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The International Conference on Computational Science aims to bring together annually researchers and scientists from mathematics and computer science as basic computing disciplines, researchers from various application areas who are... more
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    • Technology
Community wireless networks (CWNs) offer free or affordable Internet access for the purpose of improving the well-being of the community. Many questions have been raised about the ownership, sustainability, and social and economic... more
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      Open Source SoftwareCollective ActionSocial CapitalWireless Network
With the rapid accumulation of gene expression data in publicly accessible databases, computational study of gene regulation has become an obtainable goal. Intrinsic to this task will be data mining tools for inferring knowledge from... more
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      GeneticsData MiningGene regulationRecurrent Neural Network
In this paper we introduce a new formal approach for mining biological data sets. The proposed grammar based approach provides a flexible and powerful tool for advanced sequence comparison and data mining. The approach benefits from the... more
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      Data MiningSortingGrammarsBiological Database
Groundwater is a very important resource, particularly in arid regions. In Makkah, which is the religious capital of the kingdom, water supply is provided from the aquifers of many valleys inside and around it and from the desalination... more
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      Water qualityWater SupplyChemical AnalysisArid Region
Sequencing of large fragments of genomic DNA makes it possible to perform comparisons of genomic sequences for identification of protein-coding regions. We have conducted a comparative analysis of homologous genomic sequences of organisms... more
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      GeneticsEvolutionary ComputationMolecular BiophysicsGene Prediction
Reverse-engineering of gene networks using linear models often results in an underdetermined system because of excessive unknown parameters. In addition, the practical utility of linear models has remained unclear. We address these... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsData MiningGraph Theory
In recent years, substantial effort has been applied to de novo regulatory motif discovery. At this time, more than 150 software tools exist to detect regulatory binding sites given a set of genomic sequences. As the number of software... more
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      AlgorithmsBiological SciencesSoftwareMathematical Sciences
Background: Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) is a molecular approach for detecting DNA Copy Number Alterations (CNAs) in tumor, which are among the key causes of tumorigenesis. However in the post-genomic era, most studies in... more
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      GeneticsGene expressionSystems Integrationhidden Markov model
This paper introduces a package, BioDatabase, a web-based application allowing for genetic sequence identification via the creation of custom databases. These custom databases contain a relatively small set of genetic data, specific to a... more
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      GeneticsCase Study ResearchCase StudyWeb Based Applications
We present a new method, link-test, to select prostate cancer biomarkers from SELDI mass spectrometry and microarray data sets. Biomarkers selected by link-test are supported by data sets from both mRNA and protein levels, and therefore... more
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      AlgorithmsComputational BiologyText MiningMass Spectrometry
The complex problem of assigning tasks to processing elements in order to optimize a performance measure has resulted in numerous heuristics aimed at approximating an optimal solution. l018-9162/95/$4000 1995 IEEE
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      HeuristicsComputer Aided ManufacturingResource AllocationResource Management
Abstract. Data mining techniques are important to sift through the huge amount of gene expression values in microarrays resulting in valuable biological knowledge. An important example is classifying cancer samples, which is crucial to... more
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This study presents the effects of the changing in color due to aging, thickness and the new color of polyethylene films on the radiative properties. Also, the influences of the radiative properties on the performance of the nocturnal... more
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      Energy ConversionPolyethyleneFilm ThicknessElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Due to the changing business environment, the need arises to integrate the pre-existing database system in federated way. A great effort had been done to enhance the performance of the Multidatabase management system (MDBMS). The most... more
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      Query OptimizationCost ModelManagement SystemBusiness environment
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      Distributed ComputingEuropean UnionMobile Ad Hoc NetworkIP networks
Due to the rapidly increasing usage of the mobile devices attached to the internet, a lot of researches are being conducted to manage and maximize the benefit of such integration. Accordingly, the innovation of this research is to enhance... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingHigh performanceMobile Computer
The rapid and reliable identification of clinically significant Mycobacterium species is a challenge for diagnostic laboratories. This study evaluates a unique sequence-dependent identification algorithm called MycoAlign for the... more
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      Comparative StudyClinical MicrobiologyBiological SciencesMycobacterium
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      Distributed ComputingOptimal mine design and schedulingLinear TimeCommunication Cost