Giulia Zornetta
I am a lecturer in Medieval History at the University of Padova.
I did a joint PhD (2018) at the University of Padova, Verona, Venezia and St. Andrews (Scotland, UK). My thesis focused on public authority and the history of conflicts in Lombard Southern Italy during the 8th and 9th centuries. I was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Padova working on a digital project on the history of the university and students' mobility during the late Middle Ages (2019-2021), and then a postdoctoral researcher working in two PRIN 2017 projects. I was a member of the "Fiscal Estate in Medieval Italy: Continuity and Change (9th-12th centuries)" research team at the University Roma Tre (2021-2022), and then of the "Ruling In Hard Times: Patterns Of Power And Practices Of Government In The Making Of Carolingian Italy" research team at the University Ca' Foscari of Venice (2022-2023). I was also adjunct lecturer in Medieval History at the University of Cassino and Lazio meridionale (2021-2023) and visiting researcher at the Friedrich Meinecke Institut - Freie Universität Berlin (2023).
My research interests revolve around power, society and economy in the early Middle Ages (6th-11th centuries) with a special focus on southern Italy, urban history and nunneries. They also include the relationship between history and archaeology and the history of the university, and the history of work from a gender perspective.
I am a member of the Italian Society for Medieval History - SISMED and its group for gender equality and inclusivity. I am also a member of the SAAME - Centro interuniversitario per la storia e l’archeologia dell’alto medioevo and the Atelier Héloïse - European Network on Digital Academic History. I am also editor of Reti Medievali and I quaderni del Maes - Journal of Mediæ Ætatis Sodalicium.
Address: Università di Padova, DiSSGeA
via Beato Pellegrino, 26
Padova, Italy
I did a joint PhD (2018) at the University of Padova, Verona, Venezia and St. Andrews (Scotland, UK). My thesis focused on public authority and the history of conflicts in Lombard Southern Italy during the 8th and 9th centuries. I was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Padova working on a digital project on the history of the university and students' mobility during the late Middle Ages (2019-2021), and then a postdoctoral researcher working in two PRIN 2017 projects. I was a member of the "Fiscal Estate in Medieval Italy: Continuity and Change (9th-12th centuries)" research team at the University Roma Tre (2021-2022), and then of the "Ruling In Hard Times: Patterns Of Power And Practices Of Government In The Making Of Carolingian Italy" research team at the University Ca' Foscari of Venice (2022-2023). I was also adjunct lecturer in Medieval History at the University of Cassino and Lazio meridionale (2021-2023) and visiting researcher at the Friedrich Meinecke Institut - Freie Universität Berlin (2023).
My research interests revolve around power, society and economy in the early Middle Ages (6th-11th centuries) with a special focus on southern Italy, urban history and nunneries. They also include the relationship between history and archaeology and the history of the university, and the history of work from a gender perspective.
I am a member of the Italian Society for Medieval History - SISMED and its group for gender equality and inclusivity. I am also a member of the SAAME - Centro interuniversitario per la storia e l’archeologia dell’alto medioevo and the Atelier Héloïse - European Network on Digital Academic History. I am also editor of Reti Medievali and I quaderni del Maes - Journal of Mediæ Ætatis Sodalicium.
Address: Università di Padova, DiSSGeA
via Beato Pellegrino, 26
Padova, Italy
InterestsView All (23)
Books by Giulia Zornetta
Stranieri. Itinerari di vita studentesca tra XIII e XVIII secolo
di Gábor Almási, Cristina Basso, Franco Benucci, Paola Benussi, Nicole Bingen, Claudio Caldarazzo, Paola Dessì, Giulia Foladore, Nicoletta Giovè Marchioli, Lotte Kosthorst, Mirosław Jerzy Lenart, Dora Longoni, Paola Molino, Marco Orlandi, Alessandro Paccagnella, Francesco Piovan, Tommaso Scaramella, Giulia Zornetta; a cura di Maria Cristina La Rocca e Giulia Zornetta
Grazie ad alcune nuove e fondamentali edizioni di fonti, questo libro si inserisce nel filone della storia delle élites altomedievali concentrandosi sulle vicende dell’Italia meridionale longobarda, una periferia e un’area di frontiera importantissima per la sua posizione al centro del Mediterraneo, che attirò l’interesse delle maggiori potenze del periodo.
Prendendo in considerazione sia la competizione con il mondo carolingio sia la dimensione del conflitto interno all’arena politica beneventana, che per i secoli VIII e IX vede il protagonismo indiscusso dell’aristocrazia locale, questa ricerca riconsidera l’esperienza dei Longobardi meridionali in un periodo di grande dinamismo e sperimentazione politica.
Papers by Giulia Zornetta
Unlike the Frankish royal tradition, the Lombards did not ascribe any particular relevance to the sacred dimension of kingship nor did the duke of Benevento, that took inspiration from the reges Langobardorum. This paper analyses Arechis’s public authority by arguing that both hagiographical texts and later chronicles tried to attribute a sacred role to the first prince of Benevento to strengthen his political relevance when compared to the carolingian and post-carolingian models of kinghip.
Stranieri. Itinerari di vita studentesca tra XIII e XVIII secolo
di Gábor Almási, Cristina Basso, Franco Benucci, Paola Benussi, Nicole Bingen, Claudio Caldarazzo, Paola Dessì, Giulia Foladore, Nicoletta Giovè Marchioli, Lotte Kosthorst, Mirosław Jerzy Lenart, Dora Longoni, Paola Molino, Marco Orlandi, Alessandro Paccagnella, Francesco Piovan, Tommaso Scaramella, Giulia Zornetta; a cura di Maria Cristina La Rocca e Giulia Zornetta
Grazie ad alcune nuove e fondamentali edizioni di fonti, questo libro si inserisce nel filone della storia delle élites altomedievali concentrandosi sulle vicende dell’Italia meridionale longobarda, una periferia e un’area di frontiera importantissima per la sua posizione al centro del Mediterraneo, che attirò l’interesse delle maggiori potenze del periodo.
Prendendo in considerazione sia la competizione con il mondo carolingio sia la dimensione del conflitto interno all’arena politica beneventana, che per i secoli VIII e IX vede il protagonismo indiscusso dell’aristocrazia locale, questa ricerca riconsidera l’esperienza dei Longobardi meridionali in un periodo di grande dinamismo e sperimentazione politica.
Unlike the Frankish royal tradition, the Lombards did not ascribe any particular relevance to the sacred dimension of kingship nor did the duke of Benevento, that took inspiration from the reges Langobardorum. This paper analyses Arechis’s public authority by arguing that both hagiographical texts and later chronicles tried to attribute a sacred role to the first prince of Benevento to strengthen his political relevance when compared to the carolingian and post-carolingian models of kinghip.
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This panel analyses some issues and shifts over the long term regarding both fiscal properties and tax assets. By considering three moments of political and/or institutional discontinuity in Southern Italy during the medieval period, it identifies who were the subjects who could aspire to fiscal resources, on what conditions these were accessible and what kind of conflicts could arise from their reallocation. It also raises issues on how these resources could be at the center of public authorities’ goals and strategies.
Attraverso l’illustrazione di alcuni quadri d’insieme e – soprattutto – lo sguardo ravvicinato a dossier selezionati di fonti documentarie relativi a importanti realtà regionali e cittadine della penisola italiana, l’incontro di studio intende interrogarsi sui modi e sulle forme di rappresentazione della parentela, sulle pratiche di accesso alla giustizia e sulla risoluzione dei conflitti interfamiliari, sugli ambiti (e sui limiti) dell’agency femminile, anche nel dinamico rapporto con la normativa ereditata dalla tradizione longobardo-franca e alla luce di eventuali integrazioni legislative coeve che sfoceranno nell’allestimento (e nell’esegesi) del Liber Papiensis.
This paper focuses on the territorial definition of the Lombard Southern Italy from the point of view of the Carolingians and from that of the Beneventans. Carolingian narratives and letters define the Principality of Benevento both as a regnum and a provincia, while the Beneventans also used the concept of fines to indicate the territory of the principality. They were also influenced by the Carolingian political discourse, so much so that they too used the term provincia on some occasions, most notably in the princely title.
This paper analyses this terminology in the framework of the competition between the Carolingians and Beneventans during the 8th and 9th centuries. It aims to investigate when these terms were used and whether they had a precise meaning within Carolingian political ambitions in Southern Italy.
Nel corso del X secolo il dinamismo degli ufficiali periferici, che facevano parte del gruppo parentale dei principi e rivendicavano con forza il loro ruolo pubblico sul territorio, portò a una più accesa competizione per i beni fiscali. Attraverso il dossier documentario di Santa Maria in Cingla, questo intervento intende evidenziare il rapporto articolato che si venne a creare tra monasteri e ufficiali longobardi nel corso del X secolo, specchio di un policentrismo attivamente sostenuto dall’autorità principesca per bilanciare il potere dei conti sul territorio.
A partire dal dossier di fonti relative al principato di Adelchi di Benevento, questo intervento si propone di analizzare come l'autorità carolingia venne intesa nel Mezzogiorno longobardo e come, al contrario, l’imperatore Ludovico II sfruttò le campagne antisaracene per definire il proprio potere regio e imperiale. La competizione tra Ludovico II e Adelchi, che sfociò nell’imprigionamento del primo, il mancato riconoscimento dei rispettivi linguaggi politici, rappresenta un caso di studio per indagare l’affermazione dei Carolingi nella penisola italiana.
This paper focuses on a later occasion of competition between the Carolingians and the Lombard princes, i.e. the principality of Adelchis (854-878), and aims to analyses how the Frankish authority was understood in Southern Italy and what strategies were put in place to counter it. Just like Prince Arechis, Adelchis was extremely interested in the representation of public authority and issued some chapters of law in conjunction with Louis II’s military campaigns. By exerting one of the most important royal prerogatives, he strongly affirmed his political authority over the Principality of Benevento, an area that Louis II considered as subordinated to imperial power. Since in 871, after the defeat of the muslims of Bari, Adelchis ended up imprisoning Emperor Louis II and his wife Angelberga, this case study appears to be extremely interesting to investigate the Lombard perception of Carolingians’ political role in Southern Italy.
From the 6th century onwards, frontiers became increasingly important in the Italian political landscape as preferential places for cultural encounters, identity negotiation, economic exchanges, and military confrontations. The panel explores their shifting role between Late Antiquity and the Carolingian period according to three case studies. The first deals with the boundaries of the Ostrogothic Kingdom and their ideological function; the second with the aristocracies of north-eastern Italy, their identity and perceived role; the third with the southern edges of Carolingian Italy and the function of monasteries.
Considering both written and archaeological sources, this presentation focuses on the political and social aspects which led to the urban development of Salerno and challenged the role of Benevento during the 9th century. The representation of political authority in urban spaces as well as the relationship between Lombard princes and aristocracy will be the core of the analysis in order to examine on the one hand, the making of the metropolis and, on the other, the social dynamics underlying it. Some final remarks are added to contextualize the rise of Capua as a third capital city in Lombard Southern Italy during the 9th and 10th centuries.
This paper focuses on the social and economic aspects which led to the urban development of Salerno and challenged the role of Benevento during the first half of the 9th century. Considering both historiographical sources on the elites of power and the results of archaeological excavations, it analyses the political dynamics in Benevento and the economic ambitions of the Lombard princes with regard to the Tyrrhenian Sea. Some final considerations are added to contextualize the rise of Capua as a third capital city in Lombard Southern Italy during the 9th and 10th centuries.
Questo contributo si concentra sulle opportunità che la crisi del 774 aprì per il ducato di Benevento delineando il progetto politico di Arechi prima e soprattutto dopo la caduta di re Desiderio. Il duca di Benevento giustificò l’innovazione principesca presentandosi come il successore di quest’ultimo, ma seppe anche mantenere un certo grado di ambiguità politica per preservare l'indipendenza dell'Italia meridionale dalle ambizioni carolinge e papali. Questo contributo esplora le scelte politiche di Arechi, in primo luogo quella della titolatura principesca, considerandole non solo nel quadro della tradizione locale e di quella regia longobarda, ma in dialogo con il mondo carolingio.
L'atelier doctoral si prefigge di portare attenzione sulle specificità e le sperimentazioni di un lungo periodo - esteso dalla fine dell'impero carolingio alla morte di Ottone III - che, anche nei contesti urbani, si caratterizzò per l'originale interazione fra regole di vertice del gioco politico e protagonismi emergenti dal tessuto di una società via via più articolata e conflittuale. Naturalmente, è preliminare a qualsiasi ricostruzione una ponderata valutazione del panorama e della struttura delle fonti-in particolare di quelle documentarie-, che fanno registrare nel X secolo un generalizzato incremento quantitativo: di qui la scelta di articolare il programma dei lavori su casi di studio-locali o regionali-caratterizzati da assetti delle fonti proficuamente comparabili, per analogia o differenza, e all'interno del quale una specifica centralità sarà riservata alla realtà per più versi 'laboratorio' di Piacenza. La città padana, come noto, rappresenta il secondo giacimento documentario dell'Italia altomedievale, e la pubblicazione delle sue carte d'archivio (circa 430 pezzi), ancora largamente inedite, rientra tra gli obiettivi del progetto "Repenser le 10e siècle au prisme des territoires: régulations et résistances dans une Europe en reformation (870-1000)", Programme structurant 2022-2026 dell'École française de Rome.
The aim of this conference is to promote knowledge and understanding of processes that – across the centuries and still today – have put academic freedom as a specific form of freedom of expression at stake, and to expand the debate on themes related to academic freedom and its violations.
The conference adopts a trans-disciplinary approach to academic freedom, informed by historical awareness and evidence of current threats, and it brings into dialogue voices from academia and other sectors as well as at-risk scholars. Furthermore, the conference considers the multi-level nature of commitment to academic freedom: local, national and European.
- The European space: transnational and translocal mobility (Zornetta), which analyses the mobility of both students and professors and focuses on the medieval and early modern period.
- The space of libertas: religious and political freedom, freedom of knowledge (Solera), which approaches the subject of the freedom guaranteed by the studium to its students and professors during the early modern period, which was a crucial aspect to the scientific development in every academic sector.
- Women and the university of Padova (Martini), which focuses on the role that women had in the university during the 19th and 20th centuries both in the scientific and political contexts.
This presentation aims to discuss the BO2022 database by focusing on the methodology used to design it and thus some of its limits. Further developments of the project will also be presented.
V. Rivera Magos, Milites Baroli
modera Antonio Antonetti
Ore 16:00-18:00 | 11 dicembre 2020