Joaquim Flores
Born in Nisa, Portugal, in 1967.
Supervisors: Aylin Orbasli and Rajat Gupta
Supervisors: Aylin Orbasli and Rajat Gupta
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Papers by Joaquim Flores
O estudo de renovação urbana do Barredo estabeleceu um ponto de viragem na filosofia de planeamento do centro histórico do Porto. Os planos anteriores promoveram extensas demolições do tecido urbano, misturadas com uma estratégia de renovação de edifícios históricos para atividades turísticas.
Coordenado por Fernando Távora, o estudo introduziu a dimensão social, não só acrescentando as ciências sociais à equipe de trabalho multidisciplinar, mas também considerando pela primeira vez os habitantes locais como sendo tão importantes na definição do caráter e significado do lugar como o ambiente histórico construído.
Apesar de não ter produzido resultados diretos, a nova abordagem influenciou diretamente o CRUARB que aplicou estes princípios a partir de 1974. A partir dos anos 80 esta filosofia multidisciplinar foi utilizada como modelo para as intervenções portuguesas em centros históricos, disseminando indiretamente os visionários conceitos introduzidos pelo estudo de 1969, que hoje, pela corrente pressão turístico-imobiliária, se encontram novamente atuais.
Fernando Távora; Centro Histórico do Porto, Ribeira-Barredo, Reabilitação Urbana, Reabilitação de Centros Históricos.
The Barredo’s urban renewal study established a turning point in the planning philosophy of the historic centre of Porto. The previous plans promoted extensive demolitions of the urban tissue, mixed with a strategy of historic buildings renewal for touristic activities.
Coordinated by Fernando Távora, the study introduced the social dimension, not only by adding the social sciences into the interdisciplinary team, but also because the local inhabitants were considered for the first time as being so important on defining the character and significance of the place as the historic built environment.
Even if the study did not produce direct results, the new approach influenced directly the CRUARB operation after 1974. Further on, the interdisciplinary methodology was used since the 1980’s as model for the Portuguese interventions in historical centres, disseminating indirectly the visionary concepts introduced in 1969, which, by the current tourist and real estate pressure, are again up-to-date.
Fernando Távora, Historic Centre of Porto, Ribeira-Barredo, Urban Conservation, Historic Centres Conservation.
Oporto’s traditional buildings are the major contributors for shaping the World Heritage Site Despite this, and as is the case in most European historic cities, they are not individually listed and any adaptations to make them comply with current energy efficiency requirements may cause negative impacts on their authenticity and integrity. This paper aims to identify which energy efficiency improvement measures can be applied without damaging the buildings’ heritage value. For this purpose, fieldwork and simulation data of ten case studies were used. On-site results revealed that the energy consumption in Oporto’s traditional buildings was below European average and the households expressed that their home comfort sensation was overall positive. Simulations showed that introducing insulation and solar thermal panels would be ineffective in terms of energy and cost efficiency as well as comfort improvement.
This study reinforces the idea that traditional buildings perform better than expected in terms of energy consumption and can be retrofitted and updated at a low-cost and with passive solutions.
Escola Superior Artística do Porto – ESAP
Palacete de Belomonte
Universidade Lusófona do Porto | 5 de Junho de 2015
Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Artístico do Porto (CESAP); Escola Superior Artística do Porto (ESAP); Laboratório Investigação de Arquitectura (LIA) da ESAP; Agência de Energia do Porto (AdEPorto)
Data: 30 de Maio de 2015
A melhoria da eficiência energética dos edifícios é amplamente promovida como uma medida para atenuar as alterações climáticas através da redução das emissões de CO2. Os regulamentos térmicos promovem esta medida em todo o mundo, quer para edifícios novos, quer para existentes. Entre os existentes, os edifícios tradicionais e históricas colocam o desafio adicional da conservação do património. A melhoria da sua eficiência energética coloca o risco de provocar impactos negativos sobre o seu valor patrimonial. Em paralelo, a sua performance em termos de consumos energéticos é pouco estudada, pelo que se torna necessário aprofundar o estudo sobre estes edifícios de modo a identificar as melhores estratégias para melhorar a sua performance sem diminuir o seu valor patrimonial.
As directivas europeias de eficiência energética, assim como as actuais estratégias de financiamento comunitário, promovem a reabilitação energética de edifícios não residenciais. Neste sentido, o parque edificado da Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Artístico no Porto, cobrindo várias tipologias patrimoniais do centro histórico do Porto, insere-se nesta estratégia de reabilitação energética. Assim, este projecto exploratório pretende adquirir um conhecimento base sobre a performance deste parque edificado, de modo a poder sustentar futuras estratégias de reabilitação energética do mesmo. Adicionalmente, poder-se-á considerar que estas estratégias poderão também ajudar a realizar futuras candidaturas aos actuais fundos comunitários, que estabelecem muito claramente este eixo como uma prioridade.
- prototypes, unsuccessful or partially implemented, which unquestionably influenced the culture and practices of urban planning and architecture, achieving still to sensitize the collective imagination over the image of the cities of the future;
- primordial archetypes, acting as true testimonies of concepts, intentions or ways to devise new dimensions and features of the urban environment and alternative and revolutionary ways to understand how would be the city of the future generations.
The evolutionary path of these ideas or projects culminates, and in certain sense ends, with the new vanguards of the 50’s and 60’s, where the preconized concepts of town (unlimited) point to the dissolution of the architectural object and of the architecture itself. Becoming the latter and associated city models as the ultimate uncertainties, almost consecrating the other uncertainties that come together in an attempt to understand the phenomena and new trends of the real city. After these expressions, the visionary interest in the new cities of the future starts to fade, due most probably to a growing concern to understand the issues and the effects of the great dynamism of urbanization and the process of metropolis creation.
Eventually, the analysis of this path will provide an opportunity to reinforce the importance and the contribute of ideas and major projects, that even today are considered as the most paradigmatic of the twentieth century, particularly those planned in the 20’s and 30’s. The value of these contributions as a methodological reference and a research base becomes even more evident under the latest developments, testing new urban models and planning new cities in emerging countries, which seem to point a return to the search of new visions and solutions for the city of the future.
Keywords: New Towns, Urban Utopias in the Twentieth Century, City Design.
As bases em que se funda este texto, para além da investigação pessoal, são essencialmente o trabalho de investigação histórica e acompanhamento arqueológico efectuado pela empresa Mola Olivarum, sob a coordenação científica do Professor Doutor Carlos Alberto Brochado de Almeida, e do projecto global realizado pelo Gabinete de Arquitectura Barbosa & Guimarães, sob a coordenação do Arquitecto José António Barbosa.
Em termos de estrutura, divide-se em três partes distintas: na primeira explica-se a localização e descreve-se o conjunto arquitectónico, na segunda o processo tendente à sua recuperação e na terceira e última, o projecto e a obra efectuados.
The Municipality has undertaken a process of urban and environmental requalification of 4Km of its waterfront, taking advantage of the national POLIS Program, with a budget of 14.000.000,00€, and based in the greening of the area.
The objectives are then to turn this semi-private area, environmentaly degradeted and suffering from a strong urban pressure into a green public space, safeguarding its environmental qualities and promoting at the same time the sustainable tourism and leisure and local economic growth.
(Catalogo mostra: Esportare il centro storico | Book exhibition: Exporting the urban core)
The Barredo’s urban renewal study established a turning point in the planning philosophy of the historic centre of Porto. The previous plans promoted extensive demolitions of the urban tissue, mixed with a strategy of historic buildings renewal for touristic activities.
This study, coordinated by Architect Fernando Távora, introduced the social dimension, not only by adding the social sciences into the interdisciplinary working team, but also because the local inhabitants were considered for the first time as being so important on defining the character and significance of the place as the historic built environment. Concurrently, it also considered the traditional buildings which settle the urban setting as being as important as the monuments. This vision is undoubtedly influenced by the principles of the 1964’s «Venice Charter», but also by the personal and professional background of Távora, which participated in the 10th CIAM (Dubrovnik, 1956), and in the Portuguese Vernacular Architecture Survey (1955-1961).
The study selected the social and physical depreciated neighbourhood of Barredo, inserted in the core of the Porto’s historic centre. On it were identified 14 blocks, from which 2 were selected as pilot studies (Q.I and Q.III). Despite being a City’s Council study, it established the bridge with the Academia and with the population. The work was developed based on previous surveys made by social worker students (social and economic dimension) and by architecture students (physical dimension). The surveys unveiled a terrific framework of excessive densification, with entire families living painfully in one room. This overcrowded picture was aggravated by the ruinous state of conservation of most buildings.
Globally, the study approached this sector as being a living part of the city and promoted the improvement of its connections with the surrounding areas, aiming to retrieve it from the ghetto situation identified. The detailed proposals for the two pilot study blocks revealed a strategy based on the reduction of the occupation density and on the refurbishment of the buildings, improving their living conditions through the introduction of toilets and rearranging the dwellings inner space.
The study did not produced direct results on the area. However, the new approach influenced directly the operation of the CRUARB office that applied these ideas in Porto Historic Centre after 1974. Further on, the interdisciplinary CRUARB office was used since the 1980’s as model for the Portuguese interventions in historical centres, disseminating indirectly the visionary concepts introduced by the 1969 study.
The improvement of energy efficiency in buildings is widely promoted as a measure to mitigate climate change through the reduction of CO2 emissions. Thermal regulations worldwide promote it, for both new and existing buildings. Among the existing stock, traditional and historic buildings pose the additional challenge of heritage conservation. Their energy efficiency upgrade raises the risk of provoking negative impacts on their significance.
Aims and Methodology
This research used an approach based on impact assessment methodologies, defining an inital baseline scenario for both heritage and energy, from which the appropriate improvement solutions were identified and assessed. The measures were dynamically simulated and the results for energy, CO2, cost and comfort compared with the initial scenario, and then being further assessed for their heritage impact to eventually determine the most feasible solutions. To test this method, ten case studies, representative of the identified typological variants, were selected among Oporto’s traditional buildings located in the World Heritage Site.
Findings and Conclusions
The fieldwork data revealed that the energy consumption of these dwellings was below the European average. Additionally, the households expressed that their home comfort sensation was overall positive. The simulations showed that the introduction of insulation and solar thermal panels were ineffective on these cases in terms of energy, cost and comfort. At the same time, these measures pose a great risk to the buildings’ heritage value. The most efficient solutions were obtained from behavioural changes and DHW retrofit. The study reinforced the idea that traditional buildings performed better than expected and can be retrofitted and updated at a low-cost and with passive solutions. The use of insulation and solar panels should be disregarded.
In some cases the construction of these cities was inspired by the principles of the nineteenth century English utopias, reflecting a strong concern in integrating the urban and natural components and highlighting the role of the natural landscape, understood as a city matrix on which articulates the urban structures.
In other cases the inspiration come from the rationalist ideals of the modern movement, seeking to personify the idealistic and democratic spirit of a new world order, producing rational and functional solutions and even if sometimes they do not fully overcome certain obstacles, an important contribution to the urban and architectural theory and practice advance was made.
Furthermore, other cases relate to the post-modernism and the emergence of critical views of the modern movement. These towns were born to give an answer to the problem posed by the large settlements deindustrialization and de-urbanization, assuming the role of organized urban extensions needed for controlling the sprawl of existing cities which was made through a process of unordered and peripheral urbanization.
Some focused mainly on a completely physical, economic and administrative independency in relation to major urban centres. Others, even if based partially on these principles of independence and geographical isolation, were planned as secondary structure networks dependent from a main urban conurbation. Many of these experiments have already been object of diversified studies addressing more or less specific thematic areas, seeking to define and apply critical and analytical methodologies to better understand and decode the processes and design criteria that were the basis of their urban and architectural morphologies.
Opting for an analytical prospective directed to re-contextualizing the urban and architectural contributions of these experiences, the conference 20th century new towns - archetypes and uncertainties aims to discuss their real effects in the present being especially welcome papers focusing on the following two aspects:
I. Archetypes | Spatiality, materiality and identities which persisted over time, not only because they have a high symbolism or because they are the emblematic testimony of a precise thinking about how to re-understand the city in a particular historical moment, but also and especially to continue maintaining the answering capacity to functional and practical demands of contemporary society. They are, in short, realities that did not required significant or radical changes to fulfil their function properly. The reasons for these archetypes remaining active and appropriate may contribute to recognize them as meaningful and timeless, distant from temporal gestures which respond only to contemporary needs.
II. Uncertainties | Parts or components of the urban system that remained incomplete, leading to realities that persisted "open" or that were completed through different intentions, appropriation processes or intervention criteria from those planned in their original design. The nature of these uncertainties could be a further indicator of the effects produced by these archetypes in the city development.
Additionally the conference will focus three main thematic/panels covering the post-war satellite towns (as the New Towns Programme and other European similar experiences), the modern cities (as Brasilia or Chandigarh) and a more local perspective embarking the Lusophone New Towns (mainly in Lusophone Africa, but also in Brazil). The conference peer-reviewed call for papers will cover these topics and the communications will be organized under the respective panels, not excluding the possibility of accepting other related topics if they reveal pertinent for the global aims of the conference."
Reabilitação Urbana | 24 Jun, 2014 | Episódio 113
Não é preciso procurar muito para encontrar casas degradadas no nosso país. Pelas contas do governo, há dois milhões de fogos que precisam de obras urgentes. Nos centros históricos de Lisboa, Porto, Coimbra e Viseu, a reabilitação urbana avança, mas a conta-gotas. Será que nos rendemos à cultura do betão? Que obstáculos enfrentam as autarquias e os privados que queriam apostar na valorização do património urbanístico? O que pode mudar nas cidades se essas casas abandonadas ganharem uma nova vida?
[1]Research project framed by Projetos ESAP 2013, entitled “Referências de base para a elaboração de uma metodologia de avaliação dos impactes de projetos urbanos no desenvolvimento da cidade” with the reference ESAP/2013/P01/DARQ.