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Perspectives of Bilateral Relations of Ukraine with Neighbouring Countries
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    • International Studies
The European Integration Index for Eastern Partnership Countries will track the progress of Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries—Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine—on an annual basis. It provides a nuanced... more
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Developments in Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries over the past year have confirmed the trends we observed in the 2011 Index. Moldova has kept moving forward while Georgia is lagging somewhat behind on many indicators of this Index.... more
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Weeks before the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius and five years since the Eastern Partnership (EaP) was launched, the European integration trajectories of the six EaP countries are rather uneven. Countries have responded differently... more
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      European StudiesEastern EuropeEuropeanisationEurope
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      Political ScienceDiplomatic Ukraine
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Based on the comparative analysis models of constructive and destructive external informational impacts on social transformations in modern Ukraine are characterized. The unsubstantiated conspiracy versions of «subversive activity of... more
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    • Information War
Immature Ukrainian "big politics" tend to abuse the artificial media drives. This suggests a clear conclusion: Ukrainian politicians should not betray a common sense. The political "entertainment" would be understandable for the another... more
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    • Media and Politics
The development of transhuman technologies cause two oppositely directed trends to neoluddism and new utopia of human cyber immortality.
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    • Posthumanism and Transhumanism
The beginning of the XXI century marked the transition from modernism to postmodernism, from information and communication technologies of the fifth wave to the converged nano-, bio-, info-, cognitive-cybertech sixth wave (NBIC), which... more
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    • Transhumanism/Posthumanism
The Language - is not only a means of communication, but also a means of separation. It is not just a means of expression and self-assertion, but also a means of manipulation. The Language is a means of liberation, but also a means of... more
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    • The politics of Language, Culture and Identity
The globalistics followers understand the planetary social dynamics as the monolinear trends, based on the concept of pre-modeliing the desired and appropriate, necessary and sufficient/ Another characteristic of the ideology and practice... more
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In the article examines in the projections on the realities of formation of modern Ukrainian political nation the paradoxes of globalized world where intensely realized the right of nations to self-determination and creation their own... more
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Сингулярність за умов бурхливого розвитку конвергентних технологій чет-вертого покоління («Індустрія 4.0») перетворилася нині на один з ключових тер-мінів для філософських роздумів про майбутнє людини й людства (Human 2.0). Філософські... more
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    • Philosophy of Science
Communicative model of education on time of nonlinear thinking The communications - not only an information exchange inside the big or small social group, and also between such groups. In full conformity with a reference value latin... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy of Education
Homo ex Machina. Philosophical, cultural and political background formation of a convergent society: a monograph by Mykola Ozhevan and Dmytro Dubov. Kyiv: The National Institute for Strategic Studies. 2017. 272 pp. Bibliography 252-272... more
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    • Philosophy of Technology
MYKOLA OZHEVAN TECHNOPHILIA VS. TECHNOPHOBIA IN THE CULTURES: THE UKRAINIAN PROJECTIONS The report on II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Internationalization of higher education in Ukraine in the conditions of the... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy of Technology
The monograph covers the issues of the emergence of a convergent type of society, as a society of transhumanistic and related to the new quality of technological interventions in human nature. Considered are the philosophical foundations... more
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      RoboticsInformation SocietySecurityTranshumanism/Posthumanism
The peculiarity of media experts (in the English-speaking tradition - "Pundits"), which is also ironically called "talking heads", is their active involvement in the realization of such proactive functions as mediation; the reduction of a... more
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    • Information and Media Warfare
The peculiarity of media experts (in the English-speaking tradition "Pundit"), which is also ironically called "talking heads", is their active involvement in the realization of such proactive functions as mediation; the reduction of a... more
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    • Information Warfare