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      3D GISGIS Applications in Archaeology
The Cultural Heritage has gained high value in the development of territorial strategies. In this aim new planning pro- cesses could be able to face the informa- tional asymmetry due to the existence of unstructured data, lack of... more
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      ArchaeologyCultural HeritageBusiness Process ManagementTerritorial politics
he Cultural Heritage has gained high value in the development of territorial strategies. In this aim new planning processes could be able to face the informational asymmetry due to the existence of unstructured data, lack of standardized... more
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      ArchaeologyCultural HeritageUrban And Regional PlanningGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
The Cultural Heritage is a complex domain composed of interconnected ecosystems and stakeholders. Innovative methods and techniques have been proposed to facilitate the management of this complex environment if it thinks about the culture... more
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      Digital HumanitiesCultural HeritageBusiness Process ManagementSocial Network Analysis (SNA)
The Cultural Heritage is a complex domain composed of interconnected ecosystems and stakeholders. Innovative methods and techniques have been proposed to facilitate the management of this complex environment if it thinks about the culture... more
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      ArchaeologyKnowledge ManagementCultural HeritageSocial Networking
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      ArchaeologyCultural HeritageArt Crimes
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      Landscape ArchaeologyArcheaologyVasteGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
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      ArchaeologyAncient Mediterranean ReligionsAncient ReligionGreek sanctuaries
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      Village StudiesMedieval Archaeology
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      ArcheologiaArcheaologyMessapian3d Modeling
The use of digital technologies has brought about a remarkable development in the field of archaelogical research. The combined use of tools such as GIS and DTM has guaranteed the possibility of simulating a few aspects of ancient... more
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      GeographyArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
Nell’entroterra di Otranto, a partire dal 1991, un importante complesso paleocristiano e bizantino è stato portato alla luce durante gli scavi dell’Università del Salento, guidati da Francesco D’Andria e successivamente da Giovanni... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyGender StudiesAnthropology
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      ArchitetturaStoria UrbanaSerious GameVideogioco
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      ArchitetturaStoria UrbanaSerious GameVideogioco
Questo contributo punta a definire il ruolo del progetto di architettura in un contesto urbano degradato per attuare una strategia sperimentale in cuiconvergono approcci conoscitivi teorici ed esperienziali. Scenario L'isola che ospita il... more
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      ArchitetturaTarantoPianificazione TerritorialePartecipazione
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      TerritorioTarantoPianificazione TerritorialeCittà
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      ArchitetturaTarantoPeriferiePianificazione Territoriale
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      ArchitetturaTarantoRestauroPianificazione Territoriale
The MediaEvo Project aims to develop a multichannel and multi-sensory platform for edutainment in cultural heritage for the realization of a digital didactic game oriented towards the knowledge of medieval history and society by means of... more
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      Late Middle AgesArchitectureSerious GamesSerious Gaming