Luca Muscarà
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Fondation maison des sciences de l'homme, Directeur d'Etudes Associé
Address: Università degli studi del Molise
Secondo Polifunzionale
Via De Sanctis snc
86100 Campobasos
Secondo Polifunzionale
Via De Sanctis snc
86100 Campobasos
InterestsView All (34)
Books by Luca Muscarà
— Anssi Paasi, University of Oulu, Finland
This engaging book uses the revealing history of Political Geography to explore a broader canvas of geopolitics and politically framed geographic knowledge from the imperialist age through the Cold War to the present. Illustrated with fascinating vignettes and everyday examples, this is an ideal text with which to think through the vertiginous dilemmas of our time. If Political Geography had an app, this would be it.
— Gerard Toal, Virginia Tech
Papers by Luca Muscarà
— Anssi Paasi, University of Oulu, Finland
This engaging book uses the revealing history of Political Geography to explore a broader canvas of geopolitics and politically framed geographic knowledge from the imperialist age through the Cold War to the present. Illustrated with fascinating vignettes and everyday examples, this is an ideal text with which to think through the vertiginous dilemmas of our time. If Political Geography had an app, this would be it.
— Gerard Toal, Virginia Tech
Confrontarsi oggi con il Voyage aux régions équinoxiales du Nouveau Continent di Humboldt e Bonpland attraverso la nuova antologia della Relation historique curata da Franco Farinelli per Quodli-bet è impresa tanto affascinante quanto temeraria. Nel Nuovo Continente la natura è selvaggia e immensa. E mentre la popolazione mondiale ha raggiunto il suo primo miliardo, la presenza umana in tutto il Sud America è minima, stimata in quindici milioni di abitanti. Sebbene gli europei frequentino l'America ormai da tre secoli, le sue regioni restano in larga misura sconosciute, ma per il trentenne...