Globish: An English-Indonesian Journal for English, Education, and Culture, 2019
The purpose of this research is to analyse the tendency of Indonesians to assume all types of abb... more The purpose of this research is to analyse the tendency of Indonesians to assume all types of abbreviation is acronym. This study examines the types of word formation process of abbreviation, and whether abbreviation or acronym is the correct umbrella term for this particular morphological process. Using library research method, this paper refers to two key morphology researchers from Britain and Indonesia, Laurie Bauer and Harimurti Krisdalaksana respectively, as well as one Indonesian Doctorate Arie Ansrasyah Isa whom referred the former two researchers in her study that proposes 16 types of abbreviations using data from top Indonesian newspapers, Jakarta Post and Kompas. This paper concludes that common people in Indonesia refer all abbreviations as acronyms because their high preference in abbreviating long phrases stems from the desire to increase pronounceability and familiarity of words, usually in the context of humour, but is highly prevalent in all situations, formal or non-formal.
Definisi nyeri (diusulkan oleh Asosiasi Internasional untuk Studi Nyeri) menekankan sifat komplek... more Definisi nyeri (diusulkan oleh Asosiasi Internasional untuk Studi Nyeri) menekankan sifat kompleks nyeri sebagai kondisi fisik, emosional, dan psikologis. Jangan salah paham tentang faktor-factor pengaruhnya dan jangan tergantung sepenuhnya dengan temuan pemeriksaan fisik. Sistem nosiseptif sangatlah kompleks dan mudah beradaptasi. Sensitivitas sebagian besar komponennya dapat diatur ulang oleh berbagai kondisi fisiologis dan patologis.
How classroom management can achieve effective teaching by taking into account of students' socio... more How classroom management can achieve effective teaching by taking into account of students' socio-emotional conditions during classroom communication.
What marked forensic linguistics as unique is its young age compared to other disciplines. Here w... more What marked forensic linguistics as unique is its young age compared to other disciplines. Here we review and collected 88 articles that strongly related to Forensic Linguistic (FL) from time to time. These articles help to reveal from its conceptualization in 1968 to its fame in 1988, how it responds to the great diversity of people, and what form it may take in the future. A literature-based analysis as library research in nature helps in defining the FL issue and manage to see in the early stages was simply concerned about the use of language in legal cases. As society continues to change FL has linked with so many other disciplines besides law. Therefore the definition of this discipline may also transform. Presently, FL no longer limits itself to the particular social setting of a courtroom but could be applied to the virtual world or cyberspace influences users negatively and dynamically developed. There is a line of proof that FL will be used to prevent and predict the social settings between citizens who could easily be not law-abiding as they seem. Shortly, the use of FL will be much more accessible to individuals through artificial intelligence (AI). Moreover, individuals will no longer need to hire experts and be able to use FL with freely available artificial intelligence (AI).
While many praises how technology is such a benefit in English Language teaching, the integration... more While many praises how technology is such a benefit in English Language teaching, the integration of technology can also hinder the process, thus being "a waste".
Manusia adalah makhluk yang unik. Hingga kini fisiknya saja masih diteliti dan masih banyak rahas... more Manusia adalah makhluk yang unik. Hingga kini fisiknya saja masih diteliti dan masih banyak rahasia yang belum terpecahkan. Telebih lagi dari sisi jiwanya. Yang merupakan inti dari segala hal. Al-Qur’an menjelaskan bahwa fungsi penciptaan manusia di alam ini adalah sebagai khalifah. Untuk melaksanakan fungsi ini Allah SWT membekali manusia dengan seperangkat potensi. Dalam konteks ini, maka pendidikan Islam harus merupakan upaya yang ditujukan kearah pengembangan potensi yang dimiliki manusia secara maksimal sehingga dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk konkrit, dalam arti berkemampuan menciptakan sesuatu yang bermanfaat bagi diri, masyarakat dan lingkungannya sebagai realisasi fungsi dan tujuan penciptaannya sebagai khalifah yang baik. Untuk memenuhi tujuan tersebut, dibuatlah makalah ini, yang menjelaskan tentang hakikat manusia, hak asasi yang ia miliki beserta imannya menurut pandangan ulama fikih dan ahli sufi/tawawuf berdasarkan dahlil yang qath’i, yaitu Al-Qur’an, hadis atau ilmu logika.
Disney was a genius in building happy endings- but the original stories of those pieces of art we... more Disney was a genius in building happy endings- but the original stories of those pieces of art were actually, for lack of better word, gruesome.
Globish: An English-Indonesian Journal for English, Education, and Culture, 2019
The purpose of this research is to analyse the tendency of Indonesians to assume all types of abb... more The purpose of this research is to analyse the tendency of Indonesians to assume all types of abbreviation is acronym. This study examines the types of word formation process of abbreviation, and whether abbreviation or acronym is the correct umbrella term for this particular morphological process. Using library research method, this paper refers to two key morphology researchers from Britain and Indonesia, Laurie Bauer and Harimurti Krisdalaksana respectively, as well as one Indonesian Doctorate Arie Ansrasyah Isa whom referred the former two researchers in her study that proposes 16 types of abbreviations using data from top Indonesian newspapers, Jakarta Post and Kompas. This paper concludes that common people in Indonesia refer all abbreviations as acronyms because their high preference in abbreviating long phrases stems from the desire to increase pronounceability and familiarity of words, usually in the context of humour, but is highly prevalent in all situations, formal or non-formal.
Definisi nyeri (diusulkan oleh Asosiasi Internasional untuk Studi Nyeri) menekankan sifat komplek... more Definisi nyeri (diusulkan oleh Asosiasi Internasional untuk Studi Nyeri) menekankan sifat kompleks nyeri sebagai kondisi fisik, emosional, dan psikologis. Jangan salah paham tentang faktor-factor pengaruhnya dan jangan tergantung sepenuhnya dengan temuan pemeriksaan fisik. Sistem nosiseptif sangatlah kompleks dan mudah beradaptasi. Sensitivitas sebagian besar komponennya dapat diatur ulang oleh berbagai kondisi fisiologis dan patologis.
How classroom management can achieve effective teaching by taking into account of students' socio... more How classroom management can achieve effective teaching by taking into account of students' socio-emotional conditions during classroom communication.
What marked forensic linguistics as unique is its young age compared to other disciplines. Here w... more What marked forensic linguistics as unique is its young age compared to other disciplines. Here we review and collected 88 articles that strongly related to Forensic Linguistic (FL) from time to time. These articles help to reveal from its conceptualization in 1968 to its fame in 1988, how it responds to the great diversity of people, and what form it may take in the future. A literature-based analysis as library research in nature helps in defining the FL issue and manage to see in the early stages was simply concerned about the use of language in legal cases. As society continues to change FL has linked with so many other disciplines besides law. Therefore the definition of this discipline may also transform. Presently, FL no longer limits itself to the particular social setting of a courtroom but could be applied to the virtual world or cyberspace influences users negatively and dynamically developed. There is a line of proof that FL will be used to prevent and predict the social settings between citizens who could easily be not law-abiding as they seem. Shortly, the use of FL will be much more accessible to individuals through artificial intelligence (AI). Moreover, individuals will no longer need to hire experts and be able to use FL with freely available artificial intelligence (AI).
While many praises how technology is such a benefit in English Language teaching, the integration... more While many praises how technology is such a benefit in English Language teaching, the integration of technology can also hinder the process, thus being "a waste".
Manusia adalah makhluk yang unik. Hingga kini fisiknya saja masih diteliti dan masih banyak rahas... more Manusia adalah makhluk yang unik. Hingga kini fisiknya saja masih diteliti dan masih banyak rahasia yang belum terpecahkan. Telebih lagi dari sisi jiwanya. Yang merupakan inti dari segala hal. Al-Qur’an menjelaskan bahwa fungsi penciptaan manusia di alam ini adalah sebagai khalifah. Untuk melaksanakan fungsi ini Allah SWT membekali manusia dengan seperangkat potensi. Dalam konteks ini, maka pendidikan Islam harus merupakan upaya yang ditujukan kearah pengembangan potensi yang dimiliki manusia secara maksimal sehingga dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk konkrit, dalam arti berkemampuan menciptakan sesuatu yang bermanfaat bagi diri, masyarakat dan lingkungannya sebagai realisasi fungsi dan tujuan penciptaannya sebagai khalifah yang baik. Untuk memenuhi tujuan tersebut, dibuatlah makalah ini, yang menjelaskan tentang hakikat manusia, hak asasi yang ia miliki beserta imannya menurut pandangan ulama fikih dan ahli sufi/tawawuf berdasarkan dahlil yang qath’i, yaitu Al-Qur’an, hadis atau ilmu logika.
Disney was a genius in building happy endings- but the original stories of those pieces of art we... more Disney was a genius in building happy endings- but the original stories of those pieces of art were actually, for lack of better word, gruesome.
Papers by Tatum Derin