Morphlological Survey on Dongshan Houses, Guangzhou

Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses, Guangzhou Supervised by Prof. Enrico Pietrogrande, University of Padova, Italy Dr. Jintang Chen, Guangzhou University, China Introduction About the Programme This is a cooperation programme supervised by prof. Enrico Pietrogrande, University of Padova. The programme is a ieldwork about the urban form in Sibei Tongjin Road, Guangzhou. 12 students were separated into 6 groups. Each group has to investigate 2 typical houses in the area and research the evolution of those houses. 课程说明 这是一个由意大利帕多瓦大学 Enrico Pietrogrande 教授带领的合作 课程,主要对广州寺贝通津路进行城市形态的实地调研。14 个学生 被分成 7 组,每组调查两栋有代表性的建筑,研究它们的演化过程。 2 2 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses Context 目录 陈唯戬 周 珂 4 甘浩天 劳佩珊 14 温芷晴 黄晓盈 28 雷晴雯 陈响凡 44 林国峰 张芷晴 62 周逸峰 黎 茉 74 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 3 STUDY ON NO.19, SIBEI TONGJIN ROAD, GUANGZHOU NO.20, SIBEI TONGJIN ROAD, GUANGZHOU 陈唯戬&周珂 此页为空。 This page is intentionally left blank. Fieldwork Location and Evolution According to local people, these 2 Buildings were built in 1930s, but we can’t locate them in map in 1950s (the quality of the map is very low). We observed that buildings around (similar to those we study) is mostly built in 1930s, so we make a speculation that the buildings were built in 1930s. In the map in late 1970s, we observed that they seemed to use a same garage, and it’s conirmed by the inner structure. In the map in mid 2000s, we observed that a 7-story building is in the courtyard of building B. According to local people, it’s built B in 1977. A 区位与演变 访问当地居民得知,这两栋建筑建造时间在 20 世纪 30 年代左右, 但是我们无法在 20 世纪 50 年代的地形图上找到它们(地形图的质 量相当差)。我们发现,周边与它们相似的建筑大多建于 20 世纪 30 年代,通过交叉对比,我们猜测,我们研究的两栋建筑建造时间 应该是 20 世纪 30 年代左右。 在 20 世纪 70 年代的地图上,我们发现这两栋建筑似乎共用车库, 我们通过观察车库内部的结构确定了这一点。 (车库内部结构见上图) 在 2000 年代的地图上,我们发现,B 栋建筑庭院上出现了一栋建 于 1977 年的 7 层集合住宅。 6 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 7 NO. XXX, Sibei Tongjin, Guangzhou Original or Additional In figure ① , the top walls were built by messy bricks. The roof above it was made by new materials. But the top of the staircases ② was built by regular bricks. The seams between bricks are illed up by white cement. And the cornice above the wall is similar to others. So we conclude that ② shall be an original, on the contrary, ① may be an addition. According to local people, we can know the seven storey residential building on plot ③ was built in 1977. But we don't know the accurate 1 date when ④ was built. Its bircks looks more breakable than the originals, and it is not exquisite enough. The wall ⑤ didn’t exist on the later 1950s map, that’s why we classiied it as an addition. 新旧区分 在①中,顶部的墙体砌砖杂乱,屋顶采用了新的材料;但是在②中, 砌筑规整,砖缝间是用白水泥填合,并且有与其他檐口类似的构造。 因此我们推断②系原有建筑部分,相反地,①可能系新加建。 据当地居民介绍,位于③的七层高居民楼于 1977 年建成,但我们无 法得知④的准确建成年限。它的砖相较主体建筑,略显脆弱,并且不 够精美。⑤所指的进园围墙不存在于 1950 年的地图,因此我们将它 2 归为新建。 4 ① Auxiliary rooms and garden ② Top of staircases 1 2 ③ 7-storey Residential building ④ Kitchen and Washroom ⑤ Walls of Jinyuan ① 附属用房及屋顶植物园 4 ② 楼梯顶部 ③ 七层高居民楼 3 5 3 ④ 厨房及洗浴间 ⑤ 进园的围墙 5 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 7 Fieldwork ELEVATION DETAILS 立面细节 Door Windows Door 9 Bricks Tissue Windows 8 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses NO. XXX, Sibei Tongjin, Guangzhou ELEVATION DETAILS 立面细节 Base on its history and the former users, we make a speculation that the wall we highlight is additional. It was a continuous space as a living room. But there is another possibility that this building is an auxiliary building of the Jinyuan for providing housing. 基于其历史情况与先前的住户,我们猜测我们标记出来的墙是加建的。 其内部原先是一个大的连续的空间。 但也有可能是进园的附加用房。 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 9 Fieldwork ELEVATION DETAILS 立面细节 11 10 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses NO. XXX, Sibei Tongjin, Guangzhou STAIRS DETAILS 楼梯细节 Stairs is simply decorated. The corner seems that it was a small status as a decoration there. But we guess that it was damaged during the Great Cultural Revolution. (1960s-1970s) 楼梯多为简单的装饰。楼梯转角处似有装饰,但被破坏,我们猜测是 在文革时期破四旧运动被破坏的。 1 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 11 Fieldwork ELEVATION DETAILS 立面细节 We are not allowed to go into the buildings. 13 12 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 3 NO. XXX, Sibei Tongjin, Guangzhou Conclusion 总结 We have completed a preliminary investigation in this week. 1. We went to the scene to have a overall impression of the historical city. 2. We compared and contrasted urban maps in diferent times, then we concluded the evolution of the plot (change, modify, transfer and addition) by standing on the view of plan. 3. We worked on the pictures enlarging the various details like windows, birck tissue. Urban morphology helped me to have an entirely acquaintance of architectures in Sibei Tonjin Rd.Dongshan. According to the survey, people ignored the features of this historical area. They tore down the yard to build a 7 storey residential building, and this building were out of tune with the environment in which it lived. Fortunately, Jinyuan (No.19 in Sibei Tonjin Rd.) has been classiied in the list of Historical buildings of Guangzhou by government. Perhaps many years later, it will become an exhibition hall in front of everyone. College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 13 Presentation By Henry and Paisley 13, SONG GANG DONG, GUANG ZHOU[A] 15, SONG GANG DONG, GUANG ZHOU[B] 此页为空。 This page is intentionally left blank. Fieldwork Guangzhou No.7 middle school LOCATION AND AREA REVOLUTION 区位与发展概况 Regular & simple street form 规整的街道布局形式 About 1920s, overseas returned home to construction. They paved road after planning, constructed after dividing the land. 先规划后铺路,先分地后建设 The overseas was affected by the European road-network in Late 1950s Guangzhou No.7 middle school 18th century, considering the need for the traffic and height - width ratio of the buildings and streets. So they design the streets with 5-7 meters. The streets are clear, so is impossible to break the road-network for the future development.This fully 17 relects the features and advantages of European street system. 高稳定性 The buildings had been built before 1950, we infer that the Late 1970s building designed and constructed in 1918-1937, architectural design during this period mainly to imitate and join Chinese design elements. We will try to prove that later by introducing Guangzhou No.7 middle school the information of two buildings. 推测建筑是在东山洋楼发展的兴盛期建造,主要特点是模仿和加入 中式设计元素。 Middle 2000s 16 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses NO. 13&15, Songgangdong, Guangzhou CONDITION 环境 Plots 地块 Compared historical evolution, we ind from the wall in 1970 that two plots had been divided into ive plots. 从建筑围墙看出 1970 年地块被划分成 5 个独立地块。 Middle 2000s Late 1970s Entrance 出入口 In 1970, the entrance is on the west side of BUILDING A, sharing with the north building. Entrance of BUILDING B has not changed. 1970 年,[A] 的入口在地块西面,与它北面建筑共用同一个出入口;[B] 的出入口并没有改变。 A 7 B A B Courtyard 庭院 Both of two courtyards' area reduced due to setting the wall. Courtyard area of [A] reduced from 1/2 down to 2/5. B from 3/5 down to 2/5. 由于围墙加设,[A] 的庭院面积从原来 1/2 变成现在的 2/5。[B] 的庭 院则从 3/5 减少到 2/5。 Road and architecture 建筑与道路关系 WALL ENTRANCE WALL ENTRANCE Building A has one side near the road. Building B is totally in the middle of its plot. [A] 一边是贴着马路,[B] 完全处于地块中间。 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 17 Fieldwork PLAN 平面 Because we can only get into the third loor of building B, so we may not be able to make every plans accurately and understand all the function of rooms. 因为我们不能进 [A],[B] 只能进入三楼,所以只能通过窗户间距和 通过窗户看建筑内部推测平面,因此不能完全准确推测建筑内部功 能和布置形式。 Dongshan Detaches House has a simple apace sequence( 空间 序 列 ). We must get into the front door irst, then through the garden, inally we can enter the house. 东山洋楼平面空间布置较简单,一般序列为院门—花园—建筑。 19 Western-style plane In the early development, Dongshan Detaches House aspect ratio is 2:1-3:1. Although overseas had been advanced by Western advanced form, they remained the Chinese-style in terms of ideology. So there take the balance of traditional and advanced by keeping the form of Chinese traditional cube house with long rectangular design and narrowing the aspect ratio. The transition to about 1:1 of aspect ratio, may be formed by two rectangular plot. Square plan form will more lexibility and economy. 东山洋楼发展初期平面方式为长宽比是 2:1-3:1 的长方形,华侨即 使接受了西方先进的划分形式,但在思想上仍保持了中式的经营思 维,使在形态上既保持了过去竹筒屋的长条矩形,设计中又缩小了 面宽、进深比例。方形的地块可能是当时地块拼合而形成,具有更 大的灵活性和经济性。 18 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses NO. 13&15, Songgangdong, Guangzhou 9 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 19 Fieldwork MODIFIED PART 修改部分 According to history, the reason why this wall just next to the street of Building A are all covered by face brick is probably that this house was used by japan army at the period of AntiJapanese war and was destroyed heavily; Another reason may be that at that period, the owner moved oversea and the house was not keeping in repair. [A] 的一面由拟砖贴面覆盖,应该是楼房修葺重新粉刷贴的瓷片。 原因可能为 1937 年日军侵华,洋楼被作为日本伤兵和军官的居住 所,东山洋楼受到大面积破坏,墙面由于靠近街道而被破坏;也有 可能是业主移居海外,因无人居住而出现破损。 A window of building A was illed with bricks, we guess that the 1 owner illed it for building a lumber room. 21 [A] 一层的其中一个窗户被堵上了,我们猜测是因为屋主在建杂物房 的时候把窗户堵上了。 1 2 Building A 20 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses Covered by veneer 外墙贴面 Enclosed window 窗户被堵 2 NO. 13&15, Songgangdong, Guangzhou MODIFIED PART 修改部分 1 We ind that a pillar is diferent with others, but we can’t get the reason. We thought that the guardrail are changed too, because we found two store of it, it means that they change that recently. May be the original guardrails are hard to produce, so they need new guardrail. [A] 二层的其中一条柱子的柱式和其他柱子的柱式不一样,但是我们没 有办法从屋主那里得到改造的原因。护栏的形式也被改变了,估计最 近才跟新上去的,因为我们在屋子的旁边看到了两条后备的护栏。可 能是因为屋子需要修葺但是没办法重新制造那种样式的护栏。 1 1 Altered Column 被改变的柱式 Building A College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 21 Fieldwork MODIFIED PART 修改部分 New walls of the south and west houses, so the yard becomes a walkway. 新增的隔断南边住宅和西面住宅的围墙,使院子变成了走道。 1 Wall 围墙 1 2 Lost Garden 消失的庭院 Building B 22 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 2 23 NO. 13&15, Songgangdong, Guangzhou Detail 细节 Walls of building A were built in English way. At the above, the building was decorated by this kind of guardrail. Building A use British joists. There is a triangle pediment above the door. [A] 英式砌砖形式,围墙上部以绿釉陶竹筒装饰,英式托梁,门洞上有 三角山花勾勒 1 1 2 British joist 英式托梁 Triangle pediment 三角门檐 3 Building A 2 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 23 Fieldwork Detail 细节 1 Building B has Baroque balcony, curved railing and eclectic pitched roof of Chinese style. [B] 筑有巴洛克元素的弧形阳台、弧形栏杆。中国传统直檐屋顶。 Building B uses Brick and Concrete structure including steel reinforced concrete. The face of walls cover red bricks with granitic plaster( 水刷石 ), build the walls in English style too. [B] 的建筑材料为加入钢筋混凝土的砖混结构,外墙以水刷石与红砖 结合,砖墙的排列方式是英式砌法; 1 2 3 addition loor 加建层 pitched roof 直坡屋顶 Curved rails 4 Concrete & Brick 砖混结构 25 Brick & Granitic plaster 红砖与水刷石结合 British style bricklaying 英式砌砖 2 3 弧形栏杆 Building B 4 24 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses NO. 13&15, Songgangdong, Guangzhou Detail 细节 Building B has eclectic pitched roof of Chinese style, the hiss of the eaves and circular engravure backet, and transformation of British-style columns [B] 筑有中国风的直檐屋顶、圆雕牛腿、以及英式改造的柱子。 1 2 1 2 5 3 3 pitched roof 直坡屋顶 Baroque balcony & 3D backet 巴洛克式弧形阳台和圆雕牛腿 Pillar 柱子 Building B College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 25 Fieldwork SUMMARY 总结 According to analysis of the overall environment of two buildings, plan, building additions and modiications, we initially thought that the period of the two buildings’ construction should be similar and in 1918 --1937 years. Reform, approximately after antiJapanese war in 1945, was mainly to repair the buildings. Additions occurred in modern for economic beneits by collecting rent. But local residents’ modiications does not follow the original architectural features, leading to the current value of the building did not have be protected well. 按照对两栋建筑总体环境、平面、建筑加建及变化的研究分析,我们初 步认为,这两栋建筑建造时期应该相近且在 1918 年—1937 年;改造 大概在 1945 年日军投降之后,以后期修缮为主;加建发生在现代出于 收取租金加大经济收益。但是当地居民对于东山洋楼的改建和加建不遵 循原来的建筑特点,导致现今有保留价值的建筑没有被最好地保护。 26 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 27 7 此页为空。 This page is intentionally left blank. Survey in Dongshan Made by Zhiqing Wen Xiaoying Huang 此页为空。 This page is intentionally left blank. Fieldwork Location 场地 1920s Also our studying area was invested by oversea Chinese. 我们研究的那块用地当初也是华侨投资的。 The east side is Peizheng Road 东临培正街 30 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 31 8th& 9th Peizheng Road, Guangzhou 1900s History 历史 1910s 1900s to 1910s Southern Baptist Convention(SBC) in Dongshan District built schools, hospitals, charities. Like founded in 1895Meihua bookstore, charities. Like founded in 1895Meihua bookstore, 1902 Yan Dun kindergarten… 美南浸信会在东山建立的学校、医院、慈善机构。 1910s to 1920s Because of the living and regional environment, oversea Chinese prefered to invest the residence in Dongshan district. 由于喜欢这里的生活和宗教环境,所以许多归国华侨选择在东山投资 房地产 1 1920s to 1930s 1920s 1930s The government became one of the construction powers of Dongshan District. Oversea Chinese continue to invest. 政府开始对东山进行建设,而华侨也一直进行投资。 1930s to 1950s Oversea Chinese was always the major investors. the Dongshan district became more and more prosperous. It started to attract many military and political oicials of government to build villas. 在此阶段华侨一直作为房地产的主要投资者,而政府官员也开始在这 里投资地皮、兴建别墅。 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 31 Fieldwork History 历史 The SBC built so many schools(some of those schools are still there) ) in Dongshan District that attrarted many oversea Chinese to The church of Christianity invest this places building villas for their kids. So did our buildings. 美南浸信会在东山建起了很多间学校(有些到现在还存在着)。为了孩 Pui To Middle School 子将来的教育,许多华侨会来这里投资地块兴建别墅。我们研究的这些 Pui To girls‘ School 建筑的来由也是如此。 Pui Ching girls' School Pui Ching Primary School Pui Ching Middle School Guangdong Primary School Our buildings Fig.1 Distribution of Christian buildings in Dongshan 图 1 教会在东山地区的建设项目 资料来源:根据广东省中山图书馆馆藏“再新大广州市马路图”改绘。 32 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses Pui Ling kindergarten 33 8th& 9th Peizheng Road, Guangzhou Morphology evolution 形态演变 1950s 1970s 2000s 3 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 33 Fieldwork Art photography Club 摄影社 Address:9th Peizheng Road 地址:培正路 9 号 Total Floor Area :572.9 m² 总建筑面积 Built-up Area :279.7m² 用地面积 Floor Area Ratio:2.0 容积率 Base Area :174.3 m² 建筑基底面积 Site coverage Intensity:62.3% 建筑密度 A 乐学社(托儿所)Nurseries Address:8th Peizheng Road 地址:培正路 8 号 Total Floor Area:442.7 m² 总建筑面积 :442.7 m² Base Area :126.5 m² 建筑占地面积 :126.5m² Construction year:Unknown 兴建年份:未知 B 34 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 35 5 8th& 9th Peizheng Road, Guangzhou 2000s 1930s 2015 Function 功能用途 Residence → 住宅 The Child Welfare Agency in Guangdong Province Art photography Club → 艺术摄影俱乐部 广东省儿童福利会 Addition 增加部分 Facade 外立面 New decoration 新的装饰物 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 35 Fieldwork Art Deco 艺术风格 Western style facades (often displaying classical or art deco features) became the norm for the more expensive residential buildings construted in the 1920s and 1930s. 西方风格的外立面(通常显示古典或装饰艺术特征)在 20 世纪 20 和 30 年代成为更昂贵的住宅设计的典范。 Floor tiles 地砖 When The owner spruced up the house, the people told him the loor tiles are historical, so he didn’t destroyed it. 房主告诉我们在重新装修的时候,以前的主人告诉他这些地砖很有 历史价值的,所以他把地砖保留下来了 36 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 37 8th& 9th Peizheng Road, Guangzhou 平面以及以及内部装饰 Plans and Indoor Decorations 1 1 4 3 2 2 The ground floor 首层 7 3 The first floor 第二层 4 3 1 4 2 2 1 The second floor 第三层 3 4 The third floor 第四层 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 37 Fieldwork Stairwell 楼梯 Handrail was made by iron and steel and painted by red. The pattern of the handrail is special. 扶手是用钢铁做成的,用红油漆油了一遍。扶手上的图案十分特别。 There has small pieces of square stones on every steps for decoration. 在每一节楼梯上会有两排方形的小砖块作装饰。 Each step has some protruding part for adding tread’s area. 每一个阶梯都有凸出的部分,增加了踏面的面积。 39 → 38 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 8th& 9th Peizheng Road, Guangzhou Function 功能用途 Speculate the plane and function of internal space from the windows 3 The ground loor: Children Activity Room, Dinning Room, Kitchen 2 首层空间主要为活动室,用餐间,以及厨房和洗手间等基本功能房间。 1 Children are well cared for in nurseries while their parents work in other place. 家长在工作期间,孩子们可以在这里得到很好的照顾。 1 2 3 Kitchen is the utilization of trapezoidal space on the ground loor 三角空间被用为厨房 9 stairs 楼梯的位置 Dormitory 集体宿舍 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 39 Fieldwork Facade 外立面 We pretend to be inside and go to the backside of the building. 我们假装小区的住户来视察建筑的背面。 Chimney is the characteristics of construction in western countries. Because winter time is long, the west use it to keep warm and it formed the decorative characteristics and style of the building. Finally,it become a custom gradually in the house ,which is slowly turning into a decoration of tne rich family. 烟囱是西方国家的建筑特点和其实用性,因为西方国家冬天时间比较长, 取暖之用。就因为他实用,所以才形成了建筑的装饰特点和风格。最后 渐渐就在造房子上有了一个习,慢慢地演变为是有钱人家的一种装饰 . Balconies were almost universal and occasionally the roof was chinese in style. 屋顶花园是常见的中式风格。 The chimney of the building behind the nursery 背面建筑的烟囱 A roof garden 屋顶花园 40 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 41 8th& 9th Peizheng Road, Guangzhou Facade 外立面 Chinese decorative features were common, both internally and externally. 中国传统特色的元素在室内外都有结合运用。 Through the observation of external wall facade, we can see that some window frames have been reformed. 通过对外墙立面的观察,可知某些窗框已经被后期改造。 1 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 41 Fieldwork Conclusion 总结归纳 Through the observation of the research in No. 8, No. 9 building, on Pei Zheng Road, with the external entrance porch features, we know that they are not the Gothic architecture, due to the classical architectural style elements. Interior decoration is the white plaster walls of classical architecture style. See here,during the period of construction, the fusion of Gothic and Classical architectural style, we infer that architectural style is the Eclectic and the new liberalism style . 培正路 8 号、9 号建筑,通过对其调研观察,外部入口玄关等特征,可 知它们非哥特式建筑,而是古典系统的建筑样式要素。室內装修是使用 白色灰泥墙的古典建筑风格。可看此时期,哥特式与古典系统建筑造型 融合,我们推断这是的折衷主义样式以及新自由主义式建筑风格。 We speculate that the construction completion time of these two building is at the beginning of the 19th century, and the building function, as time changed, now are no longer for living. In order to meet the needs of today, the building had those alterations or additions of. Finally, now become a photography studio and nursery. 我们推测这两栋建筑建成时期是 19 世纪初,其中建筑功能随着年代发 生了转换,现在已经不再是居住的功能。为了满足现在的需求,这栋建 筑进行过那些改建或加建的,最后现在成为摄影工作室以及托儿所功能。 42 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 43 3 此页为空。 This page is intentionally left blank. GUANGZHOU, Dongshan Sibei Tonjin Road and Xugu Yuan Road Van Chan & Leo Guangzhou University 1. Historical background 历史背景 2. Location&Base Data 区位和用地概况 3. Development form 发展形态 4. Plan and Transform 平面图及改造 5. Facade&Details 外立面&细部 此页为空。 This page is intentionally left blank. Fieldwork Historical background 历史背景 In Ming Dynasty,the land outside the east gate of Guangzhou is hilly wasteland, the late Ming and early Qing dynasty built a number of temples, gardens. 明代广州东门外多为山丘荒地,明末清初建有一批园林、寺庙。 Xuantong three years (1911), after the Kowloon Canton Railway opened to traffic, a number of nationals and local businessman chose here to build western style houses, resulting in the growing price and growing buildings . 宣统三年(1911),广九铁路通车后,一批侨民和本地富商在此择地, 以欧美风格建造民居,致使“地价日增,屋宇日盛”。 There were just forests and farmlands in Dongshan in 1910 1910 东山仍为荒地,只有少量农田和树林 During the period of the Republic of China, military, bureaucratic oicers began to build villa or mansion in Dongshan because of the convenient transportation and beautiful environment. 民国时期, 军政、 官僚们相中东山的便利交通和清幽环境,纷纷在此修建别墅、官邸。 After the First Opium War in 1840, with the entry of capitalism, a new kind of Garden villa appeared,combining the features of traditional Guangzhou Xiguan mansion, bamboo houses(A kind of lingnan architecture of which the facade is narrow, the depth is very big) ,some other local style and Western classical style. 46 1840 年鸦片战争后,随着资本主义的进入,广州传统的西关大屋、竹 The two buildings are built by overseas Chinese, located in the area of the 筒屋等民族传统风格建筑与西方古典建筑相结合,出现了新型的花园式 orphanage area, which belongs to the concentrated development period. 洋楼。 两座建筑均由华侨建造,位于恤孤院片区,属于集中开发期。 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 47 NO.9&NO.26-28 Xuguyuan Road, Guangzhou Historical background 历史背景 In the early 20th century, Guangzhou Dongshan District completed the change from the "rural areas" to "social elite residence area" ,prompting the change of urban spatial pattern from"poor in the east and rich in the west"into"noble in the east and rich in the west". 20 世纪初期,广州东山地区完成由“乡村地区”向“社会精英阶层居住地” late 1970s late 1950s mid 2000s in 2006 two NO.26 and NO.28 combine into one building. 的空间转变,促使城市空间格局由“东村西富”变为“东贵西富”。 This historic space transformation is the result of four kinds 2006 年 26 号和 28 号合并成为一栋建筑 of dyadic interaction,the church, the overseas Chinese, the government and the bureaucrat. 这场具有历史意义的空间转变是教会、华侨、政府、官僚 4 种动力相 7 互作用、相继推动的结果。 Building A Kui Yuan Art Gallary&Cafe Measurement 基地尺寸:22m X 12m Built-up Area 建筑面积 :660㎡ Layer 层数:3 逵园KUIYUAN XUGUYUAN ROAD NO.9 1922-2011 villa (In 1993,it became cultural relics) 住宅 (1993年列为文物保护单位) 2012-2015 Art Gallary&Cafe 艺术馆&咖啡厅 Building B Ming XiQi Art Gallary (Combining No.26&No.28) Measurement 基底尺寸: 39m X32m Built-up Area 建筑面积:1116㎡ Layer 层数:3 鸣稀奇会所 Ming·XiQi XUGUYUAN ROAD NO.26&NO.28 1920s-1970s villa 住宅 1970s-2000s private club 私人会所 2000s-2015 Art Clubhouse 艺术会所 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 47 Fieldwork PLAN 平面图 Building A Kui Yuan maintain the original structure: The irst loor is an open space, with succinct wall surface,maintain the original loor tiles, is a gallery, in which paintings are for exhibition and for sale. 内部的空间规划保持了原有的构造:一楼空间开阔,墙面简洁,地砖保 持较完整,是一个画廊,展示画作的同时亦作出售。 The second loor is the Art Cafe ,with several rooms for guests to rest. 二楼房间较多,形成了一个结合艺术品展示的咖啡馆,供客人们休憩。 The third loor is oice area, with the edge of wide roof , also used as a holding an independent ilm festival, culture salon, art, or party and other activities.The establishment of Independent Film Festival, culture salon, art lectures or symposium and other activities. Building A 1F Building A 三楼除了是办公区域,还借助宽阔的天台优势,被用作举办独立影展、 文化沙龙、艺术讲座或主题酒会等活动的场所。 The layout of the house is compact, the traffic space is concentrated,the square rooms are easy to use. Considering of the facade, there are little changes in the plane in order to form accidented building veranda,In the main facade there are usually various forms of the bay window, porch and balcony, resulting in the comparation of the vertual-real and changes of light and shadows. 宅内布局紧凑,交通空间集中,平面规整,宅内房间方正实用。平面结 合外观造型作局部的变化,形成凹凸进退的建筑外廓,通常在主立面做 成各种形态的凸窗、设置门廊和阳台,形成虚实对比和光影变化。 Building A 48 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 3F 2F 49 9 NO.9&NO.26-28 Xuguyuan Road, Guangzhou PLAN 平面图 Building B In the past ,this two buildings was consist of two bays and a corrider in the middle.The corrider connect rooms of different function,like a ish bone. 原本两栋建筑都是双开间走道式住宅,整个住宅平面由两个开间,加 上中间一条走道形成。整个空间序列由走道组织,呈“鱼骨式”组合。 The public area is in the front house,the private area is in the back of the house.It is very clear that they are seperated. 公共活动空间安排于入口前部,私密活动空间安排于后部,公共、私 密分区清晰。 The back courtyard is covered and a kitchen is added to apply to the restaurant 在原建筑后花园室外变为室内,用作厨房,以适应餐厅用途 Construction plane: the demolition of the wall between the two buildings. 把两栋建筑之间的围墙拆除 NO.26: the house has changed into an exhibitional building, the symmetry plane is broken and the space is enlarged. NO.26 :住宅改成展览功能,对称平面被打破,空间扩大 Connected two different form buildings with a terrace so that it brings a garden. 把原来独立的两栋风格完全不一样的建筑连接起来,厨房上部形成二 层花园。 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 49 Fieldwork PLAN 平面图 Building B The design follows the western style, while integrating the local features in Guangzhou, and shows the unique western-chinese style in the building and garden . 设计移植了各种西式建筑式样和风格,同时又融入广州本地建筑特点, 在建筑与庭院等方面都表现出独特的中西结合式建筑艺术特色 "The concept of Dongshan mansions is with a lot of doors and windows, balcony around the house, to convey bright and spacious feeling,linked to western civilization and the modern commercial civilization,which is also known as' open '. “东山洋楼的整体设计理念,是门多、窗多、阳台多,有前后院,给人 四通八达、明亮通透的空间感,这与西方文化和现代商业文明是相通的, 也就是‘对外开放’。 There are less windows, doors, balconys in Chinese traditional houses.Ventilation and lighting often depends on the inner courtyard since Chinese mainly focus on Feng Shui , so that convey an "closed" sense. " 相比而言,中国传统民宅往往会考虑到风水因素,窗户、房门、阳台较 少,通风、采光往往依赖内部的天井,给人一种‘对外封闭’的空间感。" The roof of NO.26 and NO.28 were enclosed to increase the using area. NO.26 的阳台封闭,作为使用功能,皆加建部分构筑物增加使用面积 50 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 51 1 NO.9&NO.26-28 Xuguyuan Road, Guangzhou FACADE 外立面 Building A Crosswise Composition, elevation for the typical aspect of three segment composition, classical style 逵园的立面为典型的纵横三段 式构图,古典主义风格 Kui Yuan use a large area of red brick wall as basic warm tone, in addition to the local gray imitation stone wall or pedestal,and the ashy cement surbase to constitute the multiple layers of colors and combinations and create a cozy living atmosphere. 逵园大面积墙使用红砖作为基础暖色调,此外还有局部采用灰色仿石 墙身或基座,装饰线脚主要有白灰色水泥,构成了多种色彩层次和组合, 营造出温馨的居住环境。 The compare between concise modern style and chinese Style 简洁现代风与中式风格的对比 At that time,retro means to deal with the building are popular in western country.Adding some elements and sign of western achiteture in the buildings combining with some chinese style. 当时西方仍流行的复古式建筑处理手法,住宅仿西式建筑的各种元素 和符号,建筑风格显示出多样的、混合的折衷主义,甚至加入某些中 国元素。 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 51 Fieldwork PORCH 门廊 The porch use arch and key stone to emphasize the entrance.Set the column in the entrance under the porch. 既有突出门廊也有凹式门廊,门廊使用半圆拱券以及拱心石起到强调入 口的作用,在正门入口门廊处设置爱奥尼柱式 53 Building A Building B Triumphal Arch 凯旋门 balcony on the porch 门廊上为阳台空间 52 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses NO.9&NO.26-28 Xuguyuan Road, Guangzhou WINDOW 窗 The length-width ratio of the window is nearly 3:1 正立面两边皆有六角形凸窗且窗的比例接近长 / 宽 = 3/1 There is soldierarch,vertical masonry and simple windowsill 门窗过梁为砖砌平拱过梁,窗台同样是立砌,并以简单的窗台线装饰。 There is a dormer in NO.28 because of the deep depth and the lack of light. NO.28 因进深大且开窗少,屋内亮度不够,只能用开天窗的方法解决 采光问题。 Building A The hexagon lut windows 六角形凸窗 3 Building A Building B NO.28 Manchuria window. NO.28 满洲窗 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 53 Fieldwork Cornice 檐口 Cornice overhangs obviously as the transition of the wall and entablature and covers the balcony and windowsill, and some are polyline or curve along the contour line of the building. 有明显的檐口出挑(板式)作为墙身与檐部的过渡,形成出挑较大的厚 重压檐盖住阳台和窗台,有的还顺着建筑平面轮廓线做成折线或曲线形 55 NO.26 Building A Architrave devide the facade into there parts. 立面上有线脚把立面分成三段 Building B The pattern of cornice that B has is conciser than Kui Yuan NO.28 54 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses NO.26、NO.28 明显的檐口出挑作为墙身与檐部的过渡, 檐口线的样式与逵园相比较为简洁 NO.9&NO.26-28 Xuguyuan Road, Guangzhou Building A BALCONY 阳台 balcony as half-outside space.Adapting to Guangzhou climate ,many of them generally combined with porticus.They has various pattern such as lut balcony,bulge or half-lut and french 外立面——阳台作为适应广州地理气候条件的半室外活动空间,多与 入口门廊结合在一起,其形态多样,有凹阳台、凸阳台、半凹凸式和 法式 The space over the porch becomes the extrusive part of the balcony, which is located in the centre of the east facade of the house. Half-flut balcony. 半凹凸式阳台 5 门廊上部成为阳台的凸出部分,位于建筑东立面中心位置 Building B uses a transparent lower railings in a part of parapet,is Building B beneit for ventilation and viewing. B 建筑采用通透的通花栏杆,局部处理成女儿墙,有利于通风和观景。 Common pattern in Guangzhou(as follow) 三层阳台屋面天台采用广州常见的中式花饰栏杆,图案如右 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 55 Fieldwork GROUND TILE 地砖 Building A Building B Instead of persisting the original ground tile,Ming·XiQi change it into modern one. 鸣稀奇艺术馆没有保留原有的地砖,全部替换成现代样式的铺装 entrance(outdoor) 57 This pattern of the ground tile was used in the ground floor marble floor tile the first floor other buildings built in the same time as well. The pattern of the ground tile are diferent on each floor, different patterns are also used to seperate diferent functional area 逵园每一层的地砖样式都不同,不同的样式也 用于区分不同的功能区。这种地砖的样式也被 应用于同一时期的建筑中 the first floor rough stone the first floor the second floor 56 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses the first floor(outdoors) NO.9&NO.26-28 Xuguyuan Road, Guangzhou Building A WALL 墙壁 Kui Yuan persists original mortar decoration line and only white wash it 逵园内部保留了原有灰砂浆装饰线,仅仅在上面重新粉刷 Xiao Qiang (nickname Yingbi, Zhaobi) -- used for blocking the line of sight walls in traditional architecture China 萧墙(别称影壁、照壁)——中国传统建筑中用于遮挡视线的墙壁 Smallpox line 天花线 picture moulding line 挂镜线 PARAPET 女儿墙 flooring line 踢脚线 With some geometricdecoration on the parapet and"1922" was the built year of the building. 女儿墙上有几何装饰,“1922”为建造年份。 7 FIREPLACE 壁炉 A has a ireplace which is common to see in western residence,and constructed a chimney through the house.It has been used but is not frequent for the muggy climate in Guangzhou. B got a ireplace in the too,but it was covered now。 逵园设有西式住宅常见的壁炉,屋主也使用过,但在广州这样湿热地 区实际用途不大使用率不高 B 住宅原本在客厅设有西式壁炉,改造的时候将壁炉封闭了。 PARAPET 女儿墙 FIREPLACE 壁炉 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 57 Fieldwork BRICK 砖 From the brick tissue,we judge that NO.26 did not keep the original wall 从砌筑方式判断,NO.26 改造时没有保留原来的墙体 A and B brick masonry method belongs to the Holland type method. A 和 B 砖砌方法属于荷兰式砌法 Building A Building B NO.26 Building B NO.28 The main feature of the Dutch masonry method is that each layer alternates outcrop brick and the other one, midline of outcrop brick and the other brick stands in a line. in the corner the outcrop brick is crisscross. 荷兰式砌法的主要特征是,每一皮砖都是露头砖与延伸砖交替排列,露 头砖中线与延伸砖中线重合,转角处采用露头砖或女王式收口砖与延伸 砖交叉砌合; HEAT SINK 散热装置 59 Building A Building B Be useful for ventilation so that it bring the heat out of the house. 有利于空气流通并带走屋顶的热量 HEAT SINK 散热装置 GREEN GLAZED PIPE 绿色琉璃雨水管 The typical lingnan featureconstruction 最典型的 岭南特色构件 58 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses NO.9&NO.26-28 Xuguyuan Road, Guangzhou 序号 1 功能 位置 恤孤院路9 号 加建 层数 房间/类别 描述 3 画廊、咖啡厅 逵园艺术馆 层数 改建 房间/类别 描述 楼层 房间/类别 描述 庭院 房屋后面的庭园和 两栋建筑中间的空 间变为室内作为厨 房使用 9 2 恤孤院路 26-28号 3 会所 鸣·稀奇艺术馆 1层 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 59 松岗东路6 号、8 号建筑调研 IN V E S T IG A T IO N O N 6 & 8 S O N G G A N G D O N G 张芷晴、林国锋 Z H IQ IN G Z H A N G , G U O F E N G L IN 此页为空。 This page is intentionally left blank. Fieldwork 建筑与区位 BUILDINGS& LOCATION 松岗东路 8 号 目标建筑 T arg et b u ild in g s 8 Songgangdong A3 类 Class A3 钢筋混凝土框架结构 Frame Structure (Steel and concrete) 3层 3 storeys 松岗东路 6 号 隅园 Y u Y u an 6 Songgangdong 63 B3 类 Class B3 砖与混凝土混合结构 Composite structure (Bricks & concrete) 3层 3 storeys 1955 62 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 1970s 2000s 6 & 8 SONGGANGDONG, Guangzhou 建筑与场地的关系 Relation between the buildings & the landscape 地块侧边与前端长度之比达 2:1,建筑覆盖率达 80%。虽然面积很小, 但是宅前仍留有小片花园。此种平面类型更像是龟岗各横路一带的红 墙别院住区,民国早期由华侨建设。 The length width ratio of this land parcel is about 2:1, and the building coverage ratio reaches 80%. Occupying a small area in this block, these two buildings only use a small place to build a garden in front of the house. This plan style is similar to the early Dongshan house that built by the oversea Chinese in Guigang area. 3 2 1 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 63 Fieldwork 松岗东路 8 号 8 SONGGANGDONG 背景 Background 这栋楼与松岗东路 6 号有着相近的历史,因此我们推断其始建于中国民 国早期。原来仅有一户人家居住的房子住进了 3 个家庭,每个家庭占据 一层楼。 Since this building has the similar history as 6 Songgangdong, we can infer that the buildings were constructed in The early Republic of China. 3 families live in this buildings, compared with only 1 family years ago. Each of the families shares one of the layers. 平面图 Plans 一楼通向楼梯间的门已经被锁上了,又在建筑的西立面另开了一扇新门, 作为二三层住户回家的通道。 65 The door to the staircase on the irst loor has been locked up and a new entrance has been built on west facade for the residents on the second and third loor. 2 1 Plan of 3F 三层平面图 64 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 6 & 8 SONGGANGDONG, Guangzhou 松岗东路 8 号 8 SONGGANGDONG 立面 Facades 立面的变化主要分为以下几个方面: 1、门窗的变化:1)加装防盗网 2)对门窗进行替换 2、墙的变化:1)加装空调机致墙体收到破坏 2)对墙体进行装修 3、设置管线 Changes on the facades: 1\Changes of the windows and doors: 1)Burglar mesh 2) Replacement of the windows and doors 2\Changes on the walls: 1)Damages on the walls owed to installing air-conditioners 2)Decoration 3\Installing pipes and wires 5 尽管房屋在设计之初就已经考虑了防盗的问题而设置了防盗网,但随 着年日渐增,老的防盗网已经破损不堪,难以保证住户以及他们财产 的安全,因而有设置了新的防盗网。 Though there was burglar mesh since the house was irstly built, the residents have installed a new one for most of the old is now 新窗与新防盗网 broken, hard to protect residents themselves and their property in The new windows and new the house. burglar mesh 旧窗与新防盗网 The old windows and new burglar mesh 旧式防盗网 The old burglar mesh College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 65 Fieldwork 旧式窗户 The old windows 新式窗户 The new windows 松岗东路 8 号 8 SONGGANGDONG 立面 FACADES 1、门窗的变化:对门窗进行替换 1、Changes of the windows and doors: Replacement of the windows and doors 木材并不耐久,经过漫长的岁月洗礼之后,部分旧式红色木质窗户已经 被新式的窗户所替换。 Since wood can not last long, some of the old red windows have 新式窗户与旧式窗户的对比 Comparison between the new ones and the old ones 旧式窗户 The old windows been replaced by the new ones after so many years. 2、墙的变化: 1)加装空调机致墙体收到破坏 67 2\Changes on the walls: 1)Damages on the walls owed to installing air-conditioners 传统窗式空调会对墙体造成破坏,而住户并没有对破坏后的墙体作出很 好的修复。而现在普遍使用的分体式空调对墙体也有一定的损害。 The traditional style air-conditioner has damaged the walls and those damages haven’t been repaired properly. Even the new style air-conditioner will also do damage to the walls. 66 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 新式窗户 The new windows 7 6 & 8 SONGGANGDONG, Guangzhou 松岗东路 8 号 8 SONGGANGDONG 装修前 Before being decorated 立面 Facades 2、墙的变化:2)对墙体进行装修 2、Changes on the walls: 2)Decoration 装修后 After being decorated 一层正门两侧的钢筋混凝土柱早已被装饰上了淡蓝色的瓷砖。 The pillars, made of steel and concrete, at the front door of the ground loor, now have been decorated with faint blue tiles. 3、设置管线 3\Installing pipes and wires 立面上设置了更多管线以满足租户更多的需要。 More pipes and wires have been installed to meet the residents’ needs. College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 67 Fieldwork 松岗东路 8 号 8 SONGGANGDONG 细部 DETAILS 砖 Bricks 砖墙采用英式十字砌法,立面由十字花组成,同时增强了墙体的强度 Bricks organized in British style, which not only creates an elevation full of crosses pattern, but also make a stronger wall. 天花板 Ceiling 线脚是那个年代常用的装饰手法 松岗东路8号 8 Songgangdong Architrave is very popular at that time. 英国国王十字车站 King’s cross railway station 瓷砖 Tiles 一楼留存着大量旧式瓷砖。然而,它们并没有在室内装修中得到良好的 69 保护。 There are many old tiles left over on the ground loor. However, they have not been well protected during the interior decorarion. 松岗东路8号 8 Songgangdong 68 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 春园 Chun Yuan (Spring Garden) 6 & 8 SONGGANGDONG, Guangzhou 松岗东路 8 号 8 SONGGANGDONG 挑檐 Eaves 挑檐经过了精细的处理,女儿墙临街面有砖砌的镂空花纹装饰 The eaves and the parapet wall have been carefully decorated. 管线 Pipes 旧式管道以陶制作 The old pipes are made of china. 9 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 69 Fieldwork 松岗东路 6 号 6 SONGGANGDONG 历史背景 Background 据当地居民介绍这栋楼有超过 80 年的历史。楼户主于战争年代逃至国 外,至今失联。后此楼由政府代为保管,并分租给银行职员。此两栋建 筑从建造至今一直充当住宅的角色。 According to the local residents, this building a history of more than 80 years. What’s more, the owner has been abroad during the war and has lost connection. Later, the government took care of the building and rent it to the bank clerks. This two old buildings still play the role of residence. 1 外观 Appearance C类 Class C 总平面图(2000)上所示新增部分 Addition on site-plan(2000) 71 1 2 2 70 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses B类 Class B 总平面图(2000)上所示新增部分 Addition on site-plan(2000) 6 & 8 SONGGANGDONG, Guangzhou 松岗东路 8 号 8 SONGGANGDONG 外观 Appearance 房屋前后部分有着不同的层高,因而也其地面也不在同一水平面上。 据介绍,为了获得更多的居住空间,最高一层的住户在房屋的后部加 盖了一层,凭肉眼也能明确的区分的出。 The front part and the rear part of the house are different in storey height. As we were told,. The residents of the 3F build another storey on the rear part which can be easily distinguished, in order to expand their living space 平面图 Plans 一楼如今住着两户人家,因而被分割成了前后两部分。后部住宅由图 示 1 号门进入,2 号门通向楼梯间,3 号门设在前部新建的厨房位置。 1 1 供前部住宅住户出入。 The irst loor is now divided into 2 parts. The residents of the rear part entered the house from Door No.1 noted on the plan. Door No.2 is connected to the staircase. Door No.3 is set on the newly 2 built kitchen for the residents of the front part. 3 1 2 3 Plan of 1F(Ground Floor) 首层平面图 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 71 Fieldwork 松岗东路 6 号 6 SONGGANGDONG 细部 Details 由于两栋建筑有着相同的历史,在许多构造上都有着同样的手法,日后 都因为相同的原因而被改变。而这些构造及其变化在此处不会有所介绍。 这些构造包括: 1、门窗的样式及其变化 2、墙的样式及其变化 3、管道的样式及其变 化 As these two building have similar history, they have the same architectural construction on my aspects. And these constructions have been altered for the same reason. These constructions will not be introduced here. Such as, 1\Windows 2\Walls 3\Pipes 73 建筑的外墙原本有着与寺贝通津路 29 号一样的淡黄色外墙,但是后来 却被重新粉刷成白色,就是如今我们所看到的样子。 The wall used to have the same faint yellow painting as 29 Sibei Tongjin. Then it was plasterered to be white as you can see today. 这栋建筑的原有的踏步和红色的木质楼梯得到了保留。楼梯运用了水磨 石的装饰手法,在那个年代这是一种很高级的装饰手法。 The original stairs steps and the red wooden rails remains the same. The stairs are decorated with terrazzos which was considered to be a high-class decoration at that age. 72 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 松岗东路6号 6 Songgangdong 寺贝通津路29号 29 Sibei Tongjin 3 6 & 8 SONGGANGDONG, Guangzhou 总结 SUMMARY 这两栋建筑在这篇区域众多的红墙别院住宅当中并非最为突出。时至 今日,建筑已经受到诸多的改动。这些改动主要源于三个方面的原因。 第一个是正常使用下构造遭到破坏,需要进行替换。例如门窗的替换, 外墙的重新粉刷等。第二个是生活方式的改变导致的建筑的改变,例 如加装防盗网以及空调。第三种是对建筑的改建以及扩建。总体来看, 这两栋建筑保存的状况并不乐观,然而它们却与该住区的众多建筑一 道,成为了广州城市形态向西部发展的一个见证。应该加大对其的保 护力度,以维护人们对于这座城市的记忆。 These two buildings are not the most outstanding ones among Dongshan houses in this area. For today, this two houses have been changed a lot. And all the changes owe to three main reasons. Firstly, some of the elements of the building are now broken for they have been used for so many years, and they have already been replaced by a new one at this moment. Secondly, people changed the building because their lifestyles are now diferent. So they want a better life by changing the house such as installing an air-conditioner on the walls. Thirdly, the building has been rebuilt or transformed. On the whole, this two buildings are not well preserved. However, they are part of the large amounts of Dongshan house in this area which combine to be evidence of the urban form of the Guangzhou city developing from the east to the west. All of them should be preserved in a better way to maintain people’s memory about this city. College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 73 Joe & Joan 周逸峰 & 陈宇琼 Guangzhou College of Architecture - 2015, September 29th 广州大学建筑与城市规划学院 BUILDING1: E NO.12 RD Songgang Guangzhou BUILDING2: NO.14 RD Songgang E Guangzhou 广州市越秀区松岗东路12-14号 GOUND SURVEY FOR URBAN MORPHOLOGY 城市形态学场地调研 此页为空。 This page is intentionally left blank. Fieldwork LOCATION AND EVOLUTION 区位与演变 TRANSFORMATION OF THE AREA FROM 1970s 20 世纪七十年代以来的演变 THE AREA ON THE MAP OF THE AREA ON THE MAP OF VALLE AERIAL VIEW TODAY. VALLE (1970s) SHOWS THE MAIN (2000s) SHOWS THE MAIN 鸟瞰图(2015) ELEMENTS IN THE STRUCTURE ELEMENTS IN THE STRUCTURE OF OF THIS PART OF THE CITY THIS PART OF THE CITY 区域结构的主要要素(20世纪70年 区域结构的主要要素(21世纪初) 77 代) THE AREA ON THE MAP OF VALLE (1970s) THE AREA ON THE MAP OF VALLE (2015) SHOWS THE MAIN ELEMENTS IN THE SHOWS THE MAIN ELEMENTS IN THE STRUCTURE OF THIS PART OF THE CITY STRUCTURE OF THIS PART OF THE CITY 区域结构的主要要素(20世纪70年代) 区域结构的主要要素(2015) ORANGE: BUILDINGS COHERENT WITH THE URBAN MORPHOLOGY YELLOW: MORPHOLOGICAL ALTERATION OF VALUES OF THE URBAN CONTEXT 红色:经典老街 橙色:有历史延续性的街道 黄色:新街道 76 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses NO.12&14, Songgang E , Guangzhou N SITE PLAN 建筑总平面 FRONT DOOR BACK DOOR 1、The fences were built along the land border, replaced the original bamboo fence. 2、In the upper of the fences were equipped with the grating and the broken glass for anti-theft purposes . GARAGE ENTRANCE Building 1 建筑1 1. 建筑沿着地块边界砌起了围墙,取代了原先的竹篱笆。 Building 2 建筑2 2. 在围墙上部配置了防盗用途的铁栅栏和碎玻璃。 FRONT DOOR 7 SITE PLAN 总平面图 FUNCTION功能 加建ADDITION 改建REBUILD SERIALNU LOCATION FLOOR 楼 DESCRIPTI Room/ Type Room/ Type DESCRIPTI MBER序号 位置 FLOOR 楼层 FLOOR 楼层 ON 描述 房间/类别 房间/类别 ON 描述 层 松岗东路 微型公司 建筑1 12号 RD 3层(屋顶) 整栋ALL MINIBUILDING SONGGAN LAYERS 3RD FLOOR G E NO.12 COMPANY 1 屋顶花园 ROOF GARDEN 休憩FOR REST 描述 1层 1ST 建筑占用了一部分庭院面积,添加了车库 车库 GARAGE The building occupies part of the yard area FLOOR for adding the garage 1层 1ST FLOOR 三户家庭 共同使用 松岗东路 The villa 增加一户 建筑1 14号 RD was 3层(屋顶) 整栋ALL 租客ADD BUILDING SONGGAN HOUSE住宅 LAYERS shared 3RD FLOOR ONE G E NO.14 2 from one TENANT family to three . DESCRIPTION 1层 1ST FLOOR 2、3层 2ND&3RD FLOOR 大门柱式 PILLAR 简约圆柱modern minimalist column 建筑西面新增了一个棚户,作为其中两个 入口 FRONT 家庭的独立入口The new shack was added DOOR as one of the two families indivitual entrance. 卫生间 TOILECT 二、三层分别增设卫生间 The second and third floor respectively added toilet. College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 77 Fieldwork TRANSFORMATION OF THE PLAN 建筑功能的演变 Building 2 建筑2 Building 1 建筑1 BUILDING1: 1. The villa was transformed into tiny company2. The arrangement is changed for the new function3. The building occupies part of the yard area for adding the garage 1. 由住宅演变成为微型公司 2. 内部格局根据新的功能发生变更 3. 建筑占用了一部分庭院面积,添加了车库 3rd FLOOR BUILDING2: 1. The villa was shared from one family to three families.2. The new shack was added as one of the two families indivitual entrance.3. to meet the demand of the three families,the second and third floor respectively added toilet.4. South garden was 79 2nd FLOOR deserted and the north of the courtyard has some small pots. 1. 由一户家庭变成三户家庭共同使用住宅 2. 建筑西面新增了一个棚户,作为其中两个家庭的独立入口 3. 二、三层分别增设卫生间,以满足三个家庭的需求 4. 南面的庭院被荒废,北面的庭院有少量盆栽 1st FLOOR 78 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 9 NO.12&14, Songgang E , Guangzhou FAÇADE CHARCTER 立面特征 Building1 - South Elevation 建筑 1- 南立面 Highlight the type of balcony Lord at the entrance to the second position as the balcony, the use of stigma decoration decoration, baluster, a layer with giant pillar with the balcony. The second loor balcony beforehand for rail parts, railing styles for Aquarius rail. 突出阳台式 这是用加法原则在建筑主体上增加突出于建筑物的独立元素—阳台。 大阳台为矩形。阳台宽度为 2.5 米。建筑 1 阳台设于南立面,阳台位 置处理为入口,既强调了入口,又丰富了立面造型。主入口处的二层 位置作为阳台,使用柱头装饰、栏杆装饰,一层用巨柱式处理突出阳台。 第二层阳台预为制件栏杆,栏杆式样为宝瓶栏杆。 Building1 - East Elevation 建筑 1- 东立面 Building 1 brick wall body is with uses western-style plain brick walland roof adopts Chinese glazed tile roof. Eaves wall glazed tile. The new art attitive was to make the transition to early modernism: above a layer of doors and Windows are visor, linear bracket support. 建筑 1 墙身采用西式清水砖墙,屋顶采用中式琉璃瓦顶。围墙琉璃瓦 飘檐。 新艺术运动向早期现代主义过渡:一层门窗上方有遮阳板,遮阳板呈 直线型和小拱形,直线型有牛腿支撑。 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 79 Fieldwork FAÇADE CHARCTER 立面特征 Building1 - West Elevation 建筑 1- 西立面 The roof The roof in building 1 for the flat roof, south rail parapet use strong.adornment.Roof construction of curved shape stainless steel rail, metro and create a new loor. For early modernist style on the second loor, there is no visor and the bottom of the horn, nor is there any wire frame as doors and windows set decoration, use a brick thickness of lines on the wall as a whole composition. 建筑 1 屋顶南面为平屋顶,女儿墙使用装饰性强的栏杆。屋顶北面为中 式屋顶。屋顶加建曲线形不锈钢栏杆,西北侧加建一层。 二层为早期现代主义风格,没有遮阳板及其下方的牛角,也没有任何线 框作为门窗套似的修饰,墙面上使用一个砖厚度的线条作为整体构图。 Building2 - West Elevation 建筑 2- 西立面 Highlight the window type Prominent window is in building 2 north facade, this kind of window in facade for two layers, for round, said from the architectural layout,means a single special window. The new art attitive was to make the transition to early modernism: above a layer of doors and Windows are visor, visor is linear and small arch,。 突出窗台式突出窗设于建筑 2 北立面,突出窗立面为两层为圆形,从建 筑上的布置上说,为单个突出窗式。 新艺术运动向早期现代主义过渡:一层门窗上方有遮阳板,遮阳板呈直 线型和小拱形。 80 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 81 NO.12&14, Songgang E , Guangzhou FAÇADE CHARCTER 立面特征 Building2 - South Elevation 建筑 2- 南立面 Building 2 was equipped with the lat roof, roof parapet rail use adornment is strong. Later it built on the roof and create a new loor, used to live. Early modernist style building, the balcony uses cantilever beam,they pay attention to the performance of reinforced concrete structure performance. 屋顶为平屋顶,女儿墙使用装饰性强的栏杆。后期在屋顶加建一层, 用于居住。 早期现代主义风格,阳台使用悬臂梁悬挑,注重表现钢筋混凝土的结 构性能。 1 Pillars 柱式 Building 1 pillar is modern minimalist column, column is used as the balcony, but it built in later. Building 2 column is less decorative tower column type, concise, bring out the characteristics of tall and straight. 建筑 1 的柱式是现代化简约的圆柱,用作阳台柱,为后来加建。 建筑 2 的柱式是装饰性较少的塔司干柱式,体现简洁,挺拔的特点。 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University 81 Fieldwork GARGEN 花园 Building 1's garden is the newly built . Building 2 garden has been ruined(abandented). But there are a few potted in the front part. 建筑 1 花园为近期新建。建筑 2 花园已荒废。但在前院部分有少量盆栽。 83 82 Morphological Survey on Dongshan Houses 3 此页为空。 This page is intentionally left blank. Page Layout Design/ Weijian Chan 排版 / 陈唯戬