Sunil Thorat
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Papers by Sunil Thorat
among the students group from class 6 to 12 during 2007-2008 with around 1200
participants from five schools of Manipur. In the study, the students were
educated about the local bioresources of the regions and their importance to the
environment. The increase in the anthropogenic activity in the name of
development in the last few decades has decline a number of known and
unknown species of the region. In order to safeguard the rich resources for the
generation to come, the role of younger generation is the need of the time and a
proper environmental education will be a boon for conservation efforts in the
region. The result from the study is very positive as from feedbacks given by the
students and the schools authority emphasized on promotion the feelings of
concern for the environment, development of awareness and sensitivity to the
total environment. The results also revealed that these students had favorable
attitudes toward the environment and feelings of personal responsibility to create
a better environment.
among the students group from class 6 to 12 during 2007-2008 with around 1200
participants from five schools of Manipur. In the study, the students were
educated about the local bioresources of the regions and their importance to the
environment. The increase in the anthropogenic activity in the name of
development in the last few decades has decline a number of known and
unknown species of the region. In order to safeguard the rich resources for the
generation to come, the role of younger generation is the need of the time and a
proper environmental education will be a boon for conservation efforts in the
region. The result from the study is very positive as from feedbacks given by the
students and the schools authority emphasized on promotion the feelings of
concern for the environment, development of awareness and sensitivity to the
total environment. The results also revealed that these students had favorable
attitudes toward the environment and feelings of personal responsibility to create
a better environment.