Reseñas a mis libros by Maddalena Burelli
La presente ricerca si propone di ricostruire e di spiegare le ragioni che portarono alla prima r... more La presente ricerca si propone di ricostruire e di spiegare le ragioni che portarono alla prima rappresentanza pontificia in Messico (1851-1861), le difficoltà incontrate, gli apporti della delegazione apostolica e il suo esito, ma non solo. Lo studio condotto sulla delegazione di Luigi Clementi permette di riflettere e contribuire a fare maggiore chiarezza sui complessi rapporti tra Stato e Chiesa in Messico e individuarne le ragioni del deterioramento, prima, e della rottura, poi. La delegazione apostolica rappresenta il punto di incontro, il perno che permette di osservare e di far luce sulle dinamiche, le posizioni e i punti di vista di quelli che furono i tre principali attori: la Santa Sede, il governo e il clero messicano. Attraverso lo studio condotto sulla missione di Clementi è possibile comprendere meglio come questi tre soggetti si relazionarono tra loro e quali furono i problemi che si vennero a creare. Seguendo lo sviluppo e soprattutto i problemi incontrati dalla delegazione apostolica, ci si soffermerà sugli obiettivi della Santa Sede, sulle esigenze e gli interessi che mossero la politica dei governi messicani e su come si collocò, rispetto alla volontà della prima e dei secondi, il clero messicano.
Zeitschrift des Max-Planck-Instituts für europäische Rechtsgeschichte Journal of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History , 2019
Papers by Maddalena Burelli
Memoria del 56º Congreso Internacional de Americanistas [Recurso electrónico]: Historia y patrimonio cultural, 2018, ISBN 978-84-9012-927-2, págs. 424-432, 2018
Estudios de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea De México, 2023
Resumen El presente artículo busca arrojar luz sobre el caso hasta ahora no estudiado del sacerdo... more Resumen El presente artículo busca arrojar luz sobre el caso hasta ahora no estudiado del sacerdote corso Giuseppe Maria Orsoni, quien llegó a México en 1839 e hizo creer a muchos que estaba investido de títulos y facultades concedidos por pontífices, y afirmaba mantener estrecho contacto con la Curia romana. Su caso exhibe la escasa información y comunicación entre la Iglesia mexicana y la Santa Sede en ese entonces, hasta el arribo del delegado apostólico Luigi Clementi.
"Contemporanea, Rivista di storia dell'800 e del '900" 2/2021, pp. 211-244
Book Reviews by Maddalena Burelli
Journal Article by Maddalena Burelli
Aevum, 97 (2023), fasc. 3, p. 709-739
The aim of the present study is to observe how, after th... more Aevum, 97 (2023), fasc. 3, p. 709-739
The aim of the present study is to observe how, after the Tridentine Council, dioceses were administered and governed after the death of the bishop, that is in a sede vacante, what problems arose and whether there was full adherence to the Tridentine norm or whether, on the contrary, there was dissimilarity. A global and local perspective will be offered by analyzing them in the longue durée, in which it is possible to observe how, even in the 19th century, there was not full adherence to the Tridentine norms and how, therefore, the correction of this situation by Rome allowed for a progressive and greater uniformity throughout the Church.
For the full paper see
Congresos, Seminarios, Coloquios by Maddalena Burelli
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Seminario Patronato ... more Síguenos por Facebook live
Seminario Patronato y episcopado monarquista en América (1810-1830)
Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades “Alfonso Vélez Pliego”
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 4 y 5 de noviembre de 2024
Reseñas a mis libros by Maddalena Burelli
Papers by Maddalena Burelli
Book Reviews by Maddalena Burelli
Journal Article by Maddalena Burelli
The aim of the present study is to observe how, after the Tridentine Council, dioceses were administered and governed after the death of the bishop, that is in a sede vacante, what problems arose and whether there was full adherence to the Tridentine norm or whether, on the contrary, there was dissimilarity. A global and local perspective will be offered by analyzing them in the longue durée, in which it is possible to observe how, even in the 19th century, there was not full adherence to the Tridentine norms and how, therefore, the correction of this situation by Rome allowed for a progressive and greater uniformity throughout the Church.
For the full paper see
Congresos, Seminarios, Coloquios by Maddalena Burelli
Seminario Patronato y episcopado monarquista en América (1810-1830)
Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades “Alfonso Vélez Pliego”
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 4 y 5 de noviembre de 2024
The aim of the present study is to observe how, after the Tridentine Council, dioceses were administered and governed after the death of the bishop, that is in a sede vacante, what problems arose and whether there was full adherence to the Tridentine norm or whether, on the contrary, there was dissimilarity. A global and local perspective will be offered by analyzing them in the longue durée, in which it is possible to observe how, even in the 19th century, there was not full adherence to the Tridentine norms and how, therefore, the correction of this situation by Rome allowed for a progressive and greater uniformity throughout the Church.
For the full paper see
Seminario Patronato y episcopado monarquista en América (1810-1830)
Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades “Alfonso Vélez Pliego”
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 4 y 5 de noviembre de 2024