Papers by Pierre-Olivier ANTOINE
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2005
Comparisons. The Amphipithecidae are generally known to be large-bodied [6-9 kg (Pondaungia and S... more Comparisons. The Amphipithecidae are generally known to be large-bodied [6-9 kg (Pondaungia and Siamopithecus)] or medium-sized [1-2 kg (Myanmarpithecus)] primates, having upper and lower cheek teeth strongly bunodont with moderately to highly crenulated enamel surfaces. Bugtipithecus gen. nov. contrasts with the classic amphipithecid condition in being much

Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science, 2000
Rhinocerotids (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) from the Orleanian of the Garonne and Loire basins (Fran... more Rhinocerotids (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) from the Orleanian of the Garonne and Loire basins (France): biostratigraphical interest. Rhinocerotid fauna from the Orleanian (MN3-5) of the Garonne and Loire basins are revised. Twelve taxa, with seven asiatic migrants, are recognized and connected to the biostratigraphical context. New correlations are established between both areas. Three rhinocerotid associations are characterized for the Orleanian of the studied basins. © 2000 Académie des sciences / Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS rhinocerotids / Orleanian / Garonne basin / Loire basin / systematics / biostratigraphy / correlations / France Résumé -Les faunes de rhinocérotidés orléaniens (MN3-5) des bassins de la Garonne et de la Loire sont révisées. Les douze taxons, dont sept migrants asiatiques, sont ensuite replacés dans leur contexte biostratigraphique. De nouvelles corrélations sont établies entre les gisements des deux bassins. Enfin, trois associations-marqueurs de rhinocérotidés sont caractérisées pour l'Orléanien des régions étudiées. © 2000 Académie des sciences / Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS rhinocérotidés / Orléanien / bassin de la Garonne / bassin de la Loire / systématique / biostratigraphie / corrélations / France

Gavialoid crocodylians are the archetypal longirostrine archosaurs and, as such, understanding th... more Gavialoid crocodylians are the archetypal longirostrine archosaurs and, as such, understanding their patterns of evolution is fundamental to recognizing cranial rearrangements and reconstructing adaptive pathways associated with elongation of the rostrum (longiros-try). The living Indian gharial Gavialis gangeticus is the sole survivor of the group, thus providing unique evidence on the distinctive biology of its fossil kin. Yet phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary ecology spanning ~70 million-years of longirostrine crocodylian diversification remain unclear. Analysis of cranial anatomy of a new proto-Amazonian gavialoid, Gryposuchus pachakamue sp. nov., from the Miocene lakes and swamps of the Pebas Mega-Wetland System reveals that acquisition of both widely separated and protruding eyes (telescoped orbits) and riverine ecology within South American and Indian gavia-loids is the result of parallel evolution. Phylogenetic and morphometric analyses show that, in association with longirostry, circumorbital bone configuration can evolve rapidly for coping with trends in environmental conditions and may reflect shifts in feeding strategy. Our results support a long-term radiation of the South American forms, with taxa occupying either extreme of the gavialoid morphospace showing preferences for coastal marine versus fluvial environments. The early biogeographic history of South American gavialoids was strongly linked to the northward drainage system connecting proto-Amazonian wetlands to the Caribbean region.

Annales de Paléontologie, 2010
The construction of the Neufeld tunnel in Bern city (2006)(2007)(2008) led to the discovery of fo... more The construction of the Neufeld tunnel in Bern city (2006)(2007)(2008) led to the discovery of fossil mammals in the vicinity of the historical site of Engehalde. The study of the whole available sample led to the distinction of two mammal assemblages: (1) the historical level with the rhinocerotids Diaceratherium lemanense and D. aginense, and the ruminant Andegameryx cf. laugnacensis; (2) the Neufeld level with the artiodactyls Dremotherium feignouxi and Cainotherium sp., the carnivore Plesiogale angustifrons, and the glires Eucricetodon cf. aquitanicus, Peridyromys sp., and Prolagus vasconiensis. These two assemblages attest to a latest Aquitanian age (MN2b) for the last deposits of the 'Lower Freshwater Molasse' in the area. The palaeoecological analysis of the faunas indicates either the co-occurrence or the very short-termed succession rivers to open well-drained habitats within the hinterland.

Annales de Paléontologie, 2010
The construction of the Neufeld tunnel in Bern city (2006)(2007)(2008) led to the discovery of fo... more The construction of the Neufeld tunnel in Bern city (2006)(2007)(2008) led to the discovery of fossil mammals in the vicinity of the historical site of Engehalde. The study of the whole available sample led to the distinction of two mammal assemblages: (1) the historical level with the rhinocerotids Diaceratherium lemanense and D. aginense, and the ruminant Andegameryx cf. laugnacensis; (2) the Neufeld level with the artiodactyls Dremotherium feignouxi and Cainotherium sp., the carnivore Plesiogale angustifrons, and the glires Eucricetodon cf. aquitanicus, Peridyromys sp., and Prolagus vasconiensis. These two assemblages attest to a latest Aquitanian age (MN2b) for the last deposits of the 'Lower Freshwater Molasse' in the area. The palaeoecological analysis of the faunas indicates either the co-occurrence or the very short-termed succession rivers to open well-drained habitats within the hinterland.
Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2005
Reçu le 20 septembre 2004 ; accepté après révision le 16 novembre 2004 Présenté par Philippe Taquet
Comptes Rendus Palevol, Apr 30, 2005
Reçu le 20 septembre 2004 ; accepté après révision le 16 novembre 2004 Présenté par Philippe Taquet
Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2005
Reçu le 20 septembre 2004 ; accepté après révision le 16 novembre 2004 Présenté par Philippe Taquet
Geology, 2007
... Abstract/FREE Full Text. ↵: Gutscher MA,; Olivet JL,; Aslanian D.,; Eissen JP,; Maury R. 1999... more ... Abstract/FREE Full Text. ↵: Gutscher MA,; Olivet JL,; Aslanian D.,; Eissen JP,; Maury R. 1999, The lost Inca Plateau: Cause of flat subduction beneath Peru?: Earth and Planetary Science Letters , v. 171, p. 335341, doi: 10.1016/S0012-821X(99)00153-3. ... Marques FO,; Cobbold ...
Geology, 2007
In a recent contribution to Geology, Espurt et al.(2007) advanced a new model to explain the pres... more In a recent contribution to Geology, Espurt et al.(2007) advanced a new model to explain the presence of a major structural high, the Fitzcarrald Arch, in the Amazonian foreland basin. This model implies much greater coupling between subducting and overriding plates than previously suspected, and has implications for the tectonics of active margins far from the trench. In Espurt et al.'s interpretation, the presence of the Fitzcarrald Arch can be related to subduction of the buoyant Nazca Ridge in the presence of flat-slab subduction. However, ...
Geology, 2007
In a recent contribution to Geology, Espurt et al.(2007) advanced a new model to explain the pres... more In a recent contribution to Geology, Espurt et al.(2007) advanced a new model to explain the presence of a major structural high, the Fitzcarrald Arch, in the Amazonian foreland basin. This model implies much greater coupling between subducting and overriding plates than previously suspected, and has implications for the tectonics of active margins far from the trench. In Espurt et al.'s interpretation, the presence of the Fitzcarrald Arch can be related to subduction of the buoyant Nazca Ridge in the presence of flat-slab subduction. However, ...

Geobios, 2004
In November 2001, a Vietnamese-French team undertook the excavation of the Ma U'Oi cave in northe... more In November 2001, a Vietnamese-French team undertook the excavation of the Ma U'Oi cave in northern Vietnam. This limestone karst cave is located in the province of Hoà Binh, 70 km ESE from Hanoi and is typical of the northern Vietnam landscape. The site yielded an in situ mammalian fauna of a relatively modern composition. We also found a mixed fauna with a lower molar attributed to an archaic Homo (Demeter et al., in press). We estimate the age of Ma U'Oi fauna between 169 kyr, the age of Thum Wiman Nakin (Esposito et al., 1998) estimated by U/Th method and 80-60 kyr, the biochronological age of Lang Trang , or even Holocene. The Ma U'Oi site is important because of the scarcity of Vietnamese sites of those particular levels. For that reason, it fills a gap in the biostratigraphy of Vietnam and permits new correlations with other sites of the mainland, especially those well documented from Thailand.

Zoologica Scripta, 2010
Orliac, M. J., Antoine, P. -O., Ducrocq, S. (2010). Phylogenetic relationships of the Suidae (Mam... more Orliac, M. J., Antoine, P. -O., Ducrocq, S. (2010). Phylogenetic relationships of the Suidae (Mammalia, Cetartiodactyla): new insights on the relationships within Suoidea. —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 315–330.In most analyses, both molecular and morphological phylogenies of the Cetartiodactyla support the monophyly of Suoidea. However, the evolutionary history of this superfamily remains poorly known primarily due to long-lasting debates about the taxonomic content and relationships of the suoid families and subfamilies. Despite their crucial position in the reconstruction of the phylogeny of Cetartiodactyla, Suoidea themselves have received little attention in those phylogenies, and no extensive analysis of the group has been performed so far. We therefore examine the phylogeny of the Suidae through the first phylogenetic analysis of Suoidea, including recent and fossil representatives of all four putative families. The results support the monophyly of the traditional suid subfamilies and indicate the Sanitheriidae as sister taxon to the Suidae clade. The evolutionary history within Suidae reveals its complexity, with major convergences involving important morphological structures such as the auditory region or the upper male canine. Divergent signals gathered from either dental or cranio-mandibular features are responsible for two long-lasting unresolved issues within Suoidea: the question of the relationships between ‘Old World’ and ‘New World’ peccaries remaining unsolved, as well as the position and familial status of the mid-Tertiary tayassuid Perchoerus.
La présence simultanée de Deinotherium giganteum et de Prodeinotherium bavaricum (Meyer, 1831 à C... more La présence simultanée de Deinotherium giganteum et de Prodeinotherium bavaricum (Meyer, 1831 à Castelnau-Magnoac est démontrée par la découverte de nouveaux restes et la révision des anciennes récoltes. Elle confirme la coexistence de ces deux espèces, dont les tendances évolutives de la denture sont précisées, dans l'Astaracien (MN6 et MN7) du bassin d'Aquitaine.
Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2005
Reçu le 20 septembre 2004 ; accepté après révision le 16 novembre 2004 Présenté par Philippe Taquet
Des chambres de pupation de Dermestidae (Insecta : Coleoptera) sur un os de mammifère tertiaire (... more Des chambres de pupation de Dermestidae (Insecta : Coleoptera) sur un os de mammifère tertiaire (phosphorites du Quercy) : implications taphonomiques et paléoenvironnementales Dermestidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) pupal chambers from a Tertiary mammal bone (phosphorites of Quercy): taphonomic and palaeoenvironmental implications Reçu le 3 septembre 2002 ; accepté le 8 avril 2003 Disponible sur internet le 11 mai 2004
Papers by Pierre-Olivier ANTOINE