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There are many opposing voices in translation studies that advocate one view and try to discard the other, consequently generating polarized concepts such as "process vs. product, "literal vs. free" etc … , that according to many scholars... more
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The aim of this paper is to describe the practice of professional translation into foreign language, which represents one of the most interesting research topics that has been recently tackled by many scholars discussing and researching... more
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This study aims at investigating the notion of fidelity and the impact of the patronage in the translation at Foreign Arabic-Language TVs. It is, noteworthy, altruism that these organs are launched to shape Arab public opinion with a view... more
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Translation teaching has long suffered from a lack of methodology. Texts to be translated by students are often selected randomly, or at best the selection is made on a text typological basis. The need to adopt a more objective-based... more
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This paper deals with the translation of technical terms from English into Arabic. It uses a comparative approach between the original and the translation. It first presents the specificities of technical texts, then some software... more
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Donc l'intraduisible serait, selon Christine Durieux, dans l'optique communicationnelle, une possibilité récurrente par l'emprunt, la transposition et d'autres solutions aussi pertinentes pour des résolutions qui, plus au moins,... more
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‫א‬ ª ‫א‬ ‫وط‬ ‫א‬ ‫و‬ ‫א‬ ª ‫א‬ ‫وط‬ ‫א‬ ‫و‬ ‫א‬ ª ‫א‬ ‫وط‬ ‫א‬ ‫و‬ ‫א‬ ª ‫א‬ ‫وط‬ 168 attention of researchers. In this research, I shed light on religious translation with consideration of the religious terminology that carries... more
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‫وא‬ Ħ ‫א‬ Ħ ‫א‬ ، ‫א‬ ª‫د‬ 166 specificities, but this type of literature may be read by adults like children. Translators in translating children's literature vary between the supporters of the adaptation approach, i.e. by modification,... more
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One of the most challenging issues in the realm of translation is translating idioms. This study shall review the main problems encountered when dealing with the translation of business idioms and the extent to which idiomaticity in... more
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Date de soumission : 21/05/ 2021 date d'acceptation : 26/09/ 2021 Résumé : Le présent article s'intéresse au contenu du cours de critique des traductions partie intégrante du programme de formation en Master traduction que propose... more
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This study aims to develop the voice in interpreting training as an extra-linguistic competence that accompanies the linguistic part of the delivery by answering to what extent does it impact the interpretation performance quality. The... more
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