Vignan University
School of science and humanities
In India a large section of people living a life of suppression and unendurable sorrow though it is largest democracy in the world. These section of people are termed as Dalits and the cause of their wretchedness is our strongly caste... more
Last two decades have witnessed a drastic improvement in technical education. Technical institutions concentrate more on technical aspects that impairs the imparting of communication skills to their students. In this present epoch English... more
Post independent Indian women are confined to the status of secondary citizen.
The study of human universals is in the midst of a distinguished resurrection in linguistics, anthropology, behavioral biology, cognitive science and other fields. Literature is certainly the most eligible tool to discover and evaluate... more
It is a paper on Bengal Partition
It is paper on Indian Writing in English
It is paper on Dalit literature
India had been colonized for many centuries by different colonizers. Unbelievable gains of other colonies in India and its own wealth amassed in no time in this exotic country, made the British to conspire with the native rulers and gain... more
Accepting the fact that literature reflects contemporary society, this paper examines the corroboration of historical aspects as memes in Indian English Literature. Overview of Indian Writing in English discovers the expanding journey of... more
History of the Vedic period was dated way back to a few centuries in BC and so as the Hinduism. Religious beliefs and practices of Hinduism have got their roots in four Vedas namely, Rig Veda; Yajur Veda; Sama Veda and Atharva Veda. Apart... more
Gender roles are predefined, accepted and silently followed for quite some time in the history of every society. In Asia, the women's liberation movement started in the late 1960s and continued through the 1970s which brought women into... more
Across the world, women's empowerment is the most debated topic in academia as well as in society. According to Article 14 of the Constitution of India, women are given the same rights as men. At the same time, it cannot be entirely... more
Demarcation of mental disorders and mental illness in literature is not a new concept. Including Shakespeare, many authors make use of this theme in their works. In chaotic conditions, the protagonist of Shakespeare's Hamlet suffered from... more