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      Spatial AnalysisGallia NarbonensisUrban NetworksLuteva
Recent studies have shown that a system composed from several randomly interdependent networks is extremely vulnerable to random failure. However, real interdependent networks are usually not randomly interdependent, rather a pair of... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesEPLClustering Coefficient
European integration is for its essential part reflected in the building of urban networks that are increasing interdependencies between cities. Evidence of this process is brought through the observation of a variety of networks whose... more
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      Functional AnalysisEuropean integrationUrban System
We model the spreading of a crisis by constructing a global economic network and applying the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) epidemic model with a variable probability of infection. The probability of infection depends on the... more
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      Economic CrisisPhysical sciencesAdomian decomposition methodNew Physics
Scaling world city size distributions are analyzed in terms of q-exponentials, the distributions which naturally emerge within nonextensive statistical mechanics. These distributions allow to estimate hierarchy and scale parameters for 29... more
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      Network EconomicsFinancial InnovationOscillationsStructural Change
The networking process of stakeholder is based on the definition of key concepts around resilience approach, considering the urban system model defined in the issue paper on Urban Resilience, to study the space of concept at general and... more
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      Social NetworksMachine LearningGeopoliticsResilience
This study aims to understand the current state of research in urban resilience and to open a discussion about multi-level perspectives for this concept. Starting with the history of the concept of resilience, we identify three main... more
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    • Sustainability
The paper unveils « new reticular territories » implicitly defined in air transport networks. We describe an approach based on weighted graphs (induced from city to city air passenger traffic) from which we infer strongly connected... more
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      Air TransportIntelligent Transport SystemSpatial ConfigurationSpatial Networks
Recent years have seen tremendous growth of many online social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace. People connect to each other through these networks forming large social communities providing researchers rich datasets to... more
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      DemographySocial Networks
While maritime transport ensures about 90% of world trade volumes, it has not yet attracted as much attention as other transport systems from a graph perspective. As a result, the relative situation and the evolution of seaports within... more
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      Human GeographyTransport GeographyIntelligent Transport SystemUrban And Regional Planning
Population en milliers d'habitants en 1990 (agglomérations de 200 000 habitants et plus, sauf Luxembourg et Metz) 3 500 80 Villes de la zone d'étude A. La population des villes européennes en 1990 1. Dans la suite du texte, les termes «... more
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La ville est autant formée du dedans que du dehors, c'est à dire constituée par ses relations internes et externes. A travers les réseaux et les stratégies qui gouvernent à leur organisation et leur pratique, on peut tenter de déceler... more
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Population des agglomérations en 1990 (en milliers d'habitants)
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This article presents a study on the position of the European cities within general urban system of Europe in 2000 with the purpose of assessing its level and capacity of supranational integration, and more precisely to explore the... more
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intitolò uno fra i suoi più celebri articoli A city is not a tree (1965). Con quella metafora intendeva criticare l'impoverimento delle rappresentazioni che derivano dall'incapacità della mente umana a concepire e figurarsi la complessità... more
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Il y a des voyages d'affaire mais pas de tourisme professionnel, par exemple.
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While maritime transport ensures about 90% of world trade volumes, it has not yet attracted as much attention as other transport systems from a graph perspective. As a result, the relative situation and the evolution of seaports within... more
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      Human GeographyTransport GeographyIntelligent Transport SystemUrban And Regional Planning
Real data show that interdependent networks usually involve inter-similarity. Intersimilarity means that a pair of interdependent nodes have neighbors in both networks that are also interdependent (Parshani et al [1]). For example, the... more
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      EngineeringMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences