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1. Apakah kelistrikan merupakan hal yang paling utama pada Data center, mengapa?
Applied Sciences, 2023
One of the most important reception sites for Phoenician pottery imports in the NE Iberian Peninsula is the Early Iron Age (800–550 BC) settlement of Sant Jaume. This site is exceptional in terms of preservation and the large number of complete vessels recovered. Moreover, the ceramic assemblage comprises one of the best collections of the earliest wheel-thrown pottery that is considered evidence of trade from the western Phoenician colonies and their specific interest in exploiting metallurgical resources. In this research, a sample of 58 individuals of wheel-thrown pottery has been analysed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), petrography (PE), and scanning electron microscopy attached with an energy dispersive X-ray unit (SEM-EDX). It was possible to identify 29 ceramic groups, some of which correspond to known Phoenician workshops of southern Andalusia and Ibiza, though the origin of most groups remains to be determined. The wide variety of sources identified illuminates the patterns of trade and exchange that the Phoenicians developed during the Early Iron Age and the export of their manufactured products. This information is fundamental to our understanding of the economic system developed by the Western Mediterranean Phoenician colonies that affected and transformed indigenous communities in the Mediterranean region. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
A politica externa brasileira em debate: Ricupero, FHC e Araujo, 2019
Objetivo: textos para debate; finalidade: discutir as orientações da diplomacia brasileira Sumário 1) Introdução: Paulo Roberto de Almeida, 4 de março de 2019 2) Rubens Ricupero, 25 de fevereiro de 2019 3) Fernando Henrique Cardoso, 3 de março de 2019 4) Ernesto Araujo, 3 de março de 2019
CATERINA PREVIATO, JACOPO BONETTO (a cura di) Terra, legno e materiali deperibili nell'architettura antica, 2. L'età romana, 2023
The archaeological investigations conducted by the University of Perugia on the site of Villa San Silvestro di Cascia between 2006 and 2012 have brought to light, in one of the sectors, an area belonging to a vicus of roman settlers, in which there were both residential structures that public and sacred buildings dating back to between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. The arrangement of the houses is organized on a road oriented in the NE-SW direction, the same axis as the centuriation of the plateau on which the settlement stands, linked to adisignatio viritana following the conquest of inner Sabina by Manius Curius Dentatus. The structures have a rather simple plan, made up of one or two rooms, with elevations in raw earth that insist on a rockfill base. With the same technique, a public complex pertaining to the same vicus was also built, consisting of a quadrangular main building with outbuildings in front, and maybe a temple. It follows a new axis and was built in place of some of the houses. This complex will be progressively replaced between the 2nd and 1st century BC by porticoes placed around a double-cella temple in masonry. These buildings of Villa San Silvestro therefore represent an important and rare example to study both domestic and public raw earth architecture in rural areas in the Middle and Late Republican Italy.
Blockchain: Research and Applications, 2023
The energy use of Bitcoin is fiercely debated among academics, practitioners, and the general public. This debate is often biased and characterized by a lack of understanding. Therefore, I start this paper with a discussion of the fundamentals of Bitcoin, which includes the clarification of widely held misconceptions. Next, I illustrate how Bitcoin is related to energy and describe the underlying incentive mechanism. In the main body of the paper, I discuss various components of Bitcoin's energy use, including the amount, composition, and geographical distribution of the energy, as well as emerging positive and negative effects. These components are then combined into a comprehensive framework that provides a solid foundation for future academic research and presents practitioners with the big picture of how and why Bitcoin requires energy and whether this can be justified from an environmental point of view.
This workshop aims to generate discussion on how Catholicism moved in the early modern world. The social, cultural, religious, and intellectual transformations of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries changed the ways that Catholicism was lived and experienced. Developments in communication transformed practices of idea circulation and exchange, the redrawing of national and confessional lines influenced the movement of Catholic people across them, and missionary efforts transformed Catholicism into the first global religion. We understand mobility and exchange to involve very literal things: travel, trade, the exchange of material things. It is also important to account for intangible forms of movement – shifts in worldviews, the exchange of ideas, movement between confessions and faiths through conversion
Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche 117, 21-45, 2020
By discussing a number of familiar, as well as hitherto unknown examples, the article shows how the Gospels can evoke entire scenes from the Old Testament by employing keywords, which enables them to be interpreted as prefigurations of the appearance of Christ: Gen 28:11-16 in Mark 4:35-41; Gen 37:5-11 in Luke 2:19.51; Gen 25:21-23 in Luke 1:39-45; T.Naph. 7:1-4 in Luke 24:32; 1Sam 9:15-17 in John 19:5; and 1Kgs 17:10-24 in John 2:3-5 and 19:26-27. The typological interpretation of the Old Testament in the New goes far beyond the explicit and immediately comprehensible references. In more ways than one, the Old Testament provides the framework within which the Christology becomes conceivable. Der Beitrag zeigt an einigen bekannten und auch bisher unbekannten Beispielen, wie die Evangelien anhand von Stichwörtern ganze Szenen des Alten Testaments aufrufen können, um sie als Präfigurationen der Erscheinung des Christus zu deuten: Gen 28,11-16 in Mk 4,35-41; Gen 37,5-11 in Lk 2,19.51; Gen 25,21-23 in Lk 1,39-45; TestNaph 7 in Lk 24,32; 1Sam 9,15-17 in Joh 19,5; 1Kön 17,10-24 in Joh 2,3-5 und 19,26-27. Die typologische Auslegung des Alten Testaments im Neuen reicht weit über die ausdrücklichen und sofort nachvollziehbaren Bezüge hinaus. In einem umfassenden Sinn bildet das Alte Testament den Rahmen, innerhalb dessen die Christologie denkbar wird.
Metode sampling audit dapat dibagi menjadi dua kategori utama: sampling statistik dan sampling nonstatistik. Dalam melakukan pengujian audit yang sesuai dengan GAAS, auditor dapat menggunakan sampling nonstatistik (nonstatistical sampling) atau samping statistik (statistical sampling) atau keduanya. Kategori tersebut serupa karena keduanya melibatkan tiga tahap : 1. Perencanaan sampel. 2. Pemilihan sampel dan melakukan pengujian. 3. Pengevaluasian hasil. Tujuan dari perencanaan sampel adalah memastikan bahwa pengujian audit dilakukan dengan cara yang memberikan risiko sampling yang diinginkan dan meminimalkan kemungkinan kesalahan nonsampling. Sampling statistik (statistical sampling) dengan menerapkan aturan matematika, auditor dapat mengukur resiko sampling dalam merencanakan sampel contoh : ketika kita dalam melakukan penghitungan hasil statistik dengan tingkat keyakinan 95% maka akan memberikan risiko sampling sebesar 5%. Sampling nonstatistik (nonstatistical sampling) auditor tidak mengukur risiko sampling. Sebaliknya, auditor memilih Dalam melakukan pengujian audit yang sesuai dengan GAAS, auditor dapat menggunakan sampling nonstatistik atau sampling statistik atau keduanya. Kedua jenis sampling memerlukan pertimbangan dalam perencanaan dan pelaksanaan rencana sampling serta pengevaluasian hasil-hasilnya. Lebih dari itu, kedua jenis sampling tersebut dapat
Experimental and Applied Acarology, 2019
The phoretic mite communities of prominent bark beetle pests associated with pine stands of southern Portugal were sampled to determine whether they vary across bark beetle species and stand type. Bark beetles were sampled for mites from two primary (aggressive) bark beetle species (Ips sexdentatus and Orthotomicus erosus) and the most common secondary species (Hylurgus ligniperda) in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) and stone pine (Pinus pinea) in the Setúbal province of Portugal. Twelve mite species, spanning diverse ecological roles, are found associated with these bark beetle systems. The relative abundances of the 12 species that make up the phoretic mite communities of maritime and stone pine varied significantly between host beetle species as well as between stand type, indicating that the phoretic host and dominant tree type are important drivers of mite community composition. The functional roles of these mites are outlined and their ecological significance in pine forest ecosystems is discussed.
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isara solutions, 2024
FTTH Optic Fiber Network Monitoring, 2024
London Arts-Based Research Center , 2024
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2009
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2006
Pediatric research, 2017
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2021
Journal of Aceh Physics Society, 2019
European Respiratory Journal, 2013
Agricultura, 2018
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 2006