Enrico Pietrogrande
Graduated in Civil Engeenering at Padua University (1981, thesis supervisor Camillo Bianchi) and in Architecture at Iuav University in Venice (1989, thesis supervisor Bruno Minardi). From 1982 to 1998 active as a private practice. Among the plans drawn up there are those for the restoration of the Celsi family palace in Venice (published in "Palazzo Celsi a Venezia", Milan, Electa, 2000 - with Emanuela Zucchetta, prefaced by then-Superintendent Roberto Cecchi), for the organisation of the Risorgimento Museum in Rome, Vittoriano monument (see "Museo Centrale del Risorgimento", Roma, Editore Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano, 2001), for the restoration and conversion into the Museum for the History of Medicine and the Health of the former Hospital of San Francesco Grande in Padua (‘definitivo’ draft, with Camillo Bianchi, 1997-2002), for the restoration of the Fava-Ghisilieri palace in Bologna (2000-2001), for the restoration of the seventeenth-century tower of the municipality of Tribano. (Padova, 2001-02).
Ph. D. in "Building and Territorial Engineering" at Bologna University (2001). The thesis deeping the sources of ecological tendency in contemporary German and Italian architecture was published under the title "La salubrità dell'abitare. All'origine dell'approccio ecosostenibile nell'architettura del moderno in Germania e in Italia" (EdicomEdizioni, Monfalcone, 2002). At Padua University has then studied Italian Ina-Casa architecture in reconstruction years after the Second World War, with special regard to materials employed (study grant 2001-03).
‘Architectural and Urban Composition’ (SSD ICAR 14) assistant professor at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Padua since 2004, associate professor since 2018. The relationship between history and project (ancient city and new architecture) is the main research field. Participation in conferences (including Tirana Architecture Week, Tirana 2012; Symposium of Architectural Research, Tampere 2013; International Seminar on Urban Form, Porto 2014 and Valencia 2017; At the Frontiers of Urban Space, Avignon 2014; Environment and Architecture, Budva 2015 and 2016; City Planning and Urban Design, Istanbul 2016; Balkan Architectural Biennale, Belgrade 2017) and teaching are centered on this theme.
In the years 2006-2007 was scientific director of the research project "Use of innovative materials in contemporary architecture".
Between 2012 and 2016 artistic director of the restoration of the houses of the former Rural Village of Vigonza (Padua) built in 1938.
Visiting professor at Guangzhou University, China (11.09.15-09.10.15).
Since 2016 corresponding member of Galilean Academy of Science, Arts and Letters in Padua.
Teaching activity.
- At Iuav University in Venice: teacher of ‘Materials Laboratory and Building Elements Design 2’ (academic years 1995-96, 1996-97, Bachelor’s degree in Building Engineering) and ‘Technological Certification and Experimentation Laboratory 2’ (academic year 1997-98, Bachelor’s degree in Building Engineering).
- At Udine University: teacher of ‘Architectural and Urban Design Integrated Laboratory’, part 2’ (academic years 2010-11, 2011-12, Master’s degree in Architecture).
- At Padua University: teacher of ‘Architectural and Urban Composition’ (academic years from 2004-05 to 2007-08, Bachelor’s degree in Building Engineering), ‘Architectural and Urban Composition 3 and Laboratory’ (academic years from 2008-09 to 2010-11, Master’s degree in Building Engineering), ‘Architectural and Urban Composition 2 and Laboratory’ (academic years from 2011-12 to 2017-18 (Master’s degree in Building Engineering and Architecture).
Address: University of Padua
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
via Marzolo 9
35131 Padua
Ph. D. in "Building and Territorial Engineering" at Bologna University (2001). The thesis deeping the sources of ecological tendency in contemporary German and Italian architecture was published under the title "La salubrità dell'abitare. All'origine dell'approccio ecosostenibile nell'architettura del moderno in Germania e in Italia" (EdicomEdizioni, Monfalcone, 2002). At Padua University has then studied Italian Ina-Casa architecture in reconstruction years after the Second World War, with special regard to materials employed (study grant 2001-03).
‘Architectural and Urban Composition’ (SSD ICAR 14) assistant professor at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Padua since 2004, associate professor since 2018. The relationship between history and project (ancient city and new architecture) is the main research field. Participation in conferences (including Tirana Architecture Week, Tirana 2012; Symposium of Architectural Research, Tampere 2013; International Seminar on Urban Form, Porto 2014 and Valencia 2017; At the Frontiers of Urban Space, Avignon 2014; Environment and Architecture, Budva 2015 and 2016; City Planning and Urban Design, Istanbul 2016; Balkan Architectural Biennale, Belgrade 2017) and teaching are centered on this theme.
In the years 2006-2007 was scientific director of the research project "Use of innovative materials in contemporary architecture".
Between 2012 and 2016 artistic director of the restoration of the houses of the former Rural Village of Vigonza (Padua) built in 1938.
Visiting professor at Guangzhou University, China (11.09.15-09.10.15).
Since 2016 corresponding member of Galilean Academy of Science, Arts and Letters in Padua.
Teaching activity.
- At Iuav University in Venice: teacher of ‘Materials Laboratory and Building Elements Design 2’ (academic years 1995-96, 1996-97, Bachelor’s degree in Building Engineering) and ‘Technological Certification and Experimentation Laboratory 2’ (academic year 1997-98, Bachelor’s degree in Building Engineering).
- At Udine University: teacher of ‘Architectural and Urban Design Integrated Laboratory’, part 2’ (academic years 2010-11, 2011-12, Master’s degree in Architecture).
- At Padua University: teacher of ‘Architectural and Urban Composition’ (academic years from 2004-05 to 2007-08, Bachelor’s degree in Building Engineering), ‘Architectural and Urban Composition 3 and Laboratory’ (academic years from 2008-09 to 2010-11, Master’s degree in Building Engineering), ‘Architectural and Urban Composition 2 and Laboratory’ (academic years from 2011-12 to 2017-18 (Master’s degree in Building Engineering and Architecture).
Address: University of Padua
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
via Marzolo 9
35131 Padua
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Papers by Enrico Pietrogrande
an area situated on the outskirts of the city’s urban fabric between the perimeter of its ancient walls and the banks of the Bacchiglione
river, in the shadow of the abandoned monastery of St. Biagio.
The idea of restoring that physically and socially degraded area of the city of Vicenza has long been the object of discussion on the
part of local authorities. Once intimately linked to the city’s historic center, the area gradually lost its functional and social identity
becoming first a parking lot and then equipped as a city warehouse.
The intent to regenerate the area and the observation that the relationship between the city and its river is constantly refused, or
delayed, lead to recognize in the long edge of the area a unique meeting opportunity which allows to repair the water-city association,
recuperating rituals and connections from the past. The municipality is presently planning on pursuing a qualitative restoration of
the area which will be used for social and cultural enrichment.
The final part of the current work outlines some proposals that were developed during the Architectural and Urban Composition 2
course recently offered by the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering of the University of Padua (Italy).
All’interno di questo scenario Forte Pozzarello, fortezza bellica dismessa nei pressi di Porto Santo Stefano, testimone dell’importanza strategico-militare del luogo in un vicino passato, è l’occasione per rivitalizzare le presenze storico monumentali a scopo turistico e culturale.
Il recupero di un presidio bellico e la realizzazione di strutture ricettive a supporto dell’antico baluardo militare rientra all’interno di un programma di più ampio respiro che riguarda la realizzazione del parco territoriale dell’Argentiera, comprendente l’area della Torre Argentiera, del forte Pozzarello e la zona intermedia. Tale parco si configura come un sottosistema territoriale che unisce la tutela e la valorizzazione dei beni culturali e ambientali esistenti all’offerta di attrezzature e servizi per il tempo libero destinati al turismo e ai residenti locali.
All’interno del piano di sviluppo e valorizzazione, Forte Pozzarello esprime, dunque, la sua vocazione e attitudine a scopi ricettivi, espositivi e formativi. Per questa ragione la scelta progettuale, oltre che assolvere alle richieste di potenziamento con strutture e servizi a carattere turistico, aspira a trovare una relazione stretta con il Forte nell’aspettativa di costituire un luogo unitario inteso come centro di scambio e sviluppo culturale per un turismo ecologico non solo destinato ai turisti ma anche base per attività balneari, subacquee o culturali dei residenti.
summary, this is a model for local tourism development that allows guests to experience an historic, usually urban, setting. Accommodation is provided in houses and rooms located a short distance away from the core of the hotel itself, the building in which reception, the bar/restaurant area, and the common spaces and services are located.
The increasing spread of this model is mainly due to the responsiveness of part of the tourism market to ideas of sustainability and environmental friendliness. The model is compatible with the goal of enabling the continuation of economic development, which has not always been respectful of environmental values. It is believed that the very nature of this type of accommodation, thinking in terms of a large and flexible version of the model, may be particularly suitable for a local development plan. It can reduce the environmental impact in settings that have been already adversely affected by previous economic growth strategies that have turned out to be disrespectful of their surroundings.
The paper, based on a study of the experiences of some examples being implemented in Europe, will develop some considerations in respect of the area where the conference will take place. It will also take account of the fact that the tourism sector is one of the most important sectors of the Montenegrin economy and that, in particular, the Kotor Bay area includes 70% of the nation's artistic heritage.
Sul molo, organizzate lungo il percorso pubblico, vera e propria promenade architecturale, si dispongono in sequenza spaziale strutture leggere dal carattere frivolo e giocoso, fino ad arrivare ad includere padiglioni per sale da concerto e sale da teatro pensati per attirare, intrattenere e divertire, proponendo alla specializzazione ludica un’alternativa culturale. L’immagine evocativa di uno stile di vita gaio ed effimero viene incarnata da una struttura architettonica leggera, spesso in ferro e legno, che non rinuncia a rivelare anche una dimensione monumentale per la ricercata forma unitaria.
Destinato ad assumere proporzioni, forme, dimensioni e specializzazioni diverse che ne testimoniano la sua fortuna anche nel ventesimo secolo, tale modello diventerà un tipo esportabile nelle località turistico-balneari proponendo un’ ipotesi innovativa alla ricezione turistica con ulteriori significativi possibili sviluppi.
Modificando con la sua presenza l’aspetto del paesaggio lungo il litorale costiero con il quale si confronta, sospeso al limite tra cielo e acqua, esprime simbolicamente anche l’anima profonda delle località marine segnate nello spirito dalla voce nostalgica dell’infinito mare.
The chapter is part of a book dedicated to the Twentieth century master, originated in connection with the exercises on Urban and Architectural Composition 2 course (teaching group Enrico Pietrogrande, Alessandro Dalla Caneva, Adriano Rabacchin, Jia Lu) on the degree course in Building Engineering - Architecture at the University of Padua (Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering).
Our teaching at the University of Padua is based on fundamental 1960s studies on typological analysis. The spatial aspects of the transformations in the city are studied as a premise for the design of new architecture. The Portello area in Padua is one of the subjects that students at the University have investigated, thought of as an opportunity to reconfigure the lost unity of a very representative place in this city, custodian of its historic memory and identity.
an area situated on the outskirts of the city’s urban fabric between the perimeter of its ancient walls and the banks of the Bacchiglione
river, in the shadow of the abandoned monastery of St. Biagio.
The idea of restoring that physically and socially degraded area of the city of Vicenza has long been the object of discussion on the
part of local authorities. Once intimately linked to the city’s historic center, the area gradually lost its functional and social identity
becoming first a parking lot and then equipped as a city warehouse.
The intent to regenerate the area and the observation that the relationship between the city and its river is constantly refused, or
delayed, lead to recognize in the long edge of the area a unique meeting opportunity which allows to repair the water-city association,
recuperating rituals and connections from the past. The municipality is presently planning on pursuing a qualitative restoration of
the area which will be used for social and cultural enrichment.
The final part of the current work outlines some proposals that were developed during the Architectural and Urban Composition 2
course recently offered by the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering of the University of Padua (Italy).
All’interno di questo scenario Forte Pozzarello, fortezza bellica dismessa nei pressi di Porto Santo Stefano, testimone dell’importanza strategico-militare del luogo in un vicino passato, è l’occasione per rivitalizzare le presenze storico monumentali a scopo turistico e culturale.
Il recupero di un presidio bellico e la realizzazione di strutture ricettive a supporto dell’antico baluardo militare rientra all’interno di un programma di più ampio respiro che riguarda la realizzazione del parco territoriale dell’Argentiera, comprendente l’area della Torre Argentiera, del forte Pozzarello e la zona intermedia. Tale parco si configura come un sottosistema territoriale che unisce la tutela e la valorizzazione dei beni culturali e ambientali esistenti all’offerta di attrezzature e servizi per il tempo libero destinati al turismo e ai residenti locali.
All’interno del piano di sviluppo e valorizzazione, Forte Pozzarello esprime, dunque, la sua vocazione e attitudine a scopi ricettivi, espositivi e formativi. Per questa ragione la scelta progettuale, oltre che assolvere alle richieste di potenziamento con strutture e servizi a carattere turistico, aspira a trovare una relazione stretta con il Forte nell’aspettativa di costituire un luogo unitario inteso come centro di scambio e sviluppo culturale per un turismo ecologico non solo destinato ai turisti ma anche base per attività balneari, subacquee o culturali dei residenti.
summary, this is a model for local tourism development that allows guests to experience an historic, usually urban, setting. Accommodation is provided in houses and rooms located a short distance away from the core of the hotel itself, the building in which reception, the bar/restaurant area, and the common spaces and services are located.
The increasing spread of this model is mainly due to the responsiveness of part of the tourism market to ideas of sustainability and environmental friendliness. The model is compatible with the goal of enabling the continuation of economic development, which has not always been respectful of environmental values. It is believed that the very nature of this type of accommodation, thinking in terms of a large and flexible version of the model, may be particularly suitable for a local development plan. It can reduce the environmental impact in settings that have been already adversely affected by previous economic growth strategies that have turned out to be disrespectful of their surroundings.
The paper, based on a study of the experiences of some examples being implemented in Europe, will develop some considerations in respect of the area where the conference will take place. It will also take account of the fact that the tourism sector is one of the most important sectors of the Montenegrin economy and that, in particular, the Kotor Bay area includes 70% of the nation's artistic heritage.
Sul molo, organizzate lungo il percorso pubblico, vera e propria promenade architecturale, si dispongono in sequenza spaziale strutture leggere dal carattere frivolo e giocoso, fino ad arrivare ad includere padiglioni per sale da concerto e sale da teatro pensati per attirare, intrattenere e divertire, proponendo alla specializzazione ludica un’alternativa culturale. L’immagine evocativa di uno stile di vita gaio ed effimero viene incarnata da una struttura architettonica leggera, spesso in ferro e legno, che non rinuncia a rivelare anche una dimensione monumentale per la ricercata forma unitaria.
Destinato ad assumere proporzioni, forme, dimensioni e specializzazioni diverse che ne testimoniano la sua fortuna anche nel ventesimo secolo, tale modello diventerà un tipo esportabile nelle località turistico-balneari proponendo un’ ipotesi innovativa alla ricezione turistica con ulteriori significativi possibili sviluppi.
Modificando con la sua presenza l’aspetto del paesaggio lungo il litorale costiero con il quale si confronta, sospeso al limite tra cielo e acqua, esprime simbolicamente anche l’anima profonda delle località marine segnate nello spirito dalla voce nostalgica dell’infinito mare.
The chapter is part of a book dedicated to the Twentieth century master, originated in connection with the exercises on Urban and Architectural Composition 2 course (teaching group Enrico Pietrogrande, Alessandro Dalla Caneva, Adriano Rabacchin, Jia Lu) on the degree course in Building Engineering - Architecture at the University of Padua (Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering).
Our teaching at the University of Padua is based on fundamental 1960s studies on typological analysis. The spatial aspects of the transformations in the city are studied as a premise for the design of new architecture. The Portello area in Padua is one of the subjects that students at the University have investigated, thought of as an opportunity to reconfigure the lost unity of a very representative place in this city, custodian of its historic memory and identity.
The city of Padua is used as a complex case study in which the analysis and proposals for a new urban design concentrate on areas that were initially affected by rapid post Second World War reconstruction, then by wide building speculation that has resulted in their organic unity with surrounding parts of the city being lost.
The research presented in this book was carried out with a more general purpose in mind, that of discussing the urban image and applying the theories and techniques of building design from the point of view of a study on archi-tectural sources as well as that of a teaching method. The idea that the trans-formation and protection of the urban landscape can occur according to a uni-tary process is the basis of the teaching experience described below, founded on 1960s studies of typological analyses specifically oriented towards the theme of public spaces and establishing relationships between these and pri-vate spaces. The assumption is in line with the main contribution of the most advanced teachers in Italy on this subject at the University Institute of Archi-tecture in Venice during the second half of the twentieth century, the so-called School of Venice.
when compromised by old and recent speculative interventions. The methodology looks at the city as
a product of functional systems (political, social, economic), but overall contemplates the urban form
as a result of its spatial structure. The life of the urban form is investigated in its physical specificity,
the only one able of giving reason of its special nature over every social, economic and political
aspect, certainly important but not sufficient.
Our teaching at the University of Padua is based on fundamental 1960s studies about typological
analysis oriented towards the theme of public spaces and establishing relationships between these
ones and private spaces. The spatial aspects and formal image of the transformations in the city are
studied as a premise for the design of the new architecture.
The San Bernardino area in Padua is one of the subjects investigated by our students, thought as an
opportunity to reconfigure the lost unity of a very symbolic and representative place of the city,
custodian of its memory and identity. The San Bernardino area has been affected by rapid post
Second World War reconstruction that has resulted in the organic unity with surrounding parts of the
city being lost. The order and hierarchy of the elements that characterize the form of this old place has
been compromised by subsequent actions of speculation operated in the second half of the twentieth
century. The area, recently squalid parking space but in the past centuries reference point for the
community religious life, is used as a case study in which the analysis and proposals for a new urban
design concentrate.
L’area della fabbrica rappresnta l’oggetto recentemente studiato dagli studenti al corso di Composizione Architettonica e Urbana 2 all’Università di Padova. Agli studenti era richiesto di presentare ipotesi di progetto per riconfigurare la perduta unità di questa parte degradata della città.
La storia è considerata uno strumento indispensabile per conoscere le ragioni profonde della struttura urbana, che può essere usata per controllare i cambiamenti dei sistemi funzionali (politico, sociale, economico).Storia e progetto non sono qui intesi come momenti separati dal momento che i due termini si confondono continuamente nel progetto. Storia e progetto, conservazione e trasformazione fanno parte di uno medesimo processo creativo. In questo senso la città, contemporanea,come afferma Carlos Martìs Arìs,appare tanto il luogo dove si sperimentano tutti gli apporti che la storia è andata depositando quanto il luogo dove si verifica che tali sedimenti possano convivere con nuovi apporti, mostrando così il carattere multiforme della realtà urbana.
The monastery of Santa Corona is one of the subjects recently investigated by our students at the ‘Architectural and Urban Composition 2' course taught on the master’s degree in Architectural Engineering at the University of Padua. Students were required to present project hypotheses to guarantee innovation and continuity in the change between past and future. The history is considered an indispensable tool to know the deep reasons of the urban structure, which can be used to control the change of functional systems (political, social and economic). The monastery of Santa Corona was thought by our students as an opportunity to suggest new ways to manage the change through the reinterpretation of the lost unity of this symbolic and representative place of the city.
The juxtaposition of well-known architectures to provide form to new spatial connections in the environment verifies new unthought-of opportunities to compose buildings and monuments that modify the space. The inventions resulting from the union of individual architectures into unitary visions that do not organically belong together is a particular iconography in which buildings abandon the passive and ornamental function thanks to which we have got to know them and reacquire an actively elevated role in the project.
A similar procedure that tests the possibility of enhancement of the context and the monument was experimented by the greatest architect of romantic classicism, Karl Friedrich Schinkel, and can be seen in one of his best known designs called Large composition, how Milan Cathedral should be situated (1810). So the monument of the Lombard city is represented on a hill that overlooks a large city on the coast, perhaps Trieste, in order to test a new version of the relationship, here between architecture and nature. It is one of the most well-known anticipated explorations carried out in the past in a planning method facilitating upstream project verification aimed at the evaluation on the one hand of the impact of a new architecture on the environment, and on the other hand, of the opportunity to enhance a given place.
De Giorgio had designed the new building dedicated to administration and recreation on the right facing the headquarters, the transformation of the nearby school gym, in the centre, and the modification of a smaller building that housed showers and toilets. The facades on the street were clad in travertine, and the first block was engraved with the main part of the Discorso dell’impero, the "Speech of the Empire".
Following the fall of fascism and, subsequently, the end of the war, all sculptural elements were removed and the slabs engraved with the words pronounced by Mussolini replaced with blank ones. However, as a result of the recent intervention mentioned above, new stone eagles have appeared, different from the originals, and the stone slabs corresponding to those on which the Discorso dell’impero was once engraved have been abraded, although replaced in the post-war period, deliberately suggesting a cancellation that never occurred.
Terms such as "unfinished" and "imperfect" concur with an attitude of openness to the possibility that the renovated building could be subject to new modifications, with knowledge of its past conditions offering great opportunities for the relative design. Moreover, the display of the untreated materials and the procedures undertaken corresponds to a frank, sincere, and truthful way of operating that may indeed have an ethical impact.
England and the Switzerland are the countries where you can find most cases of this tendency of refusal to smooth aver and camouflage. In these contexts we see the greatest evidence of that influence exercised by the neo-brutalist architecture of half a century ago, and by the As found tendency which, together, have contributed to mark the end of orthodoxy in the Modern Movement.
near Padua. The village was born around two old mills built on the sides of the Biancolino, the canal that unifies and
devides the little community. The spatial aspects and formal image of the transformations in Pontemanco are studied
as a premise for the design of the new architecture that completes the existing buildings. The working method is
based on the belief that, in the study of urban morphology, is basic to analyse the history of the city. The history
becomes an indispensable tool to know the deep reasons of the urban structure which is the memory and the image
of the community. The methodology contemplates the urban form as a result of its spatial structure. The life of the
urban form is investigated in its physical specificity, the only one able of giving reason of its special nature over every
social, economic and political aspect, certainly important but not sufficient. Our teaching at the University of Padova
(Italy) is based on fundamental 1960s studies about typological analysis. The old village of Pontemanco is one of the
subjects investigated by our students, thought as an opportunity to reconfigure the lost unity of this very symbolic
and representative place were the waters of the Biancolino Canal flow.