Papers by Francisco Arbaiza
Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on International Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities (CISOC 2022), Dec 10, 2022
This study explores Real Time Marketing (RTM) in Peru through the description of a paradigmatic c... more This study explores Real Time Marketing (RTM) in Peru through the description of a paradigmatic case in the country. Due to its virality, this branding strategy-which consists of tackling viral dates, news, and events to create content and insert itself into the flow of a massive conversation in networks-requires determining the right conditions and timing. For such purpose, a qualitative documentary study was conducted to analyse Burger King's "Impossible to get tired of it" action on its Instagram and Facebook accounts associated with the "Vaccinagate" scandal in the context of the COVID-19 crisis in Peru. The case was studied with the objective of defining what are the best conditions to make use of this strategy and what criteria should be considered for the choice of the event when executed in social media. Thanks to the analysis, it was possible to conclude that for a brand to perform RTM properly, it needs to have an active and effective presence in its social networks, that the event chosen must be closely linked to the brand, and above all, the action must be quick and relevant.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 2, 2022
Aims: The research examines the outcomes of undergraduate students using Choguill's (2005) Resear... more Aims: The research examines the outcomes of undergraduate students using Choguill's (2005) Research Design Matrix to develop a research project and ensure its internal coherence. This is the first study to investigate the use of this matrix and its benefits in students with no prior research experience. Practical approaches and strategies to instruct in the design of such a project are scarce in the literature. Method: To carry out the study a qualitative thematic analysis was conducted; data was collected by interviewing undergraduate students using the Mobile Instant Messaging Interview (MIMI) technique; participants were selected by purposive sampling; Nvivo 13 was used for the analysis. Conclusions: The results suggest that the Research Design Matrix helps students to structure their projects, to maintain consistency between its components throughout their execution, and assists the teacher in the process of guiding the student through the stages of the research.
Llull Revista De La Sociedad Espanola De Historia De Las Ciencias Y De Las Tecnicas, 2012
Al finalizar 2011 ha fallecido el eminente historiador de la medicina Francisco Guerra, cuando su... more Al finalizar 2011 ha fallecido el eminente historiador de la medicina Francisco Guerra, cuando supe la noticia me acordé de aquello que solía decir Fernando Lázaro Carreter: «…nos vamos muriendo con nuestros muertos». La muerte del profesor Guerra obliga a reflexionar, aunque sea modestamente, sobre su vida y obra; vida larga y aprovechada la de este nonagenario que no pasó por el siglo XX como una sombra sino como una personalidad vehemente que amó y padeció en su época como republicano, exiliado, científico e historiador.
Revista de Comunicación, 2017
Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 2022
Esta investigación aborda la dinámica que se desarrolló en Twitter para el caso de cinco político... more Esta investigación aborda la dinámica que se desarrolló en Twitter para el caso de cinco políticos peruanos que fueron percibidos como los más poderosos en el Perú en 2020, durante el periodo de pandemia: Martín Vizcarra, Walter Martos Ruiz, Manuel Merino De Lama, María Antonieta Alva y César Acuña. Los resultados del estudio muestran que se produjo un aumento considerable en la publicación de contenidos y en la actividad de los usuarios de Twitter en torno a las cuentas de estos políticos; lo que permite hablar de la importancia de Twitter para la comunicación política en el Perú. Este trabajo es un avance de un proyecto de investigación que también contempla la evaluación cualitativa de los fenómenos que tienen lugar en Twitter en relación con la actividad política.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2023
The presence of private label products on supermarket shelves in Peru is becoming more and more f... more The presence of private label products on supermarket shelves in Peru is becoming more and more frequent; it is possible to notice a bigger effort by retail companies to position their products through marketing and advertising strategies, trying to leave behind the reputation of low quality that they used to have to compete directly with the leaders of the category. As a result of the pandemic produced by Covid-19 and the impact it had on the economy, purchasing behavior has changed dramatically, consumers have become more selective about the products they buy and the prices they are willing to pay. The opportunity arises in terms of private labels’ accessible prices to be able to enter the purchasing possibilities of millennial consumers, since that group is willing to try new brands as long as they are aligned to their needs, such as the economic limits experienced by the pandemic. The objective of this research seeks, through in-depth interviews, to determine how the purchase motivation towards supermarket private label brands has changed according to millennials from the socioeconomic level B due to the Covid-19 crisis. In this way, it was discovered that for millennial consumers brand loyalty is not something present, on the contrary, they look for brands that make their lives practical; In the current context, their motivation towards private labels arises because they offer a price that fits with the consumer’s purchase budget, likewise, another important factor was finding that the preference towards these brands is based on a solid marketing strategy that covers the positioning of the supermarket, the accessibility of private label products, exclusive offers, and digital shopping channels.
ICONO 14, Revista de comunicación y tecnologías emergentes, 2023
Las brechas sociales y el racismo sistemático y estructural, durante la última parte del siglo XX... more Las brechas sociales y el racismo sistemático y estructural, durante la última parte del siglo XXI han dado pie a que se revisen, en la publicidad y en cualquier espacio social, las representaciones erróneas de los grupos étnicos minoritarios en el Perú. Esto ha generado que las marcas, independientemente de su trayectoria, opten por aplicar estrategias –como el rebranding– que les permitan replantear su identidad y ubicarse adecuadamente en el contexto comercial contemporáneo. El presente trabajo se planteó realizar un estudio fenomenológico que permita entender la aplicación del rebranding de ‘Negrita’–marca peruana de la corporación Alicorp con 60 años en el mercado que anunció que pasaría a llamarse ‘Umsha’– con el propósito de patentizar un compromiso con la diversidad y oposición al racismo. El análisis se abordó desde la perspectiva de padres y madres de activistas afroperuanos para evidenciar el racismo estructural bajo el uso de estereotipos enraizados en la publicidad peruana. Se pudo concluir que ‘Negrita’, desterrando los elementos de su antigua imagen, atendió la necesidad de cambio de los arquetipos anacrónicos con los que son representados los afroperuanos y resultó siendo positivo a pesar de los activos de marca que se dejarían de lado.
This is a preliminary study which aims to analyze the role and importance of the search for infor... more This is a preliminary study which aims to analyze the role and importance of the search for information and the deliberation prior to the decision making in the consumer purchase process. Assuming that the easy access of Internet users to reviews and recomendations for products and brands is one of the main triggers of this phenomenon, background and expert opinions regarding the relevance that has taken the online information in the previous stage to the purchase decision are presented. Additionally, characteristics of the current consumer and his new purchase mindset are outlined. As a conclusion, the fundamentals that have made the Internet for consumers the primary resource for information of interest are presented, which make them able to make sound decisions.
Revista de Comunicación, 2018
Ha investigado recientemente sobre el Marketing Experiencial y su influencia en el comportamiento... more Ha investigado recientemente sobre el Marketing Experiencial y su influencia en el comportamiento del consumidor.
Smart innovation, systems and technologies, 2022
Lecture notes in networks and systems, 2022
Marketing and Smart Technologies, 2022
Recently, the advertising industry has implemented new methods to improve the relationship betwee... more Recently, the advertising industry has implemented new methods to improve the relationship between brands and their consumers. To understand how to achieve this effect in a positive way, several studies have turned to the examination of advertising actions aimed at boosting brand experience. However, there are few studies that deepen the knowledge of the importance of creating brand experiences through innovative communication technologies such as virtual reality (VR). The present research explores how the use of VR in advertising helps in the generation of brand experiences. A qualitative methodology of phenomenological design was used with advertising professionals in the city of Lima. In addition, the exploratory scope of the analysis followed a descriptive coding process. It was evidenced that the properties of VR, such as immersion, presence and its sensory capabilities are crucial to promote brand experiences with greater intensity. This category of virtual brand experiences influences brand image, affects purchase intentions and, above all, builds brand loyalty.
In-game advertising or IGA is a type of product placement within a video game in a textual, audit... more In-game advertising or IGA is a type of product placement within a video game in a textual, auditory, visual and interactive way, used for decades and that, with the digital transformation and changes in consumption, has gained much prominence. Its use is allowing playful media platforms, which previously had no place in media convergence, to now be used for advertising purposes. This formula is allowing brands to effectively impact countless times on a large set of players through different streaming services. This high scope is complemented by a consistent construction of values, experiences, lifestyles and identities through the interaction with the product through the video game narrative. An example of this is the growing popularity of e-sports in Peruvian universities, which through FIFA20 tournaments, has facilitated a high level of scope of the brands present in the video game among young university students. This research has sought to discover how the in-game advertising o...
Tripodos, 2021
Advertising has been present in people’s lives through strategies for the sale of products, satis... more Advertising has been present in people’s lives through strategies for the sale of products, satisfying their needs, and interacting with them. The advertising of beauty and feminine care products has been one of the most constant through the traditional formula of using stereotypical models of women highlighting their beauty and perfection. However, the evolution of advertising and the empowerment of women is generating new responses in consumers. Precisely, the purpose of this exploratory study is to identify the perception of Peruvian women on how advertising represents the ‘real woman’ in Peru in the field of beauty and personal care products. This study concludes that Peruvian women recognize that there is still a limited presence of ‘real women’ in advertising despite the widespread social demand for a change in the advertising discourse.
2021 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2021
Fitness influencers have become the most used advertising resource by the fitness industry to gen... more Fitness influencers have become the most used advertising resource by the fitness industry to generate brand credibility through Instagram; social network that has established itself as the most convenient showcase to promote a healthy lifestyle based on exercise and balanced eating. The objective of this research was to identify the role that fitness influencers play in building brand credibility for young men, beginners or intermediate in some fitness discipline, through distorted imaginary of healthy life on Instagram. The methodology used for this study was qualitative, exploratory type. The results revealed that fitness influencers act as facilitators of brand credibility despite promoting a social imaginary where having a low percentage of body fat and a prominent muscle mass, driven by the abuse of synthetic substances, is a reflection of leading a healthy life.
Revista de Comunicación, 2020
Usualmente, con el fin de atraer a consumidores y generar sentimientos de pertenencia, los anunci... more Usualmente, con el fin de atraer a consumidores y generar sentimientos de pertenencia, los anuncios publicitarios recurren al imaginario colectivo que identifica a un país o región para construir un mensaje eficiente que vincule los valores de dicha cultura con determinadas marcas. En este aspecto, la publicidad de bebidas alcohólicas ha destacado por su constante creación de universos simbólicos y experienciales que aluden al lugar de procedencia del producto, con el fin de construir narrativas de identidad y motivar sentimientos de pertenencia en sus consumidores. Se ha podido apreciar que los anuncios publicitarios de las marcas peruanas de cerveza no han sido ajenos a esta tendencia, y constantemente han recurrido a estereotipos culturales materializados en anuncios que descansan en una base de significación orientada a construir una perspectiva de representación cultural. El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido analizar, mediante entrevistas focalizadas, cómo los estudiantes u...
Introducción: Existe una creciente tendencia por parte de las marcas de tratar temas sociales y, ... more Introducción: Existe una creciente tendencia por parte de las marcas de tratar temas sociales y, en base a ello, los consumidores generan diferentes percepciones. Objetivo: Analizar cómo perciben las mujeres que han superado el cáncer de mama la campaña publicitaria “Ayúdanos a desaparecer el cáncer de mama” de Oncosalud. Metodología: El enfoque fue fenomenológico. Se utilizó la técnica de entrevista semiestructurada, con lo cual se analizaron las percepciones de quince mujeres que superaron esta enfermedad. Resultados: Los resultados indican que las mujeres sobrevivientes al cáncer de mama perciben la publicidad sobre este tema de manera positiva. Ellas exigen que, si la marca va a realizar una campaña sobre un tema tan delicado, el mensaje debe elaborarse de la forma más pulcra posible. Conclusiones: Su difícil experiencia de vida como pacientes oncológicas les otorga una percepción muy particular sobre lo que se debe mostrar tanto en los mensajes audiovisuales como en las redes s...
Marketing and Smart Technologies
Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación
La franquicia Marvel es uno de los fenómenos transmedia de mayor éxito y relevancia en la industr... more La franquicia Marvel es uno de los fenómenos transmedia de mayor éxito y relevancia en la industria del entretenimiento. Cómics, series, videojuegos y películas han construido un mundo de ficción que ha incentivado la consolidación de un fandom con una actividad frecuente en las comunidades digitales. Esta investigación busca explorar los cambios en la actividad del fandom de Marvel en un contexto que introdujo variantes en la producción y difusión del contenido, pero sobre todo en la vida cotidiana de los fans de la franquicia. Así, a través de un análisis métrico de la actividad de las comunidades digitales peruanas, se observan las tendencias en el comportamiento, y a través de un análisis netnográfico, se exploran las temáticas que movieron la conversación de los fans. Los hallazgos permiten destacar que, aunque se esperaba un aumento en la participación y un cambio en las temáticas, la actividad de los fans en las comunidades digitales tuvo una tendencia a la disminución y las ...
In the last decades of last century -and early years of the currentwe have gone through radical c... more In the last decades of last century -and early years of the currentwe have gone through radical changes in core areas of human activity as social, cultural, economic and political. New trends have spread around the world, especially in western societies and those with established western influence. Many scholars from different disciplines attribute these changes in life and in the social conditions as a result of the same phenomenon known as postmodernism. Under this premise, this paper attempts to explain how this condition is affecting the current marketing theory and determined the conditions under which it operates its practice. Its influence becomes more important when considering the leading role played by the marketing in the postmodern phenomenon.
Papers by Francisco Arbaiza