Universitas Negeri Padang
Early Childhood Education
The study aimed to know the character of the child in the form of authoritative parenting. In the children of TK Affairs Pembina Padang west sumatera academic year 2017/2018. Character Education aims to form the character and personality... more
ABSTRAK Kurikulum dipandang sebagai jantungnya sebuah program pendidikan. Kurikulum dapat dipandang sebagai strategi dan cara yang dirancang untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan yang ditetapkan secara nasional. Seluruh pendidik dan pengelola... more
- by Efi Norita
The problem of this research is that learning activities on aspects of the development of the language of children are still low. Early childhood have certain age restrictions, unique characteristics, and are in a very rapid development... more
- by Efi Norita
The problem of this research is that learning activities on aspects of the development of the language of children are still low. Early childhood have certain age restrictions, unique characteristics, and are in a very rapid development... more
- by Efi Norita
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh beberapa masalah yang ditemukan oleh peneliti pada riset awal. Media pembelajaran yang dirancang oleh guru belum menarik dan menyenangkan bagi anak usia dini. Penggunaan multimedia interaktif dalam... more
Abstrak: The development of themes in early childhood learning in general has been done by PAUD teachers in the Class.But the development of local culture-based learning themes rarely applied so that many learners who do not know the... more
This study aims to obtain information about teachers' perceptions of; schedule of KKG activities, materials discussed, parsticipation KKG participants, Tutors / resource persons who provide materials, and learning media and the benefits... more
Early Childhood Education is seen as a program designed to optimize children's development at an early age. Therefore, every Early Childhood Education seeks to create a conducive environment for achieving these goals and strives to... more
Science trains children experimenting with carrying out multiple experiments, enriching children's insights to always want to try and try. So that science can lead and encourage children to be a creative and full of initiative and can... more
Oleh : Nelti Rizka
PAUD Terpadu Mutiara Bunda Bangkinang Kab.Kampar Provinsi Riau
Emai: [email protected]
Oleh : Nelti Rizka
PAUD Terpadu Mutiara Bunda Bangkinang Kab.Kampar Provinsi Riau
Emai: [email protected]
Counting is a mathematical part that needs to be developed in early childhood because numeracy skills are needed in everyday life, especially the concept of numbers which is also the basis for the development of math skills and readiness... more
Jumlah lembaga Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) semakin meningkat namun tidak diikuti dengan peningkatan kualitas layanan karena masih banyak lembaga yang belum memenuhi standar salah satunya yaitu lembaga PAUD Terpadu Mutiara Bunda pada... more
The development of teacher performance is a very helpful factor in the learning and learning process in this era of rapid development. One of the factors that influence PAUD teacher performance is teachers' professionalism that can be... more
Paper ini adalah kajian yang berbasis library research. Paper ini mencoba mengkaji tentang pembelajaran saintifik dalam kurikulum 2013 pendidikan anak usia dini. Dalam paper ini menguraikan, pertama bagaimana pembelajaran pendidikan anak... more