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Papers by Marina Fedeli
Concerning the handwritten tradition, the eight manuscripts, which preserve the Parisian Collationes, are divided into two families: α and β. This result is illustrated with a stemma codicum that confirms the conclusions proposed for the Collationes oxonienses, published in 2016 by G. Alliney and M. Fedeli. However, the distinction into two branches of the manuscript tree is not so clear: a series of textual anomalies leads to hypothesizing the existence of a 'moving archetype' in both traditions. The particular case of the ms. oxford, Merton College 90 gives evidence to support this hypothesis: the oxonian codex contains a central text, many glosses and several corrections of single words or phrases that allow us to suggest the link of this manuscript with other witnesses and families.
Regarding the printed tradition, the specimens of the 16 th and 17 th centuries of the Collationes parisienses show minimal variations between them and seem much more faithful to the version offered by the α family.
Books by Marina Fedeli
Concerning the handwritten tradition, the eight manuscripts, which preserve the Parisian Collationes, are divided into two families: α and β. This result is illustrated with a stemma codicum that confirms the conclusions proposed for the Collationes oxonienses, published in 2016 by G. Alliney and M. Fedeli. However, the distinction into two branches of the manuscript tree is not so clear: a series of textual anomalies leads to hypothesizing the existence of a 'moving archetype' in both traditions. The particular case of the ms. oxford, Merton College 90 gives evidence to support this hypothesis: the oxonian codex contains a central text, many glosses and several corrections of single words or phrases that allow us to suggest the link of this manuscript with other witnesses and families.
Regarding the printed tradition, the specimens of the 16 th and 17 th centuries of the Collationes parisienses show minimal variations between them and seem much more faithful to the version offered by the α family.
Le «Collationes oxonienses» sono una raccolta di 26 questioni di argomento metafisico e psicologico discusse da Giovanni Duns Scoto e da altri baccellieri a Oxford nella primavera del 1301. L’edizione critica restituisce un testo più completo e corretto di quello dell’edizione di Wadding e fornisce nuove informazioni sia sulla formazione del pensiero di Scoto prima del periodo parigino sia sull’ambiente teologico francescano inglese dell’inizio del XIV secolo.
Intervangono: Francesco Adornato (Rettore Magnifico Università di Macerata); Carlo Pongetti (Direttore del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici); Loris Sturlese (Presidente SIEPM e Accademico dei Lincei); Agostino Paravicini Bagliani (Presidente SISMEL); Marina Fedeli (Università di Macerata); Fiorella Retucci (Università del Salento); Irene Zavattero (Università di Trento); Guido Alliney (Università di Macerata); Francesco Fiorentino (Università di Bari); Tobias Hoffmann (CUA Washington, D.C.); Pasquale Porro (Université Sorbonne Paris IV); Andrea Tabarroni (Università di Udine).
Sponsorizzata dall'Università di Macerata
26/04/2021 ore 17:00 (tempo locale)