Paolo Storchi
Assegnista di Ricerca presso Università di Pavia (PRIN Rures)
Professore a contratto di Greek and Roman Archaeology and Art, Università di Pavia, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici.
Professore a contratto di Archeologia del Paesaggio, Facoltà di Beni Culturali, Università di Bologna, Campus di Ravenna (2020-2022)
Field director of the Tannetum Archaeological Project (Sapienza Università di Roma; Syddansk Universitet of Odense -DK-): https://www.facebook.com/groups/650281665168231/
- Research Fellowship at Onassis Foundation
- Post doc at the Italian School of Archaeology at Athens (2018/2019).
- Since November 2017: Member of the editorial staff of "Agri Centuriati", an International journal of Landscape Archaeology (class A journal).
- PhD in Ancient Topography (28/09/2017): Sapienza Università di Roma, tutor Prof. L. Migliorati -Ancient Urbanism-; Prof. P. L. Dall'Aglio-Landscape Archaeology-; Thesis on the reconstruction of the nowadays Reggio Emilia/Brescello/Taneto/Luceria district in Roman time (Regium Lepidi, Tannetum, Brixellum e Luceria. Studi sul sistema poleografico della Provincia di Reggio Emilia in età romana, Quasar edizioni 2018).
Evaluation of the thesis: Excellent.
- Since Jenuary 2017 teaching assistant (Cultore della materia), thesis supervisor and an exam committee member for Landscape Archaeology at University of Bologna.
- School of Specialization in Classical Archaeology (a Post-graduate Master; 2013, 110L): University of Bologna, tutor Prof. P. L. Dall'Aglio -Landscape Archaeology-; thesis on the urban reconstruction of Regium Lepidi (Published in ATTA 2015).
- Master in Bioarchaeology, Paleopathology and forensic Anthropology (2011); University of Bologna, Pisa and Milan. Tutor: Prof. M. G. Belcastro -Human evolution and anthropology-; Thesis on the human bones collection of Reggio Emilia Musei (published in Pagani e Cristiani 2011).
- Master degree in Archaeology and Ancient Cultures (2009, 110L): University of Bologna (Italy), tutor Prof. L. Quilici -Ancient Topography- and A. M. Capoferro Cencetti -Ancient Urbanism-; thesis on the possibility that Regium Lepidi had an Amphitheatre and a Theatre in Roman Time (published in Orizzonti 2009).
- Bachelor degree in Classics (2007, 110L): University of Bologna (Italy), tutor Prof. L. Quilici -Ancient Topography-; Thesis on Roman and Pre-Roman road-system in the Regio VIII, Aemilia (Published on Orizzonti 2008).
Professore a contratto di Greek and Roman Archaeology and Art, Università di Pavia, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici.
Professore a contratto di Archeologia del Paesaggio, Facoltà di Beni Culturali, Università di Bologna, Campus di Ravenna (2020-2022)
Field director of the Tannetum Archaeological Project (Sapienza Università di Roma; Syddansk Universitet of Odense -DK-): https://www.facebook.com/groups/650281665168231/
- Research Fellowship at Onassis Foundation
- Post doc at the Italian School of Archaeology at Athens (2018/2019).
- Since November 2017: Member of the editorial staff of "Agri Centuriati", an International journal of Landscape Archaeology (class A journal).
- PhD in Ancient Topography (28/09/2017): Sapienza Università di Roma, tutor Prof. L. Migliorati -Ancient Urbanism-; Prof. P. L. Dall'Aglio-Landscape Archaeology-; Thesis on the reconstruction of the nowadays Reggio Emilia/Brescello/Taneto/Luceria district in Roman time (Regium Lepidi, Tannetum, Brixellum e Luceria. Studi sul sistema poleografico della Provincia di Reggio Emilia in età romana, Quasar edizioni 2018).
Evaluation of the thesis: Excellent.
- Since Jenuary 2017 teaching assistant (Cultore della materia), thesis supervisor and an exam committee member for Landscape Archaeology at University of Bologna.
- School of Specialization in Classical Archaeology (a Post-graduate Master; 2013, 110L): University of Bologna, tutor Prof. P. L. Dall'Aglio -Landscape Archaeology-; thesis on the urban reconstruction of Regium Lepidi (Published in ATTA 2015).
- Master in Bioarchaeology, Paleopathology and forensic Anthropology (2011); University of Bologna, Pisa and Milan. Tutor: Prof. M. G. Belcastro -Human evolution and anthropology-; Thesis on the human bones collection of Reggio Emilia Musei (published in Pagani e Cristiani 2011).
- Master degree in Archaeology and Ancient Cultures (2009, 110L): University of Bologna (Italy), tutor Prof. L. Quilici -Ancient Topography- and A. M. Capoferro Cencetti -Ancient Urbanism-; thesis on the possibility that Regium Lepidi had an Amphitheatre and a Theatre in Roman Time (published in Orizzonti 2009).
- Bachelor degree in Classics (2007, 110L): University of Bologna (Italy), tutor Prof. L. Quilici -Ancient Topography-; Thesis on Roman and Pre-Roman road-system in the Regio VIII, Aemilia (Published on Orizzonti 2008).
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Papers by Paolo Storchi
from the ancient sources, from the communication routes that crossed it, and from the remains of the
ancient monuments still preserved. A theatre, an amphitheatre, monumental cisterns and tombs were
discovered, but all of them were stripped of their decorations during Late Antiquity and Middle Ages.
This paper presents a three-dimensional reconstruction of the city’s theatre, based on a new survey of
the structures using a long-range 3D laser scanner, combined and integrated with photogrammetry and
direct survey. The model is supposed to serve not only as a show case of the original shape of the public
building, but also as a real research tool.
colony of Piacenza wasfounded in 218 B.C. and the reason of itsfoundation was certainly linked
to contrast the Celts, but there was also political motivation. The operations, carried out by
Roman magistrates, were abruptly interrupted by an insurrection of the Gauls (Galli Boi), as
soon as they heard of the imminent arrival of Hannibal in Italy. In our opinion, the war operations against the Gauls and Ligurians only allowed in 190 B.C. the actual foundation of the
center and the division of its lands, not in 218 B.C. This article examines the complex historical
and political context of these events and examines the traces left by these operations on the
ground and to reconstruct the evolution of the natural environment-man relation in this stretch
of the Po Valley in Roman times. To do this, the need for a multidisciplinary approach is emphasized to formulate new hypothesis.
A period of great discoveries · Enzo Lippolis worked for
over five years in the Reggio Emilia District as an
o√cer of the Ministry of Culture. In this period he
was the director of a lot of rescue excavations that
brought new light on the four Roman towns that
once were in this area: Tannetum, Brixellum, Luceria
and Regium Lepidi. In the first two cases just two
excavations were held, but the results were anyway
important for our researches. In Luceria he dug for
four years and he discovered the first ancient public
building ever found in the town, a forum pecuarium.
In Reggio Emilia he held more than 20 excavations
that made him able to reconstruct over 2000 years of
history. His discoveries increased dramatically our
knowledge about these towns and their territory.
Despite these may be not the researches Enzo Lippolis
is so well known for, they were extremely important
for the Archaeology of ancient Cisalpina and his genius, as well as his humanity, will be missed.
Given the great expansion of modern town of Nea Pella, it was decided to investigate the area through the use of historical aerial
photographs and this has led to significant results: it was possible to suggest the city limits, give a better reading of the theater,
already identified in 2018, and hypothesize the presence of an Amphitheater. The latter would be the second building of this type
found in mainland Greece.
sono universalmente noti per quel che riguarda la Paletnologia e l’Archeologia preistorica, ma non altrettanto sottolineato è il fatto che alcune ricerche di questo studioso abbiano permesso di ricostruire con maggiore sicurezza anche
la topografia antica della provincia di Reggio Emilia in età romana. In queste pagine valuteremo alcuni casi particolari
sottolineando anche come in Chierici si possa individuare una metodologia di ricerca che ne fa quasi un precursore della
scuola topografica bolognese.
from the ancient sources, from the communication routes that crossed it, and from the remains of the
ancient monuments still preserved. A theatre, an amphitheatre, monumental cisterns and tombs were
discovered, but all of them were stripped of their decorations during Late Antiquity and Middle Ages.
This paper presents a three-dimensional reconstruction of the city’s theatre, based on a new survey of
the structures using a long-range 3D laser scanner, combined and integrated with photogrammetry and
direct survey. The model is supposed to serve not only as a show case of the original shape of the public
building, but also as a real research tool.
colony of Piacenza wasfounded in 218 B.C. and the reason of itsfoundation was certainly linked
to contrast the Celts, but there was also political motivation. The operations, carried out by
Roman magistrates, were abruptly interrupted by an insurrection of the Gauls (Galli Boi), as
soon as they heard of the imminent arrival of Hannibal in Italy. In our opinion, the war operations against the Gauls and Ligurians only allowed in 190 B.C. the actual foundation of the
center and the division of its lands, not in 218 B.C. This article examines the complex historical
and political context of these events and examines the traces left by these operations on the
ground and to reconstruct the evolution of the natural environment-man relation in this stretch
of the Po Valley in Roman times. To do this, the need for a multidisciplinary approach is emphasized to formulate new hypothesis.
A period of great discoveries · Enzo Lippolis worked for
over five years in the Reggio Emilia District as an
o√cer of the Ministry of Culture. In this period he
was the director of a lot of rescue excavations that
brought new light on the four Roman towns that
once were in this area: Tannetum, Brixellum, Luceria
and Regium Lepidi. In the first two cases just two
excavations were held, but the results were anyway
important for our researches. In Luceria he dug for
four years and he discovered the first ancient public
building ever found in the town, a forum pecuarium.
In Reggio Emilia he held more than 20 excavations
that made him able to reconstruct over 2000 years of
history. His discoveries increased dramatically our
knowledge about these towns and their territory.
Despite these may be not the researches Enzo Lippolis
is so well known for, they were extremely important
for the Archaeology of ancient Cisalpina and his genius, as well as his humanity, will be missed.
Given the great expansion of modern town of Nea Pella, it was decided to investigate the area through the use of historical aerial
photographs and this has led to significant results: it was possible to suggest the city limits, give a better reading of the theater,
already identified in 2018, and hypothesize the presence of an Amphitheater. The latter would be the second building of this type
found in mainland Greece.
sono universalmente noti per quel che riguarda la Paletnologia e l’Archeologia preistorica, ma non altrettanto sottolineato è il fatto che alcune ricerche di questo studioso abbiano permesso di ricostruire con maggiore sicurezza anche
la topografia antica della provincia di Reggio Emilia in età romana. In queste pagine valuteremo alcuni casi particolari
sottolineando anche come in Chierici si possa individuare una metodologia di ricerca che ne fa quasi un precursore della
scuola topografica bolognese.
sedimentary apposition by the two rivers Papireto and Kemonia, surrounding this town on the north and south side, that has, little by little, greatly
stepped back the coast line, topographical studies in the last decades have greatly improved our knowledge about roman Panormo.
In particular the studies of O. Belvedere (Belvedere 1987; Idem 1998) revealed a strong resilience of the ancient punic and roman street system in the
present-day urban planning. He observed that the distances between nowadays roads in the old town centre, perfectly correspond to a punic
measurement unit: the great cubitus of 52,18 cm. Now these studies are also confirmed by archeological evidences (Spatafora-Montali 2006). Very
important are also the geological studies (Todaro 1995) that, through the interpretation of deep corings, finally revealed how could be the harbor area in the past. Epigraphic sources and the ancient writers tell us that there were in the city a Theatre, an Amphitheatre and a Circus; their localization was recently hypothesized (Storchi 2013). This poster's aim is to understand clearly how these buildings could work in the city contest.
Questo volume vuole esaminare tutto l'iter storico di questi centri e presenta novità importanti anche per quel che riguarda la collocazione di Tannetum centro sulla cui precisa ubicazione si dibatte da decenni.
Questo convegno internazionale intende presentare le più importanti novità sul tema degli spettacoli e dei giochi nel mondo antico.
Curiosità, conferme e sorprese dal "mondo di sotto", dai nuovi approcci di ricerca, come la geofisica e le ricostruzioni tridimensionali, all'anfiteatro individuato "scendendo in cantina", dai ludi gladiatori agli agoni atletici, senza dimenticare i proverbi inventati da greci e romani per parlare del "mondo dello spettacolo" e le nuove prospettive dall'America precolombiana.
Promosso da F.A.R. Studium Regiense, con la partecipazione di studiosi di prestigiosi atenei italiani e stranieri e di archeologi pubblici e privati (tra cui quelli delle Soprintendenze Archeologia, belle arti e paesaggio di Bologna, Mantova e Pisa) la giornata di studi reggiana è un appuntamento da non perdere.
This event is organized by Dr. Paolo Storchi (Sapienza, University of Rome – Postdoctoral Scholar at the Italian Archaeological School at Athens).
October, 11, 2018, Italian Archaeological School at Athens, 'Seminar Room 3rd Floor', 5.00 p.m.
A reception will be offered after the lecture.
V. Di Napoli, Romanizing Greece? Spectacles and Buildings
Giovedi 15/11/2018 - 17:00
E. Tzavella, Attica after Antiquity (4th-7th c.)
Giovedi 13/12/2018 - 17:00
S. Katsarou, Rituals in caves in the Neolithic in Greece