President Joko Widodo wants to cut regulations in various sectors specifically in the economic and investment sectors through the omnibus law approach (repealing many laws and regulations with one law). However, whether the simplification of regulations in all sectors must and must be done through the omnibus law approach and it is also natural to ask omnibus law for whom. This is due to the many regulations that have been cut, so there are also many risks that will be faced in the future, both from the environmental sector, workers’ welfare, so that this will lead to mass layoffs in many companies. In the description of writing, the problem is how is the Omnibus Law review viewed in terms of justice and expediency? The existence of the omnibus law is believed to provide justice and a number of benefits. The concept of the omnibus law can be used by the Indonesian government to overcome two things; First, the problem of the criminalization of state officials. During this time, many government officials are afraid to use discretion in making policies related to the use of the budget, because if proven to suffer losses, they can be charged with corruption. Second, the omnibus law can be used in Indonesia to harmonize central and regional policies in supporting the investment climate. In this regard, the omnibus law can be a concise solution to conflicting laws and regulations, both vertically and horizontall
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