Evry University
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Read it there is an abstract.
Ce document explore le concept d'une interface homme-machine (HMI) et machine-machine (MMI) basée sur une dynamique paradoxale, où la machine défend l'homme uniquement lorsqu'il atteint un état de bienveillance, qualifié ici de "GOOD".... more
Créer un langage universel fondé sur des compatibilités subtiles, telles que les énergies et les résonances émotionnelles, pour guérir et unir les individus incompris, tout en rétablissant une forme de communication harmonieuse et... more
Monk must always be aware, connected, and conscious during the game. If Monk begins to lose awareness or connection, the GreenFlare Protocol should intervene. • Non-Harm: Monk must not be harmed by the player. Any action or interaction... more
The protocol fosters communication and healing via CGUL, which adapts to energy and resonance levels.
A Recall Protocol to be refined in order to paradoxically make some one awake than there is a WE, but also a ME.
Objective TPHP aims to restore the individual's energy balance by using an equivalent exchange of positive energy for healing. This process includes the activation and harmonization of personal energy through kind interactions and... more