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Questions tagged [ranger]

Ranger is a terminal-based file manager with vi-style key bindings.

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Animating GIFs as previews in File Manager "LF" or "ranger"

The desired behavior: When I'm using a file manager "LF" I would like to have animated GIFs as previews when I am over an image/gif mime-type file. What I actually had on mind was to convert ...
Noa's user avatar
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Highlight the cursor of current directory in different color with respect to cursors higher and lower in the file system tree

I am using ranger for a few days now which I find a great piece of software and I was wondering if it possible to set the highlighting of the cursor to a different color for the one poiting to the ...
ecjb's user avatar
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Select files in ranger using ranger

I am a bit confused about using regex in ranger (Arch Linux). I have a folder of files that look like this: 'sometexthere - I. - sometexthere' 'sometexthere - II. - sometexthere' 'sometexthere - III. -...
mor3dr3ad's user avatar
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How can I view an image in ranger without closing ranger?

I installed ranger console file manager on Ubuntu. I'd like to view images with it in the console (which I access via JupyterLab), so I also installed caca-utils, which contains img2txt: sudo apt-get ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Certain file types not showing in Ranger preview

I have a bunch of csv files that are all just plain text csv files. $ file ./* file1.csv: ASCII text, with very long lines file2.csv: CSV Text I even generated file2.csv from file1.csv using cut. ...
blackthorne18's user avatar
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Ranger: yank name does not copy anything to clipboard

I am using: ranger version: ranger-master Python version: 3.11.8 (main, Feb 12 2024, 14:50:05) [GCC 13.2.1 20230801] Locale: en_US.UTF-8 When I invoke yank name using yn, nothing happens. I use Arch ...
Jan Černý's user avatar
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Attempting to get image preview set up in Ranger, and having an issue with images appearing off-screen

So I am attempting to get image preview setup in ranger with WezTerm on a WSL2 install of Arch. I've got images showing with imgcat: But I am having an issue where ranger is just shoving everything ...
Antivash's user avatar
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Log of actions done in ranger?

Is it possible for ranger to record file/folder actions? I'm looking for a logging feature for every file/folder action done in ranger.
Sepp A's user avatar
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Ranger Has incorrect colorsheme when opened with firefox

I couldn't really find a better place to ask this question and figured that if anyone would know it would be you guys. So when I open ranger it inherits my colorscheme and styling from alacritty, ...
RustedSasquatch's user avatar
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How to send Alt+1 to CLI when multiple tabs are open in gnome-terminal?

Both ranger and the gnome-terminal use Alt + 1, Alt + 2 etc to switch to the corresponding tab. So if a gnome-terminal window only has one tab and ranger is open, then pressing Alt + 2 will go the ...
flawr's user avatar
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How do I reset the tags in the ranger file browser?

I have made a small script to list all my tagged files with ranger with ranger --list-tagged-files=* and put that list into another file (called todo). After a while I deleted and changed the name of ...
fruitiest Punch's user avatar
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Ranger: difficulties passing strings to `open_console`

I am starting to use ranger on linux, and I want to bind a key \ to place the string scout -ft in the ranger console. I added in rc.conf the following: map open_console scout -ft this does open the ...
Benben's user avatar
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ranger chain commands in config

I am using ranger as my terminal file manager and now that I understand the basics, I wanted to get a bit deeper into customizing the rc for my purposes. One thing I like to do is to map a command to ...
Enemoy's user avatar
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Ranger file manager as the singleton instance on shell startup

Problem: I use zsh and added to its config file a line of launching ranger on startup. .zshrc # A few other settings and commands. ZSH_TMUX_AUTOSTART="true" plugins=(tmux ...) source ranger ...'s user avatar
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html file to picture on cli of ranger preview

I would like to preview html files in ranger as pictures similarly how pdf files can be previewed. I imagine first it would be needed to force it into A4 page or something of the like, so it's a ...
fbence's user avatar
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Ranger File Manager as Default File Manager Errors

I could not get Ranger to be my default file manager using every tutorial I could find. Help is appreciated - I'll describe my attempts below: In Default Application -> Utilities -> Other... -&...
mw3modderman's user avatar
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ranger does not show filepreview when in tmux

I just discovered a strange behavior in my ranger-setup. When browsing through source-files with ranger (where I started ranger from within tmux) I realized that the preview-pane does not show my text-...
Tom Mekken's user avatar
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Opening current directory with explorer within file manager ranger (WSL)

I'm using WSL and i want a keybinding to opening windows explorer on the current directory path within ranger (file manager ( In the shell i can open a explorer ...
edinazzu's user avatar
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How to list all tagged files in ranger

I have a nested directory with tagged files across the subdirectories. Is there any way to list all marked files in this nested hierarchy?
Lenny White's user avatar
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Ranger: set default apps for files

I use arch linux, ranger and nvim. When I try to open any text file, ranger does not do anything and this is on output: /bin/sh: line 1: vim: command not found What can i do to open file in neovim ?
Jan Černý's user avatar
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Ranger: custom file sorting (dotfiles at the end of listing)

I am using ranger as cli file manager. I would love to order files in this way: Folders alphabetically Files alphabetically Folders starting with . alphabetically Files starting with . alphabetically ...
Jan Černý's user avatar
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Alacritty Ranger w3m: Images are not showing or disappear after few seconds

I am using Alacritty and ranger. I have also installed w3m. This is part of my ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf: set preview_images true set preview_images_method w3m set w3m_offset 0 Most of the time images ...
Jan Černý's user avatar
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Ranger image preview not working in URXVT running Fish shell until I open an image in Feh

I recently started using the Fish shell, and after opening a new URXVT instance I cannot get image previews in Ranger until I open an image first (using feh, in my case). Once an image has been opened ...
Dargscisyhp's user avatar
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Ranger: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ranger'

I have ranger on Arch linux. When I try to run it throws error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/ranger", line 35, in <module> import ranger # NOQA pylint: ...
Jan Černý's user avatar
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How to have ranger for linux open up files that are images or videos?

I'm a complete noob to sudo commands or even bash but I have no direction in how to start opening files with ranger. Barely experience with linux, but I do know how to install using sudo apt install. ...
Rune Wars's user avatar
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strange situation when running ranger as: "terminal -e ranger"

when I open ranger in the terminal as: ranger, everything is Ok. However, when I open it for example as: alacritty -e ranger the strange situation happens (1st figure). for fixing it i have to ...
ali b's user avatar
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Ranger key mapping move multiple selected file and move without enter the return key

I want to fast move things to different folder here is my mapping map mh shell -f mv %f /home/sln map mw shell -f mv %f /home/sln/Work map md shell -f mv %f /home/sln/Documents map mk shell -f mv %f /...
SLN's user avatar
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ranger file explorer — how to change the font (ie, to this linked example)

My question: how do I change the font in Ranger? The custom colorscheme files I have downloaded don’t seem to ‘include’ their font (ie, see this one from this theme)? I suspect it may involve ...
ppp's user avatar
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ranger: how to disable the preview column entirely

My question: How to turn off the preview-column (right-most column in ranger) entirely? I can’t use the solution set column_ratio 1, since I want > 1 columns for showing as parent directories. In ...
ppp's user avatar
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ranger file explorer: how to change into 2 panes at most (for vertically narrow console)

I’ve scanned the ? commands inside ranger as well as some cheat sheets people made online, but to no avail. How do I change ranger to only use 2 panes (or less)? I don’t mind getting rid of the ...
ppp's user avatar
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Neomutt run command to attach file on macro key press

I'm trying to use ranger to attach files to a mail in NeoMutt. What I have so far is Run ranger to select the file to attach and save its name to /tmp/muttattach with ranger --choosefile=/tmp/...
Pedro G.'s user avatar
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Ranger: How can I yank the selected files from

I copied this snipped from the arch wiki. But instead of extracting the selected files, it extracts the yanked files. So I'd like to know one of this two things: How can I make extract_here using the ...
Adrian Lopez's user avatar
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Opening an interactive terminal from ranger

Let's say I want to open xfce4-terminal from ranger with a keybind, like map XX shell myterm Is it possible? How?
Adrian Lopez's user avatar
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What package do I need to install to get video-previews in Debian's ranger?

What package does Ranger require to generate video-image previews in Debian? I'm using the ranger from apt and when I try to view a video's thumbnail I get, Image previews in kitty require PIL (...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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How to send key bind occupied/interpreted by tmux to program running in tmux?

Let's say I'm running ranger inside tmux session, but I want to send a keyboard shortcut to ranger (e.g. Ctrl+H) which is already used in tmux. Is there a passthrough mode to send key binding to ...
Kuntau's user avatar
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Copy any kind of file to clipboard with xclip

So, I want to be able to copy any kind of file to an X clipboard with a shell script (mostly as a means to copy files in ranger, to gui applications). So far i have this script: TYPE=$(file -b --mime-...
Kivi's user avatar
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Search and select all matching files in Ranger

Say that I have the following files in the current directory : aa01.txt aa02.txt bb01.txt bb02.txt cc01.txt ... Is there a way I can search for a given pattern and select ALL the matching files at ...
Janthelme's user avatar
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Check if I'm in a shell through ranger

In ranger, you can hit S to jump into a shell and ctrl+D to get back to ranger. When I've been in a shell for a while and I want to jump to ranger, I'm unsure if this is a regular shell and I should ...
Peeyush Kushwaha's user avatar
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Recovering mutt attachment filenames

I have a small mutt macro to save attachments using my file manager (ranger, as it happens). It looks like this: macro attach S "<pipe-message>muttsaveattach"<enter> where ...
Schiphol's user avatar
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Pass multiple directories to be opened by ranger in single instance?

Is there some way I can pass a "list" of unrelated directories for example: /tmp/ /home/chris /home/chris/example Into ranger's interface? Similar to what can be done with ls with the -d argument.
Chris Stryczynski's user avatar
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Remove the leftmost column from ranger file manager

There is a way I can remove the rightmost column: # Preview files on the rightmost column? # And collapse (shrink) the last column if there is nothing to preview? set preview_files false set ...
3N4N's user avatar
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Ranger - cd into nth folder

I found the command I want to use: cd $(ls -d */|head -n 1) and it works as expected when I do it in the terminal. However when I map it in ranger (either with map g1 cd... or map g1 shell cd...) I ...
Mattias Johnson's user avatar
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Ranger Run Custom .bash_profile Command

Suppose I have the following in my ~/.bash_profile file: function lazygit() { git add . git commit -a -m "$1" git push } I have run source .bash_profile and it works well in terminal on ...
Justapigeon's user avatar
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Ranger: How to Remap hjkl Keys?

I using Ranger and I am a Colemak Keyboard Layout user. I want to remap the h, j, k, and l keys to n, u, e, i keys. I tried this: issue #8 and Ranger doesn't seem to read from ~/.config/ranger/
David's user avatar
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jump to a directory inside of ranger

I tried :cd path but it does literally nothing. Imagine I open ranger while inside of ~/dir/, now I want to go to ~/somewhere/else/ while inside of ranger. I know I can hjjjj(whatever)lj/k(whatever)...
user avatar
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Use ranger as my default file manager in i3wm

When download a file via browser, the download status message box has an option named show in folder, How can I configure it to open ranger when I click it? Reason I want to do it: I'm currently ...
SLN's user avatar
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Ranger: Add Foxit pdf reader to rifle.conf

I've Zathura as my default pdf viewer which is fine. I've also installed Foxit Reader but it doesn't show up when I try to open any pdf file in ranger with r key. I tried adding following line in my ...
Rishabh Agrahari's user avatar
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ranger "set preview_files true" does not work

Since quite some time the file-preview-window in ranger stays empty. I.e. it indeed shows up but does not preview the content of text-files. Image preview and .pdf preview however does work. The ...
PatrickSteiner's user avatar
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How to create multiple directories in Ranger?

As in the equivalent of mkdir dir1 dir2 when running in bash. This creates two separate directories, dir1 and dir2. If you run :mkdir dir1 dir2 in ranger, it simply creates a directory called 'dir1 ...
James Wright's user avatar
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How do you go back to the previous directory in Ranger?

In Ranger you can go to a directory with g. When you type g it gives you a list of places you can very easily go. For example g, and then p takes me to /tmp. How do I get back to the directory I was ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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