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      Archaeology of CyrenaicaRoman North Africa (Archaeology)Roman Provincial Archaeology
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      Archaeology of CyrenaicaRoman North Africa (Archaeology)Roman Provincial ArchaeologyRoman Provincial Coinage
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      Archaeology of CyrenaicaRoman North Africa (Archaeology)Roman Provincial ArchaeologyRoman Provincial Coinage
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      Archaeology of CyrenaicaAncient Roman NumismaticsCoin Hoards
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      Archaeology of CyrenaicaRoman North Africa (Archaeology)Roman Provincial ArchaeologyRoman Provincial Coinage
Preliminary report on excavations of Hellenistic house and of the topographic project (geophysical research, aerial photography etc.) of the Ancient town of Ptolemais in Cyrenaika, Libya. Couldn't be uploaded but is available from:... more
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In the typographical resources of the first edition of Marcin Bielski’s (1495-1575) Kronika wszytkiego swiata (“Chronicle of the whole world”), which appeared in 1551 in Krakow in the printing house of Helena Unglerowa, we find rulers’... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsRenaissance StudiesClassical philology
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      Graeco-Roman EgyptArchaeology of CyrenaicaAncient Greek NumismaticsAncient Roman Numismatics
Piotr Jaworski, Figurae absurdae et inelegantes? Iconography of all’antica medallions in the second edition of Kronika wszytkiego świata of Marcin Bielski (1554) As early as three years after the first release of Marcin Bielski’s... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyManuscripts and Early Printed BooksRenaissance StudiesHistory and Classical tradition studies
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      Archaeology of CyrenaicaAncient Roman NumismaticsRoman Provincial ArchaeologyRoman Republican Numismatics
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsByzantine StudiesLate Antiquity
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      Greek ArchaeologyArchaeology of CyrenaicaRoman Provincial ArchaeologyRoman Archaeology
Distinctive feature of money circulation in the area of Cyrenaica during the first decades of the Roman Empire is a considerable demand for small coins. This feature is common for the definite majority of monetized urban areas in the... more
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      Archaeology of CyrenaicaAncient Greek NumismaticsAncient Roman NumismaticsRoman Provincial Archaeology
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      Classical ArchaeologyHistory of CollectionsClassical Reception StudiesAntiquarianism
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      PergamonEastern Sigillata and lamps
The article presents the results of the latest studies on the graphic content of Kronika wszytkiego świata (“Chronicle of the Whole World”) by Marcin Bielski. The first edition of this famous Polish chronicle was prepared at Helena... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksRare Books and ManuscriptsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Classical Reception Studies
Archeological work in the 2012 and 2013 seasons in Jiyeh (Porhyreon), which lies on the Phoenician coast north of ancient Sidon, was focused on reconstructing the history of settlement on the site. At least three phases were identified... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyNumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Archaeology of Cyrenaica