as money dealers and their obstacles. The research method used in this research is descriptive research method, and examples of legal events at the Umbulharjo Police, Yogyakarta City. Next, what are the legal settlement steps and criminal sanctions against counterfeit (fake) money dealers, based on the provisions in Indonesian positive law regulated in the Criminal Code and more specific laws and regulations, namely Law Number 7 of 2011 About Currency. Where the provisions of the criminal law are contained in articles 33 through 41. It is necessary for the role of Bank Indonesia to continuously dissemina...
Pemerintah secara tegas telah meniadakan mudik Lebaran 2021 selama 6-17 Mei 2021 dikarenakan masa... more Pemerintah secara tegas telah meniadakan mudik Lebaran 2021 selama 6-17 Mei 2021 dikarenakan masa pandemi Covid-19, dan hal ini dimaknai oleh masyarakat sebagai pelarangan sehingga timbul Pro-kontra di masyarakat terkait hal ini, hal ini lah yang menjadi dasar bagi penulis dalam membuat penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam keadaan apapun pemerintah harus berperan nyata agar dapat memastikan terwujudnya perlindungan masyarakat, sebagaimana yang menjadi asas dari segala peraturan perundang-undangan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan telaah dan sinkronisasi vertikal antara Undang-Undang Nomor 39 Tahun 1999 tentang Hak Asasi Manusia dan S.E. Nomor 13 Tahun 2021
Kebutuhan masyarakat akan konsumetik menimbulkan banyaknya produsen kosmetik. Saat ini banyak pr... more Kebutuhan masyarakat akan konsumetik menimbulkan banyaknya produsen kosmetik. Saat ini banyak produk kosmetik yang tidak memiliki izin edar yang dijual bebas di pasaran. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas perlindungan konsumen terhadap produk kosmetik tidak memiliki izin edar di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, dan upaya penanggulangannya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Pengawasan BPOM meliputi pengawasan premarket dan postmarket. BPOM/BBPOM melakukan berbagai tahapan dalam pemberian izin edar dengan sangat efektivitas sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yang ada. Upaya-upaya perlindungan konsumen produk kosmetik yang tidak memiliki izin edar, BBPOM juga melakukan sosialisasi, edukasi kepada masyarakat, dan bekerja sama dengan pihak kepolisian, dan pihak eksternal lain untuk membantu pengawasan dan penyidikan. Peran serta masyarakat dirasa masih kurang dalam membantu BBPOM melakukan pengawasan.
Papers by Equality Law