Università di Catania
"It's the first supplement of the journal DIACHRONIA (ΔΙΑΧΡΟΝΙΑ), pubblished in 2005 at Athens (Greece) with 19 papers of young Sicilian resercher dedicated to Archaeology of Sicily (from Prehistoric untill Byzantine time)".
In this paper a brief excursus in the history of research will be cited and a new proposal for the location of Archimedes's tomb will be discussed, trought the re-examination of the ancient sources in addition with the recent... more
Bibliografia archeologica su Akrai/Acrae.
""Ακόμη και εν απουσία προσφάτων και εκτεταμένων συστηματικών ανασκαφών στο Acremonte, στην παρούσα μελέτη γίνεται προσπάθεια να σκιαγραφιστεί μία εικόνα της ελληνιστικής Αγοράς, αξιοποιώντας τα στοιχεία που προέρχονται από τις επιγραφές... more
Recensione del volume.
Relazione presentata nel ciclo di seminari indetto dal Centro Studi dell'Ionio, ed ospitata nella sala piccola del CNR ellenico.
Recensione / Review