Javier Jurado
Anthropologist and Cinema historian.
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Papers by Javier Jurado
Art and cinema allow us to observe processes such as accelerated urbanisation, electrification and the automobile revolution, the incorporation of women into the waged-labour market or class struggles, all of which fed the insecurity and anxiety of industrialised societies which sought shelter in growing protectionism and corporatism.
Contributions in English or Spanish are invited for a special issue of the journal Hispania Nova to address the following facets of the period 1918-1936 in the West:
- Dialogues between visual arts and cinema
- Society and mass spectacles
- Politics and cinema
- Reception and reach of audio-visual discourses
- Representation, gender roles and popular culture
- Nationalism and cosmopolitism in cinema and/or art
Proposals in English or Spanish of no more than 400 words and a biography of 100 words should be submitted to [email protected] before Wednesday 30th September 2020.
The deadline for full articles will be Friday 30 th July 2021.
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Les propositions de communications (titre et résumé de 300 mots environ), accompagnées d’une brève notice biographique, seront à envoyer pour le 31 mai 2020 à l’adresse suivante :
La langue de la rencontre sera de préférence le français, mais seront également acceptés l’espagnol, l’italien et le portugais. Pour la publication postérieure des travaux présentés au cours du colloque, les différentes langues des domaines linguistiques étudiés seront acceptées.