Journal Articles by Silvana Stremel
Resumo: Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o percurso metodológico e as fontes de estudo pa... more Resumo: Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o percurso metodológico e as fontes de estudo para análise da constituição do campo acadêmico da política educacional no Brasil. Baseia-se nas contribuições de Pierre Bourdieu sobre a formação e o funcionamento dos campos, bem como sobre as questões metodológicas para a análise de um determinado objeto de estudo. Tendo em vista as contribuições desse autor, apresentamos um conjunto de aspectos que contribuiu para a estruturação do campo acadêmico da política educacional e que se constitui como fonte para o estudo da história desse campo no contexto brasileiro. Com base na fundamentação teórica e no levantamento das fontes, verificou-se que se trata de um campo institucionalizado e que vem adquirindo legitimidade com a criação de disciplinas, periódicos, grupos e linhas de pesquisa, redes de pesquisa, eventos científicos, grupos de trabalho em entidades científicas e eventos específicos, entre outros.
Palavras-chave: Política educacional. Campo acadêmico. Pierre Bourdieu.
Theoretical and methodological aspects to analyze the constitution of the education policy academic field in Brazil
Abstract: This paper aims at presenting the methodological trajectory and the study sources for the analysis of the formation of an education policy academic field in Brazil. It is based on Bourdieu’s contributions regarding the fields’ formation and functioning, as well as methodological issues for the analysis of a certain object of study. In relation to that author’s contributions, a set of aspects that contributed to the structure of the education policy academic field is presented as it is used as a source for the study of this field background in the Brazilian context. Based on the theoretical background and the survey of sources, this field was seen as an institutionalized area that has been acquiring legitimacy with the creation of subjects, journals, groups of study and research lines, research nets, conferences, groups of work in scientific entities and specific conferences, among others.
Keywords: Education policy. Academic field. Pierre Bourdieu.
O trabalho apresenta uma análise exploratória da disciplina Política Educacional no currículo de ... more O trabalho apresenta uma análise exploratória da disciplina Política Educacional no currículo de Cursos de Pedagogia, de universidades públicas brasileiras. A amostra envolveu a análise de 128 disciplinas de 70 universidades públicas, de 85 ementas (de 50 universidades) e da bibliografia indicada em 44 ementas ou programas. Concluiu-se que: a) há uma variedade grande de designações para a disciplina (97 designações); b) na maioria dos cursos a disciplina é ofertada nos dois primeiros anos e a carga horária, na maioria dos currículos, é de 60 horas; c) foi possível identificar os conteúdos recorrentes nos programas e os aspectos que não são indicados nas ementas. O trabalho argumenta que a pesquisa sobre o ensino da disciplina Política Educacional é relevante, pois pode trazer informações importantes para a compreensão e melhoria tanto do ensino de Política Educacional quanto para a formação de pesquisadores para esse campo. Palavras-chave: Política Educacional. Currículo. Curso de Pedagogia.
[pt] Este artigo apresenta uma análise dos fundamentos teóricos que embasaram as propostas inicia... more [pt] Este artigo apresenta uma análise dos fundamentos teóricos que embasaram as propostas iniciais de Ciclos de Aprendizagem de redes de ensino públicas brasileiras. A metodologia envolveu a análise de documentos oficiais de redes de ensino que adotam os Ciclos de Aprendizagem. A fundamentação teórica baseia-se nas contribuições de Bernstein (1996) sobre o conceito de recontextualização do discurso pedagógico e de autores que discutem sobre a política de ciclos (BARRETTO; MITRULIS, 1999, 2001; MAINARDES, 2001, 2007, 2009; PERRENOUD, 2004). Os resultados da análise dos documentos indicam que a maior parte das redes possuía seções de fundamentação teórica na proposta de ciclos. No entanto, a fundamentação específica sobre a organização da escolaridade em ciclos e sobre Ciclos de Aprendizagem recebeu pouco espaço nos documentos. Evidenciou-se que autores de uma perspectiva da pedagogia progressista e da pedagogia histórico-crítica contribuíram para uma explicitação mais consistente de princípios acerca do papel da educação, da escola, do conhecimento, das questões relacionadas às desigualdades sociais e democratização do ensino.
Palavras-chave: Escola em ciclos. Ciclos de Aprendizagem. Política Educacional.
[en] This paper presents an analysis of theoretical foundations which based the initial proposals for the schooling organized in cycles projects (non-retention policies) for Brazilian public educational systems. The methodology involved the analysis of official documents in the education networks which adopted the Cycles of Learning Projects Learning Cycle. The theoretical framework consists of Bernstein’s (1996) contributions on the concept and (re)contextualization of the pedagogical discourse as well as some authors who discuss the organization of schooling in cycles (BARRETTO; MITRULIS, 1999, 2001; MAINARDES, 2001, 2007, 2009; PERRENOUD, 2004). Results of the document analysis revealed that there were sections of theoretical foundations on most proposals. However, the specific foundation on the organization of schooling into cycles and on the Cycles of Learning had very little space in the documents. It was evident that authors with a progressive pedagogical perspective and also in favor of the critical-historical pedagogy contributed to a more consistent view of the principles regarding the role of education, school, knowledge, social inequalities, and teaching democratization.
Keywords: Schooling organized in cycles. Cycles of learning. Education policy.
[pt] O trabalho apresenta um levantamento da produção e publicações sobre estudos epistemológicos... more [pt] O trabalho apresenta um levantamento da produção e publicações sobre estudos epistemológicos da política educacional, organizados a partir dos sete eixos temáticos da ReLePe. O objetivo do trabalho foi expandir a Biblioteca Temática da ReLePe e resultou na catalogação de 180 textos. O eixo 1 (Problemas e limitações no desenvolvimento da pesquisa sobre política educacional) e o eixo 2 (Debates, enfoques e perspectivas epistemológicas da política educacional) concentram o maior número de trabalhos. O trabalho destaca que as publicações organizadas pela ReLePe e os trabalhos apresentados no evento Jornadas de Estudios Epistemológicos en Política Educativa têm contribuído para uma expansão do número de publicações sobre essa temática.
Palavras-chave: Política Educacional. Epistemologia das Políticas Educacionais. Levantamento bibliográfico.
[en] This paper presents a survey on the production and publications about epistemological studies on education policy, organized from ReLePe’s seven thematic axes. The objective was to expand ReLePe’s Thematic Library and resulted in the cataloging of 180 texts. Axis 1 (Problems and limitations in the development of research on education policy) and axis 2 (Debates, approaches and epistemological perspectives of education policy) concentrate the highest number of studies. This paper emphasizes that publications organized by the Latin American Network of Epistemological Studies on Education Policy (ReLePe) and the papers presented at the conference Epistemological Studies on Education Policies Journey have contributed to the expansion in the number of publications on this thematic.
Keywords: Education Policy. Epistemology of the Education Policy. Bibliographical survey.
[pt] O artigo apresenta uma síntese dos elementos essenciais relacionados à avaliação da aprendiz... more [pt] O artigo apresenta uma síntese dos elementos essenciais relacionados à avaliação da aprendizagem no contexto dos ciclos. Tal síntese foi delineada a partir da análise das pesquisas e publicações sobre o tema, em especial a partir de 33 teses e dissertações defendidas no período de 2000 a 2011. Argumenta-se que a implantação de programas de organização da escolaridade em ciclos possui um potencial significativo para a instauração de práticas avaliativas que se constituam em um salto qualitativo superior em relação às práticas avaliativas classificatórias e excludentes que caracterizam a escola brasileira, em especial o modelo da escola seriada. Argumenta-se também que a superação das práticas excludentes e classificatórias da avaliação demanda não apenas a formulação de políticas de ciclos e de avaliação com uma retórica progressista, mas, sobretudo, a existência de condições objetivas que permitam aos professores e demais profissionais que atuam na escola apropriarem-se crítica e ativamente desses referenciais.
Palavras-chave: Ciclos. Avaliação. Política educacional.
[en] This paper presents a synthesis of the essential aspects related to the assessment in the context of schooling organized in cycles (non-retention policies). Such synthesis was developed from the analysis of research and publications on this topic, with special reference to the 33 PhD thesis and MPhil Dissertations presented from 2000 to 2011. It argues that the implementation of programs of schooling organized in cycles has a relevant potential to the instauration of assessment practices which can be a superior qualitative advance in relation the exclusionary and classificatory styles of assessment which are present in the Brazilian schools. I also argues that the overcoming of classificatory and exclusionary styles of assessment demands not only the formulation of programs of schooling in cycles and proposals of assessment with a progressive rhetoric but also the guarantee of objective conditions which allow teachers and school practitioners critically and actively incorporate such proposals.
Keywords: Schooling in cycles. Assessment. Education Policy.
[pt] Este artigo apresenta uma análise das concepções do papel da escola e do conhecimento presen... more [pt] Este artigo apresenta uma análise das concepções do papel da escola e do conhecimento presentes nos textos oficiais de sete redes municipais de ensino brasileiras que adotam os Ciclos de Aprendizagem. A análise evidenciou que os textos das redes pesquisadas apresentavam concepções explícitas sobre o papel da escola e do conhecimento. Os autores argumentam que: a) a análise de textos oficiais de políticas ocupa um lugar importante, uma vez que neles estão contidas as declarações de valores, as intenções, os objetivos, bem como os princípios e fundamentos das políticas; b) a explicitação da concepção sobre o papel da escola e do conhecimento é um aspecto essencial, pois poderá balizar as definições relacionadas ao currículo, à avaliação, à metodologia, à formação continuada de professores, etc.; c) a explicitação de tais aspectos emerge como altamente necessária para a escola atual (em séries e em ciclos), uma vez que as avaliações em larga escala e diversas pesquisas evidenciam que uma parcela significativa de alunos das escolas públicas do Ensino Fundamental, apresenta domínio insatisfatório dos conhecimentos básicos; e d) a explicitação do papel da escola e do conhecimento é fundamental pois o contexto educacional atual caracteriza-se pela dispersão do conhecimento escolar, diante de materiais didáticos e orientações metodológicas de projetos diversos, os quais nem sempre estão fundamentados em concepções convergentes sobre o papel da escola e do conhecimento.
Palavras-chave: Escola em ciclos. Ciclos de Aprendizagem. Política educacional. Papel da escola. Textos oficiais de políticas.
[en] This paper presents an analysis of the conceptions about school and knowledge in the policy texts of the seven educational systems which adopt Cycles of Learning Policy (non-retention policy in the Primary Education in Brazil). The research shows that the policy texts analyzed presented conceptions of school and knowledge in an explicit way. The authors argues that: a) the analysis of official policy texts has an important place since they contains the authorized statement of values, intentions, aims, as well as the principle and foundations of the policies; b) the explicitness of the conception of the role of the school and knowledge is an essential aspect since it can be a reference point to other aspects like student assessment, curriculum, pedagogy, continuing teacher training, etc.; c) the explicitness of such aspects emerge as highly relevant to the current educational context (graded and non-graded schools) since the large-scale assessment and several research show that a significant amount of students of the state education system present a unsatisfactory level of attainment of basic contents and d) the explicitness of the role of school and knowledge is fundamental since the current educational setting is characterized by the dispersion of school knowledge due to presence of different kinds of pedagogical materials and methodological guidelines linked to different projects which not always are based on convergent conceptions of the role of the school and the knowledge.
Keywords: Schooling organized in cycles. Cycles of Learning policy. Education Policy. Role of the school. Policy texts.
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta os aspectos históricos da organização da escolaridade em ciclos no ... more Resumo: Este artigo apresenta os aspectos históricos da organização da escolaridade em ciclos no Brasil e um panorama da situação atual dessa política. A partir do relatório de Condorcet de 1792, evidencia-se que a flexibilização do tempo escolar já estava presente desde o surgimento da escola moderna e que se fazia necessária em virtude das determinações econômicas e de classe social. O artigo indica que tal flexibilização faz-se ainda necessária pelo fato de que o quadro de exclusão e desigualdade social ainda não foi superado. Indica ainda que a validade ou eficiência dessa política está sempre em discussão, uma vez que os resultados e o impacto dessa política variam de um contexto para outro, principalmente em virtude das condições econômicas, sociais, infraestruturais e pedagógicas das redes de ensino que a adotam, bem como das características dos projetos pedagógicos de organização da escolaridade em ciclos que têm sido implementados.
Palavras-chave: escola em ciclos, trajetória histórica, política educacional.
Abstract: The organization of schooling in cycles: aspects related to its emergence, development and actual discussions. This paper presents historical aspects of the organization of schooling in cycles in Brazil along with an overview of the current state of this policy. As shown by Condorcet’s report (1792), there have been attempts towards flexible school duration since the emergence of modern school, and that such flexibility was necessary due to economic and social class issues. This paper indicates that this flexibility is still necessary, because problems related to social inequality and exclusion have not yet been overcome. Furthermore, it indicates that the validity or efficiency of that policy is always under discussion, since the results and impact vary according to the context, especially concerning the economic, social, infrastructural and pedagogical conditions of the teaching networks that adopt it, as well as on account of the characteristics of pedagogical projects that have been implemented, intending to organize the schooling in cycles.
Keywords: cycle-based school, historical trajectory, educational policy.
Este artigo apresenta um panorama da teoria de Basil Bernstein e suas principais contribuições pa... more Este artigo apresenta um panorama da teoria de Basil Bernstein e suas principais contribuições para a pesquisa sobre políticas educacionais e políticas curriculares. Em especial, evidencia-se o conceito de recontextualização do discurso (teoria do dispositivo pedagógico) e suas contribuições para as pesquisa desses referidos campos. O artigo apresenta alguns exemplos de pesquisas que se baseiam na teoria de Bernstein e argumenta que essa teoria possui uma estrutura conceitual forte e uma linguagem de descrição que oferece relevantes e consistentes contribuições para as pesquisas sobre políticas educacionais e curriculares.
Palavras-chave: Basil Bernstein; Políticas educacionais; Políticas curriculares; Teoria do dispositivo pedagógico.
[pt] Este artigo discute aspectos relacionados à organização da escolaridade em ciclos no context... more [pt] Este artigo discute aspectos relacionados à organização da escolaridade em ciclos no contexto da implantação do Ensino Fundamental de Nove Anos. Apresenta uma contextualização da proposição dos ciclos nos três primeiros anos do Ensino Fundamental, as possibilidades e desafios de sua implantação e ainda o papel das secretarias de educação, escolas e profissionais da educação. Argumenta-se que a discussão sobre ciclos no contexto atual precisa ir além das discussões sobre a eliminação da reprovação e da aprendizagem enquanto um processo contínuo, pois a implantação dos ciclos nos anos iniciais pressupõe uma revisão ampla e profunda da concepção de currículo, avaliação, metodologia, organização do sistema de ensino, gestão da escola, relação escola-comunidade, formação continuada de professores, entre outros aspectos.
Palavras-chave: Ensino Fundamental; Ciclos; Política Educacional.
[en] This article discusses issues related to the organization of schooling in cycles in the context of the implementation of nine-year long Basic Education in Brazil. It presents an overview of the proposition of cycles (without retention) in the first three years of Primary school, the possibilities and challenges of its implementation and also the role of the education departments, schools and practitioners. It argues that the discussion of cycles in the current context needs to go beyond the discussions on the elimination of retention and that learning is a continuous process since the implementation of cycles in the early years requires a broad and deep review of curriculum, assessment, methodology, organisation of the education system, school management, school-community relationship and continuing teacher training, among other aspects.
Keywords: Primary Education; Cycles; Education Policy.
Book Review by Silvana Stremel
Chapters by Silvana Stremel
Apresenta algumas reflexões sobre as políticas de organização da escolaridade em ciclos e suas re... more Apresenta algumas reflexões sobre as políticas de organização da escolaridade em ciclos e suas relações com os processos de gestão (educacional e escolar). A política de ciclos é complexa e apresenta importantes desafios para a gestão educacional (nível macro – sistema de ensino), gestão escolar (nível micro - escolas), mas também para pesquisadores, conselhos e sociedade em geral.
O objetivo desse capítulo é apresentar um panorama da situação atual da organização da escolarida... more O objetivo desse capítulo é apresentar um panorama da situação atual da organização da escolaridade em ciclos no Brasil, explorando aspectos da história dos ciclos no Brasil, bem
como da retomada e recontextualização dos ciclos com a implantação do Ensino Fundamental de Nove Anos e Mudanças recentemente propostas por algumas redes.
Nesse capítulo, apresentamos a trajetória da história dos ciclos e os elementos da situação atual... more Nesse capítulo, apresentamos a trajetória da história dos ciclos e os elementos da situação atual da política de ciclos no Brasil. Com relação à situação atual, destacamos as diversas modalidades de ciclos que têm sido implementadas no Brasil, bem como a retomada dos ciclos a partir da implantação do Ensino Fundamental de nove anos. Tendo em vista que a gestão educacional e a gestão escolar ocupam um papel essencial na formulação de políticas de ciclos e sua “implementação” no contexto da prática, destacamos, também, algumas relações dos ciclos com a gestão educacional e escolar.
Datasets by Silvana Stremel
Apresenta informações sobre a abordagem do ciclo de políticas
Lista de obras de S. J. Ball e de p... more Apresenta informações sobre a abordagem do ciclo de políticas
Lista de obras de S. J. Ball e de pesquisas brasileiras que empregam suas ideias
Levantamento de Teses e Dissertações sobre organização da escolaridade em ciclos (2000-2013)
Informações sobre a abordagem do ciclo de políticas - Lista de obras de S. J. Ball e de pesquisas... more Informações sobre a abordagem do ciclo de políticas - Lista de obras de S. J. Ball e de pesquisas brasileiras que empregam suas ideias
Papers by Silvana Stremel
Trata-se de um estudo de revisão de literatura constituído por 123 publicações sobre aspectos teó... more Trata-se de um estudo de revisão de literatura constituído por 123 publicações sobre aspectos teórico-epistemológicos da pesquisa em Política Educacional no Brasil, classificadas em quatro categorias. Apresentam-se um panorama sobre essa área como campo teórico e acadêmico, uma análise das publicações selecionadas e alguns desafios para os pesquisadores desse campo. Argumenta-se que, embora os estudos sobre aspectos teórico-epistemológicos dessa área tenham avançado na última década, há ainda diversas questões a serem aprofundadas. Palavras-chave: Política Educacional; Epistemologia; Campo acadêmico.
Abstract: This is a literature review study consisting of 123 publications on the theoretical and epistemological aspects of research in Education Policy in Brazil, classified in four categories. An overview of the Education Policy as a theoretical field and academic field, an analysis of the selected publications and some challenges for researchers in this field are presented. It is argued that, although studies on theoretical and epistemological aspects of Education Policy have advanced in the last decade, there are still several issues that need further studies.
Education Policy Analysis Archives, 2018
This paper analyzes the constitution of the academic field of education policy in Brazil. The the... more This paper analyzes the constitution of the academic field of education policy in Brazil. The theoretical foundation is based on the contributions of Pierre Bourdieu’s theory on the notion of field. From the results of the analysis of the sources of the research, we present the historical aspects of the constitution of the academic field of education policy in Brazil divided into three moments, namely: 1) background of the academic field of education policy in Brazil (from 1820 to 1950); 2) institutionalization of the academic field of education policy
(from the 1960s; and 3) expansion of the academic field of education policy (from the 1990s). We concluded that it is a comprehensive field and in permanent expansion and construction. Due to its nature, education policy does not constitute a monopoly of a scientific community, journals, research networks, etc., because it is something of public interest, and it can be discussed in different social and political spaces.
Journal Articles by Silvana Stremel
Palavras-chave: Política educacional. Campo acadêmico. Pierre Bourdieu.
Theoretical and methodological aspects to analyze the constitution of the education policy academic field in Brazil
Abstract: This paper aims at presenting the methodological trajectory and the study sources for the analysis of the formation of an education policy academic field in Brazil. It is based on Bourdieu’s contributions regarding the fields’ formation and functioning, as well as methodological issues for the analysis of a certain object of study. In relation to that author’s contributions, a set of aspects that contributed to the structure of the education policy academic field is presented as it is used as a source for the study of this field background in the Brazilian context. Based on the theoretical background and the survey of sources, this field was seen as an institutionalized area that has been acquiring legitimacy with the creation of subjects, journals, groups of study and research lines, research nets, conferences, groups of work in scientific entities and specific conferences, among others.
Keywords: Education policy. Academic field. Pierre Bourdieu.
Palavras-chave: Escola em ciclos. Ciclos de Aprendizagem. Política Educacional.
[en] This paper presents an analysis of theoretical foundations which based the initial proposals for the schooling organized in cycles projects (non-retention policies) for Brazilian public educational systems. The methodology involved the analysis of official documents in the education networks which adopted the Cycles of Learning Projects Learning Cycle. The theoretical framework consists of Bernstein’s (1996) contributions on the concept and (re)contextualization of the pedagogical discourse as well as some authors who discuss the organization of schooling in cycles (BARRETTO; MITRULIS, 1999, 2001; MAINARDES, 2001, 2007, 2009; PERRENOUD, 2004). Results of the document analysis revealed that there were sections of theoretical foundations on most proposals. However, the specific foundation on the organization of schooling into cycles and on the Cycles of Learning had very little space in the documents. It was evident that authors with a progressive pedagogical perspective and also in favor of the critical-historical pedagogy contributed to a more consistent view of the principles regarding the role of education, school, knowledge, social inequalities, and teaching democratization.
Keywords: Schooling organized in cycles. Cycles of learning. Education policy.
Palavras-chave: Política Educacional. Epistemologia das Políticas Educacionais. Levantamento bibliográfico.
[en] This paper presents a survey on the production and publications about epistemological studies on education policy, organized from ReLePe’s seven thematic axes. The objective was to expand ReLePe’s Thematic Library and resulted in the cataloging of 180 texts. Axis 1 (Problems and limitations in the development of research on education policy) and axis 2 (Debates, approaches and epistemological perspectives of education policy) concentrate the highest number of studies. This paper emphasizes that publications organized by the Latin American Network of Epistemological Studies on Education Policy (ReLePe) and the papers presented at the conference Epistemological Studies on Education Policies Journey have contributed to the expansion in the number of publications on this thematic.
Keywords: Education Policy. Epistemology of the Education Policy. Bibliographical survey.
Palavras-chave: Ciclos. Avaliação. Política educacional.
[en] This paper presents a synthesis of the essential aspects related to the assessment in the context of schooling organized in cycles (non-retention policies). Such synthesis was developed from the analysis of research and publications on this topic, with special reference to the 33 PhD thesis and MPhil Dissertations presented from 2000 to 2011. It argues that the implementation of programs of schooling organized in cycles has a relevant potential to the instauration of assessment practices which can be a superior qualitative advance in relation the exclusionary and classificatory styles of assessment which are present in the Brazilian schools. I also argues that the overcoming of classificatory and exclusionary styles of assessment demands not only the formulation of programs of schooling in cycles and proposals of assessment with a progressive rhetoric but also the guarantee of objective conditions which allow teachers and school practitioners critically and actively incorporate such proposals.
Keywords: Schooling in cycles. Assessment. Education Policy.
Palavras-chave: Escola em ciclos. Ciclos de Aprendizagem. Política educacional. Papel da escola. Textos oficiais de políticas.
[en] This paper presents an analysis of the conceptions about school and knowledge in the policy texts of the seven educational systems which adopt Cycles of Learning Policy (non-retention policy in the Primary Education in Brazil). The research shows that the policy texts analyzed presented conceptions of school and knowledge in an explicit way. The authors argues that: a) the analysis of official policy texts has an important place since they contains the authorized statement of values, intentions, aims, as well as the principle and foundations of the policies; b) the explicitness of the conception of the role of the school and knowledge is an essential aspect since it can be a reference point to other aspects like student assessment, curriculum, pedagogy, continuing teacher training, etc.; c) the explicitness of such aspects emerge as highly relevant to the current educational context (graded and non-graded schools) since the large-scale assessment and several research show that a significant amount of students of the state education system present a unsatisfactory level of attainment of basic contents and d) the explicitness of the role of school and knowledge is fundamental since the current educational setting is characterized by the dispersion of school knowledge due to presence of different kinds of pedagogical materials and methodological guidelines linked to different projects which not always are based on convergent conceptions of the role of the school and the knowledge.
Keywords: Schooling organized in cycles. Cycles of Learning policy. Education Policy. Role of the school. Policy texts.
Palavras-chave: escola em ciclos, trajetória histórica, política educacional.
Abstract: The organization of schooling in cycles: aspects related to its emergence, development and actual discussions. This paper presents historical aspects of the organization of schooling in cycles in Brazil along with an overview of the current state of this policy. As shown by Condorcet’s report (1792), there have been attempts towards flexible school duration since the emergence of modern school, and that such flexibility was necessary due to economic and social class issues. This paper indicates that this flexibility is still necessary, because problems related to social inequality and exclusion have not yet been overcome. Furthermore, it indicates that the validity or efficiency of that policy is always under discussion, since the results and impact vary according to the context, especially concerning the economic, social, infrastructural and pedagogical conditions of the teaching networks that adopt it, as well as on account of the characteristics of pedagogical projects that have been implemented, intending to organize the schooling in cycles.
Keywords: cycle-based school, historical trajectory, educational policy.
Palavras-chave: Basil Bernstein; Políticas educacionais; Políticas curriculares; Teoria do dispositivo pedagógico.
Palavras-chave: Ensino Fundamental; Ciclos; Política Educacional.
[en] This article discusses issues related to the organization of schooling in cycles in the context of the implementation of nine-year long Basic Education in Brazil. It presents an overview of the proposition of cycles (without retention) in the first three years of Primary school, the possibilities and challenges of its implementation and also the role of the education departments, schools and practitioners. It argues that the discussion of cycles in the current context needs to go beyond the discussions on the elimination of retention and that learning is a continuous process since the implementation of cycles in the early years requires a broad and deep review of curriculum, assessment, methodology, organisation of the education system, school management, school-community relationship and continuing teacher training, among other aspects.
Keywords: Primary Education; Cycles; Education Policy.
Book Review by Silvana Stremel
Chapters by Silvana Stremel
como da retomada e recontextualização dos ciclos com a implantação do Ensino Fundamental de Nove Anos e Mudanças recentemente propostas por algumas redes.
Datasets by Silvana Stremel
Lista de obras de S. J. Ball e de pesquisas brasileiras que empregam suas ideias
Papers by Silvana Stremel
Abstract: This is a literature review study consisting of 123 publications on the theoretical and epistemological aspects of research in Education Policy in Brazil, classified in four categories. An overview of the Education Policy as a theoretical field and academic field, an analysis of the selected publications and some challenges for researchers in this field are presented. It is argued that, although studies on theoretical and epistemological aspects of Education Policy have advanced in the last decade, there are still several issues that need further studies.
(from the 1960s; and 3) expansion of the academic field of education policy (from the 1990s). We concluded that it is a comprehensive field and in permanent expansion and construction. Due to its nature, education policy does not constitute a monopoly of a scientific community, journals, research networks, etc., because it is something of public interest, and it can be discussed in different social and political spaces.
Palavras-chave: Política educacional. Campo acadêmico. Pierre Bourdieu.
Theoretical and methodological aspects to analyze the constitution of the education policy academic field in Brazil
Abstract: This paper aims at presenting the methodological trajectory and the study sources for the analysis of the formation of an education policy academic field in Brazil. It is based on Bourdieu’s contributions regarding the fields’ formation and functioning, as well as methodological issues for the analysis of a certain object of study. In relation to that author’s contributions, a set of aspects that contributed to the structure of the education policy academic field is presented as it is used as a source for the study of this field background in the Brazilian context. Based on the theoretical background and the survey of sources, this field was seen as an institutionalized area that has been acquiring legitimacy with the creation of subjects, journals, groups of study and research lines, research nets, conferences, groups of work in scientific entities and specific conferences, among others.
Keywords: Education policy. Academic field. Pierre Bourdieu.
Palavras-chave: Escola em ciclos. Ciclos de Aprendizagem. Política Educacional.
[en] This paper presents an analysis of theoretical foundations which based the initial proposals for the schooling organized in cycles projects (non-retention policies) for Brazilian public educational systems. The methodology involved the analysis of official documents in the education networks which adopted the Cycles of Learning Projects Learning Cycle. The theoretical framework consists of Bernstein’s (1996) contributions on the concept and (re)contextualization of the pedagogical discourse as well as some authors who discuss the organization of schooling in cycles (BARRETTO; MITRULIS, 1999, 2001; MAINARDES, 2001, 2007, 2009; PERRENOUD, 2004). Results of the document analysis revealed that there were sections of theoretical foundations on most proposals. However, the specific foundation on the organization of schooling into cycles and on the Cycles of Learning had very little space in the documents. It was evident that authors with a progressive pedagogical perspective and also in favor of the critical-historical pedagogy contributed to a more consistent view of the principles regarding the role of education, school, knowledge, social inequalities, and teaching democratization.
Keywords: Schooling organized in cycles. Cycles of learning. Education policy.
Palavras-chave: Política Educacional. Epistemologia das Políticas Educacionais. Levantamento bibliográfico.
[en] This paper presents a survey on the production and publications about epistemological studies on education policy, organized from ReLePe’s seven thematic axes. The objective was to expand ReLePe’s Thematic Library and resulted in the cataloging of 180 texts. Axis 1 (Problems and limitations in the development of research on education policy) and axis 2 (Debates, approaches and epistemological perspectives of education policy) concentrate the highest number of studies. This paper emphasizes that publications organized by the Latin American Network of Epistemological Studies on Education Policy (ReLePe) and the papers presented at the conference Epistemological Studies on Education Policies Journey have contributed to the expansion in the number of publications on this thematic.
Keywords: Education Policy. Epistemology of the Education Policy. Bibliographical survey.
Palavras-chave: Ciclos. Avaliação. Política educacional.
[en] This paper presents a synthesis of the essential aspects related to the assessment in the context of schooling organized in cycles (non-retention policies). Such synthesis was developed from the analysis of research and publications on this topic, with special reference to the 33 PhD thesis and MPhil Dissertations presented from 2000 to 2011. It argues that the implementation of programs of schooling organized in cycles has a relevant potential to the instauration of assessment practices which can be a superior qualitative advance in relation the exclusionary and classificatory styles of assessment which are present in the Brazilian schools. I also argues that the overcoming of classificatory and exclusionary styles of assessment demands not only the formulation of programs of schooling in cycles and proposals of assessment with a progressive rhetoric but also the guarantee of objective conditions which allow teachers and school practitioners critically and actively incorporate such proposals.
Keywords: Schooling in cycles. Assessment. Education Policy.
Palavras-chave: Escola em ciclos. Ciclos de Aprendizagem. Política educacional. Papel da escola. Textos oficiais de políticas.
[en] This paper presents an analysis of the conceptions about school and knowledge in the policy texts of the seven educational systems which adopt Cycles of Learning Policy (non-retention policy in the Primary Education in Brazil). The research shows that the policy texts analyzed presented conceptions of school and knowledge in an explicit way. The authors argues that: a) the analysis of official policy texts has an important place since they contains the authorized statement of values, intentions, aims, as well as the principle and foundations of the policies; b) the explicitness of the conception of the role of the school and knowledge is an essential aspect since it can be a reference point to other aspects like student assessment, curriculum, pedagogy, continuing teacher training, etc.; c) the explicitness of such aspects emerge as highly relevant to the current educational context (graded and non-graded schools) since the large-scale assessment and several research show that a significant amount of students of the state education system present a unsatisfactory level of attainment of basic contents and d) the explicitness of the role of school and knowledge is fundamental since the current educational setting is characterized by the dispersion of school knowledge due to presence of different kinds of pedagogical materials and methodological guidelines linked to different projects which not always are based on convergent conceptions of the role of the school and the knowledge.
Keywords: Schooling organized in cycles. Cycles of Learning policy. Education Policy. Role of the school. Policy texts.
Palavras-chave: escola em ciclos, trajetória histórica, política educacional.
Abstract: The organization of schooling in cycles: aspects related to its emergence, development and actual discussions. This paper presents historical aspects of the organization of schooling in cycles in Brazil along with an overview of the current state of this policy. As shown by Condorcet’s report (1792), there have been attempts towards flexible school duration since the emergence of modern school, and that such flexibility was necessary due to economic and social class issues. This paper indicates that this flexibility is still necessary, because problems related to social inequality and exclusion have not yet been overcome. Furthermore, it indicates that the validity or efficiency of that policy is always under discussion, since the results and impact vary according to the context, especially concerning the economic, social, infrastructural and pedagogical conditions of the teaching networks that adopt it, as well as on account of the characteristics of pedagogical projects that have been implemented, intending to organize the schooling in cycles.
Keywords: cycle-based school, historical trajectory, educational policy.
Palavras-chave: Basil Bernstein; Políticas educacionais; Políticas curriculares; Teoria do dispositivo pedagógico.
Palavras-chave: Ensino Fundamental; Ciclos; Política Educacional.
[en] This article discusses issues related to the organization of schooling in cycles in the context of the implementation of nine-year long Basic Education in Brazil. It presents an overview of the proposition of cycles (without retention) in the first three years of Primary school, the possibilities and challenges of its implementation and also the role of the education departments, schools and practitioners. It argues that the discussion of cycles in the current context needs to go beyond the discussions on the elimination of retention and that learning is a continuous process since the implementation of cycles in the early years requires a broad and deep review of curriculum, assessment, methodology, organisation of the education system, school management, school-community relationship and continuing teacher training, among other aspects.
Keywords: Primary Education; Cycles; Education Policy.
como da retomada e recontextualização dos ciclos com a implantação do Ensino Fundamental de Nove Anos e Mudanças recentemente propostas por algumas redes.
Lista de obras de S. J. Ball e de pesquisas brasileiras que empregam suas ideias
Abstract: This is a literature review study consisting of 123 publications on the theoretical and epistemological aspects of research in Education Policy in Brazil, classified in four categories. An overview of the Education Policy as a theoretical field and academic field, an analysis of the selected publications and some challenges for researchers in this field are presented. It is argued that, although studies on theoretical and epistemological aspects of Education Policy have advanced in the last decade, there are still several issues that need further studies.
(from the 1960s; and 3) expansion of the academic field of education policy (from the 1990s). We concluded that it is a comprehensive field and in permanent expansion and construction. Due to its nature, education policy does not constitute a monopoly of a scientific community, journals, research networks, etc., because it is something of public interest, and it can be discussed in different social and political spaces.