Hanna Schreiber
Hanna Schreiber (PhD, dr hab.) is an assistant professor at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies: hannaschreiber.com.
She holds three MA diplomas: in law (cum laude), political science (cum laude) and art history. For the last decade, she has been involved in the implementation and research surrounding the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and is a Global Facilitator for the 2003 Convention. She was co-author and main coordinator of the first Polish nomination into the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (Szopka tradition in Krakow, inscribed in 2018). Currently, from 2020 she serves as the President of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Board of the Capital City of Warsaw: https://kultura.um.warszawa.pl/niematerialna-warszawa.
She holds a research grant on the application of Elinor Ostrom’s analytical framework to the study of international cultural heritage regimes (2019/35/D/HS5/04247, financed by the National Science Centre in Poland). She was a visiting scholar at the Ostrom Workshop (Indiana University) in Spring 2022 and Autumn 2023 as well as at the Weitzman School of Design (University of Pennsylvania) in Spring 2022.
Phone: +48 22 552 02 86 (Office)
Address: University of Warsaw
Faculty of Political Science and International Studies
Department of Political Science Research Methodology
ul. Nowy Świat 67 (room 110)
00-927 Warsaw, Poland
She holds three MA diplomas: in law (cum laude), political science (cum laude) and art history. For the last decade, she has been involved in the implementation and research surrounding the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and is a Global Facilitator for the 2003 Convention. She was co-author and main coordinator of the first Polish nomination into the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (Szopka tradition in Krakow, inscribed in 2018). Currently, from 2020 she serves as the President of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Board of the Capital City of Warsaw: https://kultura.um.warszawa.pl/niematerialna-warszawa.
She holds a research grant on the application of Elinor Ostrom’s analytical framework to the study of international cultural heritage regimes (2019/35/D/HS5/04247, financed by the National Science Centre in Poland). She was a visiting scholar at the Ostrom Workshop (Indiana University) in Spring 2022 and Autumn 2023 as well as at the Weitzman School of Design (University of Pennsylvania) in Spring 2022.
Phone: +48 22 552 02 86 (Office)
Address: University of Warsaw
Faculty of Political Science and International Studies
Department of Political Science Research Methodology
ul. Nowy Świat 67 (room 110)
00-927 Warsaw, Poland
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Papers by Hanna Schreiber
of tensions in Global Heritage Regimes (GHRs) built around the World
Heritage Convention and the Intangible Heritage Convention. Combining
regime theory with Ostroms’ typology of goods, we claim that the process
of transforming the abstract idea of ‘Heritage of Humanity’ (HoH) into an
outcome in the form of a heritage list needs to mobilise heritage as
diplomacy and also is the result of heritage as diplomacy. At the same
time, the transformation generates tension based on the experienced
delusion of (1) the expectations built upon the inclusive idea of the
‘Heritage of Humanity’ (public good) and (2) the exclusive character of
heritage lists (club goods). We claim that this ‘Inclusion-Exclusion Tension’
(IET) is an inherent element of global heritage regime design and as such
needs to be managed through diplomatic efforts.
Policy of 2020. The ideas dwell in words such as cooperation, co-responsibility, co-management, contemporary times, community, collaboration, co-deciding, co-organisation, co-creation and coexistence. This is, therefore, a substantial change in the way of speaking and thinking about cities. Warsaw is no longer just a city. Warsaw is becoming a CO-CITY. We invite you to adopt such an interpretation of the notion of Warsaw’s intangible heritage.
güç” kavramını ve onun somut olmayan kültürel mirasla
ilişkisini konu almaktadır. Bu kapsamda araştırmanın ana
referansları; UNESCO’nun SOKÜM Sözleşmesi (2003), İnsanlığın Somut Olmayan Kültürel Mirası Temsil Listesi ve ülkelerin
“yumuşak güç” alanındaki başarı sıralarını gösteren Soft Power 30 ve Elcano Global Presence Index adlı sıralama listeleri olacaktır. Çalışmada Avrupa Birliği üyesi ülkelerin yanı
sıra Birlik’in üyesi olmayan fakat belirtilen listelerde önemli
pozisyonlarda bulunan Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Birleşik
Krallık ve Çin gibi küresel güçlerle ilgili veri ve analizlere
de yer verilecektir. Elde edilen veri ve bulgulardan hareketle miras çalışmaları alanında Laurajane Smith’in tanımladığı ‘Resmî Miras Söylemi’nin yanı sıra ‘Somut Olmayan
Miras Söylemi’ olarak tanımlanabilecek yeni bir söylemin
nasıl ortaya çıktığı da tartışılacaktır. Bu çerçevede öncelikle
UNESCO’nun bahsi geçen iki söylem türü konusunda nasıl belirleyici bir rol oynadığı ele alınacak, akabinde ise ilgili
söylemlerin “yumuşak güç” başarı sıralamalarında kendilerine yer bulan bazı ülkelerin pozisyonlarına nasıl etki ettiği
analiz edecektir.
Antologia tekstów źródłowych pochodzących z kluczowych dla stosunków międzynarodowych publikacji, które kształtowały tę dyscyplinę nauki do 1989 roku, w większości po raz pierwszy przetłumaczonych na język polski. Zbiór otwiera tekst Edwarda H. Carra z 1939 roku dotyczący porażki liberalnego ładu w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym, a kończy praca z 1988 roku autorstwa Roberta D. Putnama wyjaśniająca logikę gier dwupoziomowych. Układ chronologiczny pozwala śledzić rozwój nauki w dziedzinie stosunków międzynarodowych.
Doboru tekstów dokonano na podstawie szerokich konsultacji w środowisku badaczy stosunków międzynarodowych z całej Polski, którzy zostali również zaproszeni do współpracy jako tłumacze, co zapewniło wysoką jakość przekładów często skomplikowanych tekstów.
W efekcie współpracy wielu osób powstała wyjątkowa publikacja dydaktyczno-naukowa, umożliwiająca nie tylko lekturę i interpretację najważniejszych tekstów dotyczących stosunków międzynarodowych, lecz także dyskusję na ich temat, zarówno podczas zajęć ze studentami, jak i w toku pracy naukowej. To elementarz – niezbędny w poznaniu początków, historii, tożsamości i kierunków rozwoju tej dyscypliny.
of tensions in Global Heritage Regimes (GHRs) built around the World
Heritage Convention and the Intangible Heritage Convention. Combining
regime theory with Ostroms’ typology of goods, we claim that the process
of transforming the abstract idea of ‘Heritage of Humanity’ (HoH) into an
outcome in the form of a heritage list needs to mobilise heritage as
diplomacy and also is the result of heritage as diplomacy. At the same
time, the transformation generates tension based on the experienced
delusion of (1) the expectations built upon the inclusive idea of the
‘Heritage of Humanity’ (public good) and (2) the exclusive character of
heritage lists (club goods). We claim that this ‘Inclusion-Exclusion Tension’
(IET) is an inherent element of global heritage regime design and as such
needs to be managed through diplomatic efforts.
Policy of 2020. The ideas dwell in words such as cooperation, co-responsibility, co-management, contemporary times, community, collaboration, co-deciding, co-organisation, co-creation and coexistence. This is, therefore, a substantial change in the way of speaking and thinking about cities. Warsaw is no longer just a city. Warsaw is becoming a CO-CITY. We invite you to adopt such an interpretation of the notion of Warsaw’s intangible heritage.
güç” kavramını ve onun somut olmayan kültürel mirasla
ilişkisini konu almaktadır. Bu kapsamda araştırmanın ana
referansları; UNESCO’nun SOKÜM Sözleşmesi (2003), İnsanlığın Somut Olmayan Kültürel Mirası Temsil Listesi ve ülkelerin
“yumuşak güç” alanındaki başarı sıralarını gösteren Soft Power 30 ve Elcano Global Presence Index adlı sıralama listeleri olacaktır. Çalışmada Avrupa Birliği üyesi ülkelerin yanı
sıra Birlik’in üyesi olmayan fakat belirtilen listelerde önemli
pozisyonlarda bulunan Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Birleşik
Krallık ve Çin gibi küresel güçlerle ilgili veri ve analizlere
de yer verilecektir. Elde edilen veri ve bulgulardan hareketle miras çalışmaları alanında Laurajane Smith’in tanımladığı ‘Resmî Miras Söylemi’nin yanı sıra ‘Somut Olmayan
Miras Söylemi’ olarak tanımlanabilecek yeni bir söylemin
nasıl ortaya çıktığı da tartışılacaktır. Bu çerçevede öncelikle
UNESCO’nun bahsi geçen iki söylem türü konusunda nasıl belirleyici bir rol oynadığı ele alınacak, akabinde ise ilgili
söylemlerin “yumuşak güç” başarı sıralamalarında kendilerine yer bulan bazı ülkelerin pozisyonlarına nasıl etki ettiği
analiz edecektir.
Antologia tekstów źródłowych pochodzących z kluczowych dla stosunków międzynarodowych publikacji, które kształtowały tę dyscyplinę nauki do 1989 roku, w większości po raz pierwszy przetłumaczonych na język polski. Zbiór otwiera tekst Edwarda H. Carra z 1939 roku dotyczący porażki liberalnego ładu w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym, a kończy praca z 1988 roku autorstwa Roberta D. Putnama wyjaśniająca logikę gier dwupoziomowych. Układ chronologiczny pozwala śledzić rozwój nauki w dziedzinie stosunków międzynarodowych.
Doboru tekstów dokonano na podstawie szerokich konsultacji w środowisku badaczy stosunków międzynarodowych z całej Polski, którzy zostali również zaproszeni do współpracy jako tłumacze, co zapewniło wysoką jakość przekładów często skomplikowanych tekstów.
W efekcie współpracy wielu osób powstała wyjątkowa publikacja dydaktyczno-naukowa, umożliwiająca nie tylko lekturę i interpretację najważniejszych tekstów dotyczących stosunków międzynarodowych, lecz także dyskusję na ich temat, zarówno podczas zajęć ze studentami, jak i w toku pracy naukowej. To elementarz – niezbędny w poznaniu początków, historii, tożsamości i kierunków rozwoju tej dyscypliny.
we would like to draw attention to various phenomena that constitute the intangible heritage of the city. We will try to explain how this heritage can be understood in the light of the UNESCO Convention on its safeguarding, how it should be cared for and why it is worth doing so.
Clifford Geertz
This famous quote from one of the most important contemporary anthropologists gives us a good chance to welcome research endeavours which constitute an invitation to understand what the truths are "outside" our homes - including our own home's legal landscapes. The volume edited by Julie Fraser and Brianne McGonnigle Leyh, both from the Netherlands institute of Human rights (Utrecht University), responds to this call and constitutes a long-awaited invitation to visit the intersection of law and culture - in the specific arena of the international Criminal Court .