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mail: unrecognized option '-S' | sending mail from linux server

I am trying to run a bash to send emails from my linux server. I am using the following command: echo "This is the message body" | mail -s "This is the subject line" -a "From: ...
user3165121's user avatar
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mail sent in encoded format without any attachments

I am trying to migrate a certain script from AIX to Linux and having issues with the mail functionality. The rest of the script works fine, but the mail function is sending encoded mails with no ...
Preeti Maurya's user avatar
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SMTP Server Mail Alerts using TLS and authentication

i am a bit new in using SMTP server Alert configurations on AIX 7.1 OS . i am currently using below syntax which is running fine : mail -s "Subject" "[email protected]" < /path/to/my/...
Black Virus's user avatar
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How do I find current users mailbox through shell (command line)

I am using ssh to login to a remote linux box on a capture the flag site, to trying to learn linux fundamentals, and one of the questions asks "What is the path to the htb-student's mail?". ...
Patrick-not-spongebob's user avatar
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Mail recipient name with accents

Context $ echo $LANG fr_FR.UTF-8 Problem While it is possible to have accents in the sender name, mail seems to not accept them in recipient name: mail -s "Test" -r "Denis Bitouzé <denis....
Denis Bitouzé's user avatar
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Mailing an html file

Is it possible to mail an html file that looks exactly like the second image? I know mutt -e 'set content_type="text/html"' -s "Subject" [email protected] < test.html works but it ...
Ykaly's user avatar
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Sending two text files with mail command - No -a support [duplicate]

I searched but did not find this answer. I am running an old RedHat 5.3 system on one server (working on upgrade to 7 in progress) but I want to send 2 text files using the mail command. I do this all ...
Scott Paterson's user avatar
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how to send lines/messages to maillog file [closed]

under /var/log , we can see the following maillog files -rw------- 1 root root 11733421 Aug 5 03:47 maillog-20180805 -rw------- 1 root root 15566137 Aug 13 03:16 maillog-...
yael's user avatar
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HTML email from heirloom mailx on linux

I've been trying to work through sending a html email from mailx on a linux server. Few Notes: I have to specify a smtp server so therefore I cannot use sendmail (This is not something I can change ...
FzZB03KCa46QeaU's user avatar
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sending alerts from linux machine through email to MS outlook exchange

I Have a Scenario. I have written a shell script who check the space of mount point '/u06'. if free space is greater then 20% then its OK or if free space is less then 20% then it should generate a ...
M. AZ's user avatar
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19 votes
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Set sender name in mail function

How can I set sender name and email address using mail command in shell script.
Ankur's user avatar
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When does Linux send a root mail and how to force it for testing purposes?

Let's say I want to test root mail functionality after I set up nullmailer, how do I force my Debian Linux system to send a root mail? And furthermore on which events does Linux send root mails at ...
JohnnyFromBF's user avatar
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Email file attachment from command line

I want to email the file returned by the following command as an attachment (on RHEL/CentOS): ls -1 $(hostname -s)*.xml | tail -n 1 For example, the command above returns server-20140430080511.xml ...
Chris's user avatar
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RHEL - Uuencode + mailx = gibberish

I understand uuencode is for encoding files, and mailx sends mail. However, I'm not exactly understanding... Why uuencode file file | mailx -s "subject" email_adress keeps sending messages with the ...
user1766760's user avatar
119 votes
3 answers

What is "mail", and how is it navigated?

The program is located in /usr/bin/mail. Upon execution, Version 8.1.2 01/15/2001 is shown. Entering list produces: Commands are: next, alias, print, type, Type, Print, visual, top, touch, preserve,...
cwd's user avatar
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