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Виртуалните валути като икономическо явление са предмет на изследване и от счетоводната наука. Широкото разпространение и популяризиране на виртуалните валути, използвани като платежно средство от предприятията в глобален мащаб поставя... more
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      Financial AccountingManagement AccountingAccounting TheoryIFRS
This article examines one of the main priorities of the European Commission (EC) regarding the introduction of the regulatory obligation for certain types of undertakings to disclose information about the corporation tax accrued and paid... more
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      AccountingFinancial AccountingManagement AccountingAccounting Education
The nature, causes and manifestations of processes to ease and optimize financial reporting under the impact of changes in the regulatory environment are examined in this paper. The main directions of the simplification of the financial... more
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      AccountingTourism and Hotel ManagementFinance and Accounting
In 2013, the Fourth and Seventh Directives were replaced by a new Accounting Directive-Directive 2013/34/EC. The Directive is the outcome of EU aspirations to ease the business environment of small and medium-sized enterprises by... more
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      Accounting HistoryFinancial AccountingImplementation Of Eu DirectivesAccounting Regulations
The article reviews the new harmonized European accounting legislation and its impact on accountancy and drawing the financial statements of large enterprises in Bulgaria. We analysed the transposition of the fundamental accounting... more
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      AccountingFinancial AccountingGlobalization and AccountingBulgarian Accounting System
В доклада се разглеждат същността и условията за възприемане на основното предположение за действащо предприятие. Анализирани са условният характер и презумпцията, че предприятието ще продължи да функционира в обозримото бъдеще.... more
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      Accounting LawAccountingFinancial AccountingAccounting Principles
В своей ежедневной профессиональной деятельности бухгалтеры руководствуются утвердившейся бухгалтерской политикой как документом, имплементирующим бухгалтерское законодательство и/или бухгалтерские стандарты в качестве внутрифирменных... more
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      AccountingAccounting Measurement SystemsProfessional JudgmentAccounting Profession
This report highlights the role, functions and the specific accounting rules applicable to the forecasting and management of natural disasters by the business. The author proposes a model of management program in case of disasters and... more
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      AccountingDisaster ManagementAccounting Information SystemsAccounting & Reporting
Статията е посветена на икономическата характеристика на виртуалната валута биткойн, нейното счетоводно отчитане и представяне във финансовите отчети на предприятията в България, прилагащи Националните счетоводни стандарти, както и на... more
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      AccountingIFRSBitcoinAccounting Standarts
The subject of research in this work is the accounting of enterprises on a global scale. The subject of the article is to develop a global accounting framework for preparing and presenting the financial statements of business enterprises.... more
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      Globalization and AccountingConceptual FrameworkRegulatory Framework In Accounting
The article treats Initial Coin Offering (ICO) as an external source for the capital provision of a new company or a new investment project. The essence of ICO and the initial offering of tokens is examined. A distinction has been made... more
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      Financial AccountingAccounting Regulations and StandardsCryptocurrency
The topicality of the theme of the categorization of undertakings for accounting purposes arises from the ever-changing capabilities and needs of users of financial statements on a national, regional and global scale. The accounting... more
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      AccountingFinancial Accounting
In 2013, the Fourth and Seventh Directives were replaced by a new Accounting Directive-Directive 2013/34/EC. The Directive is the outcome of EU aspirations to ease the business environment of small and medium-sized enterprises by... more
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      BusinessAccounting HistoryFinancial AccountingImplementation Of Eu Directives
The article reviews the new harmonized European accounting legislation and its impact on accountancy and drawing the financial statements of large enterprises in Bulgaria. We analysed the transposition of the fundamental accounting... more
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      BusinessAccountingFinancial AccountingGlobalization and Accounting
The article reviews the new harmonized European accounting legislation and its impact on accountancy and drawing the financial statements of large enterprises in Bulgaria. We analysed the transposition of the fundamental accounting... more
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      BusinessAccountingFinancial AccountingKnowledge
The subject of research in this work is the accounting of non-financial enterprises on a global scale. The subject of the article is to develop a global accounting framework for preparing and presenting the financial statements of... more
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      BusinessAccountingFinancial AccountingManagement Accounting
Background: Academic writing for publication (AWforP) has recently come to the fore because of the critical importance of scholarly publication to academia and the internationalization of science. A review of the scientific literature on... more
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      Academic WritingResearch ManagementResearch and PublicationsStrategies