Daniele Curci
Daniele Curci is currently doing his PhD research (supervisor Prof. Massimiliano Guderzo, UNISI; co-supervisor: Prof. Alberto Mario Banti, UNIPI) at the Universities of Florence and Siena (Italy), with a project about the propaganda songs of Woody Guthrie. In particular, the project deals with Guhtrie's relationship with the civil rights movement and gender issues. Part of the project looks at the position of Guthrie within the US political discourse and how his art can be sees as an instrument of cultural diplomacy.
Curci also works as a freelance journalist and analyst. His areas of research include: police and army affairs; international relations (Euro-Atlantic context; Françafrique and Mediterranean); history of the Cold War; human rights.
From September 2023 to December 2023 Curci holds a visiting position at the Centre d'analyse et de recherche interdisciplinare sur les médias (Panthéon - Assas Université).
From September 2022 to January 2023 Curci holds a visiting position at the Collège de France and at the Université Paris Est - Creteil (research center IMAGER, working group CIMMA). During the stay Curci attended some seminars at the L’Institut de recherche stratégique de l'École militaire (IRSEM) and at the Centre d’études nord-américaines (EHESS). In Paris Curci is resident at the Fondation des Etats-Unis in the Cité internationale universitaire - he his member of the "Club des chercheurs."
Curci has three scientific publications to his credit, he took part in some academic conferences, he contributed to doctoral teaching (2023: Amish, Christian Right and GOP vote). Before starting his PhD, he collaborated with the Domus Mazziniana Pisa, a historical institute, and worked extensively as a journalist and analyst, with three publications on "Aspenia", dealing with many topics, but with a focus on social issues, foreign affairs and defense. He also published with "Fondazione Feltrinelli" and "Il Tascabile - Treccani" about police militarization in Italy and France. Between September 2019 to the summer of 2020 Curci was involved in an informal project of history and anthropology at the University of Pisa under the supervision of Professor Fabio Dei.
Under the supervision of Professors Arnaldo Testi and Arturo Marzano Curci obtained his master's degree in History of International Relations at the University of Pisa in 2018 (110/110 cum laude) with a research thesis dedicated to the influence exercised by the Cold War on the relations between the police and the US military - i.e. militarization of the police and army employment. To broaden is competence about this topic, Curci did an Erasmus Traineeship at the Sorbonne in Paris (2018). In 2018 Curci cofounded the web portal "L'Eclettico". In 2017 he attended a Jean Monnet course on the sources of the European Union at the Scuola Sant'Anna in Pisa. In the same year he took part in a Summer School of the Interuniversity Center of Euro-American History and Politics (CISPEA), dedicated to the relations between the United States and the Soviet Union / Russia, directed by Prof. Tiziano Bonazzi. After this, thanks to his active participation in the school, Curci was asked to join the board of "C’era una volta l’America" (CUVLA), the CISPEA blog dedicated to scientifical dissemination about the history and politics of the US. With CISPEA he participated in radio broadcasts and then became co-director of the blog. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in 2015 at the University of Pisa with a research thesis on Woody Guthrie under the supervision of Professor Arnaldo Testi. During the Bachelor's and the Master's degree Curci received the "DSU Toscana" scholarship for merit.
Curci also works as a freelance journalist and analyst. His areas of research include: police and army affairs; international relations (Euro-Atlantic context; Françafrique and Mediterranean); history of the Cold War; human rights.
From September 2023 to December 2023 Curci holds a visiting position at the Centre d'analyse et de recherche interdisciplinare sur les médias (Panthéon - Assas Université).
From September 2022 to January 2023 Curci holds a visiting position at the Collège de France and at the Université Paris Est - Creteil (research center IMAGER, working group CIMMA). During the stay Curci attended some seminars at the L’Institut de recherche stratégique de l'École militaire (IRSEM) and at the Centre d’études nord-américaines (EHESS). In Paris Curci is resident at the Fondation des Etats-Unis in the Cité internationale universitaire - he his member of the "Club des chercheurs."
Curci has three scientific publications to his credit, he took part in some academic conferences, he contributed to doctoral teaching (2023: Amish, Christian Right and GOP vote). Before starting his PhD, he collaborated with the Domus Mazziniana Pisa, a historical institute, and worked extensively as a journalist and analyst, with three publications on "Aspenia", dealing with many topics, but with a focus on social issues, foreign affairs and defense. He also published with "Fondazione Feltrinelli" and "Il Tascabile - Treccani" about police militarization in Italy and France. Between September 2019 to the summer of 2020 Curci was involved in an informal project of history and anthropology at the University of Pisa under the supervision of Professor Fabio Dei.
Under the supervision of Professors Arnaldo Testi and Arturo Marzano Curci obtained his master's degree in History of International Relations at the University of Pisa in 2018 (110/110 cum laude) with a research thesis dedicated to the influence exercised by the Cold War on the relations between the police and the US military - i.e. militarization of the police and army employment. To broaden is competence about this topic, Curci did an Erasmus Traineeship at the Sorbonne in Paris (2018). In 2018 Curci cofounded the web portal "L'Eclettico". In 2017 he attended a Jean Monnet course on the sources of the European Union at the Scuola Sant'Anna in Pisa. In the same year he took part in a Summer School of the Interuniversity Center of Euro-American History and Politics (CISPEA), dedicated to the relations between the United States and the Soviet Union / Russia, directed by Prof. Tiziano Bonazzi. After this, thanks to his active participation in the school, Curci was asked to join the board of "C’era una volta l’America" (CUVLA), the CISPEA blog dedicated to scientifical dissemination about the history and politics of the US. With CISPEA he participated in radio broadcasts and then became co-director of the blog. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in 2015 at the University of Pisa with a research thesis on Woody Guthrie under the supervision of Professor Arnaldo Testi. During the Bachelor's and the Master's degree Curci received the "DSU Toscana" scholarship for merit.
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InterestsView All (21)
Academic Publications by Daniele Curci
(1854-1921), slave, cowboy and Pullman
porter, is one of the rare cases in African-
American literature where the color line
problem is not present; Love’s focus is
on patriotism and the image of a high
achiever. Through two interpretative
prisms, one referring to Walt Whitman,
the other to Frederick Jackson Turner’s
“Frontier thesis”, the article focuses on
the construction of Love’s identity and
his strict relationship to patriotism. The
article then reads Love as a follower of
Booker T. Washington’s thinking, and
lastly, analyzes Love’s view on slavery
and his use of racist tropes.
Public History by Daniele Curci
Prendendo spunto dalla canzone The Old Man Trump creata da Tom Morello, Any di Franco e Ryan Harvey sulla base di alcuni testi di Woody Guthrie su Fred Trump recentemente riscoperti da Will Kaufman, l’articolo propone un'analisi storico-critica sui rapporti tra il folk singer, l’uso politico delle sue canzoni, la politica, la famiglia Trump e la questione afroamericana.
Politics by Daniele Curci
Working paper by Daniele Curci
International relations | Analysis by Daniele Curci
(1854-1921), slave, cowboy and Pullman
porter, is one of the rare cases in African-
American literature where the color line
problem is not present; Love’s focus is
on patriotism and the image of a high
achiever. Through two interpretative
prisms, one referring to Walt Whitman,
the other to Frederick Jackson Turner’s
“Frontier thesis”, the article focuses on
the construction of Love’s identity and
his strict relationship to patriotism. The
article then reads Love as a follower of
Booker T. Washington’s thinking, and
lastly, analyzes Love’s view on slavery
and his use of racist tropes.
Prendendo spunto dalla canzone The Old Man Trump creata da Tom Morello, Any di Franco e Ryan Harvey sulla base di alcuni testi di Woody Guthrie su Fred Trump recentemente riscoperti da Will Kaufman, l’articolo propone un'analisi storico-critica sui rapporti tra il folk singer, l’uso politico delle sue canzoni, la politica, la famiglia Trump e la questione afroamericana.
Abstract del mio intervento:
Pochi sono in Italia gli studi sulla Polizia di Stato (PS); gran parte di essi si concentrano sul periodo precedente la Seconda guerra mondiale o sul processo di smilitarizzazione della PS, avvenuto con l’approvazione della Legge 121 del 1981. Questo intervento vuole introdurre nel dibattito storiografico una problematizzazione sul reale portato della riforma del 1981.
Fino al 1981 la PS era un corpo militare e i suoi agenti erano privi dei diritti riservati ai lavoratori. L’approvazione della Legge 121, oltra a smilitarizzare il corpo, consentì la creazione dei sindacati di polizia, e garantì inoltre l’ingresso alle donne nella PS. In tal senso, la Legge 121 si occupò dei diritti degli agenti come lavoratori, ma tralasciò le strategie per rendere la PS uno strumento di difesa delle libertà democratiche. La Legge 121, infatti, non incise in profondità sulle continuità tra l’Italia repubblicana con l’epoca liberale e fascista. Continuità facilitate anche dalla riorganizzazione della PS operata da Mario Scelba tra il 1947 e il 1962 che bloccò l’epurazione della PS e confermò il modello di polizia come dipendente dalle scelte dei governi, concependo la polizia in funzione repressiva dei fermenti sociopolitici. Continuità di rilievo sono, inoltre e per quanto riformate, nel sistema penale (Codice penale, 1930) e di pubblica sicurezza (TULPS, 1931). Tale continuità avrebbero favorito l’adozione, negli anni Settanta, di provvedimenti tesi ad inasprire le leggi in materia di ordine pubblico, come la Legge Reale e la creazione della DIGOS nel 1978, su modello del casellario politico generale, che furono paralleli all’iter che portò all’approvazione della Legge 121 e che ne ridussero il possibile portato riformatore.
A conclusione si menzioneranno alcuni report degli anni Ottanta e Novanta che rilevavano la presenza di violenze diffuse e torture da parte della PS e che dimostrano il ridimensionamento del portato della riforma del 1981.
"Il convegno intende rileggere una pagina tornata d'attualità, nel dibattito storiografico e nel discorso pubblico del nostro Paese, alla luce di cronologie e geografie ampie e largamente inedite. Lo scopo è di sottrarre l'oggetto "brigantaggio" sia all'ancoraggio esclusivo con la storia e la cultura del Mezzogiorno sia a quel paradigma eccezionalista alla cui luce lo interpretano diffuse correnti nostalgiche. L'attualizzazione del mito di una presunta resistenza dei briganti del Mezzogiorno, innestata su più antiche tradizioni legate alla figura del bandito sociale, può essere letta come declinazione locale di un revival che a fine Novecento e inizio Duemila ricorre nei prodotti e nelle pratiche culturali diffuse, dalla letteratura alla serialità televisiva, su una scala molto più vasta, internazionale se non tout court globale. Ma anche gli immaginari che circondano il brigantaggio storico e mobilitano più o meno a caldo la sua memoria riflettono questa dinamica di lunghissimo periodo, di fascinazione e insieme avversione per la figura del fuorilegge, più o meno politicizzato, di cui i briganti postunitari costituiscono solo uno dei possibili avatar. Il convegno mira a dimostrare quanto verso questa figura convergano-in maniera non lineare e attraverso una molteplicità caleidoscopica di supporti e contesti di circolazione, tipici della grande trasformazione mediatica sette-ottocentesca e delle sue ramificazioni transnazionali-tutta una serie di altri briganti, fuorilegge di terra e di mare, appartenenti alle più svariate culture e geografie, reali e immaginarie."
Programme des séminaires du groupe de travail CIMMA, du centre de recherche IMAGER de l'Université Paris - Est Créteil. Les séminaires concernent l'espace anglophone et les relations entre les sphères publique et privée.
Seminar program of the CIMMA working group, part of the IMAGER research center of the University of Paris - Est Créteil. The seminars concern the English-speaking area and the relationship between the public and private spheres.
Programma dei seminari del gruppo di lavoro CIMMA, parte del centro di ricerca IMAGER della università di Paris - Est Créteil. I seminari riguardano l'area anglofona e il rapporto tra sfera pubblica e privata.