Oscar Mazzoleni
University backround
1992-1997: PhD, Contemporary History, Faculty of Arts, University of Lausanne
1992: MA complement, Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, University of Turin
1991: MA Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne
1987-1990: BA, Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne
Academic Teaching
Since 2016: professor in Political Science, Institute of Political, Historical and International Studies, University of Lausanne
May 2016: Visiting Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Salzburg.
March 2012: Visiting professor in Political science, University of Turin
April 2011-: Senior lecturer in Political science, Institute of Political, Historical
and International Studies, University of Lausanne
2007-2010: lecturer in Political science at the Department of Political and International Studies of the University of Lausanne
2007-2010: lecturer in Political science at the Department of Political Science at the University of Geneva
2006 (January-June): visiting professor in Political Science at the Science Po-Paris.
2005 (February-June): visiting professor in Political Science, University of Sorbonne 1 Paris
2001-2005, lecturer in quantitative and qualitative methodology in social sciences, University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland
2001-2002: lecturer in Political science, University of Lausanne
2000-2001: lecturer in Political science, University of Geneva
Research and scientific activity
October-December 2019: Visiting Scholar, Department of Political Science, Columbia University, New York
August-September 2019: Visiting Fellow, Department of Political Science and Law, University of Valencia
March-April 2016: Visiting Fellow, Documentation Centre for Dutch Political Parties, University of Groningen.
April 2011-: Director of the Research Observatory for regional politics, Institute of Political, historical and International Studies, University of Lausanne
1998-March 2011: Director of the Observatory for Politics, Statistical Office of the Canton of Ticino, Bellinzona (Switzerland).
2006 (April-June): Visiting Fellow in Political Science, European University Institute, Fiesole
February 2006 - July 2006 : Visiting Fellow in Political Science, Centre de recherches politiques de Science Po, Cevipof, Paris
November 1997 - May 1998 : Scientific Fellow, Cantonal Office of Statistics, Bellinzona
November 1995 - December 1996 : Research Fellow, Centro Studi Piero Gobetti, Turin
October 1991 - June 1997: Visiting Scholar, Département of History, University of Turin
October 1991 - June 1994 : Visiting Scholar, Département of Political Science politique, University of Turin
Personalia (current)
Director of the VieDoc, Pôle documentaire sur la vie politique, sociale et économique en Suisse, University of Lausanne
Member of the Centre de Recherche sur l'Action Politique de l'Université de Lausanne
Co-chair of the working group "Federalism and territorial politics", Swiss political Science Association
Co-chair of the Standing Group « Political Sociology », ECPR
Member of the board, Political Sociology Research Network, European Sociological Association
Head of the editorial Series "Le sfide della Svizzera", Armando Dadò Publisher, Locarno, Switzerland
Co-Head of the editorial Series "International Studies on Populism", Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, Germany
Member of the scientific commission, CH-X, Swiss Youth Surveys, Bern
Coordinator at the UNIL of the Summer School "Participation and Democracy"(UNIL-ULB-Science Po-Bordeaux-Université Laval)
Member of PhD program board, "Mutamento sociale e politico", University of Florence and University of Turin
Head of Research (main projects)
2019-2023: coordinator of the project "The Right-Wing Populist Discourse in European Cross-Border Areas. A comparison between Switzerland and Luxembourg (CROSS-POP)", funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, in collaboration with Luxembourg National Fund, Division 1-Lead Agency
2016-2019: coordinator of the project "Urban Transformations and Local Political Elites. A comparative Study among four Swiss Cities", funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, Division 1
2012-2016 (46 months): co-direction, with Damir Skenderovic (main applicant), of the research project "Parties and Election Campaigns in Post-war Switzerland. National and Regional Dimensions", funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, Division 1
2011 : main director, with Duncan McDonnell, « Mayors and Political Parties. A comparison among Switzerland and Italy », FNS, International Visiting Fellows
1992-1997: PhD, Contemporary History, Faculty of Arts, University of Lausanne
1992: MA complement, Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, University of Turin
1991: MA Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne
1987-1990: BA, Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne
Academic Teaching
Since 2016: professor in Political Science, Institute of Political, Historical and International Studies, University of Lausanne
May 2016: Visiting Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Salzburg.
March 2012: Visiting professor in Political science, University of Turin
April 2011-: Senior lecturer in Political science, Institute of Political, Historical
and International Studies, University of Lausanne
2007-2010: lecturer in Political science at the Department of Political and International Studies of the University of Lausanne
2007-2010: lecturer in Political science at the Department of Political Science at the University of Geneva
2006 (January-June): visiting professor in Political Science at the Science Po-Paris.
2005 (February-June): visiting professor in Political Science, University of Sorbonne 1 Paris
2001-2005, lecturer in quantitative and qualitative methodology in social sciences, University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland
2001-2002: lecturer in Political science, University of Lausanne
2000-2001: lecturer in Political science, University of Geneva
Research and scientific activity
October-December 2019: Visiting Scholar, Department of Political Science, Columbia University, New York
August-September 2019: Visiting Fellow, Department of Political Science and Law, University of Valencia
March-April 2016: Visiting Fellow, Documentation Centre for Dutch Political Parties, University of Groningen.
April 2011-: Director of the Research Observatory for regional politics, Institute of Political, historical and International Studies, University of Lausanne
1998-March 2011: Director of the Observatory for Politics, Statistical Office of the Canton of Ticino, Bellinzona (Switzerland).
2006 (April-June): Visiting Fellow in Political Science, European University Institute, Fiesole
February 2006 - July 2006 : Visiting Fellow in Political Science, Centre de recherches politiques de Science Po, Cevipof, Paris
November 1997 - May 1998 : Scientific Fellow, Cantonal Office of Statistics, Bellinzona
November 1995 - December 1996 : Research Fellow, Centro Studi Piero Gobetti, Turin
October 1991 - June 1997: Visiting Scholar, Département of History, University of Turin
October 1991 - June 1994 : Visiting Scholar, Département of Political Science politique, University of Turin
Personalia (current)
Director of the VieDoc, Pôle documentaire sur la vie politique, sociale et économique en Suisse, University of Lausanne
Member of the Centre de Recherche sur l'Action Politique de l'Université de Lausanne
Co-chair of the working group "Federalism and territorial politics", Swiss political Science Association
Co-chair of the Standing Group « Political Sociology », ECPR
Member of the board, Political Sociology Research Network, European Sociological Association
Head of the editorial Series "Le sfide della Svizzera", Armando Dadò Publisher, Locarno, Switzerland
Co-Head of the editorial Series "International Studies on Populism", Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, Germany
Member of the scientific commission, CH-X, Swiss Youth Surveys, Bern
Coordinator at the UNIL of the Summer School "Participation and Democracy"(UNIL-ULB-Science Po-Bordeaux-Université Laval)
Member of PhD program board, "Mutamento sociale e politico", University of Florence and University of Turin
Head of Research (main projects)
2019-2023: coordinator of the project "The Right-Wing Populist Discourse in European Cross-Border Areas. A comparison between Switzerland and Luxembourg (CROSS-POP)", funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, in collaboration with Luxembourg National Fund, Division 1-Lead Agency
2016-2019: coordinator of the project "Urban Transformations and Local Political Elites. A comparative Study among four Swiss Cities", funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, Division 1
2012-2016 (46 months): co-direction, with Damir Skenderovic (main applicant), of the research project "Parties and Election Campaigns in Post-war Switzerland. National and Regional Dimensions", funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, Division 1
2011 : main director, with Duncan McDonnell, « Mayors and Political Parties. A comparison among Switzerland and Italy », FNS, International Visiting Fellows
InterestsView All (8)
Papers by Oscar Mazzoleni
In this book, borders are not considered as mere institutional boundaries between nation states; on the contrary, the authors adopt a multi-dimensional view of borders as narratives, issues and territorial spaces of mobilisation. Reconsidering the contemporary politicisation of borders in Western Europe, the authors investigate how national populism deals with territorial borders and the various meanings they embody. Empirical case studies focusing on the Swiss borderlands explore parties’ programmes and discourses, representatives’ attitudes, as well as public opinion and voting behaviour, offering key insights into how political actors and citizens react to trends such as growing transnational flows, globalisation and European integration.
This timely book, based on original party sources and surveys, will be an essential resource for students and scholars of political science, political sociology, border studies, European integration, Euroscepticism and Swiss politics. Its context-oriented analysis will also prove beneficial to practitioners and representatives involved in cross-border cooperation.
With contributions by
Tjitske Akkerman, Manuel Anselmi, Wolfgang Aschauer, Hans-Georg Betz, Cecilia Biancalana, Paul Blokker, Giuliano Bobba, María Esperanza Casullo, Carlos de la Torre, Paula Diehl, Sarah C. Dingler, Martin Dolezal, Marco Fölsch, Flavia Freidenberg, Sergiu Gherghina, Fabian Habersack, Vlastimil Havlík, Kirk A. Hawkins, Reinhard Heinisch, Christina Holtz-Bacha, Robert A. Huber, Gilles Ivaldi, Philip Kitzberger, Benjamin Krämer, Maria Elisabetta Lanzone, Zoe Lefkofridi, Dietmar Loch, Miroslav Mareš, Alfio Mastropaolo, Oscar Mazzoleni, Sergiu Miscoiu, Teun Pauwels, Franca Roncarolo, Saskia Pauline Ruth, Carlo Ruzza, Steven Saxonberg, Christian H. Schimpf, Damir Skenderovic, Sorina Soare, Lone Sorensen, Carlos H. Waisman, Carsten Wegscheider and Sandra Vergari.
L'attenzione si concentra sulle elezioni cantonali ticinesi dell'aprile 2007, senza dimenticare i decenni trascorsi. E molte sono le fonti usate. Ci si avvale dei risultati ufficiali delle elezioni del governo e del parlamento, di un'inchiesta post-elettorale svolta presso un campione di cittadini, di indagini svolte presso i candidati e gli eletti, dello spoglio sistematico di articoli pubblicati sulle testate giornalistiche, di basi dati relative all'evoluzione dei comizi e degli annunci pubblicitari promossi durante le campagne elettorali.
L'analisi mostra che la personalizzazione elettorale, soprattutto come voto di preferenza e rapporto diretto fra elettore e politico, non è un fenomeno recente. Assume però caratteri nuovi negli anni '90 e 2000, con una relativa diminuzione del ruolo dei partiti nella formazione dell'opinione politica e l'aumento della presenza dei mass media. In questo nuovo contesto, la personalizzazione del voto e delle campagne si espande e si trasforma, nutrita anche dai discorsi - di elogio o di condanna - del fenomeno stesso. Eppure, la personalizzazione elettorale non appare come un processo inesorabile, ma segue un andamento che dipende in modo rilevante dalla posta in gioco di ciascuna elezione.
Nell'offrire elementi conoscitivi per rispondere a queste domande, nell'indagare le posizioni, le pratiche, le percezioni, gli incentivi di chi si impegna nei partiti politici, i sette ricercatori mettono in campo una pluralità di approcci, diacronici e comparati, con fonti di tipo quantitativo e qualitativo, di varia provenienza. Il volume fornisce uno sguardo sulle concezioni amatoriali e professionistiche del fare politica, fra milizia e professionismo, fra impegno e disimpegno.
Nella prima parte è illustrata l'evoluzione dei profili sociodemografici,, culturali e politici degli eletti nel legislativo e nell'esecutivo cantonali, come pure dei membri del parlamento federale. Nella seconda parte, sono studiate le motivazioni che sorreggono l'impegno politico in un partito, l'impegno e le difficoltà delle donne attive in politica, i modi di intendere l'impegno in un contesto di milizia, le forme e le motivazioni dell'insoddisfazione verso la politica, i partiti e i politici, espressa dalle stesse persone che fanno politica attiva in un partito.
In un'epoca che sembra mettere in discussione il ruolo dei partiti politici nelle società democratiche, il volume mostra l'importanza di seguire da vicino chi fa politica nei partiti. Portando alla luce un'immagine tutt'altro che scontata dell'impegno politico oggi.