Book chapters by Viorica Patea

In March, 2016 Ana Blandiana was awarded the European Poet of Freedom Prize in Gdansk, the Polish... more In March, 2016 Ana Blandiana was awarded the European Poet of Freedom Prize in Gdansk, the Polish city of freedom and birthplace of Solidarnosc. The award was given for her collection My Native Land A4. Translated into five languages (English, Spanish, Italian, Polish and Catalan), it has thus been recognized as one of the great European books on liberty. Meditative and philosophical, intimate and public, Blandiana's verse explores the motif of freedom in many of its aspects. Blandiana's poetry fascinates with its metaphoric directness, philosophical depth and desire to express the inexpressible. Her conviction that existence is rooted in mystery turns many of her poems into riddles: poetry is born out of the desire to express what cannot be expressed, out of the obstinacy to define what everybody knows is indefinable, out of the need to offer something which people do not even understand that they are in need of, out of a disquietude so difficult to bear that it becomes an affliction and whose intensity can only be compared with the happiness […] which one attains time to time.[i] Translating Blandiana was an adventure on which we embarked because she lured us with the tantalizing limpidity and immeasurable depths of her verse. In the Romania of the seventies, her poems were an act of hope and courage and she was seen as a legendary figure of unblemished idealism. An aura surrounds her name; one critic has referred to her as " the most noble name in Romanian letters ". Those who have come to know her are stunned by her charisma, optimism and altruism. Those who have listened to her poetry readings – in the eighties she gathered masses – have experienced a mystic moment in which, despite language barriers, poetry is communicated before it is understood. The poems selected here come from two earlier collections, The Sun of Hereafter (2000) and Ebb of the Senses (2004) – to be published next year by Bloodaxe in one volume. These poems were written after the fall of the Iron Curtain while Blandiana was actively involved in the public sphere as President of the Civic Alliance (1990-2001), a non-political organization that made possible Romania's integration into the European Union. Both books share the same thematic unity and mark a turning point in Blandiana's poetic evolution: they lead towards a new conception of poetry as a meditation on being that culminates in 2010 with My Native Land A4, whose hermetic title refers to the European paper size A4, the boundaries of which define the only possible identity of the poet. Poetry becomes her epicenter and place of exile.

The Visual Culture of Modernism offers a wide-ranging exploration of intertextual relations that ... more The Visual Culture of Modernism offers a wide-ranging exploration of intertextual relations that bring together artists, artistic forms and artistic periods in response to the question: what is the relevance of early twentieth-century American Modernism to our present historical moment? Scholars from Europe and America develop responses to this question based on the philosophical heritage of modernity and in the context of the range of Modernist cultural praxis. The essays collected here explore links between literary and cultural Modernism, the relationship between the concepts of modernity and Modernism, and the legacy of Modernism in the late twentieth century and the contemporary period. Cinema, cinematic paratexts, television, the visual arts of painting and photography, poetry, fiction, and drama are among the artistic forms discussed in terms of issues ranging from cinematic and stage reinterpretations of Modernist literary texts to the genre of televisual melodrama and the trope of racial passing. The essays argue that visuality remains an urgent concern, from the Modernist period to our present age of media revolution.
La edición de esta obra ha sido posible gracias a la contribución del Grupo de Investigación Cons... more La edición de esta obra ha sido posible gracias a la contribución del Grupo de Investigación Consolidado Riff-Raff: cultura, pensamiento, estética (Ref. H45) de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
A valuable and timely collection of essays that illuminates and deepens our understanding of Elio... more A valuable and timely collection of essays that illuminates and deepens our understanding of Eliot's lifelong creative debt to Dante, bringing an impressive array of texts and traditions-Eastern and Western, medieval and postmodern-to bear upon Dante's dynamic, tutelary presence, not only in Eliot's work, but in the innovations of modern literatura throughout Europe and America. It is a great service to scholarship and teaching to bring together so many lucid and thoughtful essays by both established scholars and nevv voices. The essays collected here vvill enjoy a vvide and continued readership.
Edited Books by Viorica Patea
Published Articles by Viorica Patea
Published Books by Viorica Patea
Papers by Viorica Patea
American literature readings in the 21st century, 2023
Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses
Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses
"This paper analyzes the notions of despair and selfhood in The Waste Land through the prism... more "This paper analyzes the notions of despair and selfhood in The Waste Land through the prism of Soren Kierkegaard’s Sickness unto Death (1849). It contends that despite the sense of loss and meaninglessness of existence, The Waste Land traces the journey of the self from ignorance and suffering, from being bound to temporality and sensual thirst, through “the dark night of the soul” to a vantage point from where it can see into “the heart of light.” Furthermore, it claims that Eliot is a twentieth century Dante who goes beyond European frontiers and attempts to reconcile Christianity, Buddhism and the Vedanta with an existentialist discourse."
Book chapters by Viorica Patea
Edited Books by Viorica Patea
Published Articles by Viorica Patea
Published Books by Viorica Patea
Papers by Viorica Patea