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Artist and teacher Kurt Brereton's creative output grows like a wild ginger plant. He will stage a show of animations one moment, a performance the next, followed by an exhibition of paintings alongside a sculpture display. Branching... more
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      JournalismCurriculum DesignSocial Media
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      Eschatology and ApocalypticismWar on TerrorGeorge W Bush adminstration
282] Recent scholarship has explored the mythical function of news reporting. A diverse set of studies has shown that when news takes mythic shape it can perform both a community-building cultural role and/or a boundary-setting... more
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      LawDefamation LawMyth
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      Literary JournalismJournalismLGBT IssuesHate Crimes
Review of: Terry, Janice J., US Foreign Policy in the Middle East, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 2005, ISBN 0 7453 2258 1, 160 pp., US$24.95. Janice Terry uses opera as a motif and structuring device for her interesting study... more
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    • U.S. Presidency
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      Surveillance StudiesEschatology and Apocalypticism
Jack Bauer of the television series 24 is a highly charged contemporary mythic character who exists in powerful relationship to past and present real world and fictional figures. If Rambo was a classic Reagan era cinematic "hard body"... more
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      Television StudiesHeroesWar on Terror
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      LawWar on TerrorMyth
Review of: Western, Jon, Selling Intervention and War: The Presidency the Media and the American Public, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 2005, ISBN 0 8018 8109 9, 336 pp., A$37.95. In a series of five fascinating case studies,... more
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    • War and the Media
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'Jihad Jack' Thomas was arrested in Pakistan in January 2003 under suspicion of being an al-Qaeda supporter or operative. Thomas's guilt or innocence has been disputed ever since as police, politicians, the courts, the media and the... more
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      PublishingAcademic researchCommissioning
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      CollaborationArtsPeer and Group learningSocio cultural Theory
Early on in Tony Maniaty’s Shooting Balibo we come across Herman Melville, Michelangelo Antonioni and John Dos Passos. We quickly get the message that this is as much a journey of the imagination as it is a travelogue, memoir or... more
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The public discourse about marriage oscillates between a story of the ideal and a story of the everyday. A range of symbolic references or myths are mobilised in media stories about marriage; this is particularly evident in the polarised... more
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Elite classical music programs continue to focus teaching in Western Classical traditions where the emphasis is on technical virtuosity in instrumental or vocal performance. In this paper we discuss group activities and assessments used... more
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      ResilienceHigher Education StudiesCollaborative LearningSelf Efficacy
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    • Fiber Art Exhibition
This thesis is an exegesis that complements my installation project ‘Mitoni, Lurik and the Stitches of Lament’. My project was inspired by my personal participation in a traditional Javanese Mitoni seventh month pregnancy ritual in 2006... more
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      Installation ArtContemporary ArtFeminismTextile and Fiber Art
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Food offerings, egg, Jenang anak (glutinous pudding with child shapes), sweet rice porridge, no date, online archive courtesy of Nova W. O, photographer unknown.
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      ArtInstallation ArtContemporary ArtFeminism