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Questions tagged [feh]

feh is a lightweight image viewer

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2 answers

How can I preview image data urls in linux (e.g. data:image/png;base64, <data>)?

I opened some json-based configuration file and I see that there is a favicon key whose value is a data url representing a png: "favicon": "... I am looking ...
Marinos An's user avatar
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Using feh --keep-zoom-vp and --zoom fit at the same time?

If I run: feh --keep-zoom-vp * Then feh will keep the zoom and viewport positioning when browsing through images, as explained in the manual. This works as expected If I run: feh --zoom "fill&...
user avatar
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feh on linux keeps looping despite of --cycle-once

I am using a le potato running raspbian, to display pictures on a screen. These pictures are in a shared folder I can access from my windows pc. The input is where the pictures go, and output is ...
Michael van der Beek's user avatar
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feh image viewer: toggle frameless/move window

With the feh image viewer I can open a frameless window on an image. This is good. However now I want to move the window on the screen and to do that I guess I will need a frame. So is there a way of ...
Stephen Boston's user avatar
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feh ERROR: Can't open X display. It *is* running, yeah?

Followed this tutorial to try and get a photo album running on my raspberry pi 3: Using feh to try and run DISPLAY=:0.0 XAUTHORITY=/home/pi/.Xauthority ...
Alex Reed's user avatar
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feh image viewer in thumbnail mode want scrollable window

If I go feh --thumbnails <directory> I get a nice clickable screen of thumbnails for the images in <directory>. But I can't scroll that screen If I close an image I raise, the thumbnail ...
Stephen Boston's user avatar
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How do I open multiple links using feh?

I'm writing a program that gets a bunch of images from Librex' API, then opens them in feh. Here's the source: args = sys.argv[1:] for i in args: if "-" in i: args.remove(i) sch =...
ecjwthx's user avatar
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How to display image width and height in FEH?

I want FEH to display image's width and height in bottom-left corner (like: 1920x1080) But feh --info "%wx%h" doesn't work, and terminal says: sh: 1: 1920x1080: not found
helloyes20's user avatar
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Change window size to fit current image size with feh from CLI

I have read the feh manual but could not find a command line option to change window size to fit current image size : $ qrencode -o- | feh --zoom 300 - Can you help me ?
SebMa's user avatar
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Get the Absolute Path from feh

The feh command allows you to view images within a folder recursively: feh --recursive --auto-zoom While viewing images, it also allows you to associate custom commands with keys 0-9 on your keyboard....
Lonnie Best's user avatar
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4 answers

Feh on auto start from rc.local ERROR: Can't open X display. It *is* running, yeah?

I'm trying to run my dotnet app from rc.local file. Where i start playing video(working) or show image slide show with feh player. If i run my scrip manually from bash is working how it' should. When ...
MiselMoj's user avatar
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Feh show custom text on image

I'm trying to find an example for feh image viewer that you can use to show on screen your custom text. I wrote my own application which is doing some action and one of them is to show on the image ...
MiselMoj's user avatar
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Editing images with feh

According to the feh man page: --edit     Enable basic editing of files. This makes rotation and mirroring (bound to "<", ">", "|", and "_" by default) ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Crontab not running feh correctly on two screens in i3 (display variable set to :0)

I have two screens and I have a script to set a new wallpaper in i3 every day. The script basically downloads an image and then runs following command convert {save_location} -trim JPG:- | feh --bg-...
Nikolay Zakirov's user avatar
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How to present a slideshow with 'feh' with datestamp displayed on the photographs?

I want to show my photos in a slideshow and have the date displayed for each photograph. I tried it with feh, which is compiled with exif=1 I found --info and --drawexif but can't get it to work. feh ...
Katarina's user avatar
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feh keys configuration not working

I am trying to have custom key bindings so that I can have vim like scrolling. Following is my ~/.config/feh/keys file scroll_right scroll_left scroll_up scroll_down scroll_up Up j scroll_down ...
ma08's user avatar
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Feh vertical flip all images in slideshow

I have a large dataset of images in a directory that I would like to view. feh -f works perfectly to quickly step through the images. The problem is that all the images are flipped upside down. While ...
TinkeringBic's user avatar
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Wallpaper history using cat and awk

I got the following script to randomize my background using feh: #!/bin/sh WPCURRENT="$(find ~/Pictures/Wallpapers/ -type f |shuf -n1)" feh --recursive --bg-fill "${WPCURRENT}" ...
Gyugas's user avatar
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Calling a function with feh

I can call an external script with feh, like so: feh --action1 ';./ "$PWD/%F"' -F -Z "/Pictures/" But how do I call a function inside the same scrip, something under those lines: ...
Koriolan's user avatar
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Feh full screen shortcut

I was looking to setup fullscreen as shortcut for feh in my .config file but I can't find it anywhere. I know that I can get full screen by using -F through command line but I was looking for a way to ...
Nick's user avatar
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How can I get feh to set wallpaper to each monitor according to its size?

I have a directory filled with png files $ tree ~/wallpaper/ ~/wallpaper/ ├── foo--1366x768.png ├── foo--1920x1080.png ├── foo--2048x1080.png ├── foo--3440x1440.png └── foo--3840x2160.png 0 ...
Brian Fitzpatrick's user avatar
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Expanding FEH capabilities to preview RAW files

I would like to preview RAW files in FEH. I now I can do the following nufraw-batch --embedded-image DSC_0151.NEF --output=- | feh - which opens the image in feh, but only works on one image at a ...
Three Diag's user avatar
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Fake Transparency in URxvt Using ImageMagick in i3

The most popular way to set your background in i3 seems to be using feh, via something like: exec_always feh --bg-fill /home/user/Pictures/wallpaper.jpg in your ~/.config/i3/config file. Then, in ~/....
ThoseKind's user avatar
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How to block shell script until new background image is set AND displayed?

I ran this as a test to check if feh blocks util the background changes then exits/returns, turns out it doesn't (because only pic2 gets displayed as background, pic1 flashes for milliseconds ...
Wis's user avatar
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How to display images on a grid which consist specific size (MxN) in FEH?

I have about 30 images (all images of the same size: 300x75) in a directory and would like to present them on a grid of size 5x6. so far I have done it manually: $ feh -i --thumb-width 300 --thumb-...
JammingThebBits's user avatar
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feh conditional zoom

Is it possible to make feh do --zoom fill only if height or width of the image is less than a specified value during a slideshow so that it won't try to fill a smaller image(less than the dimensions ...
Jean's user avatar
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How to permanently set default color of feh's background to black?

Whenever I open an image in feh, the background is set to the standard, dark gray and gray checkboard pattern like this: As you can see, it's the checkboard background. How do I permanently change ...
M. Knepper's user avatar
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How can I apply a background to a subset of monitors?

My current setup is 3 monitors, 1920x1080 each, and I use feh to apply a 5760x1080 image across all 3. What I would like to do is add a fourth monitor (actually a TV) at either 1080x1920 (rotated) or ...
Kholby's user avatar
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using full-screen mode with feh in dwm

When I try to run feh -F <images> in dwm, I do not have the ability to interact with the full-screen window via the keyboard; e.g., if I try to exit (q), nothing happens and the following is ...
user001's user avatar
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feh warns on text files

How do I get rid of these warnings from feh? I am trying to run a slideshow using images in a directory. Why is feh trying to open text files in that directory? feh WARNING: images/temp.txt - No ...
Jean's user avatar
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feh: concurrent slideshow and montage modes

I have sets of images that are related and that I would like to view in parallel (e.g., images A1, A2, A3, etc. constitute a sequence and images B1, B2, B3, etc. constitute a related sequence). I ...
user001's user avatar
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Configuring feh key mapping problems

I want to configure feh so that the arrow keys and h, j, k, l to scroll the image left/down/up/right. I put following in ~/.config/feh/keys: zoom_in zoom_out scroll_right scroll_left scroll_up ...
viuser's user avatar
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viewing a tiff stack as a movie in feh

How can a stack of images (.tif format) be viewed in feh as a slideshow? When I open such a file, only the first frame in the stack is displayed. The arrow keys do not allow cycling through the other ...
user001's user avatar
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Change default image viewer

# ... def show(): """ Show image """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: target = g['stuff'].split()[0] if target != 'image': return id = int(g['...
Vent's user avatar
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Feh and i3-gaps not playing nicely

so I'm using exec_always feh --bg-scale *wallpaper* and it sets it correctly. I'm also using i3-gaps which can be found here. When I start setting my windows up, my wallpaper starts freaking out. I'm ...
ErraticFox's user avatar
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remove background with feh?

I use feh to set fixed background (wallpaper) in X (one line in .xinitrc): feh --bg-fill --no-fehbg some_image_file & Is this possible to remove background using feh (or any other tool/command) ...
sZpak's user avatar
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How to bind image deleting to a key in feh?

I have a problem in feh. When I hit 'CTRL+DELETE' the file is not deleted. Nothing happens at all (according to the manual it should remove the file from disk and from the filelist). If I hit just ...
user's user avatar
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How do I delete images from disk using feh?

I use feh to view images on my hard drive. However, if I hit [delete] the images are removed from the current slideshow, but not from the disk. What is the right way of removing images from the drive ...
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Pipe multiple files from curl to other program

I would like to download several images (from a server with a self-signed certificate) and view them all with feh. Is this possible with a single command? Something like curl -sk -b ...
EvenLisle's user avatar
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How to use feh to open web image with self-signed certificate

I'd like to use feh to open an image located on a server using a self-signed certificate. Is there any way to achieve this? I checked the man page in hope of finding something similar to curl's -k, ...
EvenLisle's user avatar
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Bind key to custom script in feh

Is there a way in which I can bind a keypress to a custom script (say a bash script) in feh? From the manual I have found out through ~/.config/feh/keys I can reconfigure keys, but as far as I know ...
user's user avatar
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process substitution for opening a list of files with an application

I wish to use process substitution to direct a list of files (produced, for example, by ls or find) to a particular application for opening/viewing. While piping such a list to xargs is suitable for a ...
user001's user avatar
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feh: maintain zoom setting

When browsing through the images in a directory with feh, the magnification can be changed by use of the up/down arrow keys, but the setting is lost as soon as the next image in the series is loaded. ...
user001's user avatar
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Is there an approach to have feh --thumbnails do not display filename?

I have many pictures which are screen shots created from shutter and downloaded from web. These pictures have long file names. When I create thumbnails on these pictures via feh -t, these long file ...
David Young's user avatar
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Make feh notice newly plugged-in monitor for image scaling

I use my laptop with multiple monitor, I want feh to understand that a new monitor has plugged in and scale wallpaper image accordingly. I use the following code, but when a new monitor is plugged in,...
Mohammad Efazati's user avatar
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Feh - strange behavior when loading backgrounds in Arch Linux

I am experiencing a strange problem with Feh in Arch Linux. When I start my openbox session, feh loads the background for a split second and then it goes away. If I manually load the background then ...
Chris Knadler's user avatar