Papers by Yolanda Fontanil Gómez
Thank you to 2012 Reviewers. On behalf of the Multdisciplinary Journal of Educational Research we... more Thank you to 2012 Reviewers. On behalf of the Multdisciplinary Journal of Educational Research we deeply appreciate reviewers contributions to the quality of this journal. The journal owes this debt with those who have been peer reviewers during this period. Yours sincerely, Laura E. Gómez
Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología y Salud, 2017
The purpose of this study was to deepen our understanding of how to support the emotional well-be... more The purpose of this study was to deepen our understanding of how to support the emotional well-being of patients subjected to cancer treatment. It was based on the idea that cancer and its treatment make vital demand on the patient and that successful adjustment to their new situation requires good emotional coordination with those closest to them. In a cross-sectional study, 54 women with cancer (breast and lymphoma) about to begin radiotherapy reported on questionnaires on symptom severity, coping strategies, alexithymia, attachment, affect, and emotional well-being. Predictive value of the rest of the variables on affect and well-being was analyzed by multiple linear regression. Perceived severity of symptoms was relevant for predicting affect and emotional well-being. Strong Fear of rejection and abandonment was the best predictor of negative affect, while the alexithymia component Difficulty identifying feelings was the best predictor of positive affect. A problem-solving coping style was also relevant for positive and negative affect. The interpersonal nature of the variables studied is discussed, along with the need to include them to prevent risk of worse adjustment to the consequences of the illness.
Mosaico : revista de la Federación Española de Asociaciones de Terapia Familiar = Journal of the Spanish Federation of Family Therapy Associations, 2020
Mosaico : revista de la Federación Española de Asociaciones de Terapia Familiar = Journal of the Spanish Federation of Family Therapy Associations, 2019
En la literatura científica sobre Violencia de Género en la Pareja (VGP) se han investigado los e... more En la literatura científica sobre Violencia de Género en la Pareja (VGP) se han investigado los estilos de afrontamiento y de apego en las víctimas, pero la relación entre ambos constructos apenas ha sido analizada. Partiendo de esta base, los objetivos del presente estudio fueron determinar la distribución de los estilos de apego y afrontamiento en víctimas de VGP y explorar la relación entre ambos temas. Los resultados obtenidos contradicen los hallazgos de las investigaciones que señalan que las mujeres carecen de afrontamiento funcional y que presentan mayoritariamente un apego preocupado. Además, la VGP repercute en el apego en todas las relaciones cercanas.
Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología y Salud, 2017
The purpose of this study was to deepen our understanding of how to support the emotional well-be... more The purpose of this study was to deepen our understanding of how to support the emotional well-being of patients subjected to cancer treatment. It was based on the idea that cancer and its treatment make vital demand on the patient and that successful adjustment to their new situation requires good emotional coordination with those closest to them. In a cross-sectional study, 54 women with cancer (breast and lymphoma) about to begin radiotherapy reported on questionnaires on symptom severity, coping strategies, alexithymia, attachment, affect, and emotional well-being. Predictive value of the rest of the variables on affect and well-being was analyzed by multiple linear regression. Perceived severity of symptoms was relevant for predicting affect and emotional well-being. Strong Fear of rejection and abandonment was the best predictor of negative affect, while the alexithymia component Difficulty identifying feelings was the best predictor of positive affect. A problem-solving coping style was also relevant for positive and negative affect. The interpersonal nature of the variables studied is discussed, along with the need to include them to prevent risk of worse adjustment to the consequences of the illness.
El consumo de drogas en menores es una realidad preocupante, especialmente el de sustancias legal... more El consumo de drogas en menores es una realidad preocupante, especialmente el de sustancias legales. Una de las principales medidas emprendidas para hacer frente a esta situación es el desarrollo de programas de prevención escolar dirigidos a favorecer la adquisición de actitudes y estilos de vida saludable. El objetivo de este artículo es comprobar si existen diferencias en el efecto de este tipo de programas en función del género. Para ello se lleva a cabo un análisis de los datos obtenidos en la evaluación del programa escolar “Juego de Llaves” realizada en el curso escolar 2016-2017 con una muestra de 4.195 estudiantes de Educación Secundaria de 32 centros educativos. Los resultados muestran diferencias ligadas al género previas a la implantación del programa en temas como el ocio, interacción social, gestión emocional, valores e información sobre drogas, que se mantienen una vez realizado. La aplicación del programa consigue un efecto diferencial en la autoestima que se increme...
International journal of psychology and psychological therapy, 2017
Patologia alimentaria en adolescentes: Efectos del apego y el Reglamento Emocion. El objetivo del... more Patologia alimentaria en adolescentes: Efectos del apego y el Reglamento Emocion. El objetivo del presente trabajo es explorar las asociaciones entre el consumo de patologia (EP), regulacion de la emocion (ER) y la union en una muestra adolescente no clinica; y si el apego inseguro y dificultades en la regulacion de las emociones explicar EP. Una muestra de 485 adolescentes (240 mujeres) 12-18 anos de edad, completo la EDI-2, DERS y cuestionarios EPERIC. Se analizaron las diferencias de sexo. Las diferencias de sexo en el nivel de EP se producen desde la edad de 14-15. No se encontraron asociaciones con tamanos de alto efecto entre estos tres constructos. Es posible predecir EP de dificultades en la regulacion de las emociones y caracteristicas de fijacion inseguros (R2 Nagelkerke = .305 en las mujeres, y .236 en los hombres). EP muestra una fuerte asociacion con el miedo al rechazo o abandono en las hembras y con preferencia por la independencia en los hombres. Conclusiones. Existe...
espanolDesde la perspectiva del vinculo de apego, las tradicionales pautas de crianza que incluye... more espanolDesde la perspectiva del vinculo de apego, las tradicionales pautas de crianza que incluyen el castigo fisico conducen a estilos de vinculo desorganizado o temeroso en los hijos. La similitud entre las actitudes tipicas de personas que han sufrido maltrato y las esperables en un buen soldado hace pensar que el vinculo temeroso resulte adaptativo en contextos en los que las estrategias de ataque o defensa deben primar sobre las estrategias de cuidado. A partir de este planteamiento teorico, el objetivo del presente trabajo es explorar la idea de que las caracteristicas tradicionalmente atribuidas a la masculinidad pueden entenderse como derivadas de un antiquisimo interes social por mantener a los hombres preparados para el combate. Concluimos que el coste de la crianza violenta es alto, tanto para varones como para mujeres, y se manifiesta en problemas de apego adulto y en la crianza de los propios hijos. Consideramos esencial mantener esta perspectiva en la practica terapeut...
Adicciones, 2018
Despite the implementation of prevention policies aimed at addressing alcohol consumption among b... more Despite the implementation of prevention policies aimed at addressing alcohol consumption among both adolescents and young adults, there has been a considerable increase in those who abuse alcohol in Spain over the last decade. Official surveys on this phenomenon show that both the prevalence and risky consumption of men and women are reaching similar levels, with even higher figures for these behaviours in the case of girls at the end of adolescence. The aim of this article is to understand the influence of gender roles in the consumption of alcohol among adolescents and young adults. To this end, focus groups have been employed to identify similarities and differences both in drinking patterns and alcohol abuse among young males and females, as well as in the social meaning that both groups attribute to these practices. The results obtained show that the variables gender and age act in a combined way on the learning of alcohol consumption, as well as on the motivations and expectations that adolescents and young adults have regarding these practices. In addition, in this study three differentiated stages are identified: in the first, gender roles are clearly defined; in the second, there is a certain transgression of these roles mainly by young women, and in the third, there is a return to traditional gender roles.
Psychiatry research, Mar 1, 2018
The general aim of this research is to evaluate the singular weight of attachment relationships i... more The general aim of this research is to evaluate the singular weight of attachment relationships in psychopathology, to determine the point to which these relationships cannot be subsumed by other variables that are famously related to attachment, such as experience of stressful life events, social support, and coping styles. 172 people treated in mental health centers provided data related to these four aspects and about manifestations of psychopathology. Multiple linear regression analyses determined that 51% of the variance in the level of symptomatology is explained with six variables: two related to adult attachment (fear of rejection and abandonment in romantic relationships, and the degree of similarity to the fearful prototype), one related to social support (family appreciation), one to life events (overall perceived stress), and two to coping style (cognitive restructuring and social withdrawal). Fear of rejection was the variable accounting for the most variance. The findi...
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2017
Research into the effects of interpartner violence on the psychosocial development of the childre... more Research into the effects of interpartner violence on the psychosocial development of the children of maltreated mothers is a relatively new field. This work examines the impact of exposure to interpartner violence (EIPV) on minors in middle and late adolescence, where this vicarious maltreatment is in addition to other situations of severe psychosocial risk. A group of adolescents who had suffered various types of direct maltreatment were compared with another group who, in addition to experiencing direct maltreatment, had mothers who had also been the victims of interpartner violence. There were 276 participants in total (138 adolescents and their mothers) reporting via questionnaires about their experiences related to maltreatment and about maladaptation and psychological dysfunction. The results demonstrate significant dysfunction in the adolescents, especially as indicated in the mothers’ reports. In addition, the results make it clear that the adolescents are actively and dire...
Analisis Interdisciplinar De La Violencia De Genero 2013 Isbn 978 84 8467 442 0 Pags 55 64, 2013
Anales de Psicología, 2015
This study investigates the contribution of the attachment to the wellbeing of patients during br... more This study investigates the contribution of the attachment to the wellbeing of patients during breast cancer treatment with the aim to provide evidence on how to enhance coping with cancer and its related difficulties. The sample consisted of 58 women who were about to begin radiotherapy for breast cancer. They completed questionnaires about: symptoms and dysfunctions related to disease and treatment, positive and negative affect, emotional wellbeing, daily hassles, and adult attachment. A regression analysis revealed that the component <em>Fear…
Psicothema, 2013
The most commonly used instruments for assessing adult attachment have shown differing combinatio... more The most commonly used instruments for assessing adult attachment have shown differing combinations of items and divergences in the resulting sub-scales. This study presents the Scale of Preferences and Expectations in Close Interpersonal Relationships ( Escala de Preferencias y Expectativas en las Relaciones Interpersonales Cercanas, EPERIC), made up of 22 items, and based upon the Relationship Scales Questionnaire (RSQ) of Griffin and Bartholomew. Exploratory and confirmatory factorial analyses (EFA and CFA) were undertaken using data from a sample of 594 people. Factor analysis distinguishes three sub-scales: Fear of rejection or abandonment , Desire for closeness and Preference for independence , which explains 42.78% of the total variance. The alpha coefficients reveal a high internal consistency of the instrument and its sub-scales. Regarding validity, CFA showed an adequate fit for the trifactorial solution, and the expected correlations with other instruments for assessing a...
Este trabajo examina la incidencia, prevalencia y consecuencias del maltrato hacia las mujeres en... more Este trabajo examina la incidencia, prevalencia y consecuencias del maltrato hacia las mujeres en prisión, con el objetivo de proporcionar una referencia útil para guiar las intervenciones que usualmente llevan a cabo agentes formales e informales durante el encarcelamiento y en la etapa inmediatamente posterior. Para ello se aplicó la EAVD (Encuesta Asturiana de Violencia Doméstica) en una muestra de treinta mujeres presas del Centro Penitenciario de Villabona (Asturias), y se revisaron los expedientes de la población de mujeres internas en dicho centro. Los resultados indican una elevada tasa de maltrato, y una media de agresores por mujer también alta, en porcentajes cuatro veces superiores a los observados en la población general. Las amenazas, acosos, abandonos, insultos y restricciones a la libertad de acción de las mujeres provienen tanto de progenitores como de parejas. Los atentados contra la integridad física, libertad de pensamiento y bienes y posesiones son más frecuentes en la pareja. Las agresiones sexuales, con una alta prevalencia, provienen con igual frecuencia de las parejas que de los familiares.
Aquichan, 2014
Objetivo: conocer el funcionamiento psicológico de 44 mujeres con LM en el proceso de adaptación ... more Objetivo: conocer el funcionamiento psicológico de 44 mujeres con LM en el proceso de adaptación a la lesión; en concreto, las estrategias de afrontamiento, la motivación y ansiedad de ejecución, el neuroticismo-extraversión, la depresión y su posible relación con variables sociodemográficas. Método: se trata de un estudio con estrategia correlacional y diseño de evaluación transversal. El proceso de selección ha sido realizado a través de centros sanitarios y de asociaciones de personas con discapacidad. Participaron un total de 44 mujeres con LM, residentes en su mayoría en el Principado de Asturias (54,5 %) y en Euskadi (40,9 %), aunque también contamos con una pequeña representación de mujeres procedentes de Valladolid (4,5 %). Resultados: las diferencias significativas halladas nos muestran puntuaciones más elevadas en la escala de depresión en mujeres casadas y con menor nivel educativo. Los datos de este estudio reflejan la existencia de procesos individualizados de adaptació...
Papers by Yolanda Fontanil Gómez