Mauro Saccone
I am a fully qualified architect with practical experience of GIS for cultural heritage, archaeological and architectural survey using traditional and digital methods such as laser scanner and SFM. As a result of the practical work I undertook in different geographical and cultural contexts, namely Rome, Pompeii, France and Central America, I was able to learn a great deal about all the issues of the conservation field .Alongside my field work experience, I have recently received a PhD degree in 3D surveying. My research focused on the development of survey methods since the Grand tour using the Pantheon in Rome as main case study. It involved a great deal of independent research, requiring initiative, self-motivation and a wide range of skills including the use of a lot of 3D modelling software.
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Papers by Mauro Saccone
surveys conducted from a submarine and guided by knowledge-representation combined with a
logical approach (ontology). Two major issues are discussed in this paper. The first concerns
deep-sea surveys using photogrammetry from a submarine. Here the goal was to obtain a set
of images that completely covered the selected site. Subsequently and based on these images,
a low-resolution 3D model is obtained in real-time, followed by a very high-resolution model
produced back in the laboratory. The second issue involves the extraction of known artefacts present
on the site. This aspect of the research is based on an a priori representation of the knowledge
involved using systematic reasoning. Two parallel processes were developed to represent the
photogrammetric process used for surveying as well as for identifying archaeological artefacts
visible on the sea floor. Mapping involved the use of the CIDOC-CRM system (International
Committee for Documentation (CIDOC)—Conceptual Reference Model)—This is a system that has
been previously utilised to in the heritage sector and is largely available to the established scientific
community. The proposed theoretical representation is based on procedural attachment; moreover, a
strong link is maintained between the ontological description of the modelled concepts and the Java
programming language which permitted 3D structure estimation and modelling based on a set of
oriented images. A very recently discovered shipwreck acted as a testing ground for this project; the
Xelendi Phoenician shipwreck, found off the Maltese coast, is probably the oldest known shipwreck
in the western Mediterranean. The approach presented in this paper was developed in the scope
of the GROPLAN project (Généralisation du Relevé, avec Ontologies et Photogrammétrie, pour
l'Archéologie Navale et Sous-marine). Financed by the French National Research Agency (ANR)
for four years, this project associates two French research laboratories, an industrial partner, the
University of Malta, and Texas A & M University.
L’articolazione del testo prevede un’introduzione all’oggetto di studio, sintesi ragionata dello stato delle ricerche sul Pantheon. Una prima parte nella quale viene analizzato il ruolo delle accademie italiane e francesi nella formazione degli architetti e nella produzione di disegni di rilievo e si analizzano in dettaglio i rilievi del Pantheon prodotti tra il XVI e il XIX secolo. Una seconda parte in cui si riportano le attività di rilievo con strumenti digitali. I metodi utilizzati, fotogrammetria e scansione laser, vengono illustrati presentando il nuovo rilievo del Pantheon. Una terza Parte in cui vengono messi a confronto i disegni di rilievo con l'ausilio dei nuovi disegni digitali. L'analisi riguarda alcune tematiche quali: la geometria, forma e dimensioni del tempio; la divisione della cupola in 28 parti per realizzare il cassettonato; il disegno dei cassettoni tra ragioni costruttive e percettive che ne determinano le geometrie; la costruzione della rotonda e della cupola e i problemi strutturali che ne hanno determinato alcune fasi della realizzazione; il disegno di dettaglio che mette a confronto geometria, misura e conoscenza dell'antico.