Papers by Olivia Montepaone
Bruno, N., Dovico, G., Montepaone, O. and Pelucchi, M. 2022. The Limits of Exactitude in Greek, Roman and Byzantine Literature and Textual Transmission. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter., 2022
On the Track of the Books, 2019
A new copy of Seneca’s Apocolocyntosis has recently been discovered in the codex Haarlem 187 C 14... more A new copy of Seneca’s Apocolocyntosis has recently been discovered in the codex Haarlem 187 C 14: J. F. Gronovius (1611-1671) discusses a few lessons from a «membrana bibliothecae publicae Harlemensis» in his Ad L. et M. Senecas Notae of 1658, but after Gronovius’ remarks the Apocolocyntosis Harlemensis has never been examined again and the same notion of its existence was lost. The manuscript belonged to the abbot Raphael de Marcatellis, an illegitimate son of the duke of Burgundy Philip the Good, and great collector of codices. Today it is kept at the Noord-Hollands Archief in Haarlem along with five other manuscripts of Marcatellis’ collection, and there is no record on how it arrived in Haarlem from its original location in Ghent, where the abbot’s rich library was located. The series of events led by the Dutch Revolt in the second half of the sixteenth century allows us to at least partially explain what happened to the codex. In Ghent churches and convents were ransacked more...
La prima Summer School sul tema Riforma e movimenti religiosi tra Italia ed Europa (XVI secolo), ... more La prima Summer School sul tema Riforma e movimenti religiosi tra Italia ed Europa (XVI secolo), organizzata dalla Società di Studi Valdesi di Torre Pellice, ha avuto luogo in due tappe, nella splendida cornice della città di Firenze e fra le montagne della Val Pellice in Piemonte dal 3 all'8 settembre 2019. Grazie alla collaborazione con la Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, la prima relazione ha potuto avvalersi di uno dei fondi librari più importanti per la storia riformistica italiana, quello derivante dalla biblioteca personale di Piero Guicciardini, che consta di circa 10.000 unità e prevede anche un nucleo di Bibbie tradotte in italiano nonché opere di matrice eterodossa che sono alla base del pensiero riformato italiano; la caratteristica che rende questo fondo di particolare rilievo è il fatto di essere sfuggito del tutto alla rete censoria e inquisitoria -caso più unico che raro -tanto da permettere allo studioso di attingere a testi quasi del tutto introvabili in Italia. Una panoramica sui contenuti e gli autori di questi "libelli licenziosi" ha messo in luce la grande portata della stampa come veicolo di una visione "altra" del mondo, che iniziava a diffondersi dall'inizio del XVI secolo.
Call for papers by Olivia Montepaone
Prolepsis’ 5th International Conference
17th-18th December 2020, postponed to 20th-21st December ... more Prolepsis’ 5th International Conference
17th-18th December 2020, postponed to 20th-21st December 2021
Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”
Keynote speaker: Prof. Patrick Finglass (University of Bristol)
Exactitude is the third of the Six Memos for the Next Millennium by Italo Calvino (Cambridge MA, ... more Exactitude is the third of the Six Memos for the Next Millennium by Italo Calvino (Cambridge MA, 1988). According to Calvino ‘exactitude’ is a «well-defined and well-calculated plan for the work in question; an evocation of clear, incisive, memorable images [...]; a language as precise as possible both in the choice of words and in the expression of the subtleties of thought and imagination». The aim of Prolepsis’ 4th International Conference is to reflect on Calvino’s definition applying it to the Classical, Late-Antique and Medieval Worlds.
Conferences organised by Olivia Montepaone
Talks by Olivia Montepaone
On Monday October 11 at 3pm CEST = GMT+2 (Italian time) Prolepsis Association will host a round t... more On Monday October 11 at 3pm CEST = GMT+2 (Italian time) Prolepsis Association will host a round table for the presentation of the volume "Auctorem producere. L'Apocolocyntosis nelle edizioni a stampa dall'Umanesimo sino alla rifondazione scientifica di inizio Ottocento" by Olivia Montepaone (Università degli Studi di Milano). Olivia will be in joined in discussion by Clementina Marsico (Università degli Studi di Firenze).
In order to register to the event and receive the Zoom link to the meeting, please write to:
[email protected]
Books by Olivia Montepaone
Nel volume sono pubblicati per la prima volta in edizione italiana, con testo latino a fronte, gl... more Nel volume sono pubblicati per la prima volta in edizione italiana, con testo latino a fronte, gli scritti di Erasmo da Rotterdam sul matrimonio, l’Encomium matrimonii (1518) e l’Institutio Christiani matrimonii (1526). La visione erasmiana risultò nuova e dirompente nel vivace dibattito coevo, e non solo. Il matrimonio, concepito come sacro vincolo, fu posto a fondamento della vita religiosa, sociale, politica, culturale della società. La famiglia divenne il primo vivaio di pietà e cultura, con la conseguente valorizzazione della donna. In considerazione della centralità dell’istituzione coniugale, Erasmo propose il divorzio in caso di dissoluzione del legame e l’abolizione del celibato sacerdotale, ma anche misure di controllo familiare ed ecclesiastico. Assunse così posizioni affini alla Riforma protestante e in parte anticipatrici del Concilio di Trento, mostrando ancora una volta l’originalità del suo pensiero. Le due opere, con la loro ampia trattazione, ne offrono un significativo compendio.
Trends in Classics - Supplementary Volumes, 2022
Organised events by Olivia Montepaone
Friday 3rd February, 4pm CEST.
For info and Zoom link, please register via e-mail at prolepsis.n... more Friday 3rd February, 4pm CEST.
For info and Zoom link, please register via e-mail at [email protected]
Organized Events by Olivia Montepaone
Prolepsis Research Network is happy to invite you to the first meeting of our online seminar seri... more Prolepsis Research Network is happy to invite you to the first meeting of our online seminar series L'editore di testi greci e latini al lavoro – Seconda serie.
Prof. Jürgen Hammerstaedt (Universität zu Köln), will hold a lecture on
Papiro – disegno – trascrizione – edizione. Sfide editoriali nella recente riedizione dell'Index Academicorum di Filodemo.
The meeting will take place on Wednesday 23rd October 2024, 5 pm CEST.
All are welcome! Please note that the working language of this event will be primarily, but not exclusively Italian.
To receive the link, please send an email at [email protected].
Prolepsis Research Network is delighted to invite you to our next online meeting.
On September 3... more Prolepsis Research Network is delighted to invite you to our next online meeting.
On September 30, at 4 pm we will host an open discussion on the book Didymus Alexandrinus. The Fragments of the Commentaries on Comedy (
The volume is part of the project Supplementum Grammaticum Graecum.
We will be joined in conversation by the author Federica Benuzzi (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia) and one of the general editors of the project, Fausto Montana (Università degli Studi di Pavia), moderation by Enrico Emanuele Prodi (Università degli Studi di Cagliari).
To receive the link email us at [email protected].
For any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
Prolepsis Research Network is happy to invite you to the sixth and final meeting of our online se... more Prolepsis Research Network is happy to invite you to the sixth and final meeting of our online seminar series L'editore di testi greci e latini al lavoro.
This will be a special lecture by Prof. Giovanni Benedetto (University of Milan), on
Tradurre filosofia contemporanea in latino: il Cambridge Platonist Ralph Cudworth nella versione di J. L. Mosheim (1733, 1773²)
Throughout the series we have encouraged reflection on the tools, methodologies, and approaches employed by classical philologists today. With this special lecture we will broaden our perspective, so as to include considerations on the history of classical studies, focusing on a truly unique moment for both the reception of ancient philosophy and Neo-Latin literature.
The meeting will take place on Thursday 20th June 2024, 4 pm CEST.
All are welcome! Please note that the working language of this event will be primarily, but not exclusively Italian.
To receive the link, please send an email at [email protected].
Prolepsis is happy to invite you to the next appointment of our online series of seminars “L’edit... more Prolepsis is happy to invite you to the next appointment of our online series of seminars “L’editore di testi greci e latini al lavoro”.
For the fifth meeting of this series, Aldo Corcella (University of Basilicata), will present us his work. His lecture "Presunte citazioni di Varrone e Apuleio in Alfano di Salerno" will take place on Monday 6th May 2024, 4 pm CEST.
All are welcome! Please note that the working language of this event will be primarily, but not exclusively Italian.
To receive the link of this event, please send an email at [email protected].
Papers by Olivia Montepaone
Call for papers by Olivia Montepaone
17th-18th December 2020, postponed to 20th-21st December 2021
Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”
Keynote speaker: Prof. Patrick Finglass (University of Bristol)
Conferences organised by Olivia Montepaone
Talks by Olivia Montepaone
In order to register to the event and receive the Zoom link to the meeting, please write to:
[email protected]
Books by Olivia Montepaone
Organised events by Olivia Montepaone
For info and Zoom link, please register via e-mail at [email protected]
Organized Events by Olivia Montepaone
Prof. Jürgen Hammerstaedt (Universität zu Köln), will hold a lecture on
Papiro – disegno – trascrizione – edizione. Sfide editoriali nella recente riedizione dell'Index Academicorum di Filodemo.
The meeting will take place on Wednesday 23rd October 2024, 5 pm CEST.
All are welcome! Please note that the working language of this event will be primarily, but not exclusively Italian.
To receive the link, please send an email at [email protected].
On September 30, at 4 pm we will host an open discussion on the book Didymus Alexandrinus. The Fragments of the Commentaries on Comedy (
The volume is part of the project Supplementum Grammaticum Graecum.
We will be joined in conversation by the author Federica Benuzzi (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia) and one of the general editors of the project, Fausto Montana (Università degli Studi di Pavia), moderation by Enrico Emanuele Prodi (Università degli Studi di Cagliari).
To receive the link email us at [email protected].
For any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
This will be a special lecture by Prof. Giovanni Benedetto (University of Milan), on
Tradurre filosofia contemporanea in latino: il Cambridge Platonist Ralph Cudworth nella versione di J. L. Mosheim (1733, 1773²)
Throughout the series we have encouraged reflection on the tools, methodologies, and approaches employed by classical philologists today. With this special lecture we will broaden our perspective, so as to include considerations on the history of classical studies, focusing on a truly unique moment for both the reception of ancient philosophy and Neo-Latin literature.
The meeting will take place on Thursday 20th June 2024, 4 pm CEST.
All are welcome! Please note that the working language of this event will be primarily, but not exclusively Italian.
To receive the link, please send an email at [email protected].
For the fifth meeting of this series, Aldo Corcella (University of Basilicata), will present us his work. His lecture "Presunte citazioni di Varrone e Apuleio in Alfano di Salerno" will take place on Monday 6th May 2024, 4 pm CEST.
All are welcome! Please note that the working language of this event will be primarily, but not exclusively Italian.
To receive the link of this event, please send an email at [email protected].
17th-18th December 2020, postponed to 20th-21st December 2021
Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”
Keynote speaker: Prof. Patrick Finglass (University of Bristol)
In order to register to the event and receive the Zoom link to the meeting, please write to:
[email protected]
For info and Zoom link, please register via e-mail at [email protected]
Prof. Jürgen Hammerstaedt (Universität zu Köln), will hold a lecture on
Papiro – disegno – trascrizione – edizione. Sfide editoriali nella recente riedizione dell'Index Academicorum di Filodemo.
The meeting will take place on Wednesday 23rd October 2024, 5 pm CEST.
All are welcome! Please note that the working language of this event will be primarily, but not exclusively Italian.
To receive the link, please send an email at [email protected].
On September 30, at 4 pm we will host an open discussion on the book Didymus Alexandrinus. The Fragments of the Commentaries on Comedy (
The volume is part of the project Supplementum Grammaticum Graecum.
We will be joined in conversation by the author Federica Benuzzi (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia) and one of the general editors of the project, Fausto Montana (Università degli Studi di Pavia), moderation by Enrico Emanuele Prodi (Università degli Studi di Cagliari).
To receive the link email us at [email protected].
For any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
This will be a special lecture by Prof. Giovanni Benedetto (University of Milan), on
Tradurre filosofia contemporanea in latino: il Cambridge Platonist Ralph Cudworth nella versione di J. L. Mosheim (1733, 1773²)
Throughout the series we have encouraged reflection on the tools, methodologies, and approaches employed by classical philologists today. With this special lecture we will broaden our perspective, so as to include considerations on the history of classical studies, focusing on a truly unique moment for both the reception of ancient philosophy and Neo-Latin literature.
The meeting will take place on Thursday 20th June 2024, 4 pm CEST.
All are welcome! Please note that the working language of this event will be primarily, but not exclusively Italian.
To receive the link, please send an email at [email protected].
For the fifth meeting of this series, Aldo Corcella (University of Basilicata), will present us his work. His lecture "Presunte citazioni di Varrone e Apuleio in Alfano di Salerno" will take place on Monday 6th May 2024, 4 pm CEST.
All are welcome! Please note that the working language of this event will be primarily, but not exclusively Italian.
To receive the link of this event, please send an email at [email protected].
Our guest for this meeting will be Elda Granata, Editor at Carocci editore, who will discuss publishing classical texts with commercial publishing houses compared to academic publishers, and present Carocci's current interests and trends.
The meeting, Il punto di vista dell'editor: Carocci, will take place on May 29, at 5pm CET.
Please note that the working language of this event will be primarily Italian.
To receive the link please send an email at [email protected].
For this meeting we will shift our perspective, outside academia: our guest will be Anita Pietra, Editor Universale Economica Feltrinelli, and together we will talk about what it means to publish a classical text with a commercial publishing house, how to get in touch with editors and write a proposal, what are the main traits of a book aimed at a larger audience, and the most recent trends for this type of publication.
The meeting, Il punto di vista dell'editor: Feltrinelli, will take place on February 27, at 5pm CET.
Please note that the working language of this event will be primarily Italian.
To receive the link please send an email at [email protected].
For the third meeting of this series we will host Prof. Stefano Martinelli Tempesta, Prof. Massimo Pinto, and Prof. Daniela Colomo, who will introduce us to their collaborative work on Isocrates. Their lecture "Il corpus isocrateo fra storia del testo ed edizione critica" will take place on Thursday 8th February 2024, 4 pm CEST.
All are welcome! Please note that the working language of this event will be primarily, but not exclusively Italian.
To receive the link of this event, please send an email to [email protected].
Classical philologists cannot rely on copies penned by authors themselves. On the contrary, they use papyri and manuscripts detached several centuries from those copies as a starting point to retrace the history of classical works and provide their audience with a reliable text. On the one hand, the material aspect of textual transmission cannot be overlooked but needs to be taken into account and investigated from a paleographical, codicological, historical, and cultural perspective. On the other hand, the product of their work, namely the critical edition, needs to distance itself from the bulk of manuscript material to be useable and useful. This series of seminars aims to explore how classical philologists handle these two aspects in their work. Starting from some case studies, we aim to broadly reflect on methodologies, approaches, and tools that classical philologists put into practical use in their daily work. In his preface to the Prolepsis 3rd volume Bruno-Filosa-Marinelli (eds.), Fragmented Memory. Omission, Selection, and Loss in Ancient and Medieval Literature and History, Berlin-Boston 2022, Tiziano Dorandi expressed his wish for an opportunity to discuss these topics. We are therefore happy to offer this series of seminars.
Stefano Valente (Universität Hamburg) will join us for the second meeting of this series. His talk “Appunti sulla tradizione manoscritta dell'Etymologicum Gudianum” will take place on Monday 11th December, 4 pm CEST.
All are welcome! Please note that the working language of this event will be Italian. To receive the link of this event, please send an email to [email protected].
In these seminars we will explore more thoroughly what it means to publish a book in the field of Classics today, we will hear from scholars as well as publishers and find out more about the current market and interests.
Our first guest, Professor Ingrid De Smet, will be giving a lecture focused on publishing translations:
"Translating (Neo-)Latin: Some Methodological Reflections"
The lecture will take place on Thursday, November 16 at 5 pm CET.
If you wish to attend please send an email at [email protected], we will send the Zoom link on the day of the event. For any further enquiries please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are delighted to invite you to the online seminar series “Seminari di ricerca. L’editore di testi greci e latini al lavoro”.
Tiziano Dorandi (Centre Jean Pépin UMR 8230/CNRS/ENS/PSL) will open this series, introducing us to his work on Stobaeus during the seminar “Verso una nuova edizione dei libri 3-4 dell’Antologia dello Stobeo”. The seminar will take place on Thursday 12th October 2023, 4 pm CEST.
All are welcome! Please note that the working language of this event will be Italian. To receive the link, please send an email to [email protected]
Scrivete a [email protected] per richiedere il link di accesso (Zoom).
Vi attendiamo numerosз!