Andrea Lavazza
Andrea Lavazza, a scholar of cognitive sciences and a philosopher, is an associate professor of Moral Philosophy at Pegaso University and a senior research fellow at Centro Universitario Internazionale, Arezzo, Italy. His main field of research is neuroethics, which he has helped to introduce in Italy. In this field, he has published mainly papers on free will, human enhancement, brain organoids, and memory manipulation. His interests are focused on moral philosophy, free will, and law at the intersection with cognitive sciences and new technologies, including Artificial Intelligence. He is also working on naturalism and its relations with other kinds of causation and explanation in philosophy of mind and philosophical anthropology. Lavazza is the author or the editor of 13 books and over 170 scientific papers and chapters in edited volumes.
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Papers by Andrea Lavazza
con una prospettiva spesso totalitaria e sostitutiva, l’approccio delle
neuroscienze cognitive che riconduce al livello di spiegazione del funzionamento elettrochimico del cervello l’intero spettro della condotta
umana. Ciò si traduce in protocolli terapeutici che sono principalmente orientati a ripristinare un alterato equilibrio dei neurotrasmettitori.
In questo breve contributo, si vuole mettere a fuoco la contrapposizione tra un monismo esplicativo e un approccio multifattoriale, che
si declina tipicamente nella psicoterapia. Il caso di studio ha come oggetto la teoria dell'attaccamento.