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Symbol Mall (http://uregina. ca/∼ uttaranj/SM. html) is a multimedia application that explores new media theory, narrative, and aesthetics in digital culture from a designer's point of view. It may be argued that human cognitive processes... more
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As Dean of Fine Arts I managed a Faculty of 550 undergraduate and graduate students (including Luther, Campion and FNUniv students); 39 faculty members, including 2 Associate Deans, 4 Dept. Heads and1 Canada Research Chair Tier II; and 21... more
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      American StudiesCultural EconomicsApplied EconomicsHistorical Studies
Steven J. Ross, professor of history at the University of Southern California, has written a unique book. Although the title Working-Class Hollywood suggests a study of labour conditions in a company town, the subtitle Silent Film and the... more
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      American StudiesCultural EconomicsApplied EconomicsHistorical Studies
Perhaps no decision I have ever taken has been as influential on my academic practice as the choice made during my graduate work to focus on sub-Saharan African cinema. This laid the groundwork for a research philosophy I have always... more
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      MediaCinemaCanadian Communication Studies
This paper brings together the disciplines of media studies and software systems engineering; it focuses on the challenge of finding methodologies to measure, test and decode meaning in digital cultural objects. The authors draw on a... more
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    • Language Culture and Communication
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      New MediaCognitive Process
This paper summarizes the discussions at a panel on Multidisciplinary Approaches to Computing at CCECE 2013, showcasing multidisciplinary research at the University of Regina. The panellist were invited from Fine Arts, Arts, Science, and... more
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      New MediaComputer Science EducationComputational ModelingMultimedia
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    • Visual Anthropology
Par une analyse de contenu et de la structure des films africains, l'auteur examine l'influence de la colonisation sur l'image et la situation actuelle de la femme africaine. The author uses an analysis of film content and structure to... more
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    • Canadian Communication Studies
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The Hip Hop Parliament is a youth-initiative comprised of underground hip hop MCs and artists that began in 2007 in Nairobi, Kenya. Representing itself as a collective conscious movement that has no boundaries and is open to participants... more
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This essay takes as its starting point Laura Rascaroli’s notion of “epistolarity as argumentation” to probe how North African filmmakers Habiba Djahnine, Drifa Mezenner, and Jawad Rhalib deploy the letter in their documentary films as a... more
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Driven by the debate between "specialist" and "generalist" methods of analysis in the study of world literature, we embarked upon a case study consisting of a textual analysis of the dialogical relationship between patient and therapist... more
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      SociologyComputer ScienceScholarly Communication
Perhaps no decision I have ever taken has been as influential on my academic practice as the choice made during my graduate work to focus on sub-Saharan African cinema. This laid the groundwork for a research philosophy I have always... more
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This essay focuses on three “accented cinema” films that creatively blend the autobiographical, performative, fictional, and documentary to interpret how identities are created at the intersection of displacement and belonging and are... more
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      ColonialismMusic and identitymovie theater
Philippe Lacôte's latest feature film, Night of the Kings, blends themes of incarceration, performance, and storytelling to create a fabulist tale set deep in Ivory Coast's Banco forest, where the notorious MACA Prison-Maison d'arrêt et... more
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      African StudiesArtMultidisciplinary