
Showing posts with label Alternative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alternative. Show all posts

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Dury Dava: Dury Dava 2019 + Deluxe 2022


Dury Dava is a 5-piece band formed in Athens - Greece, in 2015. Their original music spans across

several genres, paying tribute to the raw grit of 60's psychedelia and 70's krautrock and fusing elements from the Greco-Turkish musical traditions such as odd rhythms and folk dances with a punk mentality.  


A lot of psychedelic rockers look to the Near East for inspiration, but when your band actually plays on

the crossroads between Europe and Asia the result will be one of the more authentic and truly exotic musical trips in recent memory.

Their music draws inspiration from the psychedelic sound of the 60's, German krautrock, the musical

traditions of the eastern Mediterranean and the immediacy of punk, creating a contradictory sound effect. They are slowly gaining traction through their musical spontaneity and the wild mood they exude in their live performances, which sometimes take place in strange locations.



Giorgis Karras (electric guitar, dilruba)
Ilias Livieratos (drums, percussion)
Dimitris Kouloglou (vocals, electric guitar, bouzouki)
Karolos Berachas (bass, keyboards, synth)
Dimitris Prokos (clarinet, ney, synth)


Οι Dury Dava είναι μια πενταμελής μπάντα, συγκροτημένη στην Αθήνα από το 2015. Η μουσική

τους αντλεί έμπνευση από τον ψυχεδελικό ήχο του 60’, το γερμανικό krautrock, τις μουσικές παραδόσεις της ανατολικής Mεσογείου και την αμεσότητα του πανκ, δημιουργώντας ένα αντιφατικό ηχητικό αποτέλεσμα.
Αποκτούν σιγά-σιγά απήχηση μέσα από τον μουσικό τους αυθορμητισμό και την ξέφρενη διάθεση που αποπνέουν στις live εμφανίσεις τους, οι οποίες ενίοτε πραγματοποιούνται σε αλλοπρόσαλλες τοποθεσίες.



Γιωργής Καρράς (ηλεκτρική κιθάρα, dilruba)
Ηλίας Λιβιεράτος (τύμπανα, κρουστά)
Δημήτρης Κούλογλου (φωνητικά, ηλεκτρική κιθάρα, μπουζούκι)
Κάρολος Μπεράχας (μπάσο, πλήκτρα, synth)
Δημήτρης Πρόκος (κλαρινέτο, νέυ, synth)



Dury Dava's first album was recorded live in the fall of 2018 at Hobart Phase, and was released in May 2019 by Inner Ear Records, in the moldy semi-basement where the band first formed in 2015. In a way,

this album represents that union, bringing to the world ten compositions totaling seventy minutes. The songs differ from each other in duration and mood, but end up composing a single and episodic musical result. They draw inspiration from heterogeneous spaces and trends such as the psychedelic sound of the 60's, German krautrock, the musical traditions of the eastern Mediterranean, and the immediacy of punk, creating a contradictory sound effect.

The four tracks that are long ("Triptycho" - 8' 36", "34522" - 12' 10", "Satana" - 8' 55" and "Tarlambasi"

- which is a neighborhood of Istanbul - 13 ' 02'') appear to be improvisations, but are the result of a painstaking process (and, yes, they play them the same way and live).

Dury Dava – Dury Dava
Label: Inner Ear – INN174L
Format: CD, Album
Country: Greece
Released: May 10, 2019
Genre: Rock
Style: Krautrock, Psychedelic Rock


01. Afriki    5:38
02. Triptiho    8:36
03. Ela Pali Na    4:20
04. Satana    8:55
05. Zoupa    3:58
06. Kalokeri    4:54
07. 34522    12:10
08. Ataxia    3:05
09. Tarlabasi    13:02
10. Kane Ligo Alithina    4:39


Now that you're leaving
With all the waves together
It is raining all over the universe
Summer will not come

You've got me hanging by the hair
Drugs and jasmine
Where they have now withered like you
Fall into a deep sleep...

Ο πρώτος τους ομώνυμος δίσκος ηχογραφήθηκε το 2018 στο ακατάστατο ημιυπόγειο όπου κάνουν πρόβες και κυκλοφορεί τον Μάιο του 2019 από την Ιnner Εar. Ο πρώτος δίσκος των Dury Dava ηχογραφήθηκε live το φθινόπωρο του 2018 στο Hobart Phase, δηλαδή στο μουχλιασμένο ημιυπόγειο

όπου πρωτοσυγκροτήθηκε η μπάντα το 2015. Κατά κάποιον τρόπο ο δίσκος αυτός εκπροσωπεί αυτήν την ένωση, φέρνοντας στον κόσμο δέκα συνθέσεις συνολικής διάρκειας εβδομήντα λεπτών. Τα κομμάτια διαφέρουν μεταξύ τους σε διάρκεια και διάθεση, καταλήγουν, όμως, να συγκροτούν ένα ενιαίο και επεισοδιακό μουσικό αποτέλεσμα. Αντλούν έμπνευση από ετερογενείς χώρους και τάσεις όπως τον ψυχεδελικό ήχο των 60’s, το γερμανικό krautrock, τις μουσικές παραδόσεις της ανατολικής Μεσογείου, και την αμεσότητα του punk, δημιουργώντας ένα αντιφατικό ηχητικό αποτέλεσμα.

Τα τέσσερα κομμάτια που είναι μεγάλης διάρκειας («Τρίπτυχο» - 8' 36'', «34522» - 12' 10'', «Σάτανα» -

8' 55'' και «Ταρλάμπασι» –που είναι μια γειτονιά της Κωνσταντινούπολης– 13' 02'') φαίνεται ότι είναι αυτοσχεδιασμοί, αλλά είναι αποτέλεσμα επίπονης διαδικασίας (και, ναι, τα παίζουν με τον ίδιο τρόπο και live).


Dury Dava – Dury Dava
Label: Inner Ear – INN174L
Format: CD, Album
Country: Greece
Released: May 10, 2019
Genre: Rock
Style: Krautrock, Psychedelic Rock


01. Αφρική    5:38
02. Τρίπτυχο    8:36
03. Έλα Πάλι Να    4:20
04. Σάτανα    8:55
05. Ζούπα    3:58
06. Καλοκαίρι    4:54
07. 34522    12:10
08. Αταξία    3:05
09. Ταρλάμπασι    13:02
10. Κάνε Λίγο Αληθινά    4:39


Τώρα που φεύγεις εσύ
Μ' όλα τα κύματα μαζί
Πέφτει σ' όλο το σύμπαν βροχή
Το καλοκαίρι δεν θα 'ρθει

Μου 'χες κρεμάσει στα μαλλιά
Ναρκωτικά και γιασεμιά
Που 'χουνε τώρα μαραθεί όπως κι εσύ
Πέσε βαθιά να κοιμηθείς...

Flac Size: 402 MB



This is some trippy stuff. Admittedly an acquired taste. Might help in the listening to imagine being in

some smoky underground hookah den in Athens or Morocco, wuz we smokin goes unspoken, whilst some beatniks jam out freestyle. Not a criticism, just an idea how weird and wonderfully bizarre the album is. Psyche-heads may dig it. Lyrics are in Greek but it's not an obstacle at all. Where 60s psychedelic trance meets punk clash in amanedes and Greek surreal verse and the listener can only have a good time - as long as they don't take themselves too seriously.

This is what we call psychedelic and experimental and melodic at the same time!  In every case one of the top 3 records of the year. We need more of those great recordings! Three years after the release of

their self-titled debut, Dury Dava return with their new album entitled "Deluxe". "Deluxe" is a delicious LP of seven tracks, recorded in June 2021 by Giannis Voulgaris at Electric Highway Studio in Athens. While they continue to combine their influences in their characteristic temperamental way, Dury Dava end up with a concise, condensed sound and achieve an unprecedented determination.
Released on LP, CD, Cassette and Digital in April 2022 via Inner Ear.

Dury Dava – Deluxe
Label: Inner Ear Records – INN224
Format: CD, Album
Country: Greece
Released: 2022
Genre: Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock



01. Ilectrosok    5:54
02. Msgalo Moro    4:27
03. Metallaxi    7:25
04. Kalo Poukamiso    2:01
05. Paraligo    5:39
06. Pisina 1.    4:38
07. Pisina 2.    6:20

Τρία χρόνια μετά την κυκλοφορία του ομώνυμου ντεμπούτου τους, οι Dury Dava επιστρέφουν με το νέο τους album που έχει τον τίτλο “Deluxe”. Το “Deluxe” είναι ένα νόστιμο LP με εφτά κομμάτια, που

ηχογραφήθηκαν τον Ιούνιο του 2021 στο Electric Highway Studio από τον Γιάννη Βούλγαρη. Συνεχίζοντας να συνδυάζουν τις επιρροές τους με τον χαρακτηριστικό τους ιδιοσυγκρασιακό τρόπο, οι Dury Dava καταλήγουν σε έναν περιεκτικό, συμπυκνωμένο ήχο και πετυχαίνουν μια πρωτόγνωρη αποφασιστικότητα.
Κυκλοφορεί σε LP, CD, Κασέτα και Digital τον Απρίλιο του 2022 από την Inner Ear.

Αυτό είναι κάτι περίεργο. Ομολογουμένως επίκτητο γούστο. Μπορεί να βοηθήσει στην ακρόαση να φανταστείτε ότι βρίσκεστε σε κάποιο καπνιστό υπόγειο καταφύγιο για ναργιλέ στην Αθήνα ή το

Μαρόκο, το wuz we smokin δεν ειπώθηκε, ενώ μερικοί μπίτνικ μαζεύουν το freestyle. Δεν είναι κριτική, απλώς μια ιδέα πόσο περίεργο και υπέροχα παράξενο είναι το άλμπουμ. Οι στίχοι είναι στα ελληνικά αλλά δεν είναι καθόλου εμπόδιο.
Όπου η 60s ψυχεδελική παραζάλη συναντάει την punk παράκρουση σε αμανέδες και ελληνικό σουρεάλ στίχο και ο ακροατής μόνο καλά μπορεί να περάσει - αρκεί να μην πάρει τον εαυτό του στα σοβαρά.

Dury Dava – Deluxe
Label: Inner Ear Records – INN224
Format: CD, Album
Country: Greece
Released: 2022
Genre: Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock



01. Ηλεκτροσόκ    5:54
02. Μεγάλο Μωρό    4:27
03. Μετάλλαξη    7:25
04. Καλό Πουκάμισο    2:01
05. Παραλίγο    5:39
06. Πισίνα 1    4:38
07. Πισίνα 2    6:20

Flac Size: 234 MB

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Veruca Salt: Discography


Veruca Salt is an American alternative rock band founded in Chicago in 1992 by vocalist-guitarists Nina Gordon and Louise Post, drummer Jim Shapiro, and bassist Steve Lack. They are best known for

their first single, "Seether", which was released on the 1994 album American Thighs. That success was followed up with 1997's Eight Arms to Hold You. By 1998, Post was the only original member still in the band and continued on with other musicians. Veruca Salt released the album Resolver in 2000 and the album IV in 2006. After a hiatus in 2012, the band reformed with its original lineup. Their fifth studio album, Ghost Notes, was released in 2015.

Veruca Salt reshaped the jagged, abrasive punk-pop of the Pixies and Breeders into a more

accessible, riff-driven power pop formula that also borrowed from pop/hard rockers like Cheap Trick.
It was a successful formula, both musically and commercially, yet it didn't ensure them indie rock credibility; in fact, they became one of the most harshly criticized bands of the post-Nirvana alternative rock era, despite being one of the first female-fronted outfits to achieve stardom in that genre.

Named after Veruca Salt, the spoiled rotten rich girl from the 1964 children's book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl, Veruca Salt was formed in Chicago in 1992 by Louise Post (guitar and vocals) and Nina Gordon (guitar and vocals). Post and Gordon were introduced through

mutual friend Lili Taylor, and began playing music together. They wrote songs for a year and a half before placing an ad in the Chicago Sun-Times for an all-female rhythm section. Instead the band was joined by Gordon's brother Jim Shapiro on drums and Steve Lack on bass.[3] Songwriting was shared between Gordon and Post, though the two seldom collaborated. Rather, each would typically submit a complete song to the group and sing the lead vocals on that song, while the other would record backing vocals.

While supporting Hole on their fall tour, Veruca Salt released the debut album American Thighs on the Minty Fresh label, yet they soon cut a major-label deal with Geffen, which then re-released the album.

"Seether" became an MTV hit as well, and soon the single was an across-the-board success. A stop-gap EP which was recorded by Steve Albini, Blow It Out Your Ass It's Veruca Salt, was released in 1996.[3] In 1996, Veruca Salt appeared as Pavement's replacement band in their video "Painted Soldiers". Veruca Salt's second album, Eight Arms to Hold You, was produced by Bob Rock and released in 1997. Lead single "Volcano Girls" gained exposure as the opening theme to the teen comedy film Jawbreaker.

Gordon and Post started working together on Veruca Salt's third album. However, after an argument between the two, Gordon left the band to pursue a solo career in 1998. (Gordon's first album, Tonight and the Rest of My Life, was released in 2000 and featured drumming by Stacy Jones, who had also left

Veruca Salt and was in a relationship with Gordon). The dispute between Gordon and Post has been described as "one of the greatest rock soap operas since Fleetwood Mac or Hüsker Dü." Post, as the only remaining band member, contributed the song "Somebody" to the Depeche Mode tribute album For the Masses before recruiting a new lineup. Guitarist Stephen Fitzpatrick joined and went on to become one of Post's principal songwriting partners during the next decade.

Undeterred, Post regrouped Veruca Salt as her own project. Now boasting a revised lineup including

guitarist Stephen Fitzpatrick, bassist Suzanne Sokol, and drummer Jimmy Madla, the band left Geffen Records (which had been swallowed by a corporate merger) and inked a new record deal with Beyond. They also entered the studio to record Resolver, a fiery album that dealt with Gordon's departure and Post's failed relationship with Dave Grohl.

With an ever-changing lineup (now featuring Post, Fitzpatrick, drummer Kelli Scott, and bassist Nicole Fiorentino), Veruca Salt then recorded another five-song EP, 2005's Lords of Sounds and Lesser Things. An additional full-length album, IV, was issued the following year. Following a lackluster public

response to the album, the band went on a lengthy hiatus. As unexpectedly as they'd parted ways, Gordon and Post announced in 2013 that they had "buried the hatchet" and were reuniting the band's original lineup. They jokingly referred to the era following Gordon's departure as "Veruca Starship" and readied new material, the first taste of which was 2014's Record Store Day EP MMXIV. The full-length Ghost Notes followed in July 2015.



American Thighs 1994
Eight Arms to Hold You 1997
Resolver 2000
IV 2006
Ghost Notes 2015


Blow It Out Your Ass It's Veruca Salt 1996
MMXIV 2014



Nina Gordon and Louise Post try hard to inject meaning into the sweet, distorted rush of "Seether," but

all that sticks is the infectious melody and crushing guitars. That also applies to the slower songs, from the enchanting lust of "Spiderman '79" to "Forsythia," which is too close to the Breeders' Pod for comfort. But musically, American Thighs is surprisingly satisfying; it's a pure pop album masquerading as the next big thing.

Veruca Salt – American Thighs
Label: Minty Fresh – mf-7
Format: CD, Album
Country: US
Released: Sep 1994
Genre: Rock
Style: Alternative Rock



01. Get Back    3:13
02. All Hail Me    3:05
03. Seether    3:16
04. Spiderman '79   5:16
05. Forsythia    4:44
06. Wolf    4:19
07. Celebrate You    4:20
08. Fly    3:38
09. Number One Blind    3:44
10. Victrola    2:18
11. Twinstar    3:16
12. 25    7:56
13. Sleeping Where I Want    3:19


Nina Gordon – guitar, vocals
Louise Post – guitar, vocals
Steve Lack – bass guitar
Jim Shapiro – drums, background vocals

Additional musicians

Christian Lane – additional vocals (on "Spiderman")

Flac Size: 349 MB



Blow It Out Your Ass It's Veruca Salt is an EP by Veruca Salt released in 1996. It followed the band's

hit album American Thighs (1994). The EP contains four songs, two by Nina Gordon and two by Louise Post. The album art shows the band dressed in toilet paper. In the liner notes, bassist Steve Lack is credited under his actual name, Stephen J. Lackiewicz.

Veruca Salt – Blow It Out Your Ass It's Veruca Salt
Label: DGC – DGCDM-22212
Format: CD, EP
Country: US
Released: Apr 16, 1996
Genre: Rock
Style: Alternative Rock



01. Shimmer Like A Girl    4:03
02. I'm Taking Europe With Me    3:45
03. New York Mining Disaster 1996    4:56
04. Disinherit    6:25



Bass – Stephen J Lachawicx
Drums, Vocals – Jim Shapiro
Guitar, Vocals - Nina Gordon
Guitar, Vocals – Louise Post

Flac Size: 127 MB



Eight Arms to Hold You is the second studio album by alternative rock band Veruca Salt. It was released on February 11, 1997, through Outpost/Geffen Records. The album was produced by Bob Rock. The title is a reference to the working title for The Beatles' film eventually titled Help!. Eight

Arms to Hold You peaked at number 55 on the Billboard 200. The single "Volcano Girls", written by Nina Gordon, was a rock radio hit. Veruca Salt performed "Shutterbug", written by Louise Post, on Saturday Night Live. Besides those two, there were three other singles released from the album: "Benjamin", "The Morning Sad", and "Straight". This was the last album to feature all of the original band members—Gordon, Post, Steve Lack, and Jim Shapiro—until the 2015 album Ghost Notes.

Veruca Salt – Eight Arms To Hold You
Label: Outpost Recordings – OPRSD-30001, Minty Fresh – none
Format: CD, Album
Country: Canada
Released: 1997
Genre: Rock
Style: Alternative Rock



01. Straight    2:32
02. Volcano Girls    3:18
03. Don't Make Me Prove It    2:29
04. Awesome    3:32
05. One Last Time    4:45
06. With David Bowie    2:25
07. Benjamin    4:05
08. Shutterbug    4:16
09. The Morning Sad    3:08
10. Sound Of The Bell    3:59
11. Loneliness Is Worse    5:00
12. Stoneface    2:44
13. Venus Man Trap    3:29
14. Earthcrosser    5:28


Bass – Steve Lack
Drums, Backing Vocals – Jim Shapiro
Guitar – Louise Post, Nina Gordon, Steve Lack
Percussion [Additional] – Jim McGillveray
Vocals – Louise Post, Nina Gordon
Written-By – Post (tracks: 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 13), Gordon (tracks: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14)

Flac Size: 372 MB



Resolver is the third studio album by the American alternative rock band Veruca Salt. It was released on

May 16, 2000, on Beyond Records, followed by an Australian release on December 6, 2002. The album was the first for the band after the departure of all the founding members but Louise Post, who became the band's sole frontwoman. Like their previous album, Eight Arms to Hold You, the title is inspired by The Beatles; in this case, a play on the title of their 1966 album Revolver.

Veruca Salt – Resolver
Label: Velveteen Records – 63985-78103-2, Beyond – 63985-78103-2
Format: CD, Album
Country: US
Released: 2000
Genre: Rock
Style: Alternative Rock



01. The Same Person    1:03
02. Born Entertainer    2:40
03. Best You Can Get    2:45
04. Wet Suit    4:23
05. Yeah Man    3:29
06. Imperfectly    4:14
07. Officially Dead    2:49
08. Only You Know    4:07
09. Disconnected    4:46
10. All Dressed Up    5:53
11. Used To Know Her    4:34
12. Pretty Boys    3:07
13. Hellraiser    3:53



Bass, Guitar, Vocals – Kevin Tihista
Bass, Vocals – Brian Liesegang, Louise Post, Suzanne Sokol
Cello – Eric Remschneider
Drums – Jimmy Madla, Kellii Scott, Matt Walker
Guitar – Brian Liesegang, Louise Post, Stephen Fitzpatrick
Guitar [Additional] – Scott Pazera
Keyboards – Brian Liesegang, Louise Post
Percussion – Jimmy Madla, Matt Walker
Written-By – Brian Liesegang (tracks: 3, 8), Kevin Tihista (tracks: 6, 7, 13), Louise Post

Flac Size: 320 MB

05.  VERUCA SALT - IV 2006


IV is the fourth full-length studio album by alternative rock band Veruca Salt. It was released on

September 12, 2006 in the United States and on September 25, 2006 in Australia. This is the last album to feature Stephen Fitzpatrick on guitars and the only album to feature Kellii Scott on drums and Nicole Fiorentino on bass.

Veruca Salt – IV
Label: Sympathy For The Record Industry – SFTRI 780
Format: CD, Album, Stereo
Country: US
Released: Sep 12, 2006
Genre: Rock
Style: Alternative Rock



01. So Weird    3:35
02. Centipede    3:00
03. Innocent    2:53
04. Circular Trend    2:42
05. Perfect Love    3:42
06. Closer    3:27
07. Sick As Your Secrets    5:36
08. Wake Up Dead    3:34
09. Damage Done    4:10
10. Blissful Queen    3:44
11. The Sun    3:57
12. Comes And Goes    2:30
13. Save You    4:24
14. Salt Flat Epic    7:57


Bass – Solomon Snyder
Cello – Paul Wianco
Drums, Percussion – Kellii Scott
Guitar, Mellotron – Stephen Fitzpatrick
Piano – Jonny Polonsky
Vocals, Bass – Nicole Fiorentino
Vocals, Guitar, Percussion – Louise Post
Written-By – Liesegang (tracks: 14), Post, Fitzpatrick (tracks: 1 to 3, 6, 7, 11, 13)

Flac Size: 368 MB

06.  VERUCA SALT - MMXIV (7" EP) 2014


MMXIV is a 2014 EP by Veruca Salt. This is their first release with the original lineup since Eight

Arms to Hold You in 1997. It was released on vinyl for Record Store Day 2014. "The Museum of Broken Relationships" was later included on the band's album Ghost Notes (2015).

Veruca Salt – MMXIV
Label: Minty Fresh – mf-200
Format: Vinyl, 10", 45 RPM, Record Store Day
Country: USA & Canada
Released: Apr 19, 2014
Genre: Rock
Style: Alternative



V1. The Museum Of Broken Relationships   2:34
Written-By – Veruca Salt
V2. It's Holy   3:25
Written-By – Veruca Salt



B. Seether   3:19
Written-By – Gordon


Louise Post – Guitar/Vocals
Nina Gordon – Guitar/Vocals
Steve Lack – Bass
Jim Shapiro – Drums

Flac Size: 68.5 MB



Ghost Notes is the fifth full-length studio album by American rock band Veruca Salt, released on July 10, 2015, through El Camino Records. It is the first to feature the band's original lineup since their

second album, Eight Arms to Hold You (1997). Following the band's 1997 release Eight Arms to Hold You, drummer Jim Shapiro quit. Shortly after, in 1998, Nina Gordon and bassist Steve Lack also left, leaving Louise Post to release two new Veruca Salt albums with other musicians, Resolver in 2000, and IV in 2006. Gordon told The Los Angeles Times that after seeing the reception from Mazzy Star's 2012 reunion she got the desire to make music with Post again. The two met up for the first time in 14 years and began writing music that would become Ghost Notes.

Veruca Salt – Ghost Notes
Label: El Camino Media – ECM040-2
Format: CD, Album
Country: US
Released: Jul 10, 2015
Genre: Rock, Pop
Style: Alternative Rock, Pop Rock



01. The Gospel According To Saint Me     3:50
02. Black And Blonde    4:07
03. Eyes On You    3:17
04. Prince Of Wales    5:36
05. The Sound Of Leaving    3:32
06. Love You Less    3:10
07. Laughing In The Sugar Bowl    2:16
08. Empty Bottle    5:54
09. Come Clean, Dark Thing    3:22
10. I'm Telling You Now   3:29
Backing Vocals – Christian Lane
Handclaps – Joel Mark (4), Sophie Mark
11. Triage    3:36
12. Lost To Me    4:11
13. The Museum Of Broken Relationships    2:35
14. Alternica   5:58
Backing Vocals – Kay Hanley, Michelle Lewis


Louise Post – guitar, vocals
Nina Gordon – guitar, vocals
Steve Lack – bass guitar
Jim Shapiro – drums, vocals (backing)


Kay Hanley – vocals
Michelle Lewis – vocals
Christian Lane – vocals (backing)
Joel Mark – handclapping
Sophie Mark – handclapping
Chick Wolverton – percussion

Flac Size: 410 MB