The workshop will be carried out in the framework of the 36-month European Union-funded (EUR 1,700,000) and Albanian co-financed (EUR 170,000) project “Towards strengthened governance of the shared transboundary natural and cultural heritage of the Lake Ohrid region”, intended to address the main threats affecting the Lake Ohrid region through reinforcing transboundary cooperation, enhancing management effectiveness and identifying and safeguarding its natural and cultural heritage.
The Management Planning workshop in Pogradec will be the third in in a series of five workshops aimed at the improvement of heritage management through the assessment, planning and establishment of integrated management mechanisms.
The emphasis of both the Management Planning Workshop and the Thematic Training will be on the long-term vision, discussing boundaries and buffer zones, and identifying management objectives for the Lake Ohrid region in Albania as a potential World Heritage. The activities are closely related to the possible extension to Albania of the existing World Heritage property “Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Ohrid region”, inscribed on the World Heritage List since 1979 and located in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Representatives from both countries will participate in the workshop, including national authorities from the respective Ministries of Environment and Culture, local authorities from the municipalities of the Lake Ohrid region, Advisory Bodies to the World Heritage Committee (ICCROM, ICOMOS and IUCN) as well as a representative from UNESCO.
More information about this Pilot Project for the Lake Ohrid region can be found at: