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The Yeast search for transcriptional regulators and consensus tracking (YEASTRACT) information system ( was developed to support the analysis of transcription regulatory associations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Last... more
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      Transcription FactorsYeast Genetics
Motivation: The ability to identify complex motifs, i.e. non-contiguous nucleotide sequences, is a key feature of modern motif finders. Addressing this problem is extremely important, not only because these motifs can accurately model... more
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    • Motifs
Background: Efforts using computational algorithms towards the enumeration of the full set of miRNAs of an organism have been limited by strong reliance on arguments of precursor conservation and feature similarity. However, miRNA... more
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    • miRNA
In this appendix, we present additional material concerned with the methods used and the results obtained.
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    • Motifs
In recent years, especially after the completion of genome sequencing projects for various organisms, there has been a growing interest in the study of regulation and gene expression mechanisms. The amount of data available makes it... more
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    • Transcription Factors
The discovery of microRNAs (miRNAs), almost 10 years ago, changed dramatically our perspective on eukaryotic gene expression regulation. However, the broad and important functions of these regulators are only now becoming apparent. The... more
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    • miRNA
The computational search for novel microRNA (miRNA) precursors often involves some sort of structural analysis with the aim of identifying which type of structures are prone to being recognized and processed by the cellular... more
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    • miRNA
EpiLog, a computa.onal tool for the logical modelling of epithelial pa6ern forma.on The complexity of regulatory networks controlling cellular processes calls for the development of specific computational approaches. This complexity... more
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Logical models are well-suited to capture salient dynamical properties of regulatory networks. For networks controlling cell fate decisions, cell fates are associated with model attractors (stable states or cyclic attractors) whose... more
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      Computer ScienceMedicineAsynchronous CommunicationState Space
Motivation: Logical (Boolean or multi-valued) modelling is widely used to study regulatory or signalling networks. Even though these discrete models constitute a coarse, yet useful, abstraction of reality, the analysis of large networks... more
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      BioinformaticsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsComputational Biology
Motivation: Models of discrete concurrent systems often lead to huge and complex state transition graphs that represent their dynamics. This makes difficult to analyse dynamical properties. In particular, for logical models of biological... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceBiologyAsynchronous Communication
Prey can obtain valuable benefits from associating with other species if heterospecifics help to detect predators or locate good food patches. In mixed-species groups, how species respond to the presence of other species remains a poorly... more
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      ZoologyConservation BiologyEcologyVigilance
Pastoralism and agriculture have affected rangeland ecosystems over the past millennia, including many ecosystems that are currently protected as reserves. However, the legacy of these land-use practices on current ecosystem functioning... more
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Newcastle disease (ND) is one of the most important and widespread avian pests. In Africa, backyard poultry production systems are an important source of protein and cash for poor rural livelihoods. ND mortality in these production... more
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      ZoologyEcologyEcological ApplicationsEcosphere
S. 2008: A multi-patch use of the habitat: testing the First-Passage Time analysis on roe deer Capreolus capreolus paths. -Wildl. Biol. 14: xxx-xxx.
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      ZoologyWildlife BiologyCapreolus capreolusRoe Deer
In this study we describe and calibrate a quantitative index method to estimate leaf biomass and forage availability for browsers at different feeding heights. The method is based on an index relating leaf biomass to a number of leaf... more
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      ZoologyEuropeanThree DimensionalIndexation
Pastoralism and agriculture have affected range- land ecosystems over the past millennia, including many ecosystems that are currently protected as reserves. However, the legacy of these land-use practices on current ecosystem functioning... more
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      Nutrient cycling in soil systemsGrazing EcologyLandscape and Land-use-history
seluru"l8od (h-U\tg3) N.rue8?uEur ecmo$r Frr4eu peseq-I1runululot q8noqr leaw eruE8 pu? sonue^er ro I3oNe^Il roJ sapFn:Uoddo Suzef Fuo4lppe s? qrns lsrgernq epuord ,&ur s?6.Ie p.petod q.ns Jo e8po oql uo Sul^rl 'Asno.uer lnurs uoFsrusu?4... more
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L. 2002. Disentangling the causes of damage variation by deer browsing on young Thuja plicata. -Oikos 98: 271-283.
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Body mass is often considered as a good indicator of body condition of individuals in ungulates, hence of their fitness, and thus, may be used as an index to monitor the status of populations subject to harvesting schemes. Here, we report... more
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      EcologySexual dimorphismSeasonalityBody Condition