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Certain file types not showing in Ranger preview

I have a bunch of csv files that are all just plain text csv files. $ file ./* file1.csv: ASCII text, with very long lines file2.csv: CSV Text I even generated file2.csv from file1.csv using cut. ...
blackthorne18's user avatar
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Opening current directory with explorer within file manager ranger (WSL)

I'm using WSL and i want a keybinding to opening windows explorer on the current directory path within ranger (file manager ( In the shell i can open a explorer ...
edinazzu's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

ranger: how to disable the preview column entirely

My question: How to turn off the preview-column (right-most column in ranger) entirely? I can’t use the solution set column_ratio 1, since I want > 1 columns for showing as parent directories. In ...
ppp's user avatar
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Ranger: How to Remap hjkl Keys?

I using Ranger and I am a Colemak Keyboard Layout user. I want to remap the h, j, k, and l keys to n, u, e, i keys. I tried this: issue #8 and Ranger doesn't seem to read from ~/.config/ranger/
David's user avatar
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Ranger: Add Foxit pdf reader to rifle.conf

I've Zathura as my default pdf viewer which is fine. I've also installed Foxit Reader but it doesn't show up when I try to open any pdf file in ranger with r key. I tried adding following line in my ...
Rishabh Agrahari's user avatar
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How to change relative symlinked path to "actual" one (in ranger or terminal)

What is actual path? Consider folder A in the file system and a symlinked B to it. Consider currently in ranger (or terminal) inside a sub-directory within B such as /home/B/sub1/sub2 which is in fact ...
SddS's user avatar
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How can I view current file only instead of all marked files in ranger?

In the ranger file manager,, how can I open the currently selected file instead of all marked files? I'd like to iterate through a directory and choose whether I mark ...
Bananach's user avatar
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